The Presentation
“Care coordination”, as a concept, is on fire across the health, public health, and behavioral health sectors. It is a current requirement in several federal public health grants for children. Why all the buzz? What does care coordination even mean? Join us for an interactive session to explore how care coordination can guide families through the maze of public services and help them maintain their sanity.
The Presenters
Christine Weischedel, RN, MHA, CCM, has been a practicing Registered Nurse for 25+ years. Christine leads a group of Emergency Department Case Managers, who collaborate regularly on ways to improve communication and coordination among health care systems. This collaboration has been working towards establishing a Care Management tab in Utah’s CHIE.
Christine currently works for University of Utah Health Plans. She has been involved in mental health/substance use program development and coordination, both for Medicaid and Commercial/Individual markets. Prior to working for University of Utah Health Plans, Christine worked in cardiac services and home infusion services.
Eric Christensen, MPH, is the manager of Utah Department of Health’s Integrated Services program, which offers comprehensive care coordination to children and youth with special health care needs around the State. Eric also manages the Rural Traveling Clinics, which provide direct specialty care, evaluation, diagnosis, and support to children and youth with special health care needs and their families residing within four rural and frontier health districts in Utah. Prior to 2015, Eric managed direct care clinics for the Bureau of Children with Special Health Care Needs. Eric has also worked in community health centers both in Salt Lake and Great Falls, Montana; program direction for patients with HIV and AIDS; and training and certification of Emergency 911 dispatchers and providers.