Clinical Health Information Exchange Use Cases
UHIN (Pronounced YOU-hin) Partners With You to Solve Your Most Important Business Challenges.
Use Cases for
Providers and Hospitals

Clinical Results and Notes Delivery
Avoid the burden of multiple connections and get your patients’ labs, test results, radiology reports, and clinical notes.

Transitional Care Management
Real-time or daily batched ADT Alerts allow TCM teams to improve timely post-discharge follow-up care.

Reduce Hospital Readmissions
Stay informed of your patients’ hospital encounters so you can help them avoid preventable hospital readmissions.

Clinical Summaries for Hospital Teams
The CHIE portal can compile a CCD so your care team has a summary of the patient’s data in the CHIE as they are being treated.

Hospital ADT Alerts
Know when your patients have been hospitalized or visited an emergency department so you can schedule timely follow-ups, avoid gaps in care, and prevent readmissions.

COVID-19 Lab Result Alerts
Safely and effectively coordinate interventions for patients diagnosed with COVID-19, especially those in greater need of physician oversight.

Improve ACO Profitability Using CHIE Alerts
Quality Teams can enhance discharge planning with notifications when patients are members of an Accountable Care Organization (ACO).

Date of Death Notifications
UHIN receives notices from the Utah DHHS and shares with entities subscribed for notifications.

Discharge Summaries
Help your care teams understand the full story of the patient’s ER or inpatient visit with discharge summaries from the ER or hospital.

A More Complete Patient Story
Reduce gaps in care with data from more than 1,300 providers and hundreds of systems to fill in your patients’ stories.

Value-Based Care Data
More data on your patient to accurately analyze outcomes and quality of care in value-based alternative payment models.

Transient Patient Data
CHIE data can follow patients who move frequently so you know a patient’s past and ongoing treatments.

PCDH Multi-State Exchange
Stay informed, even when your patients travel and receive treatment out-of-state.

Identity Management
Master Patient Index services consolidate duplicate patients and add data to records in your EMR.

Public Health Reporting
Use a single data connection to complete public health reporting for Syndromic Surveillance, Electronic Labs, and Immunizations.
Use Cases for
Health Plans

Improve efficiency and care outcomes by identifying and following up with high-utilizers to ensure members are seeking care in the right setting.

Reduce Hospital Readmissions
Use data to work with providers and members on strategies in order to reduce preventable hospital readmissions.

Date of Death Notifications
Use date of death notifications to update your records, conduct quality assessment, and to prevent fraud.

Quality Reports
Utilize the HIE’s clinical data to augment your quality metrics.

Transient Patient Data
Patient populations that move frequently present a unique challenge. We combine clinical data from data contributors across Utah to provide a more complete record of the patient’s past and ongoing treatments.

Optimize your STAR ratings and achieve complete quality reports by identifying and closing gaps in your members’ care. Streamline your HEDIS processes by gathering data from a centralized portal, eliminating the need for individual data requests.