UHIN's Payer List
View List
Professional |
Payer Name | Payer Id | Line of Business |
(NCHD) Nueces County Hospital District Christus Health Plan Medicaid | 45210 | Professional |
(UCS) Masonry Industry Trust | 60230 | Professional |
1199 SEIU National Benefit Fund 1199 National Benefit Fund | 13162 | Professional |
2020 Eyecare | 2020E | Professional |
21st Century Insurance and Financial Services | 51028 | Professional |
3P ADMIN | 20413 | Professional |
6 Degrees Health Inc. 6 Degrees Health INC | 20446 | Professional |
A & I Benefit Plan Administrators | 93044 | Professional |
A.G. Administrators | 11370 | Professional |
AARP Hospital Indemnity Plans insured by UHC Insurance Co AARP Medicare Supplement Plans insured by UHC Insurance Co | 36273 | Professional |
Abrazo Advantage Health Plan | 03443 | Professional |
Access Administrators | AHS01 | Professional |
Access Behavioral Care Colorado Access (837P & 837) Colorado Access HMO | COACC | Professional |
Access Medical Group | AMG01 | Professional |
Acclaim | 64071 | Professional |
Accountable HC IPA claims w/DOS prior to 5/1/15 | AHIPA | Professional |
ACS Benefits Payer Compass | PA331 | Professional |
ActivHealthcare | AHC01 | Professional |
ADMINISTRATIVE CONCEP Adminstrative Concepts Inc. | 22384 | Professional |
Advance Benefit Mgmt Systems USA Incorp | 66457 | Professional |
Advantage Care IPA | ACIPA | Professional |
Advantage Health Solutions Inc. | 35209 | Professional |
Advantage Preferred Plus | 35219 | Professional |
Advantek Benefit Administrators Advantek Benefit Admins | 83077 | Professional |
Advantica Benefits | 59374 | Professional |
Advanzeon Solutions | 59314 | Professional |
AdventHealth Advantage Plans | RP039 | Professional |
AdventHealth Transplant Program | AHTP01 | Professional |
AdventHealth Value Based Bundle Management LLC AdventHealth Value Based Bundle Management | VBBM13 | Professional |
ADVENTIST HEALTH SYSTEM | 95340 | Professional |
Advisory Health Administrators | CB159 | Professional |
Advocate Health Centers (AHC) Advocate Health Centers | 36320 | Professional |
Advocate Health Partners Advocate Health Partners (PHO) | 65093 | Professional |
Aegis Administrative Services Aegis Andministrative Services | CB637 | Professional |
Aegis Administrative Services Aegis Andministrative Services | BC637 | Professional |
Aetna Affordable Health Choices Aetna Affordable Health Choices (SM) SRC | 57604 | Professional |
Aetna Better Health CA Aetna Better Health of California | 128CA | Professional |
Aetna Better Health IL Medicaid Aetna Better Health Medicaid IL | 26337 | Professional |
Aetna Better Health Nevada | 128NV | Professional |
Aetna Better Health NY | 34734 | Professional |
Aetna Better Health of Illinois INC | 68024 | Professional |
Aetna Better Health of Kansas Aetna Better Health Kansas | 128KS | Professional |
Aetna Better Health of Kentucky | 128KY | Professional |
Aetna Better Health of Louisiana | 128LA | Professional |
Aetna Better Health of Maryland | 128MD | Professional |
Aetna Better Health of Michigan | 128MI | Professional |
Aetna Better Health of New Jersey | 46320 | Professional |
Aetna Better Health of Ohio | 50023 | Professional |
Aetna Better Health of Pennsylvania Medicaid Aetna Better Health - PA Medicaid | 23228 | Professional |
Aetna Better Health of Virginia | 128VA | Professional |
Aetna Better Health of West Virginia Aetna Better Health West Virginia | 128WV | Professional |
Aetna OHIORISE | 45221 | Professional |
Aetna Primary Choice (Aetna HP- NY/NJ) Magellan Behavioral Health Select Choice Senior Choice (Aetna HP-NY/NJ) Aetna 60054 (Commercial only) Aetna Health Plan - PPO Aetna Life & Casualty Company | 60054 | Professional |
Affiliated Doctors of Orange County | ADOCS | Professional |
Affiliated Physicians IPA | POP06 | Professional |
Affinity Essentials AffinityAccess | 23334 | Professional |
Affinity Health Plan Affinity Health Plans | 13334 | Professional |
AFFINITY MEDICAL GROUP | 46594 | Professional |
Affordable Benefit Administrator Affordable Benefit Administrators Benefit Plan Administrators Benefit Plan Administrators of Co Eau Claire WI Benefit Plan Administrators CO Eau Claire WI Benefit Plan Administrator Benefit Plan Administrators WI | 39081 | Professional |
Affordable Benefit Administrators Inc. | 95426 | Professional |
Agency Services Inc Meritain Health / Agency Services | 64158 | Professional |
Ageright Advantage | ARA01 | Professional |
Agewell of New York Agewell New York | AWNY6 | Professional |
Agua Caliente | AGUA1 | Professional |
AHF RW | 95433 | Professional |
AHPO (Cleveland OH) | 31138 | Professional |
AIDS Healthcare Foundation Positive Health Care (PHC) California | 95422 | Professional |
AIG Chartis | 19402 | Professional |
Aither Health | 64884 | Professional |
Alabama Blue Shield (Professional) Blue Shield of Alabama Blue Cross of Alabama | ALBLS | Professional |
ALAMEDA ALLIANCE Alameda Alliance for Health (Provider must contact payer to be approved. Contact at Alameda is Anet Quiambao at 510-747-6153 or aquiambao@alamedaalliance.co m) | 95327 | Professional |
Alamitos IPA (Customer Service 562-602-1563) | AIPAZ | Professional |
Alaska Childrens Services Inc Alaska Laborers Construction Industry Trust Alaska Pipe Trades Local 375 Alaska United Food & Commercial Workers Health & Welfare Trust Cement Masons & Plasterers Health & Welfare Trust - Grp#F16 Automotive Machinists Local 289 Health & Welfare Trust - Grp#F32 University of Washington Students & Graduate Appts. - Grp#P67 Operating Engineers Locals 302 & 612 Health & Security Fund - Grp#F12 Welfare and Pension Administration Hotel Employees & Restaurant Employees Health Trust - Grp#F19 N.W. Ironworkers Health & Security Trust Fund - Grp#F15 N.W. Roofers & Employers Health & Security Trust Fund - Grp#F14 N.W. Textile Processors - Grp#F14 Glassworkers Health & Welfare Fund - Grp# F29 Enstar Natural Gas - Grp# P61 Puget Sound Benefits Trust - Grp#F25 Puget Sound Electrical Workers Trust - Grp#33 West Coast Stationary Engineers Health & Security Trust Fund - Grp#F13 Alaska Children's Services Inc. - Group # P68 Alaska Laborers Construction Industry Trust - Gro | 91136 | Professional |
Alaska Medicaid | SKAK0 | Professional |
Albuquerque Public Schools | 85600 | Professional |
Alexian Brothers Community Services of Tennessee | 44423 | Professional |
AliCare Amalgamated Life | 13550 | Professional |
Align Senior Care (Florida) | ASFL1 | Professional |
Align Senior Care California | ASCA1 | Professional |
Align Senior Care Michigan | ASMI1 | Professional |
Align Senior Care Virginia | ASVA1 | Professional |
Alignment Healthcare Align Senior Care Florida | CCHPC | Professional |
Alivi Health | ALIVI | Professional |
AllCare Pace | ACPCE | Professional |
AllCare PEBB | 26158 | Professional |
Allegiance Benefit Plan Management Inc. | 81040 | Professional |
Alliance Coal Health Plan | 93658 | Professional |
Alliance Physicians of the High Desert Alliance Physicians High Desestt | 22417 | Professional |
Alliant Health Plans of Georgia | 58234 | Professional |
Allianz Global Assistance Allianz Global Assistan | 50749 | Professional |
Allied Benefit Systems | 37308 | Professional |
Allied Physicians of California IPA Arroyo Vista Family Health Center Greater Orange IPA Greater San Gabriel Valley Physicians IPA La Salle Medical Associates IPA Advantage Health Network IPA Arroyo Viata Family Health Center | NMM01 | Professional |
Allina Health Aetna AMC Plus | 54398 | Professional |
AllWays Health Plan (prev. Neighborhood Plan Boston MA) | 04293 | Professional |
AlohaCare | ALOHA | Professional |
Alpha Care Medical Group | ACMG1 | Professional |
AlphaCare | ALPHA | Professional |
Alphacare Medical Group | MPM32 | Professional |
Alta Bates Medical Group ABMG | A0701 | Professional |
AltaMed | ALTAM | Professional |
Alternative Opportunities | 16089 | Professional |
Alterwood Advantage | RP016 | Professional |
AM-First Insurance Morgan White | 01757 | Professional |
Amalgamated Life - PA / Alicare Amalgamated Life - PA/Alicare | 13343 | Professional |
AmeraPlan ClaimChoice Administrators | 38219 | Professional |
Ameriben - IEC Group | 97661 | Professional |
Ameriben Solutions | 75137 | Professional |
America's Choice NMA Healthsmart America's Choice America's Choice Health | 20029 | Professional |
America's Health Choice | 21810 | Professional |
America's PPO / America's TPA HealthEZ | 41178 | Professional |
Americaid Community Care (Houston) | 27515 | Professional |
Americaid Community Care (Maryland) | 27517 | Professional |
Americaid Community Care (New Jersey) | 27516 | Professional |
American Administrative Group - AAG Form known as UICI Admin UICI - Administrators | 75240 | Professional |
American Administrative Group AAG (Gallagher Benefits) American Administrative Group (formerly Gallagher Benefit) AAG - American Administrative Group Cincinnati Financial Corporation Gallagher Cinncinnati Financial Corporation | 37283 | Professional |
American Behavior American Behavioral | 63103 | Professional |
American Family (administered by American Republic) American Family Insurance (Administered by American Republic) | 56071 | Professional |
American Family Insurance | TH095 | Professional |
American Fidelity Assurance Company | 60801 | Professional |
American General AMERICAN GENERAL LIFE AND ACCIDENT | 62030 | Professional |
American Health Advantage of Texas | 31155 | Professional |
American Health Advantage of Utah | 31145 | Professional |
American Healthcare Alliance | 01066 | Professional |
American LIFECARE (Group Number required. Valid only for claims with a billing address of 1100 Poydras ST. #2600 New Orleans LA 70163) American Lifecare | 72099 | Professional |
American NatIonal Insurance (ANICO) American National Insurance Co | 74048 | Professional |
American Plan Administrators | 95606 | Professional |
American Postal Workers Union Healthplan American Postal Workers Union Health Plan | 44444 | Professional |
American Republic Insurance Company | 42011 | Professional |
American Specialty Health | ASH01 | Professional |
American Therapy Administrators ATA Wisconsin | ATHAL | Professional |
Americas 1st Choice Health Plans of South Carolina | 20553 | Professional |
Americas 1st Choice of South Carolina Inc Americas 1st Choice of South Carolina Inc. | 55349 | Professional |
Amerigroup - Illlinois Amerigroup | 28804 | Professional |
Amerigroup - Maryland and District of Columbia | 28807 | Professional |
Amerigroup - New Jersey | 28806 | Professional |
Amerigroup / Americaid - Houston | 28805 | Professional |
Amerigroup Multiple States (Claims and Encounters) Amerigroup Multiple States | 26378 | Professional |
Amerigroup New Mexico Amerigroup DC Amerigroup Georgia Amerigroup of Iowa Amerivantage Amerigroup Iowa | 26375 | Professional |
Amerigroup of Florida | 28809 | Professional |
Amerigroup Ohio (Claims and Encounters Amerigroup Illinois (Claims and Encounters Amerigroup Illinois Amerigroup Ohio | 27518 | Professional |
Amerigroup Amerigroup/Wellpoint New Jersey Amerivantage Amerigroup Wellpoint Amerigroup Vantage Amerigroup Wellpoint Amerigroup/Wellpoint Arizona Amerigroup/Wellpoint Iowa Amerigroup/Wellpoint Texas Amerigroup/Wellpoint Washington Amerigroup/Wellpoint Tennessee Wellpoint Maryland | WLPNT | Professional |
Amerihealth Administrators Inc. AmeriHealth Administrators | 54763 | Professional |
AmeriHealth Caritas Healthplan New Hampshire | 87716 | Professional |
AmeriHealth Caritas Louisiana (Formerly known as LA Care) AmeriHealth Caritas Louisiana(Formerly known as LA Care) | 27357 | Professional |
Amerihealth Caritas Next DE AmeriHealth Caritas Next FL | 45408 | Professional |
Amerihealth Caritas Next FL AmeriHealth Caritas Next DE | 47073 | Professional |
AmeriHealth Caritas Next NC | 83148 | Professional |
Amerihealth Caritas North Carolina | 81671 | Professional |
AmeriHealth Caritas Ohio Inc AmeriHealth Caritas Ohio Inc | 35374 | Professional |
AmeriHealth Caritas Ohio Medicaid MCE (Transportation Only) AmeriHealth Caritas Ohio Medicaid MCE | 42435 | Professional |
Amerihealth Caritas VIP Care - Florida DSNP AmeriHealth Caritas VIP Care Florida DSNP | 88232 | Professional |
AmeriHealth Caritas VIP Care Delaware DSNP Amerihealth Caritas VIP Care - Delaware DSNP | 87406 | Professional |
AmeriHealth Caritas VIP Care AmeriHealth Caritas Pennsylvania Community HealthChoices | 77062 | Professional |
AmeriHealth Caritus VIP Care Plus (Michigan) | 77013 | Professional |
Amerihealth Delaware | 77799 | Professional |
Amerihealth District of Columbia (For EDI Support please email edi.dc@amerihealthdc.com or call 1-888-656-2383) Amerihealth DC | 77002 | Professional |
Amerihealth HMO NJ and DE Amerihealth HMO NJ and Delaware | 95044 | Professional |
AmeriHealth Mercy Health Plan (FKA AmeriHealth Caritas Pennsylvania. Claims containing DOS on or after 1/1/21 will need to be sent under this payer ID) AmeriHealth Caritas Pennsylvania | 22248 | Professional |
AmeriHealth NorthEast (Dates of Service on or before Dec. 31 2020 may continue to use the following until Dec. 31 2021. For dates of service 01/01/21 or after use payer ID 22248} AmeriHealth NorthEast (Dates of Service on or before Dec. 31 2020 may continue to use the following until Dec. 31 2021. For dates of service 01/01/21 or after use payer ID 22248) | 77001 | Professional |
Amerihealth-NJ (Non-HMO Claims) AmeriHealth - New Jersey (Non- HMO Claims) | SX075 | Professional |
Amfirst Insurance Company | 64090 | Professional |
Amida Care Medicare | 79966 | Professional |
Amtrust North America | J1868 | Professional |
Amway Corporation Activia Benefit Services LLC Activia Benefit Services LLC (formerly Amway Corp) Activa Benefits Services LLC (Formerly Amway Corporation) | 38254 | Professional |
Anchor Benefit Consulting Inc Anchor Benefit Consulting Anchor Benefit (Dental) | 53085 | Professional |
Anchor Benefit Consulting Anchor (Claimsbridge) | IHS10 | Professional |
Angeles IPA (SynerMed) | 75299 | Professional |
Angle Insurance Company of Utah | 39856 | Professional |
Antares Management Services Mutual Health Services (fka Antares Management Solutions) Antares Management Solutions | 34192 | Professional |
Anthem BCBS Georgia Anthem GA | 00601 | Professional |
Anthem BCBS Indiana | 00630 | Professional |
Anthem BCBS Kentucky | 00660 | Professional |
Anthem BCBS Maine | 00680 | Professional |
Anthem BCBS Missouri Anthem BCBS Missouri | 00241 | Professional |
Anthem BCBS Colorado | 00050 | Professional |
Anthem BCBS Colorado (WGS Encounters) | ENCWGS | Professional |
Anthem BCBS Connecticut | 00060 | Professional |
Anthem BCBS Ohio | 00834 | Professional |
Anthem BCBS Virginia | 00423 | Professional |
Anthem BCBS Wisconsin | 00950 | Professional |
Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield | 02937 | Professional |
Anthem Blue Cross of California California Anthem Blue Cross California Blue Cross Blue Cross of California | 47198 | Professional |
Anthem Maine Health | 00958 | Professional |
Anthem NH Blue Cross of New Hampshire | 00770 | Professional |
Anthem Ohio Medicaid | 29370 | Professional |
APEX BENEFITS SERVICE Apex Benefit Services (Claims must contain the rendering provider ID or the claim will reject.) | 34196 | Professional |
Apex Health | 83112 | Professional |
APEX Healthcare | 51909 | Professional |
APEX Healthcare (Now knows as Access Community Health Network) | ACCOM | Professional |
Apostrophe | 81312 | Professional |
Arbor Health | 52312 | Professional |
Arcadia Healthcare Solutions IPG | 11081 | Professional |
Arcadia Healthcare Solutions NPA Arcadia Healthcare Solutions - NPA | 36364 | Professional |
Argus Dental and Vision | ARGUS | Professional |
Arizona Blue Cross Blue Shield Blue Shield of Arizona | AZBLS | Professional |
Arizona Priority Care Plus | 27154 | Professional |
Arkansas Best Corporation - Choice Benefits CIGNA CIGNA - PPA CIGNA - PPO CIGNA Health Plan - HMO Connecticut General (CIGNA) EQUICOR EQUICOR - PPO Equitable (CIGNA) HEALTHSOURCE GA HEALTHSOURCE IN HEALTHSOURCE KY HEALTHSOURCE ME HEALTHSOURCE NH HEALTHSOURCE OH HEALTHSOURCE PROVI HEALTHSOURCE SOUTH Provident TYSON FOODS Arkansas Best Corporation CIGNA Premier Plus Arkansas Best Corporation (previous payer ID 75278 new payer ID is effective for claims submitted December 15 2017 and after). | 62308 | Professional |
Arkansas Managed Care Organization (AMCO) | 62176 | Professional |
Arta Health Network | WMM01 | Professional |
ASAGEHA | 06603 | Professional |
ASC Benefit Services Inc. ACS Benefit Services inc. | 72467 | Professional |
Ascension Bundle Program Ascension Bundle Health | ASN99 | Professional |
Ascension Living Pace MI Ascension Living St Vincent Pace INC | R3458 | Professional |
Ascension Living St Vincent Pace INC | R3459 | Professional |
Asian American Medical Group | AAMG1 | Professional |
Aspen Insurance | 16180 | Professional |
Aspire Health Plan | 46156 | Professional |
Aspirus Medicare Advantage | 36483 | Professional |
ASR Physicians Care Physicians Care Network ASR Corporation | 38265 | Professional |
ASRM LLC ASRM Corporation ASRM | ASRM1 | Professional |
Associated Hispanic Physicians Southern California | MPM44 | Professional |
Associates for Health Care Inc. (AHC) Associates for Healthcare | 36326 | Professional |
Assurant Health Assurant Health Self Funded | 75068 | Professional |
ASSURED BENEFITS ADMI Assured Benefits Administrators | 74240 | Professional |
Asuris Northwest/MedAdvantage (REF*1B*Provider ID in Billing and Rendering required even when NPI is submitted.) | SX179 | Professional |
Asuris NW Health | 93221 | Professional |
Atlantic Medical Colonial AMI Atlantic Medical Insurance | 22285 | Professional |
Atlantis Eye Care | AEC01 | Professional |
Atlas Life Ins Co (NFIC Plan only) National Financial Insurance Company SunAmerica Life Ins Co (NFIC Plan only) Midland National Life Ins Co (NFIC Plan only) | 90956 | Professional |
Atrio Health Plan (Formerly known as Marion Polk Health Plan Advantage) | MPCHA | Professional |
Atrio Health Plan Asserta Health | IHS14 | Professional |
Aultcare | MNAUL | Professional |
AultCare Aultra Administrative Group PrimeTime Health plan | 204951704 AULOH AULTC AULTCARE | Professional |
AultCare Aultra Administrative Group PrimeTime Health plan Aultcare | 341488123 | Professional |
Author by Humana | 61108 | Professional |
Automated Benefit Services (ABS) Automated Benefit Services | 38259 | Professional |
Automated Group Administration Inc. Automated Group Administration | 37280 | Professional |
Auxiant (Nat’l Health Benefit Corp) National Health Benefits Corportation- NHBC02 National Health Benefits Corporation - NHBC02 | 88050 | Professional |
Avalon Healthcare Solutions (Must contact the payer directly at Provider Services @ 855-895- 1676 prior to sending claims.) | AVA01 | Professional |
Avalon Healthcare Solutions Capital Blue Cross | AVA03 | Professional |
Avalon Healthcare Solutions North Carolina | AVA02 | Professional |
Avalon Healthcare Solutions Vermont | AVA04 | Professional |
Avante Health (Customer Service 559-261-9060) | AH001 | Professional |
Avectus Healthcare Solutions (Call 855-AVECTUS) Avectus Healthcare Solutions | MP001 | Professional |
Avera Health Plans | 46045 | Professional |
Avesis Third Part Administrators | 87098 | Professional |
Avmed Encounters | 59275 | Professional |
AVMED Avmed Inc. | 59274 | Professional |
Axminister Medical Group | AXM01 | Professional |
AZ Integrated Physicians | NCHON | Professional |
B Smart Health Solutions | 77149 | Professional |
Bakersfield Family Medical Center | BKRFM | Professional |
Bakery & Confectionery Union & Industry International Health | BCTF1 | Professional |
Bankers Life and Casualty Company or Washington National Insurance Company | 90000 | Professional |
Banner Health | 12X42 | Professional |
Banner Health & Aetna Health Insurance Company | 67895 | Professional |
Banner Medicare Advantage Plus (HMO) (HMO) Banner | 16664 | Professional |
Banner Medicare Advantage Plus (PPO) | 16663 | Professional |
Banner University Family Care (University of Arizona Health Plans) Banner University Family Care | 66901 | Professional |
Baptist Cardiac Program | BSC01 | Professional |
Baptist Health South Florida | 65026 | Professional |
Barinet (L&W) | CB369 | Professional |
Baycare Select Health Plans Incorp Baycare Select Health Plans Inc | 81079 | Professional |
BC Idaho | 00610 | Professional |
BC Idaho Medicare Advantage | BLUEC | Professional |
BCBS Alabama | SB510 | Professional |
BCBS Arizona | BCBSAZ | Professional |
BCBS Kansas | 4716B | Professional |
BCBS Kansas City | 47171 | Professional |
BCBS Lousiana | 53120 | Professional |
BCBS Michigan and Blue Care Network | 00710 | Professional |
BCBS Minnesota | 00222 00722 | Professional |
BCBS Minnesota Blue Cross of Minnesota | 00220 | Professional |
BCBS Minnesota Comprehensive Care Services (BCBSMN) | 00720 | Professional |
BCBS Montana | 00751 | Professional |
BCBS North Carolina | BCSNC | Professional |
BCBS North Dakota | 55891 | Professional |
BCBS Of Michigan (Dental Claims Only) | BBMDQ | Professional |
BCBS South Carolina Planned Admin SC BCBS Planned Administrators | SC886 | Professional |
BCBS Texas Medicaid BCBS Texas Medicaid (Plan effective December 1 2015) | 66001 | Professional |
BCBS Vermont | SB915 | Professional |
BCBS Western NY Medicaid | WNYMD | Professional |
BCBS Wyoming | 53767 | Professional |
BCBSMN Blue Plus Medicaid | 00726 | Professional |
Beacon Health Options | BHOVO | Professional |
Beacon of Life | 65432 | Professional |
Beaver Medical Group | 45967 | Professional |
Behavioral Health Systems | 63100 | Professional |
Bella Vista Med Grp IPA Bella Vista Medical Group | MPM10 | Professional |
Benebay Berkshire Health Plans Berkshire Health Partners | 23243 | Professional |
Benefit & Risk Management Services Benefit & Risk Management Services (Commercial Medicare under Med3000) | 99320 | Professional |
Benefit Administration Services | 41205 | Professional |
Benefit Coordinators Benefit Coordinators Corporation | 25145 | Professional |
Benefit Management LLC/VBA | 88092 | Professional |
Benefit Management Services for Charlotte NC Benefit Management Services | 56139 | Professional |
Benefit Management Systems Inc. Benefit Management Systems Inc of Mississippi | 37212 | Professional |
Benefit Management Inc. of KS (Only accepts claims for these groups BMI187 BMI219 BMI234 BMI236 BMI214 BMI241 BMI617 BMI246 BMI246.) Benefit Management Inc. of KS | 48611 | Professional |
Benefit Plan Administrators - ClaimsBridge Benefit Plan Administrators | IHS19 | Professional |
Benefit Plan Administrators Northern Nevada Trust Fund Northern Nevada Trust Funds (Call 775-826-7200 prior to submitting claims.) | 88027 | Professional |
Benefit Systems and Services Inc. Benefit Systems & Services Inc. (BSSI) | 36342 | Professional |
Benesight (formerly The TPA) | 87265 | Professional |
Benmark | BNMK1 | Professional |
Berkshire Intergroup Quest EAP | 10956 | Professional |
BEST LIFE & HEALTH CO Best Life & Health Insurance Co. | 95604 | Professional |
Better Health Plan of Florida (For claims rejections contact payer at 800-514-4561 and select provider services option.) Better Health Plan of Florida | 20488 | Professional |
Beverly Alianza IPA | POP05 | Professional |
Beverly Hospital | MPM42 | Professional |
BHSF International | 67668 | Professional |
Bienvivir Senior Health Plan | BSHS1 | Professional |
Big Lots Associates Benefit Plans EBMC | CX025 | Professional |
BIND (UHC Choice Plus Multiplan) Surest Health Plan | 25463 | Professional |
Blackhawk Dart Member Care ## Dart Member Care | CB987 | Professional |
Block Vision of Texas | BVTX1 | Professional |
Block Vision Inc. | BV001 | Professional |
Blue Chip of Rhode Island | RICHP | Professional |
Blue Choice Medicaid (for DOS 12/31/23 and prior) | 00403 | Professional |
Blue Choice of Rochester NY | N6BLS | Professional |
Blue Choice of South Carolina | 00922 | Professional |
Blue Cross Community Options Blue Cross Community Solutions Effect 12-14-14 payer ID00621 | MCDIL | Professional |
Blue Cross Complete of Michigan LLC Blue Cross Complete | 32002 | Professional |
Blue Cross Medicare Advantage of Montana Illinois Texas and Oklahoma Blue Cross Medicare Advantage (For DOS after 01-01-2017 and for MemberID starting with YDL YDJ XOD XOJ ZGD ZGI ID YIJ YUX and UYB only) | 66006 | Professional |
Blue Cross of Illinois Blue Cross of Illinois BLUECROSS BLUESHIELD (BCBS) IL HCSC | 00621 | Professional |
Blue Cross of Arkansas | 00520 | Professional |
Blue Cross of Florida Florida Blue | 00590 | Professional |
Blue Cross of Idaho Idaho Blue Cross | IDBLC | Professional |
Blue Cross of New Mexico BLUECROSS BLUESHIELD (BCBS) NM HCSC Lovelace Sandia | 00790 | Professional |
Blue Cross of Oklahoma BLUECROSS BLUESHIELD (BCBS) OK HCSC | 00840 | Professional |
Blue Cross of Oregon Regence Regence BCBS Oregon | 00851 | Professional |
Blue Cross of Washington Blue Cross of Washington (Premera) | 00934 | Professional |
Blue Grass Family Health (SRRIPA) | 15754 | Professional |
Blue Lake Rancheria | IP061 | Professional |
Blue Medicare Advantage | 00772 | Professional |
Blue Shield of Alaska | AKBLS | Professional |
Blue Shield of Arkansas Arkansas Blue Cross Blue Shield Blue Advantage of Arkansas Health Advantage of Arkansas | ARBLS | Professional |
Blue Shield of California UFCW Loc 400-5205 -must reg at wwwblueshieldca.com | BS001 | Professional |
Blue Shield of Central NY HMO/PPO | N2BLS | Professional |
Blue Shield of Delaware Delaware Blue Cross Blue Shield | DEBLS | Professional |
Blue Shield of Florida Florida Blue Cross Blue Shield Blue Cross Blue Shield of Florida Florida Blue Shield | FLBLS | Professional |
Blue Shield of Georgia (State Health of GA) Georgia State Health Benefit Plan (Processed by GA BC/BS) Blue Shield of Georgia Georgia Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield State Merit GA | GABLS | Professional |
Blue Shield of Hawaii Hawaii Blue Cross Blue Shield | HIBLS | Professional |
Blue Shield of IA 2nd claim only Medicare is primary | IABLM | Professional |
Blue Shield of Idaho Idaho Blue Shield (Regence) Blue Shield of Idaho (Per Provider Testing) | IDBLS | Professional |
Blue Shield of Illinois Illinois Blue Cross Blue Shield | ILBLS | Professional |
Blue Shield of Indiana Indiana Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield Indiana Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield | INBLS | Professional |
Blue Shield of Kansas City Blue Cross of Kansas City Kansas City Blue Cross Blue Shield | KCBLS | Professional |
Blue Shield of Kansas Blue Cross of Kansas Kansas Blue Cross Blue Shield | KSBLS | Professional |
Blue Shield of Kentucky Kentucky Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield | KYBLS | Professional |
Blue Shield of Louisiana Blue Shield of Lousiana State Employees Group Benefits Louisiana Blue Cross Blue Shield | LABLS | Professional |
Blue Shield of Maine Maine Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield Maine Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield | MEBLS | Professional |
Blue Shield of Maryland | MDBLS | Professional |
Blue Shield of Massachusetts | MABLS | Professional |
Blue Shield of Michigan Michigan Blue Cross Blue Shield | MIBLS | Professional |
Blue Shield of Minnesota CCS (aka Comprehensive Care Systems) Minnesota Blue Cross Blue Shield | MNBLS | Professional |
Blue Shield of Mississippi Mississippi Blue Cross Blue Shield | MSBLS | Professional |
Blue Shield of Missouri Missouri Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield Missouri Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield | MOBLS | Professional |
Blue Shield of National Capital Area National Capital Area | NCABS | Professional |
Blue Shield of Nebraska | 77780 | Professional |
Blue Shield of New Jersey Horizon BCBSNJ | 22099 | Professional |
Blue Shield of New York Western Blue Cross Blue Shield Of Western New York Blue Shield of Western New York | N1BLS | Professional |
Blue Shield of Northeast NY | N5BLS | Professional |
Blue Shield of Rochester NY | N7BLS | Professional |
Blue Shield of South Carolina South Carolina Blue Cross Blue Shield SC FEP Blue Cross Medicare Blue Advantage of South Carolina | SCBLS | Professional |
Blue Shield of Utica NY | N4BLS | Professional |
Blue Shield of Vermont | VTBLS | Professional |
Blueride Non Emerg Transportation | BLRDE | Professional |
BMC Health Net Plan Boston Medical Center Healthnet | 13337 | Professional |
Boilermakers National Health & Welfare Fund | 36609 | Professional |
Bollinger INC. | BOLL1 | Professional |
Boon-Chapman Benefit Administrators Inc. | 74238 | Professional |
BPS Inc | 48964 | Professional |
Brand New Day (Encounters) Brand New Day (FFS) | UC002 | Professional |
Brand New Day (FFS) Brand New Day (Encounters) | UC001 | Professional |
Braven Health | 84367 | Professional |
Bravo Health (Now CIGNA HealthSprings.) CIGNA HealthSprings Bravo Health Elder Health HMO of Pennsylvania | 52192 | Professional |
Breckpoint | BRKPN | Professional |
Bridgespan | BRIDG | Professional |
Bright Health (for DOS after 01/01/2022) | BRGHT | Professional |
Bright Health Plan | CB186 | Professional |
BritCay Colonial BC | 22286 | Professional |
Brockerage Concepts Inc (Benefit Concepts) Benefit Concepts Healthsmart Brokerage Concepts Brockerage Concepts Inc. | 51037 | Professional |
Broward Regional Health Planning Council | BRHPC | Professional |
Brown & Toland Medical Group | 94316 | Professional |
Brown & Toland Sutter Brown & Toland SutterSelect | BTSS1 | Professional |
Buckeye Ohio Medicaid | 04202 | Professional |
Buckeye Ohio Medicaid | 42020 | Professional |
Butler Benefits HealthSmart Butler Benefit HealthSmart Fringe Benefit Coordinators HealthSmart US Benefits HealthSmart William C Earhart | 42150 | Professional |
C&O Employees Hospital Association C & O Employees Hospital Association | 23708 | Professional |
C3 Health (fka Access Health Inc.) | A1680 | Professional |
Cal-Optima Direct Caloptima CALOPTIMA DIRECT | CALOP | Professional |
California Eye Care New Century Health | NCH05 | Professional |
California Health and Wellness California Health & Wellness | 68047 | Professional |
California IPA | AMM14 | Professional |
California Pacific Medical Center California Pacific Medical Center | 94056 | Professional |
California Water Services | CWS99 | Professional |
Cannon Cochran Management Services Inc. LA (Claims for Payer address of Metairie LA only.) CANNON COCHRAN MANAGEMENT SERVICES INC | 71057 | Professional |
CANNON COCHRAN MGMT Arcadia Insurance Company Sage Technologies (Formerly CCMSI) (Claims for payer address of Rockford IL ONLY.) | 37105 | Professional |
CAP Management Systems CAP Management | 95399 | Professional |
Capital Advantage Insurance Company (CAIC) PROFESSIONAL (BCBS ProviderID and Performing ProviderID required. Call 800- 874-8433) Capital Blue Cross PROFESSIONAL (BCBS ProviderID and Performing ProviderID required. Call 800- 874-8433) | 23045 | Professional |
Capital District PHP | SX065 | Professional |
Capital Health Plan | 95112 | Professional |
Capital International Management Services | 65067 | Professional |
Capitol Administrators (Lucent Health) | 68011 | Professional |
Caprock Health Plan CapRock HealthPlans | CAPHP | Professional |
Cardiovascular Care Providers | GCVCP | Professional |
Care Access PSN | 65063 | Professional |
Care Around the Clock | 57721 | Professional |
Care Choices HMO | HM037 | Professional |
Care First Health Plan of AZ Care 1st Health Plan of Arizona | 57116 | Professional |
Care First Health Plan of CA Care 1st Health Plan of CA | 57115 | Professional |
Care N Care Care N' Care | 66010 | Professional |
Care Plus | 65031 | Professional |
Care to Care | 41222 | Professional |
Care Wisconsin Health Plan (Trizetto) | 27004 | Professional |
CareCentrix | 11345 | Professional |
CareCentrix BCBS MI CareCentrix BCBS Michigan | 11349 | Professional |
CareCentrix Cigna | 11346 | Professional |
CareCentrix Florida Blue | 11347 | Professional |
CareCentrix Wellcare | 11350 | Professional |
CareCore Aetna Radiology CareCore National LLC (Aetna Radiology Claims) New York Medical Imaging-MVP | 14179 | Professional |
Carecore National Wellcare | 14188 | Professional |
CareCore National Care Core National | 14182 | Professional |
CareCore Oxford Radiology CareCore National LLC (Radiology charges for Oxford) | 14180 | Professional |
Carefirst BCBS DC National Capital Area CareFirst BCBS - DC National Capital Area | SB580 | Professional |
Carefirst Medicare Advatange CareFirst Medicare Advantage | 00193 | Professional |
Carelink Medicaid | 25140 | Professional |
Carelon Aetna Home Health | 34010 | Professional |
Carelon Anthem Home Health | 34009 | Professional |
Carelon Health Advance Primary Care Encounters | CMENC | Professional |
Caremore | CM001 | Professional |
CareMore Value Plus (CVP) Caremore Caremore IPA | CARMO | Professional |
Carenet of VA (use consolidated Coventry payerID of 25133) | 25142 | Professional |
CareOregon Inc. Care Oregon | 93975 | Professional |
CarePartners of Connecticut | 16307 | Professional |
CarePlus Cardiology - New Century Health | NCH04 | Professional |
Caresource Georgia Caresource of Georgia CareSource of GA | GACS1 | Professional |
CareSource Health Plan of Oregon | MRCHP | Professional |
Caresource Indiana CareSource Marketplace CareSource IN | INCS1 | Professional |
CareSource KY Caresource Humana Humana Caresource CareSource of Kentucky | KYCS1 | Professional |
CareSource MI Medicaid CareSource Michigan Medicaid | MIMCDCS1 | Professional |
CareSource North Carolina CareSource NC | NCCS1 | Professional |
CareSource of AR Caresource AR | ARCS1 | Professional |
CareSource OH | 31114 | Professional |
CareSource Ohio Medicaid | 03150 | Professional |
Caresource West Virginia CareSource WV | WVCS1 | Professional |
Carolina Summit Healthcare Inc. Carolina Summit Healthcare Inc | 56195 | Professional |
Carpenters Health and Welfare Fund of Philadelphia | CX101 | Professional |
CBHA Carolina Behavioral Health Alliance Carolina Behavioral Health Alliance | 56215 | Professional |
CBNHP Health Choices CBHNP - Health Choices | 65391 | Professional |
CBSA CBSA (Corporation Benefit Services of America) Corporate Benefit Services of America IBI Iowa Benefits Inc. Meritain Health Minneapolis Iowa Benefits Inc. Fortis Self Funded Administrative Services | 41124 | Professional |
CCMC - Comprehensive Care Management Corp | CCMC1 | Professional |
CCOK Community Care Managed Health Care Plans of Oklahoma | 73143 | Professional |
CDO Technologies | 63028 | Professional |
CDO Technologies MBA Benefit Administrators | 83028 | Professional |
Cedar Valley Community Health Plan SISCO Quad Cities Community Health Plan Lake Region Community Health Plan Northeast Iowa Community Health Plan | SISCO | Professional |
Cedars-Sinai Medical Network Services Claims Cedars-Sinai Medical Network Services | 95166 | Professional |
Cedars-Sinai Medical Network Services Encounters Cedars-Sinai Medical Network Services | 95167 | Professional |
Celtic Insurance | CELTC | Professional |
CeltiCare Cenpatico - Georgia Iowa Total Care Centene Advantage Plans (claims for former payer ID 95567 with DOS on or after 1/1/18) Louisiana Healthcare Connections Ambetter of Arkansas Home State Health Plan Total Carolina Care Magnolia Mississippi Bridgeway Arizona Managed Health Services Indiana Managed Health Services of Wisconsin (Please contact the payer @ 800-225-2573 ext 25525 to get setup to submit electronic claims.) Buckeye Community Health California Health and Wellness Healthnet Community Solutions SilverSummit Health Plan Illinicare Group Health NebraskaTotal Care Peach State Health Plan (Behavioral Health) Peach State Health Plan (Medicaid) (Call 800-225-2573 ext 25525 prior to submitting claims.) Kentucky Spirit Health Plan Arkansas Total Care BRIDGEWAY NETWORK New Hampshire Healthy Family California Health & Wellness Centene Advantage Plans Western Sky Community Care Michigan Complete Health Nebraska Total Care Novasys Health Network Peach State Health | 68069 | Professional |
CenCal Health | 95386 | Professional |
Cenpatico - Kansas (Prior to submitting claims please call Provider Relations Dept at 866- 896-7293 to verify your provider info is on file in the claim system.) Cenpatico (For multiple states) Cenpatico Behavioral Health - Wisconsin (Call 800-225-2573 ext 25525 prior to submitting claims.) Cenpatico Behavioral Health AZ (Prior to submission contact 866- 495-6748 to verify provider ID.) Cenpatico Florida Behavioral Health Cenpatico Indiana Cenpatico Massachusetts Cenpatico Ohio Illinicare Behavioral Health Cenpatico CENPATICO ARIZONA Cenpatico Behavior Health CENPATICO GEORGIA Cenpatico Kansas CENPATICO TEXAS GROUP PRACTICE AFFILIATES IHS Gateway Payer South Integrated Mental Health Services | 68068 | Professional |
Center for Elders Independence | 94312 | Professional |
Center for Healthy Living | CPHL1 | Professional |
Center IPA | POP01 | Professional |
CenterCare | 13357 | Professional |
CenterLight Healthcare | 13360 | Professional |
Centivo | 45564 | Professional |
Centivo Direct Network Access | IHS04 | Professional |
CentraCare | 66698 | Professional |
Central California Alliance for Health (Alliance EDI Support Unit 831-430-5510) | SX169 | Professional |
Central California Women's Health Central California Womens Health | WH001 | Professional |
Central Health Medicare Central Health MSO | CHCPI | Professional |
Central Mass Heath Care CMHC Healthsource CMHC Healthsource Massachusetts Inc Healthsource MA | 02041 | Professional |
Central Ohio Primary Care Senior Care Advantage | AGL02 | Professional |
Central Reserve Life Insurance Company Loyal American Life Central Reserve Life Central Reserve Life Ins.Co. (Formertly Loyal American Life (Medicare Supplement) ) | 13193 | Professional |
Central Valley Medical Group Sutter Connect - Central Valley Med Group (Claims) | 77035 | Professional |
Centurion LLC Centurion | IHS11 | Professional |
Centurion of Tennessee | 42140 | Professional |
Century PHO | 36393 | Professional |
CHA - Commonwealth Health Alliance | 23171 | Professional |
Chaffey Medical Group | 49533 | Professional |
CHAMPVA - HAC Veterans Family Members Program (FKA CHAMPVA-HAC) | 84146 | Professional |
Chautauqua County Health Plan (Mayville NY) | 16600 | Professional |
Children First Medical Group (For questions regarding claim status providers will need to contact payer: CFMG Provider Customer Service 510-428-3154) | 94321 | Professional |
Children's Community Health Plan Wisconsin | 251CC | Professional |
Children's Specialists of San Diego Childrens Specialist of San Diego | CSSD2 | Professional |
Childrens Medical Center Health Plan | CMCHP | Professional |
Chinese Community Health Plan Chinese Community Health Plan (Unique Provider ID must be on claim.) | 94302 | Professional |
CHIPA - College Health IPA | CHIPA | Professional |
Chirometrics Inc. | 33070 | Professional |
Chiropractic Association of South Dakota | CASD1 | Professional |
Chiropractic Care of Minnesota Inc. (For Dates of service before 1-01-08 continue to use payerID of ACN01.) Landmark Healthcare Inc. | LNDMK | Professional |
CHOC Childrens Hosp of Orange Cty Health Alliance CHOC - Childrens Hospital of Orange County Health Alliance | 33065 | Professional |
Choice Physicians Net First Choice | CPNFC | Professional |
Choice Physicians Network (Nivano Physicians) | CPNNP | Professional |
Choice Physicians Network Choice Physician Network | CPN01 | Professional |
ChoiceOne IPA | POP03 | Professional |
CHP/RPU (FABOH) (Facility physical address required on claim.) CHP/RPU (FABOH) | 39112 | Professional |
Christian Brother Services Christian Brothers Services | 38308 | Professional |
Christian Care Ministries (Medishare) (Providers should check the member ID card and use the Household ID value as the member ID when submitting claims electron Christian Care Ministries | 59355 | Professional |
Christie Student Helath Plan Christie Student Health Plans | 75544 | Professional |
Christus Health Medicare Advantage | 10629 | Professional |
Christus Health Plam -US Family Health Plan Christus Health Plan - US Family Health Plan US Family Health Plan | 90551 | Professional |
Christus Health Plan HIX Christus Health Plan Health Exchange | 52106 | Professional |
Christus Spohn Health Network Spohn Health | SPOHN | Professional |
CIGNA Behavioral Health | 02331 | Professional |
CIGNA Behavioral Health CIGNA Behavioral Health (PID SX071 also accepted) MCC Behavioral Care (PID SX071 also accepted) | MCCBV | Professional |
CIGNA Medicare Advantage CIGNA Senior CIGNA Healthcare for Seniors - Arizona Medicare | 86033 | Professional |
Citrus Valley Physician's Group | IP055 | Professional |
Citrus Valley Physicians Group Physicians Data Trust St Vincent Noble Tri Cities IPA Ximed Medical Group Citrus Valley Physician's Group | PDT01 | Professional |
CL Frates | CLFR2 | Professional |
Clackamas County Mental Health (Administered by PH Tech) | CCMMH | Professional |
Claims Choice Administrators LLC | 83063 | Professional |
Claims Development Corporation | 43056 | Professional |
ClaimsBridge High Performance Network (HPN) | 11752 | Professional |
Claimsware Inc. DBA ManageMed ClaimsWare Inc. DBA ManageMed | 57080 | Professional |
Clarian Health Plans MPLAN Inc./HealthCare Group LLC MPLAN Inc. Healthcare Group Senior Smart Choice | 95444 | Professional |
Clear Health Alliance | CLEAR | Professional |
Clear Spring Health Management Services Family Health Network | 85468 | Professional |
Clever Care Health Plan | CC168 | Professional |
Client First | 41201 | Professional |
Clifton Health Systems D/B/A Actin Care Groups | 24585 | Professional |
Clinical Resource Group | CRGMN | Professional |
Clinical Specialties INC Clinical Specialisties INC | CSI001 CSI01 | Professional |
Clover Health (FKA Carepoint Health Plan payer ID 77023) Clover (Formerly Carepoint Health Plan previous payer ID 77023) | 13285 | Professional |
Coachella Medical Group | COMG1 | Professional |
Coastal Care | 43141 | Professional |
Coastal Care Services Inc | 47394 | Professional |
Coastal Communities Physician Network (CCPN) | CCPN1 | Professional |
Coastal Healthcare Management | LIPAZ | Professional |
Cobalt Benefits Group LLC dba CBA Blue Blue Benefit Administrators of Massachusetts & EBPA | 03036 | Professional |
Colonial CMI | 22287 | Professional |
Colonial CMI Colonial Medical | 22284 | Professional |
Colonial Penn Life Insurance | 37077 | Professional |
Colorado Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield Blue Shield of Colorado Anthem of Colorado Colorado Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield | COBLS | Professional |
Colorado Choice Health Plans | H0657 | Professional |
Colorado Community Health Alliance | COCHA | Professional |
Colorado HealthOP Colorado Health Insurance Cooperative | 49718 | Professional |
Colorado Medicaid | SKCO0 | Professional |
Columbine Health Plan | CHP02 | Professional |
COMMERCE BENEFITS GRP Commerce Benefits Group | 34181 | Professional |
Common Ground Healthcare Cooperative | 77170 | Professional |
Commonwealth Care Alliance | A2793 | Professional |
Commonwealth Care Alliance Medicare Advantage | 14316 | Professional |
Communicare Advantage | 34525 | Professional |
Community Care Associates | 17902 | Professional |
Community Care Behavioral Health Organization Community Care Behavioral Health Org (service prior to 10-1-2007) | 25179 | Professional |
Community Care BHO Community Care BHO (For Dates of Service after October 1 2007) | 23282 | Professional |
Community Care Organization Community Care Inc. (WI) | 39126 | Professional |
Community Care PCC Preferred Community Choice/PCCSelect/CompMed Preferred Community Choice | 73145 | Professional |
Community Care Plan Broward Health PPUC | BHPP1 | Professional |
Community Care Plan- Florida Healthy Kids | FHKC1 | Professional |
Community Care Plan(Palm Beach Health District) | PBHD1 | Professional |
Community Connect Medicaid Group Health Cooperative of EauClaire Group Health Cooperative of Eau Claire | 95192 | Professional |
Community Eye Care | CECVP | Professional |
Community Family Care | NMM05 | Professional |
Community First I Par Plus Community First Health Plans Community First Health Plan Inc. | COMMF | Professional |
Community Health | 60495 | Professional |
Community Health Alliance | 35193 | Professional |
Community Health Allliance TN Community Health Alliance TN | 27905 | Professional |
Community Health Center Network | CHCN1 | Professional |
Community Health Choice (Please include TPI Number (Texas Medicaid Number) in Field FA0-23) Community Health Choice | 48145 | Professional |
Community Health Electronic Claims/CHEC/webTPA | 75261 | Professional |
Community Health Group | 66170 | Professional |
Community Health Plan District of Columbia | L0230 | Professional |
Community Health Plan of Washington | CHPWA | Professional |
Community Health Solutions (Claims now route to Medicaid of Louisiana) Medicaid of Louisiana (Includes KidMed claims.) Medicaid of Louisiana (837P 837I & 837D) Louisiana Medicaid | LAMCD | Professional |
Community IPA | AMM12 | Professional |
Community Medical Group of the West Valley | CMGWV | Professional |
COMP - Ohio (Austintown OH) COMP-Ohio (Austintown Ohio) | 34177 | Professional |
Companion Life American Worker Health Plan American Worker Health Plan (Dental) American Worker Health Plus | 37322 | Professional |
Companion Forethought Bankers Reserve/Wellcare Thrivent Shenandoah Combined Insurance Company Combined Sterling Liberty Banke Standard Life Western Catholic Union Liberty Bankers | 26119 | Professional |
CompFirst LLC | 23296 | Professional |
Complementary HealthCare Plans | 93101 | Professional |
CompManagement Health | 15243 | Professional |
Comprehensive Care Services (BCBSMN For DOS on and after 01-01-2019) BCBSMN Blue Plus Medicaid | 00562 | Professional |
Comprehensive Medical/Vision Program AZ | M0166 | Professional |
ComPsych | 37363 | Professional |
Concordia Care Inc Concordia Care Inc. | 33632 | Professional |
Connecticare - Medicare CONNECTICARE MCR | 78375 | Professional |
Connecticare Inc. ConnectiCare Inc | 06105 | Professional |
Connecticut Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield Blue Shield of Connecticut Connecticut Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield | CTBLS | Professional |
Connective RX (PSKW) | PSKW0 | Professional |
Consociate Group | 37135 | Professional |
Consolidated Associates Railroad HealthSmart Consolidated Associates Railroad Employees (CARE) | 75284 | Professional |
Consolidated Health Plans Wellfleet Group LLC | 87843 | Professional |
Constitution State / Travelers | 19046 | Professional |
Consumers Choice Health SC | 45321 | Professional |
Contessa Health | CH102 | Professional |
Contessa Health Security Health Plan | CH101 | Professional |
Contra Costa Behavioral Health Plan | CCMHP | Professional |
Contra Costa Health Plan Contra Costa Health Plan | CCHS | Professional |
Contra County Health Plan | CNTRA | Professional |
Cook Childrens Health Plan CHIP Cook Children's Health Plan Cook Childrens Health Plan | CCHP1 | Professional |
Cook Childrens Health Plan Star Cook Children's Star Plan | CCHP9 | Professional |
Cook Group Health Plan | 35149 | Professional |
Cook Medical Group | 60065 | Professional |
Cooperative Benefit Administrators Inc. National Rural Electric | 52132 | Professional |
Coordinated Benefit Plan | 14829 | Professional |
Core Management Resouces Group Core Management Resources Group Core Administrative Services | 58231 | Professional |
CoreSource of NC (Start PayerID of 35182 Old payerID reject | 35180 | Professional |
CoreStar CoreSource of Illinois CoreSource of IOWA CoreSource of Maryland Luminare Health CoreSource of Pennsylvania Luminare Health AZ IL IN MD MN NC PA fka Trustmark Health Benefits | 35182 | Professional |
CoreStar AZ MN ( PayerID of 35182 Old ID will start reject | 41045 | Professional |
Corizon Health Inc Corizon Health Inc.(Claims with address of Brentwood TN should be submitted to this Payer ID.) | CORIZ | Professional |
Cornerstone Preferred Resources | CB268 | Professional |
Corporate Benefits Service Inc. | 56116 | Professional |
Corporate Plan Management Inc. | 64270 | Professional |
CorrectCare Integrated Health | LADOC | Professional |
CorrectCare Integrated Health | CCIHC | Professional |
CorrectCare Integrated Health (California Prison Healthcare Services) CorrectCare Integrated Health (CA Prison Health) CorrectCare Integrated Health (Non -Louisiana Jails Prison Health) | CCIH | Professional |
Correction Health Partners Physician Health Partners | PHPMC | Professional |
Correctional Medical Services Corizon Inc. (fka Correctional Medical Services) Claims with address of St. Louis MO should be submitted to this Payer ID. | 43160 | Professional |
CORSOLUTIONS Employers Direct Health - FI | 75235 | Professional |
County Care (Behavioral Health and regular claims with a DOS after 4/1/16) County Care | 06541 | Professional |
County Care County Care (Behavioral Health claims with a DOS prior to 4/1/16) | 42138 | Professional |
County Care County Care (formerly Centene IPA ) Claims with a DOS prior to 4/1/16)â–¡ | 42139 | Professional |
Covenant Administrators LLC - 90 Degree Covenant Administrators LLC - 90 Degree Guarantee Trust Life Insurance Company | 58102 | Professional |
Covenant Management System Employee Benefit I Par Plus Covenant Management Systems Employee Benefit plan | CMSEB | Professional |
Coventry Health Care of Florida | 128FL | Professional |
COVID19 HRSA Uninsured Testing and Treatment Fund | 95964 | Professional |
Cox Health Plan (Requires Provider ID in Box 33a. Contact Cox Health Plan for ID.) Cox Health Plan | 00019 | Professional |
CPR Share Plan CPR Share Plans | CB695 | Professional |
Creative Plan Administrators | 37320 | Professional |
Crescent Health Solutions | 56213 | Professional |
Crystal Run Health Plans | 46430 | Professional |
CSI Network Services | 34186 | Professional |
CTI Administrators Inc. CTI Administrators Inc | 42141 | Professional |
Curative | CURTV | Professional |
Custom Design Benefits Inc. Custom Design Benefits Inc. | 82056 | Professional |
D.H. EVANS & ASSOC. EBC INC Employee Benefit Consultants Health Care District Health Plan of San Mateo Healthy Palm Beaches MERCYCARE WI (Call 608-758- 7739 for PayerID.) OMMS South Carolina PA PREFERRED HEALTH SOUTH CENTRAL PREFERRED AllCare (Must contact AllCare 800-564-6901 for setup and payerID.) Blue Medicare of North Carolina (Contracted providers only. Call 888-296-9790) John Muir Trauma Physicians (Please call 925-947-5288 for Payer ID information.) EBC Inc. (To obtain the payerID please call (440) 262-1160) PA Preferred Health (Call PPHN Claims Operations at 410-349- 3222) Employee Benefit Consultants (To obtain the payer ID please call (440) 262-1160.) Employee Benefit Consultants Inc. (Call (440) 262-1160 for PayerID.) Virginia Health Network Inc (To get the payerID call payer at (804)320-3837) Network Health (Before initiating submissions please call Provider Relations at (617)806-8104 or www.network-health.org for an EDI startup plan.) Radcon Inc. (Please contact Kat | CALL | Professional |
DakotaCare | DAK01 | Professional |
Davis Vision | 00157 | Professional |
DCHS Medical Foundation | DCHSF | Professional |
Dean Health Plan | DEAN1 | Professional |
Dean Health Plans | 41822 | Professional |
Decent Health | DCENT | Professional |
Delaware Medicaid Medicaid of Delaware Medicaid of Delaware | DEMCD | Professional |
Dell Children's Health Plan | 74272 | Professional |
Delta Health Systems | DHS01 | Professional |
Dentemax Dentemax/DPI (MI) Network Health PPO | AMS01 | Professional |
Denver Health - Indigent | 84134 | Professional |
DENVER HEALTH MED PLN Denver Health Medical Plan | 84135 | Professional |
DENVER HEALTH MEDICAID CHOICE Denver Health and Hospital Authority | 84133 | Professional |
Denver Health Medical Plan Inc. Medicare Choice | 84131 | Professional |
Desert Medical Group | DESRT | Professional |
Desert Valley Medical Group | DVMC1 | Professional |
Devoted Health | DEVOT | Professional |
DGA - Diversified Group Administrators | 25160 | Professional |
DHMN Preferred IPA Hospital Risk | DHM02 | Professional |
DHMN Santa Cruz | DHM01 | Professional |
Dignity Global | MPM27 | Professional |
Dignity HCLA | MPM28 | Professional |
Dignity Health - Sacramento Hospital claim shop for Mercy Medical Group Woodland Clinic Medical Group and Hill Physicians Medical group (hospital risk) Dignity Health - Sacramento Hosp claim shop-Mercy Med Group | HOSH1 | Professional |
Dignity Health Medical Foundation for Mercy Medical Group or Woodland Clinic Medical Group (professional risk) for Mercy Medical Group or Woodland Clinic Medical Group Dignity Health Med Found for Mercy Med Gr-Woodland Clin Med | PROH1 | Professional |
Dignity Health Medical Group (Inland Empire) Dignity Health Med Group-Inland Empire (professional risk) | PROH4 | Professional |
Dignity Medical Foundation Professional Capitated Non- Payment | PROHC | Professional |
DirectCare | 55731 | Professional |
Directors Guild of America California Anthem Blue Cross California Blue Cross Anthem Blue Cross of California Blue Cross of California | BC001 | Professional |
District of Columbia Medicaid | SKDC0 | Professional |
Diversified Admin Corp | 06102 | Professional |
DMBA | SX105 | Professional |
DMERC Region A Testing is required for claims requiring CMNs DME Region A | DMERA | Professional |
DMERC Region B Testing is required for claims requiring CMNs DME Region B | DMERB | Professional |
DMERC Region C Testing is required for claims requiring CMNs DME Region C | DMERC | Professional |
DMERC Region D Testing is required for claims requiring CMNs | DMERD | Professional |
Doctors Healthcare Plan | DRHCP | Professional |
Dolton Medical Group | DOLMG | Professional |
Downey Select IPA (Applecare Medical Mgmt) Downey Select IPA (Applecare Medical Mgmt | APP01 | Professional |
DPC Core INC DPC CORE Inc. | 23212 | Professional |
DPSC INC | A6864 | Professional |
Dreyer Medical | DREYR | Professional |
Driscoll Childrens Health Plan Driscoll Childrens Health Plan (CHIP) | 74284 | Professional |
Dunn and Associates Benefits Administrators Inc. | 35186 | Professional |
E.S. Beveridge and Associates E. S. Beveridge and Associates E.S. Beveridge | 34108 | Professional |
E3 Health Inc (Formerly First Integrated Health) First Integrated Health | 75232 | Professional |
Each Care Network- Effective 08/01/2020 | 88846 | Professional |
Early Intervention Central Billing | 36434 | Professional |
East Boston Neighborhood Pace NeighborhoodHealth | 25849 | Professional |
Eastern Main Healthcare Systems (EMHS) Eastern Main Healthcare Systems (EMHS) Employee Health Plan | 16565 | Professional |
Eastland Medical Group | EMG11 | Professional |
Easy Care MSO LLC | ECMSO | Professional |
Easy Choice Health Plan of NY | 24770 | Professional |
Easy Choice HP of NY Med3000 CMS Title 19 Reform (New PID Effective For DOS After 1/31/19) Pyramid Life Insurance Company Wellcare HMO Inc. Todays Option (American Progressive and Pyramid Life) Med3000 CMS Title 19 Reform (New PID Effective For DOS After 1/31/19) | 14163 | Professional |
Eberle Vivian | EV001 | Professional |
EBMS (Employee Benefit Management Services Inc) | 81039 | Professional |
EDS Healthchoice (formerly payer ID 22521 - For dates of service on or after 01/01/2018 ) Healthchoice (formerly payer ID 22521) HealthChoice | 71064 | Professional |
El Paso First Health Plans - CHIP El Paso First - CHIP El Paso First - CHIP I Par Plus | EPF03 | Professional |
EL Paso Health Advantage Dual | EPF07 | Professional |
El Proyecto Del Barrio IPA | MPM04 | Professional |
Elder Service Plan of the North Shore. Element Care Incorporated Elder Service Health Plan of the North Shore | 04326 | Professional |
ELDERPLAN ElderPlan Inc. (Elderplan Provider ID necessary on all claims. Contact (718)921-7979 for Provider ID.) | 31625 | Professional |
Ellis Consultants INC. | ECISF | Professional |
Elmcare L.L.C. Elmcare | NAELM | Professional |
Elmco | 37253 | Professional |
Emblem Health | 81336 | Professional |
EmblemHealth Plan (HMO) GHI HMO Select | 25531 | Professional |
Emerald Health | 16755 | Professional |
EMI HEALTH | SX110 | Professional |
Empire BCBS Anthem BCBS NY | 00803 00803R | Professional |
Empire Physician's Medical Group | EMP01 | Professional |
Employee Benefit Administration & Management (EBA&M) HealthSmart Employee Benefit Administrators & Management | 95288 | Professional |
Employee Benefit Concepts Employee Benefit Concepts MI | 38241 | Professional |
Employee Benefit Management Corp. Employee Benefit Management Corp. (EBMC) | 31074 | Professional |
Employee Benefit Services Key Benefit Administrators (Ft. Mill SC) Employee Benefit Systems Key Benefit Administrators (Ft.Mill SC) | 37216 | Professional |
Employee Benefit Svcs (EBS) of San Antonio | EBSSA | Professional |
Employee Benefit System Employee Benefit Systems | 42149 | Professional |
Employee Logistics | 92135 | Professional |
Employee Plans LLC Employee Plans LLC | 35112 | Professional |
Employees Mutual (EMC) | 21415 | Professional |
Employer Health Network Employers Health Network | IHS07 | Professional |
Employer Plan Services Inc. | 74212 | Professional |
Employer's Direct SF Employers Direct Health - SF | 75233 | Professional |
Employers Direct Health Employers Direct Health - Employee Plan | 75236 | Professional |
Employers Health Cooperative (EHC) Employers Coalition On Health (ECOH) Claimshop- Employers Coalition on Health | 27008 | Professional |
Employers Mutual Inc. (Florida Providers only) Employers Mutual Inc (FL) | 59298 | Professional |
Empower Arkansas | 12956 | Professional |
Enterprise Group Planning | EGPIN | Professional |
Entrust | 36878 | Professional |
Eon Health | 73780 | Professional |
EPN - Seton Health Plan Exclusive (Provider ID required) EPN (Seton Health Plan Exclusive PR I Par Plus) | EPNSH | Professional |
Erin Group Administrators Significa Benefit Services Inc. Erin Group Administrators (Now known as Significa Benefit Services Inc.) | 23250 | Professional |
Essence Healthcare | 20818 | Professional |
Essence Healthcare | 57082 | Professional |
Essential Health Partner | EHPSC | Professional |
Essential Health Partners | EIPA9 | Professional |
Everence Mennonite Mutual (Now known as Everence) Mennonite Mutual Aid Association and Affiliates (Now known as Everence) | 35605 | Professional |
Evergreen Health Coop check the member ID Card for Payer ID | 93240 | Professional |
Evolutions Healthcare Systems Evolutions Healthcare | 59313 | Professional |
Evry Health | EH001 | Professional |
Exceedent LLC | 22344 | Professional |
Excellus BCBS New York Rochest Excellus BCBS New York Rochester Area | SB804 | Professional |
Excellus BCBS New York Utica Watertown | SB806 | Professional |
Exclusive Care Exclusive Care (ALL providers must contact Exclusive Care prior to submitting claims electronically. Please contact Martha Cuevas at 951-955-8853) | EC999 | Professional |
Eye Specialists (Provider ID number required in Box33a or Box24J) | BVES1 | Professional |
Eyefinity VSP | 94163 | Professional |
EyeMed | 31165 | Professional |
EyeQuest | 63740 | Professional |
Facey Medical Foundation | 95432 | Professional |
FACS Group | 37300 | Professional |
Falling Colors | FCC20 | Professional |
Fallon (Transplant claims) Fallon Transplant | FT254 | Professional |
Fallon Community Health Fallon Community Health Plan | 22254 | Professional |
Family Care Family Care - Milwaukee WI | 60995 | Professional |
Family Care Specialists | MPM40 | Professional |
Family Practice Medical Group | 10145 | Professional |
Farm Bureau Health Plans MAPD | RP061 | Professional |
FCE BENEFIT ADMINISTRATORS | 33033 | Professional |
Federal Employee Program (Connecticut) | C2BLS | Professional |
Federated Mutual Insurance | 41041 | Professional |
Fenix Med Group | 60818 | Professional |
Fidelis Care New York | 11315 | Professional |
Fire Department Cityof New York World Trade Center Health | FDNYP | Professional |
Firefly Health | FRFLY | Professional |
First Agency | 88055 | Professional |
First Carolina Care | FCC01 | Professional |
First Choice Medical Group | FCMG1 | Professional |
First Choice Next A Product of Select Health of South Carolina Inc. | 57103 | Professional |
First Choice VIP Care Plus SC #3 First Choice VIP Care Plus SC | 77009 | Professional |
First Choice VIP Care(SC D SNIP) by Select Health of South Carolina Inc. | 32456 | Professional |
First Health Network PPO Oklahoma (WinterBrook HealthCare Management) | 73159 | Professional |
First Service Administrators Florida 1st - Winterhaven Florida | 59276 | Professional |
First Solution | FS802 | Professional |
FirstCare | 94999 | Professional |
FirstCare Star Medicaid | 94998 | Professional |
Fitzharris & Company | 11244 | Professional |
FL MCO PHC/PHP FL MCO PHC PHP | 95411 | Professional |
Florida Community Care | FLCCR | Professional |
Florida Complete Care | FLCPC | Professional |
Florida Health Plan Florida Healthcare | 59322 | Professional |
Florida Hospital VBR | VB001 | Professional |
Florida Medicaid | SKFL0 | Professional |
Florida Pace Centers | FLPAC | Professional |
Flume Health INC Flume Health Inc. | FH205 | Professional |
FMH Benefit Services Luminare Health KC Luminare Health KC fka Trustmark Health Benefits FMH Benefit Services Inc. | 48117 | Professional |
Forest County Potawatomi Ins Dept | 25059 | Professional |
Foundation Health of CA | FH001 | Professional |
Foundation Health of Florida-Encounters | FHFLE | Professional |
Fox Valley Medicine Site 199 | FVMCH | Professional |
Fox Valley Medicine Site 451 | FVMC1 | Professional |
Fox-Everett Inc. Fox Everett | 64069 | Professional |
Franciscan Purdue | FAIPUR | Professional |
Freedom Health Plan | 41212 | Professional |
Freedom Life Freedom Life Insurance Company | 62324 | Professional |
Fresenius Medical Care | TH118 | Professional |
Fresno PACE | 99660 | Professional |
Friday Health Plan | A2700 | Professional |
Fringe Benefit Coordinators HealthSmart Fringe Benefit Coordinators HealthSmart Fringe Benefit Coordinators (Dental) | 59204 | Professional |
FrontPath FrontPath Health Coalition | 34171 | Professional |
Galveston County Indigent Health GALVESTON COUNTY INDIGENT HEALTHCARE | 30005 | Professional |
Gateway Health Plan - Medicare Assured Ohio Gateway Health Plan - Medicare Assured OH | 91741 | Professional |
Gateway Health Plan ((Yellow Card). Check the ID card to verify the Payer ID before submitting) Assured | 60550 | Professional |
Gateway Health Plan of Ohio Inc. | 76028 | Professional |
Gateway Health Plan Gateway Health Plan - Medicaid PA | 25169 | Professional |
Gateway to Better Health | 4317M | Professional |
GBS Group Benefit GBS Global Benefit Group Benefit Services | CB951 | Professional |
GBS Group Benefit Services | 80241 | Professional |
GEHA (Government Employees Health Association) Government Employees Health Association Inc. (GEHA) Government Employees Health Association Inc. (GEHA) | 44054 | Professional |
GEHA Group Health Nevada Medicaid | GEHA9 | Professional |
Geisinger Health Plan | 75273 | Professional |
GEMCare (Golden Empire Managed Care System) Gemcare Golden Empire Managed | MCS01 | Professional |
Gemcare Health Plan | MCS03 | Professional |
Gemcare IPA (former payer ID PMGSC) | 27133 | Professional |
General American Life Insurance Company General American Life Insirance Company | 63665 | Professional |
Generations Health | 46050 | Professional |
Genesis Health Care | IP105 | Professional |
Georgia Health Advantage | A2327 | Professional |
Georgia Medicaid | SKGA0 | Professional |
Gettysburg Health Gettysburg Health Administrators Core Value (Part of Gettysburg Health.) | 23274 | Professional |
GHA Orthopedic Providers INC GHA Othopedic Providers | GHAOP | Professional |
GHI - New York (Group Health Inc.) EmblemHealth Plan (MCR) Group Health Incorporated (GHI) (New York) | 13551 | Professional |
GHI Medicare Part B of New York Medicare Part B GHI | GHMCR | Professional |
GHP (Group Health Plan) | 25141 | Professional |
Global Care Inc HealthSmart Global Care INC Global Care | 07689 | Professional |
Global Care Med Grp IPA | MPM05 | Professional |
Global Excel Management | GEM01 | Professional |
Global Health | GHOKC | Professional |
Global Health of TX | GHTX0 | Professional |
Global One Ventures | GLOBA | Professional |
Global Repricing Solutions Innovative Healthware Payer 6 | IHS06 | Professional |
Global TBSP | MPM64 | Professional |
Global Women's Health Plan Global Womens Health Providers | GHAWH | Professional |
Gloria Gates | IHS20 | Professional |
GMMI CC | GMICC | Professional |
GMR HEALTHCARE | 85664 | Professional |
GMS Inc. GMS INC HealthSmart GMS Inc | 47083 | Professional |
Gold Coast | 77160 | Professional |
Gold Coast MSO | GCMSO | Professional |
Gold Kidney Health Plan Gold Kidney Healthcare | A6865 | Professional |
Golden Shore Medical Group (GSMG) | NMM03 | Professional |
Golden State Medical Group Nivano Physicians IPD Nivano Physicians IPA | MBA01 | Professional |
Gonzaba Medical Group | GMGSA | Professional |
Good Samaritan Medical Practice Association (GSMPA) | IP086 | Professional |
Good Shepherd Hospice | 76923 | Professional |
GRAVIE | 90923 | Professional |
Great Lakes Health Plan (UnitedHealthcare Community Plan / MI) Great Lakes Health Plan (UnitedHealthcare Community Plan) UnitedHealthcare Community Plan / MI (formerly Great Lakes Health Plan) | 95467 | Professional |
Great Lakes PACE | 39640 | Professional |
Greater Covina Medical Group | GCMG1 | Professional |
Greater Newport IPA | GNPMG | Professional |
Greater Newport Physicians Medical Group | 33010 | Professional |
Greater Oregon Behavioral Health | GOBHI | Professional |
Group Administrators Ltd Group Administrators Ltd. | 36338 | Professional |
Group Administrators Self-Funded Alternative | GASA1 | Professional |
Group and Pension Administrators | 48143 | Professional |
Group Health Coop of South Central Wisconsin Encounters South Central Wisconsin | 39168 | Professional |
Group Health Cooperative of South Central Wisconsin Claims Family Health Systems - WI/Group Health Cooperative Group Health Cooperative | 39167 | Professional |
Group Insurance Service Center Inc. Group Insurance Service Center INC | 37276 | Professional |
Group Marketing Services INC. Group Marketing Services INC | 66701 | Professional |
Group Resources PHCS | 28680 | Professional |
Guarantee Trust Life Insurance Company | 65810 | Professional |
Guardian Life Insurance Company of America | 64246 | Professional |
Gulf South | 60389 | Professional |
Gulf South Risk Services | 60652 | Professional |
GulfStream- General Dynamics/CoreSource | CB624 | Professional |
Gundersen Lutheran Health Plan Gundersen Lutheran Health Care | 39180 | Professional |
H.E.R.E.I.U Welfare Pension Funds Unite Here Health H.E.R.E.I.U. Welfare Pension Funds | 37114 | Professional |
HAA Preferred Partners | 65101 | Professional |
Halcyon Behavioral Health | HALCY | Professional |
Hamaspik Choice Inc. Hamaspik Choice Inc. | 47738 | Professional |
Hammerman & Gainer | 97258 | Professional |
HAP Caresource | MIMCDS1 | Professional |
HAP Caresource MI Dual | MIMCRCS1 | Professional |
Harbor Advantage | 58305 | Professional |
Harmony Health Plan of Illinios Harmony Health Plan of Illinois (Wellcare Provider ID required call (800) 960-2530 opt. 2 then 5) | 36406 | Professional |
Harmony Health Plan of Indiana Harmony Health Plan of IA ( claims for Hoosier Healthwise me | 36405 | Professional |
Harrington Health - Kansas ((Formerly known as Fiserv Health-Kansas) Harrington Health - Kansas Willis Administrative Services Corporation (Now known as UMR Kansas.) | 62061 | Professional |
Harrington Health BPO Harrington Health | 59143 | Professional |
Harvard Community Health Plan | 04245 | Professional |
Harvard Pilgrim Healthcare Harvard Pilgrim | 04271 | Professional |
Hawaii Mainland Administrators PHCS HMA Employees PMO | 86070 | Professional |
Hawaii Medical Assurance Association (HMAA) | 48330 | Professional |
Hawaii Medical Assurance Association (HMAA) Hawaii Western Management (HWMG) | 99208 | Professional |
Hawaii Medical Services Association (HMSA) | SB971 | Professional |
Hawaii Medicare Medicare Part B of Northern Mariana Islands Medicare Part B of Guam Medicare Part B of Hawaii | HIMCR | Professional |
HCC Life Insurance | HCCMI | Professional |
HCH Administration | 37111 | Professional |
HCP Nevada | 20501 | Professional |
HCSC Insurance Services Company | 84980 | Professional |
HDM Benefit Solutions | HDMCO | Professional |
HDPC - Premier Healthcare | 90023 | Professional |
Health 2 Business | 55213 | Professional |
Health Alliance Medical Plans of Illinois Health Alliance Medical Plans Illinois | 77950 | Professional |
Health Alliance Plan of Michigan (Use payer ID 38224 for claims with a date of service 01-01-20 and greater. For dates of service 12-31-19 and prior please use payer ID 70259) Medical Value Plan - Ohio (MVP) HEALTH ALLIANCE P (Use payer ID 38224 for claims with a date of service 01-01-20 and MVP - Ohio (Previous payer ID MHP77; Use payer ID 38224 for claims with a date of service 07-01- 19 and greater) | 38224 | Professional |
Health Care District of Palm Beach | HCDPB | Professional |
Health Care LA IPA (HCLA) Healthcare LA IPA | MPM06 | Professional |
Health Care Network of Wisconsin (HCN) | 42102 | Professional |
Health Care Partners AZ Health Care Partners of AZ Health Care Partners -AZ (Dates of Service of 5-01-13&later) | HCP02 | Professional |
Health Choice Generations Health Choice Utah | 45399 | Professional |
Health Claims Service | 82018 | Professional |
Health Cost Solutions Health Coast Solutions | 62111 | Professional |
Health Design Plus Contigo Health Health Design | 34158 | Professional |
Health EZ America's PPO (Formerly known as ARAZ.) America's PPO (Formerly ARAZ) ARAZ (Now known as America's PPO.) | 16120 | Professional |
Health First-Tyler TX Health First - Tyler TX | 75234 | Professional |
Health First Health First Health Plans | 95019 | Professional |
Health IN Tech | IHS09 | Professional |
Health Management Associates (HMA servicing Southeastern and Southwestern Regions) (Provider ID Required) HMA Hawaii | 86066 | Professional |
Health Net (California Encounters Only.) Health Net of California (for claims with DOS prior to 12/31/17. For claims with DOS on or after 1/1/18 please use payer ID 68069 ) Health Net - California | 95567 | Professional |
Health Net of Arizona | AZHNT | Professional |
Health Net Oregon | 22340 | Professional |
Health Network One EMI (Eye Management Inc) | 65062 | Professional |
Health New England | 04286 | Professional |
Health Options of FL(Blue Shield HMO) ENCOUNTERS ONLY!! | FLENC | Professional |
Health Options of Florida (Blue Shield HMO) | FLHLT | Professional |
Health Options of Illinois I Par Plus Health Options of Illinois | NAHOI | Professional |
Health Partners | 07003 | Professional |
Health Partners PA | 80142 | Professional |
Health Payment Systems Health Payments Systems Inc. | 20270 | Professional |
Health Plan of Michigan (Now known as Meridian Health Plan) Meridian Health Plan Michigan (Meridian Health Plan Michigan Complete and Meridian Health Plan Michigan Medicaid) effective until 12/31/20 MeridianHealth Michigan Meridian Health Plan Michigan | 52563 | Professional |
Health Plan of San Joaquin | 68035 | Professional |
Health Plan San Mateo Health Plan of San Mateo | HPSM1 | Professional |
Health Plan Services Tampa Office American Benefits Plan Administrators (Las Vegas NV) Consolidated Group HEALTH PLAN SERVICES Culinary Health & Welfare Fund (Las Vegas NV) | 59140 | Professional |
Health Plans Inc. Health Plans Inc. | 44273 | Professional |
Health Plus Physicians Organization | 63363 | Professional |
Health Select IPA (Enrollment required Contact 866-703-1444) | M3IL1 | Professional |
Health Services for Children with Special Needs (HSCSN) Health Services for Children with Special Needs | 37290 | Professional |
Health Services Management Inc. (NOTE: ANSI submitters can also submit to plans AHP CMS ONP PCI PHP and VHP with proper value in SBR04.) Health Services Management Inc. for AHS Health Services Management Inc. for BPA Health Services Management Inc. for ECOH Health Services Management Inc. for EHC Health Services Management Inc. for ENCR Health Services Management Inc. for FCM Health Services Management Inc. for HF Health Services Management Inc. for HT Health Services Management Inc. for MMSI Health Services Management Inc. for MSHO Health Services Management Inc. for PNET Health Services Management Inc. for PONE Health Services Management (HSM) Health Services Management Inc. for SC Health Services Management Inc. for WEA | HSM01 | Professional |
Health Services Mgmt/Magellen Health | 41150 | Professional |
Health Services Preferred (HSP) by Emerald Health Health Srv Pref. (HSP) Emerald Hlth Integrated Care Network (ICN) by Emerald Health Health Srv Pref (HSP) Emerald Hlth PPO Business) Emerald Health Network Emerald Health Network Inc. (All HMO Business) | 34167 | Professional |
Health Systems Inc | 11889 | Professional |
Health Texas Medical Group | HTHTX | Professional |
HealthBridge | 74853 | Professional |
Healthcare Highways | HCH01 | Professional |
Healthcare Highways Health Plan | HCHHP | Professional |
Healthcare Management Administrator Healthcare Management Administrators Inc. | HMA01 | Professional |
Healthcare Options I Par Plus EL Paso First Health Plan HCO Healthcare Options | EPF37 | Professional |
Healthcare Partners Physician Associates of Greater San Gabriel Valley Arta Health Network Northridge Medical Group | OCN01 | Professional |
HealthCare Partners IPA (Formerly Heritage New York Medical Group) Healthcare Partners IPA Liberty Health Advantage | 11328 | Professional |
Healthcare Resources NW | 56731 | Professional |
HEALTHCARE SOLUTIONS HealthSmart HealthCare Solutions Group HealthCare Solutions Group | 73147 | Professional |
Healthcare Strategic Initiatives | HSICS | Professional |
Healthcare USA Coventry Health Care (Coventry old Legacy Payer ID's are still accepted) Coventry Health Care (Coventry old Legacy Payer ID's are still accepted.) | 25133 | Professional |
HealthChoice Dept of Corrections & Rehab | 71065 | Professional |
Healthchoice Select | 71070 | Professional |
HealthComp | 85279 | Professional |
HealthComp Benefit Administrative Systems BENEFIT ADMIN. SYSTEM | 36149 | Professional |
HealthComp Gilsbar Inc HealthPlus of Louisiana (Old PayerID of 95009 is no longer valid) 360 Alliance PPO Gilsbar 360 Alliance Gilsbar Gilsbar Health Plus of LA | 07205 | Professional |
Healthease Wellcare of FL | 59608 | Professional |
HealthEdge Admin-claims PO Box 11210 Bakersfield CA 93389 | 95213 | Professional |
HEALTHEOS Multiplan Wisconsin Preferred Provider Network | 34080 | Professional |
Healthfirst TPA - Austin Healthfirst of Austin TPA | 75289 | Professional |
Healthfirst Inc. (NY) Healthfirst of NY | 80141 | Professional |
Healthgram Ingham Health Plan Corp. Ingham Health Plan Corp | 38343 | Professional |
Healthnet of AZ Healthnet of Arizona Inc. | 38309 | Professional |
Healthnow BCBS New York Northeastern | SB800 | Professional |
Healthnow BCBS New York Western | SB801 | Professional |
Healthnow New York INC | 55204 | Professional |
Healthpartners of MN HealthPartners of Minnesota | 55764 | Professional |
Healthscope | 40026 | Professional |
HealthSCOPE Benefits EHC Repricing HealthScope Benefits EHC Repricing | 52429 | Professional |
HealthSCOPE Benefits INC CNA Health Partners HealthScope Benefits | 71063 | Professional |
Healthsmart Accel | 75237 | Professional |
HealthSmart Farm Family Life | 14140 | Professional |
Healthsmart Management Services Organization Inc Healthsmart Mgmt Services Org Inc | A0067 | Professional |
HealthSmart Medcom MedCom | 59231 | Professional |
HealthSmart MFC & HealthPlus Peoria Methodist First Choice Midland Management/MFC | 23550 | Professional |
Healthsmart MyDecision | 18840 | Professional |
HealthSmart NAMCI Global Care NAMCI/Global Care | L0110 | Professional |
HealthSmart OKC | 73140 | Professional |
HealthSmart Preferred Benefit Administrators Preferred Benefit Administrators | 53476 | Professional |
HealthSmart Preferred Care | HSPC1 | Professional |
HealthSmart Preferred Care North Texas Healthcare Network North Texas Healthcare Network (Effective 01-01-2019) | 75250 | Professional |
HealthSmart University Medical Center | 11149 | Professional |
Healthsource AR-Claims cont Healthsource spec VendID&Rend Pr | 71074 | Professional |
Healthsource Kentucky - Claims must contain Healthsource specific Vendor ID & specific Rendering Provider ID Healthsource KY | 61127 | Professional |
Healthsource New Hampshire - Claims must contain Healthsource specific Vendor ID & specific Rendering Provider ID | 02038 | Professional |
Healthsource AR (Med) (CIGNA) | 71075 | Professional |
Healthsource GA (CIGNA) | 58210 | Professional |
Healthsource ME (CIGNA) Healthsource Maine - Claims must contain Healthsource specific Vendor ID & specific Rendering Provider ID | 01041 | Professional |
Healthsource OH | 31141 | Professional |
Healthsource TN (CIGNA) | 62129 | Professional |
HealthSpan Integrated Care accept claims DOS to 1-31-2017 HealthSpan Integrated Care | RH007 | Professional |
Healthspan aka Kaiser of Ohio | NG007 | Professional |
HealthSpring | HT001 | Professional |
Healthspring HMO/Medicare + Choice The Oath - Health Partners of Alabama (Now known as HealthSpring HMO/HealthSpring Medicare+Choice) HealthSpring HMO/HealthSpring Medicare+Choice | 63092 | Professional |
HealthSun | HESUN | Professional |
Healthteam Advantage | 88250 | Professional |
Healthteam Advantage HMO Diabetes and Heart Plan | 88350 | Professional |
Healthways WholeHealth Networks | 58213 | Professional |
Healthy Blue (MO) | 00541 | Professional |
Healthy Blue (NE) | 00544 | Professional |
Healthy Blue Dual Advantage Louisiana | 00551 | Professional |
Healthy Blue Louisiana | 00661 | Professional |
Healthy Blue North Carolina | 00602 | Professional |
Healthy Blue SC (for DOS on or after 1/1/24) | 00403R | Professional |
Healthy CT | 77180 | Professional |
Healthy Texas | 68064 | Professional |
Healthy Valley Provider Network | HVPNI | Professional |
Healthy York Network | 22251 | Professional |
Heath Choice AZ Health Choice of AZ BCBSAZ ACA Standard Health with Health Choice | 62179 | Professional |
Hemet Community Med Group ( 951-791-1111 prior to submitting Hemet Community Medical Group | HCMG1 | Professional |
Hennepin Health / Northstar Advantage | 60058 | Professional |
Heritag+A601e Physician Network I Par Plus SelectCare of TX (Houston) (Provider ID Required - Contact (713) 843-6780 to obtain ID.) Texas Plus | HPN11 | Professional |
Heritage Consultants (Must use 9 digit subscriber ID on all claims) | 59230 | Professional |
Heritage IPA | HER01 | Professional |
HFN Inc. Arkansas Managed Care Organization Inc. (AMCO) HFN Inc | 36335 | Professional |
High Desert Medical Group (Lancaster California) | HDMDG | Professional |
High Desert Primary Care HDPC Premier Healthcare Mission HospitalAffiliates | STJOE | Professional |
Highline Medical Services MOLINA | 91164 | Professional |
Highmark BCBS (NY) Medicaid and CHP Highmark BCBSD NY - Medicaid and CHP | 00246 | Professional |
Highmark BCBSD Health Options. Highmark BCBSD | 47181 | Professional |
Highmark Senior Health Company (PA Blue Shield Medicare Plan) | 15460 | Professional |
Highmark Senior Solutions Company (WV Blue Shield Medicare Plan) | 15459 | Professional |
Hill Physician Cigna PPO | HLPCG | Professional |
Hill Physicians Aetna PPO | HLPAE | Professional |
Hill Physicians Blue Cross PPO | HLPBC | Professional |
Hill Physicians Blue Shield PPO | HLPBS | Professional |
Hill Physicians Health Net PPO | HLPHN | Professional |
Hill Physicians Medical Group | 00046 | Professional |
Hill Physicians Medical Group | HIL01 | Professional |
Hill Physicians United Healthcare PPO | HLPUH | Professional |
Hillsborough County Health Care Administrative Services Administrative Services Inc. | 59141 | Professional |
HIP - Health Insurance Plan of Greater New York HIP-Health Insurance Plan of Greater NY | 55247 | Professional |
Hispanic Physicians IPA | HPFFS | Professional |
HMC Healthworks aka Health Management Co. HMC Healthworks aka Health Management Co | 75318 | Professional |
HMO Louisiana Blue Advantage (For claims with DOS 2020 for claims with DOS on or after 01/01/21 use payer ID 72107) HMO Louisiana Blue Advantage (For claims with DOS 2020 for claims with DOS 01/01/21 use payer ID 72107) | 84555 | Professional |
HMO Louisiana Blue Advantage (Use this claim for DOS on or after 01/01/21) HMO Louisiana Blue Advantage (Use payer ID 72107 for claims with a DOS on or after 01/01/21) | 72107 | Professional |
Hockenberg's Equipment (UCS) | 59573 | Professional |
Hollywood Presby Medical Center | MPM29 | Professional |
Hollywood Presbyterian Medical Center | AMM18 | Professional |
Holy Cross Health Partners | NAHLX | Professional |
Homelink | 30750 | Professional |
Homelink | 50701 | Professional |
Homelink Healthpartners | 55744 | Professional |
Hometown Health Plan Nevada Hometown Health of NV | 88023 | Professional |
Hopkins Health Advantage | 66003 | Professional |
Horace Mann Life Insurance HealthSmart Horace Mann Life Insurance Company | HMLIC | Professional |
Horizon Pace | R4569 | Professional |
Horizon Pace Mercy Health Plan of New Jersey (Provider ID Required in Box33a - Contact (800) 682-9091 to obtain ID) Horizon NJ Health | 22326 | Professional |
HP Administrative Services LLC DOS prior to 01/01/2018) | 22521 | Professional |
HPMS Send claims to payerID listed on patient's ins card) | 0CARD | Professional |
HRSA COVID-19 Coverage Assistance Fund – 99999-0AQS | 90AQS | Professional |
HSBS Memphis Pittman & Associates (Now known as HSBS Memphis) HSBS Memphis (Formerly Pittman and Associates) | 37224 | Professional |
HSBS Oklahoma City Mutual Assurance (Now known as HSBS Oklahoma City) HSBS Oklahoma Cityi (Formerly Mutual Assurance Administrators) | 37256 | Professional |
Human Behavioral Institute | HBI01 | Professional |
Humana Health Plan of Ohio Inc Humana Health Plan of Ohio Inc | 61103 | Professional |
Humana Health Plan Ohio | 95348 | Professional |
Humana Long Term Care Humana Long Term Care | 61115 | Professional |
Humana Puerto Rico | L0200 | Professional |
HUMANA Encounters Only | 61102 | Professional |
Humboldt Del Norte Foundation IPA | HDNFC | Professional |
Hylton Payroll (Benefit Plan Administrators) | 19753 | Professional |
I. E. Shaffer I E SHAFFER | 22175 | Professional |
IA Teamsters Health Ben Fund Local 135 Health Benefits Fund | 35107 | Professional |
IBA Self Funded Group | 38234 | Professional |
IBG Administrators LLC IBG Administrators | 81810 | Professional |
iCARE (Independent Care Health Plan) | 11695 | Professional |
ICARE Health Options TPA iCircle Health Solutions | 26054 | Professional |
iCircle Care | ICRCL | Professional |
iCircle of New York | 33884 | Professional |
Idaho True Blue | TRUEB | Professional |
IH Plans INC | IHP21 | Professional |
IHPlans Imperial Health Plan of California Incorporated | IHP01 | Professional |
IHS Gateway Payer South | CB711 | Professional |
IHS Gateway Payer South | A2352 | Professional |
Illinois Health Plan (IHP) Boncura Health (Dupage Medical Group) Boncura Health Solutions (Dupage Medical Group) | DMG01 | Professional |
Illinois Health Solutions ( ProviderID Required) | 86069 | Professional |
Illinois Physician Alliance IPA Illinicare Physicians Alliance IPA | IPA99 | Professional |
IMA of Louisiana Inc. Insurance Management Administrators | 72091 | Professional |
IMCARE | 41600 | Professional |
Immigration Services Homeland Security (ATTN: Deportation) INS Health Services | VAICE | Professional |
Imperial Health Holdings Medical Group | IHHMG | Professional |
INDECS Corporation | 40585 | Professional |
Independence Administrators | TA720 | Professional |
Independence American Insurance Comp Independence American Insurance Independence American Ins. Co. | CB231 | Professional |
Independence Medical Group | MHM01 | Professional |
Independence Medical Group of Kern County | IMG01 | Professional |
Independence Medical Group Tulare County | IMG02 | Professional |
Independent Blues of PA Personal Choice PPO of PA (Also know as Independent BLC) Independent BLC of PA (Also known as Personal Choice PPO of Pennsylvania.) | 54704 | Professional |
Independent Health | SX073 | Professional |
Independent Living Systems | 45048 | Professional |
Indian Health Services | 00290 | Professional |
Indiana Department of Health Children's Health | 35600 | Professional |
INDIANA PROHEALTH Indiana ProHealth Network | 35161 | Professional |
Indiana University | IUHPL | Professional |
INETICO INC. | 43471 | Professional |
InforMed LLC | 52196 | Professional |
Ingalls Provider Group (New PID for DOS 1-1-19 & after only) Ingalls Provider Group | 66727 | Professional |
Inland Empire Health Plan. Inland Empire Health Plan | IEHP1 | Professional |
INNOV_OSF Healthcare Center Innov_OSF Healthcare Central | OSFC9 | Professional |
Innovante Benefit Admin/ (HSBS WTC) (Effective 3-1-17) World Trade Center Health Program (WTCHP) Innovante Benefit Administrators (HSBS WTC)+A174 | 31172 | Professional |
Innovation Health | 40025 | Professional |
Innovative Healthware Payer 12 | IHS12 | Professional |
Innovative Healthware Payer 13 | IHS13 | Professional |
Innovative Healthware Payer 16 | IHS16 | Professional |
Innovative Healthware Payer 21 NextPA | IHS21 | Professional |
Innovative Healthware Payer 22 | IHS22 | Professional |
Innovative Healthware Payer 25 | IHS25 | Professional |
Innovative Healthware Services Payer 5 | IHS05 | Professional |
Innovative Physician Associates | 80087 | Professional |
Innovista Health | INDPM | Professional |
Insurance Administrators of America Insurance Administrator of America | 37279 | Professional |
Insurance Design Administrators | 13315 | Professional |
Insurance Management Services (Amarillo TX) Insurance Management Services (Amarillo TX)(This payerID is only valid for claims submission address of PO Box 15688 Amarillo TX 79105) | 15688 | Professional |
Insurance Management Services of Texas Insurance Management Services | IMSMS | Professional |
Insurance Service of Lubbock Insurance Services of Lubbock | ISL11 | Professional |
Insurer's Administration Corporation | IAC01 | Professional |
Insurers Administrative Corporation I Par Plus Insurers Administrative Corp. (Please visit website prior to submitting claims: edihelp.iacusa.com) | 86304 | Professional |
Integra Administrative Group Integra Administrative Group (Seafor d DE) INTEGRA Administrative Group Inc. | 51020 | Professional |
Integra Group Integra Group (Also known as Rehab Provider Network but not the same as Colorado payer of same name.) | 31127 | Professional |
Integra Group - CHA | 31129 | Professional |
Integra Managed Long Term Care | 45302 | Professional |
Integranet I Par Plus Integranet | INET1 | Professional |
Integrated Homecare Services | IHCS1 | Professional |
Integrated Medical Solutions | 20050 | Professional |
Integrated Veterans Care (formerly known as VA FEE Basis Program) Veterans Administration Fee Basis Programs VA Fee Basis Programs | 12115 | Professional |
Integrity Administrators (Champion Chevrolet) | 99795 | Professional |
INTER UNION OF OPER15 International Union Operating Engineers | 37269 | Professional |
Interactive Medical Systems | 56132 | Professional |
Intercommunity Health Net | INCHN | Professional |
Interface EAP HealthSmart Interface EAP (IEAP) Interface EAP -IEAP | 60280 | Professional |
Intergroup Services Corporation Western Pennsylvania Electrical Employees Insurance Trust Fund Western Growers Assurance Trust (aka Pinnacle Claims Management) | 23287 | Professional |
International Benefit Administration International Benefit Administrator | 11329 | Professional |
International Funding Inc. Insurance TPA.CLM LLC | 39182 | Professional |
International Medical Group INC International Medical Group Inc. I Par Plus | IMGIN | Professional |
Interwest Health InterWest Health PPO (Montana) | 84137 | Professional |
Intl Brotherhood Boilermakers EMPL Health Care Plan IBBEHC International Brotherhood of Boilermakers Employee Health Care Plan(IBBEHC) | 48603 | Professional |
INTotal Health | 35115 | Professional |
Iowa Health Solutions (Provider ID Required) Southeast Iowa Health Plan (Provider ID Required) Hawki (Provider ID Required) | 86068 | Professional |
Iowa Medicaid | SKIA0 | Professional |
Iron Road Healthcare Union Pacific Railroad Employees Health Systems | 87042 | Professional |
Island Home Insurance Company Island Hone Health Insurance Company | 85502 | Professional |
IU Health Transplant Evaluation Program | 47262 | Professional |
IU Medical Group Primary Care | SX172 | Professional |
J1 Mutual of Omaha CA HI NV (Legacy) | 01911 | Professional |
JAI Medical Systems JAI Medical | JAI01 | Professional |
Jericho Share | IHS02 | Professional |
John Hopkins Healthcare (EHP/PP) (Submit Billing NPI and Rendering/Servicing NPI) Johns Hopkins (USFHP) | 52189 | Professional |
John Morrell Company - AHPBA | 38310 | Professional |
John Muir Health Network | JMH01 | Professional |
John Muir Mt. Diablo Health System John Muir Mt Diablo Hlth System | 68036 | Professional |
Johns Hopkins (USFHP) (New submitter should send in their Billing NPI & Rendering servicing NPI) Johns Hopkins Medical Service | 52123 | Professional |
Joplin Claims | 43178 | Professional |
JP Farley Corporation | 34136 | Professional |
JPS Preferred Care | MWP01 | Professional |
JSL Administrators AKA Wells Fargo Third Party Administrators aka Healthsmart Benefits Solutions Healthsmart Benefit Solutions. JSL Administrators AKA Wells Fargo Third Party Aministrators Wells Fargo Third Party Aministrators AKA Healthsmart Benefit Solutions. | 37272 | Professional |
JVHL Health Alliance Plan (Fee for Service Contracts) | JHJVL | Professional |
JVHL Priority Health | JZJVL | Professional |
JVHL United Healthcare (Golden Rule Members) | KRJVL | Professional |
JVHL United Healthcare Community Plan (Great Lakes Health Plan) | JRJVL | Professional |
JVHL WellCare | MMJVL | Professional |
JVHL Aetna Better Health Premier Plan | M5JVL | Professional |
JVHL Aetna U.S. Healthcare | J1JVL | Professional |
JVHL AmeriHealth Caritas VIP Care Plus | MDJVL | Professional |
JVHL BCBSM Medicare Plus Blue PPO | KCJVL | Professional |
JVHL Blue Care Network (BCN Commercial Labs) JVHL Blue Care Network* (BCN Commercial Labs) | JJJVL | Professional |
JVHL Blue Care Network (BCN Reimbursable Labs) JVHL Blue Care Network* (BCN Reimbursable Labs) | JQJVL | Professional |
JVHL Blue Care Network* (Critical Access / Small Volume Labs) JVHL Blue Care Network (Critical Access / Small Volume Labs) | MJJVL | Professional |
JVHL Blue Care Network* (JVHL Network) JVHL Blue Care Network (JVHL Network) | J9JVL | Professional |
JVHL Blue Cross Complete | KPJVL | Professional |
JVHL CIGNA – (Health Partners members only) | KQJVL | Professional |
JVHL CIGNA (Non-HAP and CIGNA- HAP members) JVHL CIGNA (Non-HAP and CIGNA-HAP members) | KDJVL | Professional |
JVHL Community Care Associates (Healthchoice) | JWJVL | Professional |
JVHL CoventryCares - Aetna Better Health of MI | J8JVL | Professional |
JVHL Genesee County Health Plan | MBJVL | Professional |
JVHL HAP Empowered (Midwest) Health Plan | JBJVL | Professional |
JVHL Health Alliance Plan (Capitated Contracts) | JGJVL | Professional |
JVHL Humana | KVJVL | Professional |
JVHL McLaren Health Plan | K7JVL | Professional |
JVHL Meridian Health Plan of MI (Health Plan of Michigan) | J2JVL | Professional |
JVHL Molina Healthcare of Michigan | JIJVL | Professional |
JVHL Physicians Health Plan | MNJVL | Professional |
JVHL Reliance HMO | MKJVL | Professional |
JVHL United Healthcare (non- Golden Rule Members) JVHL United Healthcare (non-Golden Rule Members) | J5JVL | Professional |
JVHL VA Community Care Network | MSJVL | Professional |
Kaiser Foundation Health Plan | 21313 | Professional |
Kaiser Foundation Health Plan of CO (Remits returned KAISR) Kaiser Foundation Health Plan of Colorado | COKSR | Professional |
Kaiser Foundation Health Plan of GA(835 returned under KAISR Kaiser Foundation Health Plan of Georgia | NG010 | Professional |
Kaiser Foundation Health Plan of Mid-Atlantic St(835 KAISR Kaiser Foundation Health Plan of the Mid-Atlantic Kaiser Foundation Health Plan of the Mid Atlantic | NG008 | Professional |
Kaiser Foundation Health Plan of Northern CA Kaiser Foundation Health Plan of Northern CA Region | 94135 | Professional |
Kaiser Foundation Health Plan of Southern California Kaiser Permanente Southern CA | KS001 | Professional |
Kaiser Foundation Health Plan of the NW (835 ret KAISR) Kaiser Foundation Health Plan of the NW | NG009 | Professional |
Kaiser Foundation Health Plan of Washington (Formerly Group Health Cooperative of WA) Kaiser Foundation Health Plan of Washington Group Health Northwest (Old PayerID of 91121 is being retired. Now use payerID of 91051) Group Health Options (Formerly KPS Health Plans) | 91051 | Professional |
Kaiser Foundation Health Plan PPO Kaiser Self Funded (also known as KPIC Self-Funded Claims and Kaiser Self Funded Plan Harrington) Hawaii Kaiser Self Funded (also known as KPIC Self-Funded Claims and Kaiser Self Funded Plan Harrington) | 94320 | Professional |
Kaiser Foundation Northwest Kaiser Foundation of the Northwest | 93079 | Professional |
Kaiser Foundation of Northern California Kaiser Foundation Health Plan of Northern California Kaiser Permanente Northern CA | KS003 | Professional |
Kaiser Foundation Southern California Kaiser Foundation Health Plan of Southern CA | 94134 | Professional |
Kaiser Permanente Hawaii | RH011 | Professional |
Kalos Gold Health Plan | 61185 | Professional |
Kalos Health Kane County IPA | 40137 | Professional |
KBA | 14503 | Professional |
Keenan & Associates | KEE01 | Professional |
Keenan Associates | 95279 | Professional |
Kelsey Seybold | KELSE | Professional |
Kemper Benefits | 61453 | Professional |
Kempton Company Kempton Group Administrators Kempton Group | 73100 | Professional |
Kent County Health Plan | KENT1 | Professional |
Kentucky Health Administrators Inc. | 27215 | Professional |
Kentucky Medicaid | SKKY0 | Professional |
Kentucky Medicare Part A Jurisdiction 15 Medicare Part B of Kentucky | KYMCR | Professional |
Kern County CDCR | 28021 | Professional |
Kern Health Care Network (Valid DOS prior to 01-01-2016) | 22149 | Professional |
Kern Health Systems | 77039 | Professional |
Kern Legacy Health Plan | 89890 | Professional |
Key Benefit Administrators | 37217 | Professional |
Key Health Medical Solutions | 95460 | Professional |
Key Medical Group (Providers please contact Brandi Guinn @ 559-735-3892 x233 for authorization.) | IP082 | Professional |
KEY SELECT | 37321 | Professional |
Key Solution Key Solution (Dental) | 37323 | Professional |
KeyCare Maryland | KCMD1 | Professional |
Keystone First Community Health Choices | 42344 | Professional |
Keystone Health Plan East - Claims Pennsylvania Keystone Health Plan East (claims only) PAKeystone Health Plan East (claims(835s returnedPAKEY) | PCBLS | Professional |
Keystone Mercy Health Plan | 23284 | Professional |
Klais & Company (Part A and Part B) | 80089 | Professional |
Klais and Company | 34145 | Professional |
Klais and Company | 31147 | Professional |
Klais and Company Repriced HealthSpan | 3414A | Professional |
Know The Costs | 04430 | Professional |
Kopp Billing Agency | RP091 | Professional |
Kova Healthcare Incorporated | KOVA1 | Professional |
KPIC-Kaiser Permanente (CA CO DC GA HI MD OH & OR) | KPIC1 | Professional |
LA Care Health Plan | LACAR | Professional |
LACH HealthNet by MedPoint | MPM19 | Professional |
Lakeside Medical Group | 66125 | Professional |
Lakeside Medical Group Inc. | LMG11 | Professional |
Lancaster General Health Lancaster General Health (LGH) | 16109 | Professional |
Las Vegas Firefighters Health & Welfare Trust | NWADM | Professional |
LaSalle Medical Associates | NMM02 | Professional |
Lasso Healthcare MSA | 10550 | Professional |
Lawndale Christian Health Center | LAWND | Professional |
LBA HealthPlans LBA Health Plans | 52193 | Professional |
Leisure World Managed Care | LWMC1 | Professional |
Leon Health Plans | A3565 | Professional |
Leon Medical Center Health Plan | 37316 | Professional |
LEON Medical Center Health Plan I Par plus Leon Med Center | 65055 | Professional |
Liberty Advantage | LIB01 | Professional |
Liberty Union Life Assurance Company Mid-America Associates Inc. Mid-America Associates | 37281 | Professional |
Lien On Me | LM005 | Professional |
Life Investors Ins Co of America (Spec claims | LIICA | Professional |
Life St Mary (Trinity Health Pace) | 76184 | Professional |
Life St. Joseph of the Pines | 59847 | Professional |
LIFE TRAC | 41136 | Professional |
LifeCircles PACE | 71498 | Professional |
LifePath Hospice Inc. LifePath Hospice Inc | 76870 | Professional |
Lifewise A Premier Health Plan Lifewise Health Plan of Oregon A Premier Health Plan LifeWise Assurance Company LifeWise HealthPlan of Oregon | 93093 | Professional |
Lifewise Assurance Company | 93095 | Professional |
Lifewise Health Plan of Washington A Premier Health Plan | 91049 | Professional |
Lifewise Health Plan of Washington LifeWise HealthPlan of Washington | 93094 | Professional |
Lifeworks Advantage | LWA01 | Professional |
Lipa/Agate Resources | LIPA1 | Professional |
Little Company of Mary | LCM1 | Professional |
Little Company of Mary Health | 4725P | Professional |
Live Beaver County Life Beaver County | 25924 | Professional |
Local 137 Operating Engineers Welfare Fund | 84041 | Professional |
Lockard & Williams | CB752 | Professional |
Loma Linda University Adventist | 37267 | Professional |
Loma Linda University Health Care Loma Linda University Health Plan | 33036 | Professional |
Loma Linda University Medical Center | 95352 | Professional |
Lone Star TPA | 45289 | Professional |
Long Beach Memorial IPA (MHCLB) Medical Orange Coast Memorial IPA Anaheim Memorial IPA (MHCAN) Memorial Healthcare IPA Acclaim IPA Acclaim IPA (MHCAC) Orange Coast Memorial IPA | MHIPA | Professional |
Longevity Health Plan of NY | LNY01 | Professional |
Longevity Illinois | LIL01 | Professional |
Longevity Michigan | LMI01 | Professional |
Longevity NJ | LNJ01 | Professional |
Longevity of North Carolina | LNC01 | Professional |
Louisiana Medicaid | SKLA0 | Professional |
Luminare Health Detroit NGS Coresource Luminare Health Detroit fka Trustmark Health Benefits | 38225 | Professional |
Luminare Health Internal CoreSource CoreSource Internal #3 | 35187 | Professional |
Luminare Health Little Rock CoreSource Little Rock CoreSource Little Rock (For claims where the 'submit claims to address' on the medical ID card is an address in Little Rock. For assistance call 800-689- 0106) Luminare Health Little Rock fka Trustmark Health Benefits | 75136 | Professional |
Luminare Health OH Coresource of OH CORESOURCE OH Luther Care (CoreSource) Luminare Health OH fka Trustmark Health Benefits | 35183 | Professional |
Luther Care (CoreSource) | CB212 | Professional |
Luther Care (Coresource) | A2351 | Professional |
Lutheran Preferred | 39198 | Professional |
Mabuhay Medical Group | CAPMN | Professional |
MacNeal Health Providers - CHS (Contact 708-783-7100 prior to first submission.) Macneal Hlth Providers-CHSZ | 36334 | Professional |
Magellan Complete Care AZ Magellan Complete Care Of AZ Molina Complete Care of Arizona | MCC01 | Professional |
Magellan Complete Care Of VA | MCCVA | Professional |
Magellan Health Services Magellan Behavioral Health - UNUSABLE/MUST SEND PAPER CLAIM (Payer Address required on all claims) Magellan Complete Care FL | 01260 | Professional |
MagnaCare Administrative Brighton Health Plan Solutions (for DOS prior to 01/01/2022) Brighton Health Plan Solutions (formerly MAGNACARE) MagnaCare Administrative Services | 11303 | Professional |
Maine Community Health Options | 45341 | Professional |
Maksin Management Corporation (Now known as AIG Educational Markets) Maksin Management Corporation AIG Educational Markets (Formerly Maksin Management Corporation) | 22195 | Professional |
Managed Care Network Managed Health Networks (MHN) | 22771 | Professional |
Managed Care Services LLC | 35162 | Professional |
Managed Care Systems (Delango Regional Medical) | MCS02 | Professional |
Managed Care Systems CDCR (Customer Service: (800) 494-4662) | MCS04 | Professional |
Managed Health Care Associates | 36312 | Professional |
Mapfre Life Commercial | 46012 | Professional |
March Vision Health Plan | 52461 | Professional |
Marin Headlands Medical Group Sutter Medical Group Of The Redwoods Sutter Pacific Medical Foundation Sutter West Bay Medical Group | 77304 | Professional |
Marin IPA | IP097 | Professional |
Marrick Medical Finance LLC Marrick Mement Finance | 20805 | Professional |
Marrick WRx Aspirion | 46478 | Professional |
Martins Point Health Care Martin's Point Health Care USFHP/Generations Advantage | MPHC2 | Professional |
Mary Washington Health Plan | 83269 | Professional |
Maryland Medicaid | SKMD0 | Professional |
Maryland Physicians Care | 22348 | Professional |
Maryland Physicians Care (MPC) Maryland Physicians Care (MCP) | 76498 | Professional |
Maryland PMHS ValueOptions (Use for ALL Dates of Service) | 77063 | Professional |
Mashantucket Pequot Tribal Nation Pequot Pharmaceutical Network Bluebonnet Administrators | 37121 | Professional |
Mass Health (MA Medicaid) Medicaid of Massachusetts (Mass Health) Medicaid of Massachusetts Massachusetts Medicaid | MAMCD | Professional |
Massachusetts Behavioral Health (BHO) Massachusetts Behavioral Health (BHO) (BHO) | BHOMA | Professional |
Massachusetts Mutual also known as Mass Mutual Unicare Life & Health Insurance Company UNICARE Major Accounts | 80314 | Professional |
Masters Mates and Pilots Plan Masters Mates and Pilots Program | MMPHB | Professional |
Max Specialty Benefits | 27320 | Professional |
MaxCare (Universal Fidelity Administrators Company) | 93220 | Professional |
Maxor | 92805 | Professional |
Mayo Clinic FL/GA | 88090 | Professional |
MBA Benefit Administrators MBA of Wyoming | 87065 | Professional |
MBACLM | IHS24 | Professional |
Mcare of Michigan (Payer no longer accepting electronic claims. Claim will be printed and mailed to payer.) | 38264 | Professional |
McCreary Corporation Employers Mutual Inc Stuart FL | 59331 | Professional |
McLaren Health Advantage | 3833A | Professional |
McLaren Health Plan McLaren | 38338 | Professional |
McLaren Medicaid | 3833C | Professional |
McLaren Medicare Supplement | 3833S | Professional |
McLaren State of Michigan | 3833M | Professional |
McLarenAdvantage SNP | 3833R | Professional |
MCS | 6197P | Professional |
MCS Life | 66039 | Professional |
MD Anderson Physician Network | MDAPN | Professional |
MD CARE HEALTH PLAN | MDC01 | Professional |
MDsave | MDSV | Professional |
MDwise Healthy Indiana Plan MDwise Health Indiana Plan | 3135M | Professional |
MDwise Hoosier Care Connect (For DOS on or after 1-01-2017) | 91313 | Professional |
MDwise Hoosier Healthwise | 3519M | Professional |
MDwise Medicare Advantage | MDADV | Professional |
MDWise Select Health Network | 35199 | Professional |
MDX Hawaii | MDXHI | Professional |
Med Pay Med Pay (For claims repriced by Premier Health Care Exchange) | 88058 | Professional |
Med-Pay Anthem IN | 00130 | Professional |
Med3000 CMS Safety Net | EM284 | Professional |
Med3000 Early Steps Med3000 CMS Early Steps | EM350 | Professional |
MedAdmin Solutions Network TPA JIPA Network Podicare | 58204 | Professional |
MedAdmin Solutions Network TPA JIPA Network Podicare Advanced Data Solutions | 58202 | Professional |
MedCost | 56162 | Professional |
MedCost /Liberty Healthshare MedCost / Liberty Health Share | 90753 | Professional |
MEDCOST BENEFIT SVCS MedCost Benefit Services | 56205 | Professional |
MedCost Virginia | 54138 | Professional |
Medfocus | 95321 | Professional |
Medi-Cal by MedPoint | MPM18 | Professional |
Medica | 94265 | Professional |
Medica Government Programs | MEDM1 | Professional |
Medica Health Plan Solutions | 71890 | Professional |
Medica HealthCare Plans / FL Medica Health Plan of Florida | 78857 | Professional |
Medica2 | 12422 | Professional |
Medicaid - TX Premier Plan I Par Plus Medicaid - TX Premier Plan (enroll at (915)-532-3778 x1507) | EPF02 | Professional |
Medicaid of Alabama Alabama Medicaid Medicaid of Alabama (for 837P & 837I claims) | ALMCD | Professional |
Medicaid of Alaska | AKMCD | Professional |
Medicaid of Arizona (AHCCCS) Arizona Medicaid (AHCCCS) Medicaid of Arizona (AHCCCS) Medicaid of Arizona (AHCCCS)(837I & 837P) | AZMCD | Professional |
Medicaid of Arkansas Arkansas Medicaid | ARMCD | Professional |
Medicaid of California (MediCal) MediCal of California | MDCAL | Professional |
Medicaid of Colorado Colorado Medicaid | COMCD | Professional |
Medicaid of Connecticut Connecticut Medicaid Medicaid of Connecticut (for 837P & 837I claims) | CTMCD | Professional |
Medicaid of Florida Florida Medicaid Medicaid of Florida (for 837P & 837I claims) | FLMCD | Professional |
Medicaid of Idaho Idaho Medicaid | IDMCD | Professional |
Medicaid of Illinois | IL621 | Professional |
Medicaid of Illinois Illinois Medicaid | ILMCD | Professional |
Medicaid of Indiana Indiana Medicaid | INMCD | Professional |
Medicaid of Iowa | 18049 | Professional |
Medicaid of Iowa Iowa Medicaid | IAMCD | Professional |
Medicaid of Kansas Kansas Medicaid | KSMCD | Professional |
Medicaid of Kentucky Kentucky Medicaid | KYMCD | Professional |
Medicaid of Maine Maine Medicaid | MEMCD | Professional |
Medicaid of Maryland Maryland Medicaid | MDMCD | Professional |
Medicaid of Michigan BCCCP | SKMI1 | Professional |
Medicaid of Michigan Encounters | MCDMI | Professional |
Medicaid of Michigan Michigan Medicaid | MIMCD | Professional |
Medicaid of Minnesota Minnesota Medicaid | MNMCD | Professional |
Medicaid of Mississippi Medicaid of Mississippi (for 837P & 837I claims) Mississippi Medicaid | MSMCD | Professional |
Medicaid of Missouri | 70029 | Professional |
Medicaid of Montana Montana Medicaid | SKMT0 | Professional |
Medicaid of NC | SKNC0 | Professional |
Medicaid of Nevada | NVMMIS | Professional |
Medicaid of Nevada Nevada Medicaid | NVMCD | Professional |
Medicaid of New Hampshire New Hampshire Medicaid | NHMCD | Professional |
Medicaid of New Jersey New Jersey Medicaid | NJMCD | Professional |
Medicaid of New Mexico New Mexico Medicaid | NMMCD | Professional |
Medicaid of New York New York Medicaid | NYMCD | Professional |
Medicaid of North Carolina North Carolina Medicaid Medicaid of North Carolina (for 837P and 837I claims) | NCMCD | Professional |
Medicaid of North Dakota | NDDHS | Professional |
Medicaid of North Dakota North Dakota Medicaid | NDMCD | Professional |
Medicaid of Ohio Medicaid of Idaho | AIDID | Professional |
Medicaid of Ohio Ohio Medicaid | OHMCD | Professional |
Medicaid of Oklahoma | OKMCD | Professional |
Medicaid of Oregon Oregon Medicaid | ORMCD | Professional |
Medicaid of Pennsylvania | 236003113 | Professional |
Medicaid of Pennsylvania Pennsylvania Medicaid Medicaid of Pennsylvania (837P 835s returned under SKPA0) | PAMCD | Professional |
Medicaid of Rhode Island | RIMCD | Professional |
Medicaid of SC | SKSC0 | Professional |
Medicaid of South Carolina South Carolina Medicaid | SCMCD | Professional |
Medicaid of South Dakota South Dakota Medicaid | SDMCD | Professional |
Medicaid of Tennessee (TennCare) TennCare (Medicaid of Tennessee) Tennessee Medicaid (TennCare) | TNMCD | Professional |
Medicaid of Texas Texas Medicaid | TXMCD | Professional |
Medicaid of Texas TX Medicaid Direct | 86916 | Professional |
Medicaid of Vermont Vermont Medicaid | VTMCD | Professional |
Medicaid of Virginia | AIDVA | Professional |
Medicaid of Virginia Virginia Medicaid | VAMCD | Professional |
Medicaid of Washington DC District of Columbia Medicaid Medicaid of DC | DCMCD | Professional |
Medicaid of Washington State Washington Medicaid Medicaid of Washington | WAMCD | Professional |
Medicaid of West Virginia West Virginia Medicaid | WVMCD | Professional |
Medicaid of Wisconsin Wisconsin Medicaid | WIMCD | Professional |
Medicaid of Wyoming Wyoming Medicaid | WYMCD | Professional |
Medical Associates Health Plan | MAHP1 | Professional |
Medical Associates Health Plan | MAHC1 | Professional |
Medical Benefit Administration Inc. | 68041 | Professional |
Medical Benefits Mutual MedBen (Newark OH) Medical Benefits Administrators Inc. (Newark OH) Medical Benefits Companies (Newark OH) Medical Benefits Mutual (Newark OH) Medical Benefits | 74323 | Professional |
Medical Control | 9043P | Professional |
Medical Mutual of Ohio (Requires rendering provider ID#) Health Span of Ohio (Medical Mutual of Ohio PID 29076) Carolina Care Plan Medical Mutual of Ohio Carolina Care Plan (Part of the Medical Mutual Family. Former payerID 57105.) | 29076 | Professional |
MEDICAL MUTUAL OF OHIO CAREWORKS Careworks of Ohio | 10010 | Professional |
Medical Reimbursement Associates Medical Reimbursements of America | 62177 | Professional |
Medical Resource Network (MRN INC) | 58203 | Professional |
Medical Services Initiative | 12057 | Professional |
Medicare & Much More Florida Incorporated Medicare & Much More Florida Incorporated (Effective 1/1/19) | MMMFL | Professional |
Medicare Advantage Physicians Health Plan Michigan Physicians Health Plan of Michigan Medicare Medicare Advantage PHP Michigan | 83276 | Professional |
Medicare Blue HMO PPO | 56152 | Professional |
Medicare DME MAC Jurisdiction C | 18003 | Professional |
Medicare DMERC Region A | 16013 | Professional |
Medicare Florida Blue | FBM01 | Professional |
Medicare of MO (For pre-existing providers) Eastern & Wests Medicare Part B of Kansas City (ASK) | KCMCR | Professional |
MEDICARE PART B Alaska | 02102 | Professional |
MEDICARE PART B Arizona | 03102 | Professional |
MEDICARE PART B HI American Samoa Guam Northern Marianas | 01212 | Professional |
MEDICARE PART B Idaho | 02202 | Professional |
MEDICARE PART B Montana | 03202 | Professional |
MEDICARE PART B Nevada | 01312 | Professional |
MEDICARE PART B North Dakota | 03302 | Professional |
MEDICARE PART B Northern California | 01112 | Professional |
Medicare Part B of Alabama Alabama Medicare Part A Jurisdiction J | ALMCR | Professional |
Medicare Part B of Arkansas | ARMCR | Professional |
Medicare Part B of Colorado | SMCO0 | Professional |
Medicare Part B of Connecticut | CTMCR | Professional |
Medicare Part B of Delaware | 00902 | Professional |
Medicare Part B of Florida | FLMCR | Professional |
Medicare Part B of Georgia Georgia Medicare Part A Jurisdiction J | GAMCR | Professional |
Medicare Part B of Illinois | ILMCR | Professional |
Medicare Part B of Indiana | INMCR | Professional |
Medicare Part B of Iowa | IAMCR | Professional |
Medicare Part B of Kansas | KSMCR | Professional |
Medicare Part B of Louisiana | LAMCR | Professional |
Medicare Part B of Maine | MEMCR | Professional |
Medicare Part B of Maryland | 00901 | Professional |
Medicare Part B of Massachusetts | MAMCR | Professional |
Medicare Part B of Michigan Medicare Part B of Michigan (WPS) Blue Cross Blue Shield Michigan Medicare | MIMCR | Professional |
Medicare Part B of Minnesota | MNMCR | Professional |
Medicare Part B of Mississippi | MSMCR | Professional |
Medicare Part B of Missouri Medicare Part B of MO (Eastern) (Specialty testing required) | MOMCR | Professional |
Medicare Part B of Nebraska | NEMCR | Professional |
Medicare Part B of New Hampshire | NHMCR | Professional |
Medicare Part B of New Jersey Medicare Part B of NJ (Specialty testing required) | NJMCR | Professional |
Medicare Part B of New Mexico | NMMCR | Professional |
Medicare Part B of New York (Empire) | NYMCR | Professional |
Medicare Part B of North Carolina North Carolina Medicare Part A Jurisdiction M | NCMCR | Professional |
Medicare Part B of Oklahoma | OKMCR | Professional |
Medicare Part B of Pennsylvania | PAMCR | Professional |
Medicare Part B of Rhode Island | RIMCR | Professional |
Medicare Part B of South Carolina | SCMCR | Professional |
Medicare Part B of Tennessee | TNMCR | Professional |
Medicare Part B of Texas | TXMCR | Professional |
Medicare Part B of Upstate NY | N1MCR | Professional |
Medicare Part B of Vermont | VTMCR | Professional |
Medicare Part B of Virginia | VAMCR | Professional |
Medicare Part B of West Virginia | WVMCR | Professional |
Medicare Part B of Western MO ( pre-existing providers only) | MWMCR | Professional |
Medicare Part B of Wisconsin | WIMCR | Professional |
MEDICARE PART B Oregon | 02302 | Professional |
MEDICARE PART B South Dakota | 03402 | Professional |
MEDICARE PART B Southern California | 01182 | Professional |
MEDICARE PART B Utah | 03502 | Professional |
MEDICARE PART B Washington | 02402 | Professional |
MEDICARE PART B Wyoming | 03602 | Professional |
Medicare Part B- N VA Prin George MontFairfax Arlington Cou Medicare Part B of DC | 00903 | Professional |
Medicare Railroad * (MetraHealth Medicare) Medicare Railroad (MetraHealth Medicare) | RRWMC | Professional |
Medicare Y Mucho Mas | L0210 | Professional |
Medico Insurance Medico Insurance Company | 23160 | Professional |
Medigold Mt. Carmel | 95655 | Professional |
Mediture IPA | AMM11 | Professional |
MedPartners (PHCS Repricing) MedPartners (PHCS RepricingPO Box 10240 Fort Wayne In 46857 | 441MP | Professional |
Medpartners MedPartners Admin Services | 412MP | Professional |
MedSolutions Inc MedSolutions Inc. | 62160 | Professional |
Medstar Family Choice DC | RP062 | Professional |
Medstar Family Choice Maryland Healthchoice | RP063 | Professional |
Medstar Physician Partners Helix Family Choice | 00243 | Professional |
Medstar Select | 251MS | Professional |
Memorial Clinical Associates | MCA11 | Professional |
Memorial Hermann Bundle Program | MHB123 | Professional |
Memorial Hermann Health Network I Par Plus Memorial Hermann Health Network | MHHNP | Professional |
Memorial Integrated Healthcare | 59064 | Professional |
MemorialCare Medical Foundation | MMFMC | Professional |
Mental Health Consultants Inc | 37050 | Professional |
Merchants Benefit Administration INC | 86087 | Professional |
Mercy Care | 39114 | Professional |
Mercy Care Plan of Arizona Mercy Health Plan (AHCCCS) Mercy Health Plan of AZ | 86052 | Professional |
Mercy Maricopa Integrated Care | 33628 | Professional |
Mercy Provider Network | 43185 | Professional |
Meridian Health Plan of Illinois MeridianTotal (Meridian Complete Illinois Complete YouthCare and Ambetter Payer ID effective 01-01- 2021) MeridianTotal (Meridian Complete Illinois Complete YouthCare and Ambetter Payer ID effective 01-01-2021) | MHPIL | Professional |
MeridianComplete (Ambetter from Michigan Meridian Complete Michigan Complete) Payer ID effective 01-01-20 MeridianComplete (Ambetter from Michigan Meridian Complete Michigan Complete) Payer ID effective 01-01-2021 | MHPMI | Professional |
MeridianHealth Illinois Meridian Health Plan Illinois Complete (Meridian Health Plan Illinois Medicaid effective until 12/31/20) | 13189 | Professional |
Meritain Health (Formerly know as North American Administrators) Meritain Health (North American Health Plan.) North American Administrators Inc. | 64157 | Professional |
Metcare Health Plan | 65113 | Professional |
Metro Plus Health Plan | 13265 | Professional |
Metropolitan Health Plan | 10850 | Professional |
MHCC Luminare Health | 35189 | Professional |
MI Blue Care HMO (BCN of MI-835s returned MIBLS) Michigan Blue Care HMO (BCN of Michigan) Blue Cross MI Blue Care Complete | MIBCN | Professional |
Miami Behavioral Health | 92579 | Professional |
Miami Children’s Health Plan | 82832 | Professional |
Michigan Medicare PlusBlue (835s returned under MIBLS) Michigan Medicare PlusBlue | MIMPB | Professional |
Micron Tech | 96598 | Professional |
MID Rogue Oregon Health Plan MD Rogue Oregon Health Plan | MRIPA | Professional |
Mid-American Benefits | 22823 | Professional |
Mid-West Behavioral Health Network | MVBCN | Professional |
Midlands Choice Midlands Health Partners | 47080 | Professional |
Midwest Group Benefits | 61146 | Professional |
Midwest Health Partners | 76079 | Professional |
Midwest Health Plan Midwest Health Plans INC. | MHP77 | Professional |
Midwest Physician Administrative Services | TH088 | Professional |
Mills Peninsula Medical Group | MPMG1 | Professional |
MISS SELECT HLTH CARE/SELECT ADMN SERVICE MS Select Healthcare (Mississippi Select Health Care) | 64088 | Professional |
Mission Community IPA Med Grp | MPM07 | Professional |
Mississippi Medicaid | SKMS0 | Professional |
Mississippi Medicaid Medicare Advantage Crossovers | SKMS1 | Professional |
Mississippi Physician Care Network Mississippi Physicians Care Network | 64084 | Professional |
Missoula County Medical Benefits | 37275 | Professional |
Missouri Medicaid Medicaid of Missouri | MOMCD | Professional |
ML Healthcare | 26097 | Professional |
MMM - Medicare y mucho Mas | 88600 | Professional |
Moda Health (ODS Health Plan) ODS Health Plan | 13350 | Professional |
Molina Complete Care AZ Molina Complete Care DSNP | MCC02 | Professional |
Molina Health Care of South Carolina Molina Healthcare of South Carolina | 46299 | Professional |
Molina Healthcare Arizona | A4353 | Professional |
Molina Healthcare Mississippi | 77010 | Professional |
Molina Healthcare Nebraksa Molina Healthcare of Nebraska INC | MLNNE | Professional |
Molina Healthcare of CA - Encounters only. | 33373 | Professional |
Molina Healthcare of California (Rendering provider must use Medi-Cal ID number or State License Number. Billing provider should use Federal TaxID only.) Molina Healthcare of California | 38333 | Professional |
Molina Healthcare of Florida | 51062 | Professional |
Molina Healthcare of Idaho | 61799 | Professional |
Molina Healthcare of Illinois Molina Illinois | 20934 | Professional |
Molina Healthcare of Iowa | MLNIA | Professional |
Molina Healthcare of Michigan | 38334 | Professional |
Molina Healthcare of Nevada Molina Healthcare Nevada | A6106 | Professional |
Molina Healthcare of New Mexico | NM505 | Professional |
Molina Healthcare of New Mexico - SCI Molina Healcare of New Mexico - SCI | 04423 | Professional |
Molina Healthcare of New Mexico Salud Lovelace Salud (Older PID of SX159 is no longer valid) Molina Healthcare of New Mexico - Salud | 09824 | Professional |
Molina Healthcare of Ohio | 20149 | Professional |
Molina Healthcare of Texas | 20554 | Professional |
MOLINA HEALTHCARE OF UTAH | SX109 | Professional |
Molina Healthcare of Washington (Rendering providers use DSHS Medicaid ID or State Licence Number.) Molina Healthcare of Washington I Par Plus | 38336 | Professional |
Molina Healthcare of Washington ENCOUNTERS ONLY | 43174 | Professional |
Molina Healthcare of Wisconsin Abri Healthplan (Now known as Molina Health Care of WI) Abri Healthplan | ABRI1 | Professional |
Molina Ohio Medicaid | 07316 | Professional |
Monarch Healthcare IPA (Rendering provider ID# required on all claims.) Monarch IPA | IP095 | Professional |
Monitor Life Monitor Life (secondary claims only Medicare cannot be prim | 01759 | Professional |
Montana Blue Cross Blue Shield Blue Shield of Montana | MTBLS | Professional |
Montana Medicaid Medicaid of Montana | MTMCD | Professional |
Montefiore Contract Management Organization (Provider ID required call 914- 377-4400 for ID prior to first claims submissions.) Montefiore Contract Management Organization | 13174 | Professional |
Montefiore HMO | 46161 | Professional |
Monterey Bay IPA | MBIPA | Professional |
Monumental Life Monumental Life Ins Co. | MMLIC | Professional |
Morris Associates aka HealthScope Benefits MORRIS ASSOCIATES | 35092 | Professional |
Mosaic IPA Medical Group (Providers please contact Brandi Guinn @ 559-735-3892 x233 for authorization.) | IP083 | Professional |
Motion Picture Ind Health Plan ( processed by Anthem BC CA) | MPI01 | Professional |
MotivHealth Insurance Company | U7632 | Professional |
Mountain Health CO-OP | MHC01 | Professional |
Mountain States Administrators (COLORADO ONLY) | MTNST | Professional |
MPEEBT(MISSISSIPPI PUBLIC ENTITY) MPE Employee Benefit Services | 37233 | Professional |
MPM Prospect | MPM16 | Professional |
MPMBA | IHS23 | Professional |
MPOWER Bundle | STXB99 | Professional |
MRIPA Allcare CCO (Medicaid Payer) MRIPA Allcare CCO | 26161 | Professional |
MS BCBS State Employees | SB731 | Professional |
MSA Care Guide MSA CARE GUARD | 20572 | Professional |
Multicare Connected Care | RP036 | Professional |
Multicare INC Multicare Pace | R3457 | Professional |
Multnomah County | MLTOT | Professional |
Municipal Health Benefits Fund Municipal Health Benefit Program Municipal Health Benefit Fund | 81883 | Professional |
Muskegon Care | A1681 | Professional |
Mutual of Omaha Insurance Company Mutually Preferred National Rural Letter Carrier Association (Policy Number GMG1846) United of Omaha | 71412 | Professional |
Mutual of Omaha Medicare Advantage | 82275 | Professional |
MVP Health Plan of NY | 14165 | Professional |
My Family Medical Group | 33020 | Professional |
MyNexus Inc. | 32043 | Professional |
NAA (North Americal Administrators LP - Nashville TN.) NAA (North America Administrators) | 65085 | Professional |
NAHGA Claim Services National Accident & Health General Agency Inc. | 67788 | Professional |
NaphCare Inc Naphcare Inc | 58182 | Professional |
Nascentia Health Plan (Medicare line of business) | 45529 | Professional |
National Allied Workers Union Local 831 National Allied Workers Union Local 831 Insurance Trust | CB148 | Professional |
National Capital Preferred Provider Organization (NCPPO) (To obtain your provider ID number please call the NCPPO Customer Service Department at (800) 272-5911 HEALTHLINK PPO | 90001 | Professional |
National Foundation Life Insurance Company Anerican Founders Life Ins Co (NFL Plans only) Life & Health Ins Co of America (NFL Plan only) | 98205 | Professional |
National General | ASHC1 | Professional |
National Health Benefit | 88057 | Professional |
National Healthcare Corp Advantage | NHC01 | Professional |
National Teachers Association (NTA) | NTA11 | Professional |
National Telecommunications Cooperative Association (NTCA) National Telecommunications Cooperative Associations | 52103 | Professional |
National Telecommunications Cooperative Association (NTCS Staff) National Telecommunications Cooperative Associations (NTCS Staff) | 52104 | Professional |
National Telecommunications Cooperative Association National Telecom Association (NTCA) | 52120 | Professional |
National Vision | NVADM | Professional |
NCAS - Fairfax VA | 75190 | Professional |
NCAS-CHARLOTTE NCAS - Charlotte VA | 75191 | Professional |
Nebraska Blue Cross Blue Shield Blue Shield of Nebraska | NEBLS | Professional |
Nebraska Medicaid | SKNE0 | Professional |
Nebraska Medicaid Medicaid of Nebraska | NEMCD | Professional |
Neighborhood Health of Plan Rhonde Island Neighborhood Health Partnership Neighborhood Health Plan of Rhode Island (Contact NHPRI 401-459-6030 to verify provider and vendor number.) | 05047 | Professional |
Neighborhood Health Plan RI Neighborhood Health Plan RI - Exchange Unity Integrity Neighborhood Health Plan RI- Exchange Unity Integrity | 96240 | Professional |
Neighborhood Healthcare Pace | R3456 | Professional |
Neskia Health Group Shasta Administrative Services Nesika Health Group (Old payerID of 37255 is no longer valid.) | 75280 | Professional |
Netcare Life and Health Insurance | 66055 | Professional |
Network Health | 04332 | Professional |
Network Health Insurance Corp - Medicare Network Health Insurance Corp- Medicare Network Health Insurance Medicare | 77076 | Professional |
Network Health Plan of Wisconsin Inc.(Prior to initial claims submission please contact Network Health Plan EDI specialist at 920-720-1506.) Network Health of WI Network Healthplan of Wisconsin | 39144 | Professional |
Network Solutions IPA | NSIPA | Professional |
Neuehealth | NEUEH | Professional |
Nevada Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield Blue Shield of Nevada Anthem of Nevada Nevada Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield | NVBLS | Professional |
Nevada Blue Shield Blue Cross of Nevada | 00265 | Professional |
Nevada Medicaid | SKNV0 | Professional |
New Avenues Inc. New Avenues Inc. | 95998 | Professional |
New Century Health | NCHCA | Professional |
New Century Health - Vista Cardiology | NCH09 | Professional |
New Century Health Arizona Integrated Physicians | NCHOR | Professional |
New Century Health Urology | NCH03 | Professional |
New Era Life Insurance Company | 98798 | Professional |
New Hampshire Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield Blue Shield of New Hampshire New Hampshire Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield | NHBLS | Professional |
New Jersey Medicaid | SKNJ0 | Professional |
New Mexico Blue Cross Blue Shield Blue Shield of New Mexico Lovelace Sandia Health Plan (Acquired by Blue Shield of NM) | NMBLS | Professional |
New Mexico Blue Cross Community Centennial New Mexico Blue Cross Community Centennial (MemberIDs start with "YIP") | MC721 | Professional |
New Mexico Health Connections | 45129 | Professional |
New Mexico Medicaid | SKNM0 | Professional |
New Mexico Public Schools Insurance Authority | 85036 | Professional |
New York Blue Cross Blue Shield (Empire) Blue Shield of New York (Empire) | NYBLS | Professional |
New York Hotel Trade Council | 7707C | Professional |
New York Life - Long Term Care I Par Plus New York Life - Long Term Care | NYL11 | Professional |
New York Medical Indemnity Fund | NYDFS | Professional |
New York Network Management | 11334 | Professional |
Next Level Health Partners (FKA 69821) | 81085 | Professional |
NextBlue | 55892 | Professional |
NHI Billing | 14043 | Professional |
Nippon Life Insurance Company Nippon Life Insurance Company (Dental) Nippon Life Insurance Company of America | 81264 | Professional |
North American Benefits North American Benefits Network (NABN) | 34159 | Professional |
North American Med North American Medical Management Northern California | E3510 | Professional |
North Carolina Blue Cross Blue Shield Blue Shield of North Carolina | NCBLS | Professional |
North Dakota Blue Cross Blue Shield Blue Shield of North Dakota | NDBLS | Professional |
North Dakota Medicaid | SKND0 | Professional |
North Shore - LIJ (Healthfirst) | 17516 | Professional |
North West Life Northwestern National Life RELIASTAR (Formerly NWNL) | PH018 | Professional |
Northcoast Healthcare | A2790 | Professional |
Northern California Advantage Medical Group | NCA01 | Professional |
Northern Illinois Health Plan | 36347 | Professional |
Northwest Community Health Partners | NWCHP | Professional |
Northwest Diagnostic Clinic I Par Plus (Old PayerID of NWDC1 is no longer valid.) NW Diagnostic Clinic/SelectCare of Texas (NWDC) | 62119 | Professional |
Northwest Physicians Network (For claims with a DOS of 01/21/2021 and greater use payer ID LIFE1) | NPN11 | Professional |
Northwest Suburban IPA (IL) Northwest Suburban IPA Illinois | 36346 | Professional |
Northwestern Medicine Phys Network Northwestern Medicine Physcians Network | NWEST | Professional |
Northwood Healthcare | NWOOD | Professional |
Nova Healthcare Administrators Inc. (Grand Island NY) NOVA Healthcare Administrators NY | 16644 | Professional |
Novant Health Direct to Employers | HLSTA | Professional |
NX Health Network | 44412 | Professional |
NY Central FEP (Federal Employee Program) Blue Shield | N2FEP | Professional |
Nyhart | 37299 | Professional |
NYS Department of Health | 14142 | Professional |
Oak Street Health | OAKST | Professional |
Oak West Physician Association Oak West Primary Physician Association | 36400 | Professional |
Oak West Primary Physician Association | NAOAK | Professional |
Occhsner Health Plan Ochsner Health Plan | A5236 | Professional |
Occular Benefits | L0140 | Professional |
Ohio Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield Blue Shield of Ohio Ohio Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield | OHBLS | Professional |
Ohio Health Choice PPO Ohio Health Choice PPO | 34189 | Professional |
Ohio Medicare Part A Jurisdiction 15 Medicare Part B of Ohio | OHMCR | Professional |
Ohio PPO Connect | 74431 | Professional |
OhioHealthy Florida Hospital Waterman | 48116 | Professional |
Oklahoma Blue Cross Blue Shield Blue Shield of Oklahoma | OKBLS | Professional |
OLOLRMC Uninsured Patient Services Program | OLRMC | Professional |
Olympus Management Health Care Olympus Managed Health Care | 65074 | Professional |
OMNI IPA | 36090 | Professional |
OmniCare (For claims with Dates of Service after 10/01/04) OMNICARE- Coventry Health Plan of MI | 25150 | Professional |
Omnicare IPA | OMN02 | Professional |
Oncology Network of Orange County. | ONOCI | Professional |
One Call Medical | 22321 | Professional |
One Health Plan GA OSF Healthcare East | 95569 | Professional |
One Health Plan of California One Health Plan CA | 95379 | Professional |
One Health Plan of Colorado | 95412 | Professional |
One Health Plan of Georgia One Health Plan of Illinois One Health Plan IL | 95388 | Professional |
OPEIU Locals 30 & 537 | BPA01 | Professional |
Opticare Eye Health Network Opticare Eye Health Network (Envolve Benefit Option) | 56190 | Professional |
Opticare of Utah | OPCAU | Professional |
Optima Health Plan Optima Insurance Company Sentara Family Plan Sentara Health Management | 54154 | Professional |
Optimed Health | 96277 | Professional |
Optimum Healthcare Inc. Optimum Healthcare Inc | 20133 | Professional |
Optum – Complex Medical Conditions (CMC) (formerly OptumHealth Care Solutions and United Resource Networks) former payer id 52190 OptumHealth (OptumHealth Care Solutions) formerly United Resources Networks former payer ID 52190 OptumHealth Complex Medical Conditions (CMC) (formerly OptumHealth Care Solutions and United Resource Networks) (Former payerID 52190) | 41194 | Professional |
Optum Care Network of Connecticut | E3287 | Professional |
Optum Maryland Behavioral Health | OMDBH | Professional |
Optum Medical Network (previously Lifeprint) OptumCare / AZ NV UT (formerly Optum Medical Network & Lifeprint Network)) OptumCare / AZ UT (formerly Lifeprint Network) | LIFE1 | Professional |
Optum RX | ORXM1 | Professional |
Optum Salt Lake OptumHealth SLC Optum Tooele | U6885 | Professional |
Optum San Diego Public Sector | OSDPS | Professional |
OptumHealth - Physical Health (Includes Oxford) OptumHealth Physical Health - (Includes Oxford) | 41161 | Professional |
Oregon Blue Cross Blue Shield (Regence) Blue Shield of Oregon | ORBLS | Professional |
Oregon Health Mgmt OHMS aka Primary Health of Josephine | OHMSP | Professional |
Oregon Medicaid | SKOR0 | Professional |
Oregon's Health CO-OP | 45332 | Professional |
Orthonet-Aetna Orthonet - AETNA | 13383 | Professional |
Oscar Health | OSCAR | Professional |
OSF Health Plans HUMANA Claims only Group Health Insurance - DE ARCADIAN MGMT SERVICE Humana Care Plan Humana Group Health Plan Arcadian Management Services Inc (Group number should be entered if available. ) Humana Health Chicago Humana Health Chicago Insurance Company Humana Health Plan Humana Insurance Agency Humana Insurance Company Humana Medical Plan - CA Humana Medical Plan - KY Humana Wisconsin Health Organization IBA Health & Life Assurance Co. OSF Healthcare East OSF HealthPlans Services | 61101 | Professional |
OSG-Michael Reese | 37127 | Professional |
Oxford Health Plans UnitedHealthcare / Oxford | 06111 | Professional |
P3 Health Partners -Arizona | 58375 | Professional |
P3 Health Partners Nevada | P3HNV | Professional |
P5 Health | 87068 | Professional |
Pace Central Iowa | 72436 | Professional |
PACE CNY | 70454 | Professional |
Pace Nebraska | 35416 | Professional |
Pace of Southeast Michigan Pace Southeast Michigan | 86711 | Professional |
Pace of Southwest Iowa Pace Southwest Iowa | 53534 | Professional |
Pace of Southwest Michigan Inc. | 45114 | Professional |
Pacific Administrators | PCFAD | Professional |
Pacific Southwest Administrators (PSWA) Pacific Southwest Administrators | 75309 | Professional |
PacificSource Administrators Select Benefit Administrators Inc. | 93031 | Professional |
PacificSource Commercial | 93029 | Professional |
PacificSource Community Solutions | 20416 | Professional |
Pacificsource Medicare | 20377 | Professional |
Pacificsource OHP | COIHS | Professional |
Palo Alto Medical Foundation | IP132 | Professional |
Pan American Life Insurance | 04218 | Professional |
Parallon RCPS | PARLN | Professional |
Paramount Paramount Health | SX158 | Professional |
Parkland Community Health Plan | 66917 | Professional |
Partners Behavioral Health | 13141 | Professional |
Partners Health Plan | 14966 | Professional |
Partners in Health | PARTH | Professional |
Partners Insurance Company | RP099 | Professional |
Partnership Health Plan contact OptumInsight Enrollments Dep Partnership Health Plan of CA | PHP02 | Professional |
Passport Advantage ** (Effective 7-1- 18 new PID 66008 former payer ID 97652) Passport Advantage (Effective 7- 1-18 new PID 66008 former payer ID 97652) | 66008 | Professional |
Passport Health Plan | 61325 | Professional |
Path Administrators (DH Evans) D H Evans & Associates reg required call 410-349-3222 | 25172 | Professional |
Patient Access | PAN01 | Professional |
Patient Advocates Patient Advocate | 55489 | Professional |
Patient Physician Cooperative | 20510 | Professional |
PATIENTPAY | 26335 | Professional |
Payer Fusion | 27048 | Professional |
payer ID 84223) Keystone VIP Choice (formerly payer ID 84223) | 77741 | Professional |
Peak Health | PEAK0 | Professional |
Peak Pace Solutions | 27034 | Professional |
Pediatric Associates of Broward Pediatric Associated Health Plan | 20472 | Professional |
PEF Clinic | PEF01 | Professional |
Penn Behavioral Health | 53226 | Professional |
Pennsylvania Blue Cross Blue Shield (Highmark) Blue Shield of Pennsylvania | PABLS | Professional |
Pennsylvania Keystone Health Plan East (encounters only) Keystone Health Plan East - Encounters PA Keystone Health Plan E(encounters only-835s return PAKEY) | PEBLS | Professional |
Pennsylvania Life Insurance | 23130 | Professional |
Pennsylvania Pace | 20172 | Professional |
Pennsylvania Preferred Health Network (PPHN) Americaid CC Tampa | 06161 | Professional |
People 1st Health Strategies | IHS03 | Professional |
People One Health | IHS01 | Professional |
Peoples Health Network (Tenet) (Network ID must be on claim. Contact phn.provider@tenethealth.com) Peoples Health Network | 72126 | Professional |
Perennial Advantage of Colorado | PAC01 | Professional |
Perennial Advantage of Ohio | PAOH1 | Professional |
Personal Insurance Administrators Inc. Personal Insurance Administrators PIA | 95397 | Professional |
PHCS Savility (ONLY for Savility card members.) | 13306 | Professional |
Phifer Wire Insurance (Per request from Payer claims are printed and mailed.) | PHIF4 | Professional |
Phoenix Choice | 55649 | Professional |
Phoenix Health Plan | 03440 | Professional |
PHP of Northern Indiana Physicians Health Plan of Northern Indiana | 12399 | Professional |
Phy Choice Med Grp San Luis ObispoSan Luis Obispo Select IPA | SLOS1 | Professional |
Physician Health Coop/SRRIPA Stones River Reg IPA Humana 837 | 57549 | Professional |
Physicians Care Network (Rockford IL Only) PayerID valid only for claims with billing submission name city and state of Physicians Care Network Rockford IL. Physicians Care Network (Rockford IL only) | 36345 | Professional |
Physicians Care Network/The Polyclinic | PCN12 | Professional |
Physicians Choice Medical Group of Santa Maria | MCI01 | Professional |
Physicians Corporation of America (Florida Plan Only) | 65018 | Professional |
Physicians Health Association Physicians Health Association of Illinois | 37136 | Professional |
Physicians Health Network | MHCM2 | Professional |
Physicians Health Plan Physicians Health Plan (For behavioral Health claims processing see documents sent to your office from the payer.) | 37330 | Professional |
Physicians Health Plan (PHP-SC) | 09173 | Professional |
Physicians Healthways IPA | PHIPA | Professional |
Physicians Mutual Physicians Mutual Insurance Company | 47027 | Professional |
Physicians of Southwest Washington | 91171 | Professional |
Physicians Plus Insurance Corp. Physicians Plus Insurance Corporation | 39156 | Professional |
PHYSMETRICS | 48008 | Professional |
Piedmont WellStar Health Plan | 251PD | Professional |
PIH Health (Formerly Bright Health Plan) Bright Health Physicians | BHP01 | Professional |
Pinnacle Medical Group | 95271 | Professional |
Pinnacol Assurance | CCIA1 | Professional |
Pioneer Provider Network | PPNZZ | Professional |
Pittman Crossover | 00156 | Professional |
Pittsburgh Care Partnership | 23283 | Professional |
Planned Administrator Planned Administrators Inc. (PAI) | 37287 | Professional |
PMG of San Jose | PMGSJ | Professional |
PodAmerica | RP106 | Professional |
Podiatry First INC | POD1S POD1ST | Professional |
Podiatry Network FL | 59324 | Professional |
Point Comfort Underwriters | PCU01 PCU02 | Professional |
Pomona Valley Medical Group (PVMG) ProMed | IP057 | Professional |
Pool Administrators Primary | PAI01 | Professional |
Pool Administrators Secondary | PAI02 | Professional |
PPO Plus LLC | 72148 | Professional |
Prairie States Enterprises Inc. Prairie States Enterprises | 36373 | Professional |
Preferred Administrator I Par Plus Preferred Admin (Provider Relations @ (915)532-2778 x1068) | EPF10 | Professional |
Preferred Care Partners / FL | 65088 | Professional |
Preferred Health Care (PHC) Preferred HealthCare Lancas | 33898 | Professional |
Preferred Health Plan (Louisville KY previous payer ID 61106 ) Healthsmart Benefit Solutions (Wells Fargo TPA formerly Acordia National) Preferred Health Plan (Louisville KY) Preferred Health Professionals (PHP Kansas City previous ID 61106) | 87815 | Professional |
Preferred Health Plan of Carolinas (PHPC) | CB404 | Professional |
Preferred Health Professionals | 31478 | Professional |
Preferred Health Professionals Kansas City | 00036 | Professional |
Preferred Health Systems Insurance Co (PPO) PREFERRED BEN ADMIN | 61665 | Professional |
Preferred Health Systems Inc. Preferred Health System | 60110 | Professional |
Preferred IPA | PFIPA | Professional |
Preferred Med Grp AKA Vantage AmeriWest Cal Care LAMC Vantage Medical Group Use Payer ID PPM01 for claims with DOS prior to 08.01.2020 Desert Family Practice Association | PPM01 | Professional |
Preferred Medicare | L0250 | Professional |
Preferred Network Access | 36401 | Professional |
Preferred One | 41147 | Professional |
Premera Blue Cross (WA) Premera Blue Cross WA | 00430 | Professional |
Premier Administrative Solutions | 65415 | Professional |
Premier Eye Care | 65054 | Professional |
Premier Healthcare Exchange | 88051 | Professional |
Premier HealthCare Exchange (Cypress) | 88056 | Professional |
Presbyterian Health Plan (Commercial) (Provider ID is required. Contact (888) 923-5757 6 then 2 to obtain ID. New Mexico Providers only.) Presbyterian Health Plan | PREHP | Professional |
Presbyterian Salud Presbyterian Salud (Please add provider number in 2010AA REF02 or 2310B REF02 Number is 11 digits or less. Contact 888-923-5757 #6 #2 to obtain ID.) | PRESA | Professional |
Presbyterian(NM) Presbyterian (NM) | 05003 | Professional |
Presence ERC | 46311 | Professional |
Prestige Health Choice (Payer is effective 5/1/2014 Managed Medicaid Plan. For EDI Support please email edi.phc@amerihealthcaritas.com or call 800-617-5727) Prestige Health Choice | 77003 | Professional |
Prevea Health Insurance Plan Arise Health Plan (Formerly Prevea Health) Arise Health Plan Prevea Health Plan | 39185 | Professional |
Prevea360 | 41822P | Professional |
Prevea360 Health Plan Children's Community Health Plan Chorus Community Health Plans (WI Medicaid) Wellfirst Health Care4Kids (WI Medicaid) Care4Kids (WI Medicaid plans) Dean Health Plan | 39113 | Professional |
Prezzo | CB531 | Professional |
Prezzo | A2314 | Professional |
Primary Care CA Primary Care Assoc of CA (Customer Service877-602-1563) | PCACZ | Professional |
Primary Care of Joliet | PCJOL | Professional |
Primary Delivery Systems VENCOR | 73288 | Professional |
Primary Health Network | 82048 | Professional |
Primary PhysicianCare Inc.(Now known as HealthGram) Healthgram Primary PhysicianCare Inc. | 56144 | Professional |
Prime Community Care Central Valley Prime Community Care of Central Valley(837I & 837P) | MVCV1 | Professional |
Prime West Health Plan | 61604 | Professional |
PrimeCare Health Plan | IP079 | Professional |
Princeton Premier IPA | PRI01 | Professional |
Principal Financial Group (Vision Claims only.) Principle Financial Group | 61271 | Professional |
Priority Health (Please contact Priority Health EDI Dept at 616- 464-8686 or email EDISETUP@Priority-Health.com) Priority Health | 38217 | Professional |
Prism Health Networks (Now known as Palladian Muscular Skeletal Health ) Palladian Muscular Skeletal Health (Formerly Prism Health Networks) | 37268 | Professional |
Prism Univera Prism-Universa | 37315 | Professional |
ProCare Health Plan Medicaid Use payer ID 38224 DOS 01-01-20 and greater | 70259 | Professional |
ProCare Texas | PTX01 | Professional |
Prodegi | U8151 | Professional |
Productive Processing Inc. | 13396 | Professional |
Professional Benefit Administrators Inc. (Oak Brook IL) Professional Benefit Administrators Inc (Oak Brook IL) | 36331 | Professional |
Professional Claims Management (Canton OH) Professional Claims Management | 37242 | Professional |
Professional Claims Manangement | 56001 | Professional |
Progressive Benefit Services Inc HSHS Medical Group IPA | 37137 | Professional |
PROGYNY | PROGY | Professional |
Prominence Administrative Services | 88022 | Professional |
Prominence Health Plan Encounters St. Marys Health Plan Encounters St.. Mary's Health Plan Encounters | 88082 | Professional |
Prominence Health Plan of Florida Prominence HealthFirst of Florida Inc | 83352 | Professional |
Prominence Health Plan of Nevada | 93082 | Professional |
Prominence Health Plan of Texas | 80095 | Professional |
Prominence Health Plan ST MARYS HEATLH PLAN Saint Marys Health Plan | 88029 | Professional |
Protective Life Insurance Company | 37309 | Professional |
Providence Facility Claims | PROV1 | Professional |
Providence Health Plan | SX133 | Professional |
Providence Insurance & Administrative Services Providence Administrative Services | PAS01 | Professional |
Providence Preferred (PPO) (ProviderID & Enrollment required | PHP00 | Professional |
Provident Life & Accident Insurance Company Provident Life & Accident Insurance Company of America Provident Life & Casualty Insurance Company Healthpoint Corporation Healthsource Provident (CIGNA) Healthsource Provident Ins. Co. | 68195 | Professional |
Provider Network of America | MPJVL | Professional |
Provider Partners Health Plan Illinois | 31401 | Professional |
Provider Partners Health Plan of Texas Provider Partners Health Plan Texas | 31405 | Professional |
Provider Partners Health Plan Pennsylvania | 31400 | Professional |
ProviDRs Care Network | 48100 | Professional |
PruCare HMO (Encounters Only) Prudential Encounters | HM015 | Professional |
Prudent Medical Group | MPM25 | Professional |
Pruitt Health Premier | PH001 | Professional |
Pruitt Health Premier (NC SC) | PHPC1 | Professional |
Psychealth Care Management LLC Psychealth Care Management Assoc | A2797 | Professional |
Puerto Rico Medicare Part B (J9 - First Coast) | SMPR0 | Professional |
Quad City Community Healthcare (QCCH) | 40437 | Professional |
Qualcare Arkansas Qualchoice Arkansas | 35174 | Professional |
Qualcare IPA | QCP01 | Professional |
Quality Care Partners Quality Care Partners (QCP) | 89461 | Professional |
QuantumCare (We Care Health Plan) | QCTPA | Professional |
Quartz Administrative Services Organization (ASO) | 46571 | Professional |
Quest Behavioral Health | 44219 | Professional |
Questcare Medical (USC) | 84562 | Professional |
QuikTrip Quicktrip Corporation | 73067 | Professional |
QVI Risk Solutions Inc. | 57117 | Professional |
Rady Children's Network Rady Children's Health Network | RCHN1 | Professional |
Ravenswood Phys Assoc Ravenswood Physician Assoc | RPAWC | Professional |
RBMS LLC | 91176 | Professional |
Redirect Health Administration | 86145 | Professional |
Redlands IPA (Synermed) | SYMED | Professional |
Redlands Yucaipa Medical Group | 18247 | Professional |
Regal Med Group Regal Medical Group | REGAL | Professional |
Regence BCBS Idaho Regence BS Idaho | 00611 | Professional |
Regence BCBS Utah | 00910 | Professional |
REGENCE BLUE CROSS BLUE SHIELD OF UTAH (Includes FEP) | U1100 | Professional |
Regence Group Administrators | RGA01 | Professional |
Regency Empolyee Benefits | 38221 | Professional |
Regional Care INC Regional Care Inc. | 47076 | Professional |
Rehn and Associates | REHNA | Professional |
Relation Insurance Services of Florida | 59299 | Professional |
Reliance Health Plan | RHP01 | Professional |
Renaissance Physicians Organization | 76066 | Professional |
Reserve National Insurance Reserve National Insurance (For Claims rejections please contact Reserve national Customer Service at (405)848-7931.) | 73066 | Professional |
Resolve Health Plan Ad (Auth # required: begins w5 &13len Innovative Payer 1 | 20481 | Professional |
Resolve Health Plan Administrators LLC | RHA01 | Professional |
RESURRECTION HEALTH CARE PREFERRED Family Medical Network | 36396 | Professional |
Resurrection Physicians Group I Par Plus Resurrection Physician Provider Group | RPPG1 | Professional |
RevClaims | RVC01 | Professional |
Rhode Island Blue Cross Blue Shield Blue Shield of Rhode Island | RIBLS | Professional |
Rhode Island Medicaid | SKRI0 | Professional |
Right Care from Scott & White | 74205 | Professional |
RightChoice Benefits Administrators | 37331 | Professional |
Rios Southwest Medical Group | RIOS1 | Professional |
River City Medical Group | RCMG1 | Professional |
Riverside Health Inc Riverside Health Inc | 45281 | Professional |
Riverspring Health Plans | 05178 | Professional |
RMSCO INC. RMSCO Inc. | 16117 | Professional |
Rocky Mountain Health Plan Grand Junction | SX141 | Professional |
Rocky Mountain HMO | RMHMO | Professional |
Rocky Mountain Pace | 93142 | Professional |
Rubicon Health Group | IHS18 | Professional |
Rush Prudential Health Plans (HMO Only) | 36389 | Professional |
S & S Healthcare Strategies | 31441 | Professional |
Sagamore Health Network Sagamore Health Network Inc. | 35164 | Professional |
Saint Anthony PHO | STA01 | Professional |
Salvasen Health | CB122 | Professional |
Samaritan Advantage | SAMAD | Professional |
Samaritan Choice Plan | SAMCP | Professional |
Samaritan Employer Group Plan | SAM00 | Professional |
Samaritan Health Plans | CP001 | Professional |
Samera Health Mint Health Plans/Samera Health | U8053 | Professional |
San Bernardino Medical Group | SBMED | Professional |
San Diego County Medical Services (CMS) San Diego County Medical Services | MSO11 | Professional |
San Diego County Physician Emergency Services | MSO22 | Professional |
San Diego County Ryan White Primary Care Program | MSO33 | Professional |
San Diego County Sheriffs Department | MSO55 | Professional |
San Diego PACE | 96400 | Professional |
San Francisco Health Plan | SFHP1 | Professional |
San Luis Obispo Select IPA San Louis Obispo Select | 33072 | Professional |
San Mateo Health Commission dba Health Plan of San Mateo | SX174 | Professional |
Sana Benefits | 50114 | Professional |
Sandhills Center | SHC30 | Professional |
Sanford Health Plan | MNSHP | Professional |
Santa Clara County IPA | SCACO | Professional |
Santa Clara Family Health Plans | 24077 | Professional |
Santa Clara IPA HMO | 10378 | Professional |
Sante Community Physicians Medical Group Corp. Sante Health System Medi-Cal Sante Health System Medi-C | SNTMC | Professional |
Sante Health Systems Sante Health System | 77038 | Professional |
Satellite Health Plan Inc (Satellite Health Plan is a MA ESRD C-SNP effective 1/1/14. First Time submitters please fax a W9 to 650-625-6083) Satellite Health Plan Inc | 45552 | Professional |
Saudi Health Mission | SHM01 | Professional |
SC BCBS Companion Health | SC922 | Professional |
SC BCBS State Employee Health Plan | SC400 | Professional |
SC FEP Blue Cross | SC402 | Professional |
Scan CA Scan Health Plan CA | SCAN1 | Professional |
SCAN Encounters (Diversified Data Design (DDD)) SCAN Encounters | 99157 | Professional |
Scan Health Plan Arizona | SCAN2 | Professional |
Scan Health Plan AZ | 73172 | Professional |
SCAN Long Term Care | 20460 | Professional |
Schaller Anderson CHOC Health Alliance | SCH01 | Professional |
SCHC Total Care Total Care of NY (Former payer ID TCARE) SCHC Total Care Inc | 16146 | Professional |
SCHS Alta Global Medical Care Group | MPM54 | Professional |
Scott & White I Par Plus Scott & White Health Care | 88030 | Professional |
Scripps Health Plan MSO | SHPM1 | Professional |
Scripps Health Plan Services | SHPS1 | Professional |
Seaside Health Plan (Starting with DOS 9/1/2013) | 46187 | Professional |
Seaview IPA | SVIPA | Professional |
Secure Health of Georgia (Claims for this payer id are only accepted with a DOS equal to or after 01/01/2021) Secure Health Plan of GA ## (Claims for this payer id are only accepted with a DOS equal to or after 01/01/2021) | 42561 | Professional |
Secure Health of Georgia (Claims for this payer id are only accepted with a DOS prior to 12/31/2020) Secure Health Plan of GA ## (Claims for this payer id are only accepted with a DOS prior to 12/31/2020) | 28530 | Professional |
SecureOne | 86242 | Professional |
Security Administrative Systems Cornerstone Benefit Administrators HealthSmart Security Administrative Services | 35202 | Professional |
Security Health Plan | 39045 | Professional |
Sedgwick Sedgwick CMS | TP097 | Professional |
SeeChange HealthPlan | SCHP1 | Professional |
Select Benefit Administrators of America SELECT BENEFIT ADMIN | 37282 | Professional |
Select Health of South Carolina | 23285 | Professional |
SelectCare of OK - Tribute | SCOK1 | Professional |
SelectCare of Texas (HPN) Heritage Physicians Network | 76045 | Professional |
SelectCare of TX Beaumont Prov ID Req 713-843-6780 to obta Golden Triangle Physician Alliance | GTPA1 | Professional |
SELECTHEALTH | SX107 | Professional |
Self Insured Benefit Admin FL Self Insured Benefit Administrators | 59111 | Professional |
Self Insured Plans Self Insured Plans LLC | 36404 | Professional |
Self-Funded Plans Inc (IL PA OH) Self-Funded Plans (IL PA OH) | 34131 | Professional |
Selman Company | 52214 | Professional |
Selman Tricare Supplement Plans | TRSEL | Professional |
Sendero Health | SCS17 | Professional |
Sendero IdealCare (For DOS on or after 01-01-2019) | MV440 | Professional |
Senior Whole Health Care ## (Use payer ID SWHNY for DOS equal to or after 01/01/2021) Use payer ID 83035 for DOS prior to 01/01/2021) Senior Whole Health (Use payer ID SWHNY for DOS equal to or after 01/01/2021). Use payer ID 83035 for DOS prior to 01/01/2021) | SWHNY | Professional |
Senior Whole Health Care ## (Use payer ID 83035 for DOS prior to 01/01/2021. Use new payer ID SWHNY for DOS equal to or after 01/01/2021) Senior Whole Health (Use payer ID 83035 for DOS prior to 01/01/2021. Use new payer ID SWHNY for DOS equal to or after 01/01/2021) | 83035 | Professional |
Senior Whole Health Massachusetts | SWHMA | Professional |
Sentara Mental Health Professional | 5415M | Professional |
Sentinel Management Sentinel Management Services | 23249 | Professional |
Sentinel Security Life Insurance Atlantic Coast Life Insurance | 87020 | Professional |
Seoul Medical Group | AMM07 | Professional |
Seoul Medical Group Avalon IPA Centinela IPA Freeman IPA Hollywood Presbyterian American Family Health Providers Huntington Park Medical Group Huntington Park Mission Pasadena Primary Care Physicians AMVI Cap Management Systems Greater L. A. Health Mendicina Familiar Medical Group Greater San Gabriel Exceptional Care Medical Noble Community Family Choice Medical Family Health Alliance AKM Medical Group | IP080 | Professional |
Sequoia Health IPA | ALG01 | Professional |
Seton CHIP (Provider ID required.) Seton Health Plan - CHIP I Par Plus | SHPCH | Professional |
Seton Employee Plan Seton Employee Plan I par Plus | SHEBP | Professional |
Seton Star | STAR1 | Professional |
Seven Corners | 25404 | Professional |
SGIC | 11789 | Professional |
Shared Health Mississippi | SHTMS | Professional |
Shared Health Mississippi | SHMS1 | Professional |
Sharp Community Medical Group | SCMG1 | Professional |
Sharp Health Plan | SHP01 | Professional |
Sharp Rees-Stealy Med Group Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group | SRS83 | Professional |
Sheakley Unicomp | 10002 | Professional |
Sheet Metal Workers Local 104 (PayerID valid for submission add of PO Box 1138 San Ramon CA 94583.) Sheet Metal Workers Local 104 BeneSys Inc. (Now known as Sheet Metal Workers Local 104) | 38238 | Professional |
Sieba LTD. | 03699 | Professional |
Sierra Health and Life (Health Plan of Nevada) Health Plan of Nevada Sierra Health and Life | 76342 | Professional |
Sierra Health Services Encounters (Health Plan of Nevada) Health Plan of Nevada (Encounter claims) Sierra Health and Life (Encounters) | 76343 | Professional |
Sierra Medical Group (Customer Service 661-480-2047) | SMG01 | Professional |
SIHO | 77153 | Professional |
Silver Cross Managed Care Organization | NASCR | Professional |
Silver Star Pace | 97691 | Professional |
Silverback TPA (previous payer ID 37728) For all dates of services on and after Jan. 1 2019 claims should be submitted WellMed payer ID WELM2 WellMed (Claims) Wellmed Medical (Claims) I Par Plus | WELM2 | Professional |
Simply HealthCare Plans (new payer ID SMPLY as of 12-1-2018) Simply Healthcare Simply HealthCare Plans (New PID SMPLY effective 12/1/18) | SMPLY | Professional |
Sinclair Health Plan | 84076 | Professional |
SISCO | 44827 | Professional |
Smith Administrators | 02057 | Professional |
Smith Administrators | SMITH | Professional |
Smoky Mountain Center | 13010 | Professional |
Snedeker Risk Mangament Snedeker Risk Management | A7637 | Professional |
So CA Health Care SystCHS Alta Pod Medpoint &SCHS Alto Pod | MPM20 | Professional |
Solidarity Healthshare | 77721 | Professional |
Solis Health Plans | SOLIS | Professional |
Somos IPA (Emblem Health) | 81508 | Professional |
Sonder Health Plans Sondor Health Plans | A0339 | Professional |
Sound Health First Choice Health Network Sound Health (now known as First Choice Health Network) | 91131 | Professional |
Soundpath Health Soundpath Health (Formerly known as Puget Sound Health Partners Inc.) | 42172 | Professional |
South Atlantic Medical Group | SAMG1 | Professional |
South Carolina Solutions | 42406 | Professional |
South Central Preferred (SCP) WellSpan Plus | 23266 | Professional |
South County Health Alliance (previously under Payer ID 41154) | 81600 | Professional |
South Dakota Blue Cross Blue Shield Blue Shield of South Dakota | SDBLS | Professional |
South Dakota Chiropractic (Sanford Health Plan) Sanford Health Plan | CASD2 | Professional |
South Dakota Medicaid | SKSD0 | Professional |
South Florida Common Services Memorial Integrated Healthcare/South Florida Community Care Network | 59065 | Professional |
South Florida Musculoskeletal Care | 06294 | Professional |
South Indiana Health Options - HMO | SX142 | Professional |
SouthCare/Healthcare Preferred Southcare / Healthcare Preferred | 25147 | Professional |
Southeast Michigan Pace | R3460 | Professional |
Southern Cal Physicians Managed Care Services | SCP01 | Professional |
Southern Illinois Healthcare | SIHCA | Professional |
Southern Illinois Healthcare Assoc | SIH99 | Professional |
Southland Benefit Solutions Amerikids-Dallas/Ft. Worth Amerigroup Houston (Claims and Encounters) Amerigroup Houston | 26374 | Professional |
Southland IPA | SIPA1 | Professional |
Southwest Mighigan Behavioral Health Mental Health Southwest Michigan Behavioral Health Mental Health | A3268 | Professional |
Southwest Mighigan Behavioral Health Substance Use Disorder Southwest Michigan Behavioral Health Subtance Use Disorder | A4585 | Professional |
Southwest Physicians Group | SWPG1 | Professional |
Southwest Service Administrators PHX Teamsters UT/MT/ID PHX Teamsters UT/MT/ID (For Dates of Service after 05/01/16) | CX100 | Professional |
Southwest Service Life/Galaxy Health Southwest Service Life | 37266 | Professional |
Southwestern Health Resources Clinically Integrated Southwestern Health Resources Clinically Integrated (DOS After Dec. 31 2022) | RP085 | Professional |
Specialty Care Program | IHS17 | Professional |
Spectrum Administrators Populytics (formerly Spectrum Administrators) | 23253 | Professional |
Spencer Stuart ARM Ltd. | 38416 | Professional |
St Joseph Health | IP062 | Professional |
St Mary's IPA St Mary IPA | SMIPA | Professional |
St. Joe High Desert | JOEHD | Professional |
St. John's Claims Administration St. Johns/First Health | 37264 | Professional |
St. Joseph Heritage Healthcare | IP106 | Professional |
St. Joseph HUMBOLT County | IP059 | Professional |
St. Therese Physician Association | 37116 | Professional |
Staff Benefits Management Administration | SBMCO | Professional |
Standard Life & Accident Insurance Company | 73099 | Professional |
Standard Life and Accident Standard Life & Accident (Payer accepts secondary claims only and Medicare cannot be primary payer.) | 01758 | Professional |
State Farm Health State Farm Homeowners Group Medical Plans (Note that payer requires Insured’s ID of 11 digits and exact structure. Otherwise claims will reject). State Farm Workers Compensation Plans (Note that payer requires Insured’s ID of 11 digits and exact structure. Otherwise claims will reject) | 31053 | Professional |
STATE FARM MUTUAL AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE CO State Farm (Property & Casualty ) State Farm Casualty & Property Claims | 31059 | Professional |
State of TX Dental Government Employees Health Association Inc. (GEHA) Government Employees Health Association Inc. (GEHA) | 57254 | Professional |
Sterling Medicare Advantage Sterling Medicare Advantage (Claims containing Dates of service after 4-30-2014 claims should be sent to Wellcare PayerID 14163) | 67829 | Professional |
Stoner & Associates | 31121 | Professional |
Stones River IPA Amerivantage | 57492 | Professional |
Stones River Regional IPA - The Physicians ACO | 28943 | Professional |
Stones River Regional IPA - Windsor | 15752 | Professional |
Stones River Regional IPA/BCBST | 15750 | Professional |
SummaCare Health Plan | 95202 | Professional |
Summit Administration Services Inc. | 86083 | Professional |
Summit America Insurance Services Inc. (Student Accident and Sickness College Sports and NASCC claims only.) | 37301 | Professional |
Summit Community Care | PASSE | Professional |
Sunrise Advantage Plan Pennsylvania | SPA01 | Professional |
Superier Health IHG Dirwxr | 75274 | Professional |
Superior Insurance Services | 97802 | Professional |
Superior Vision Services | 13305 | Professional |
Surgery One IPA | SOIPA | Professional |
Sutter Conn Sutter Med SMG SWMG SIP)800-611-5191 setup&test Sutter Connect Medical Group | IP092 | Professional |
Sutter Connect - Delta - Claims | IP100 | Professional |
Sutter Connect - SIP SMG SWMG - Encounters only | HM059 | Professional |
Sutter Connect - Solano Regional Medical Group - Claims | IP099 | Professional |
Sutter Connect - Sutter Gould Medical Foundation - Claims Sutter Connect Gould | IP091 | Professional |
Sutter Connect East Bay Med Foundation | 94269 | Professional |
Sutter Connect East Bay Med Foundation East Bay Medical Network | IP130 | Professional |
Sutter Connect East Bay Medical | HM065 | Professional |
Sutter Connect-Palo Alto Medical Foundation | SC050 | Professional |
Sutter East Bay Regional Hosp-Affinity Claims | SC052 | Professional |
Sutter Health Aetna | 60624 | Professional |
Sutter Med of Redwoods (SMGR) | HM057 | Professional |
Sutter Medical Group | SC004 | Professional |
Sutter Senior Care | SC028 | Professional |
Swedish Covenant Hospital | 36411 | Professional |
Swift Glass Corporation | 07040 | Professional |
TakeCare Insurance Company | 98022 | Professional |
Talbert Medical Group | TALMG | Professional |
Tall Tree Administrators Tall Trees Administrators | 88067 | Professional |
Tattered Cover Inc. Amalgamated Transit Union Division 1001 Health & Welfare Fund CompuSys Incorporated of Colorado Compusys of Colorado Glassworkers and Glaziers Health and Welfare Fund Trust Industrial Machine Specialties Pipe Industry Health & Welfare Fund of Colorado Colorado Laborers Health and Welfare Fund Carpenters' and Millwrights' Health Benefit Trust Fund Carpet Linoleum and Resilient Tile Layers Health and Welfare Fund | COMPU | Professional |
Taylor Benefits | TAYLR | Professional |
Teachers Health Trust | 88019 | Professional |
Team Choice - Alpha Care Gold I Par Plus Nexcaliber | ADSL1 | Professional |
Teamcare Central States Southeast and Southwest Areas Health and Welfare and Pensions Funds Central States Health & Welfare Funds Rosemont of Des Plaines IL | 36215 | Professional |
Tech-Steel Inc. Intermountain Ironworkers Trust Fund Operating Engineers Local No 53 8th Distric Electrical CompuSys Incorporated (New Mexico) Utah Carpenters CompuSys Incorporated of Arizona Utah Laborers CompuSys Incorporated of Utah CompuSys/Erisa Group Incorporated (AZ) CompuSys/Erisa Group Incorporated (NM) CompuSys/Erisa Group Incorporated (TX) Transwestern General Agency Chapter NECA Health & Welfare Trust IBEW Western Utilities or Local 57 City of Austin Erisa Administrative Services Incorporated Erisa Administrative Services Inc. New Mexico District Council of Carpenters New Mexico Painters and Allied Trades Local No 823 New Mexico-West Texas Multi- Craft (lso known as New Mexico Laborers) Advanstaff Inc. Arizona Pipe Trades Health and Welfare Trust Fund Local Union Nos. 469 & 741 Metal Trades Health Plan Arizona Pipe Trades Health and Welfare Trust Fund Local Union Nos. 469 & 741 Pipe Trades Health Plan Utah Pipe Trades | 74234 | Professional |
Teddy Health | TEDDY | Professional |
Telamon | 22483 | Professional |
Tennessee Blue Cross Blue Shield Blue Shield of Tennessee | TNBLS | Professional |
Tervist Speciality Care Program | IHS08 | Professional |
Tethys Health Ventures Tehtys Health Ventures | 20212 | Professional |
Texan Plus/Selectcare of TX (Kelsey) I Par Plus SelectCare of TX-Kelsey-Seybold Prov Requrired 713- 843-6780 | KLSY1 | Professional |
Texas Agricultural Cooperative Trust | TXABA | Professional |
Texas Blue Cross Blue Shield Blue Shield of Texas (includes Blue Cross of Texas) Blue Shield of Texas | TXBLS | Professional |
Texas Children | 75228 | Professional |
Texas Children's Health Plan | 76048 | Professional |
Texas Children's Health Plan (Medicaid) (After 10-08-16 submit claims with payerID TXCSM) TX Childrens Star Medicaid (Enroll verif calls 800-990-TCHP | TXCSM | Professional |
Texas First Health Plans Texas First Health Plan | TX1ST | Professional |
Texas Health Aetna | 88221 | Professional |
Texas HealthSpring Texas Healthspring I Par Plus | THS01 | Professional |
Texas Independence Health Plan | 31403 | Professional |
TexasFirst Health Plan | 13185 | Professional |
The Alliance of Wisconsin (Only for ID Cards showing PO Box 44365 Madison WI 53744 as mailing address) | 88461 | Professional |
The Benefit Group | TBGNE | Professional |
The Boon Group | BOONG | Professional |
The Care Network- Savannah Business Group (TCN) The Care Network The Care Network- Savanna | 68423 | Professional |
The Chesterfield Companies Chesterfield Resources Inc. | 34154 | Professional |
The City of Amarillo City of Amarillo Group Health | COA01 | Professional |
The City of Odessa | 75600 | Professional |
The Colorado Purchase Alliance | TCPA1 | Professional |
The Health Exchange (Cerner Corporation) The Health Exchange | 20356 | Professional |
The Health Plan (Form known as Hometown Health Plan of OH) Hometown Health Plan of Ohio (Now known as The Health Plan) | 30757 | Professional |
The Health Plan of West Virginia Inc The Health Plan (Upper Ohio Valley) The Health Plan (Upper Ohio Valley) | 34150 | Professional |
The Health Plan of West Virginia Inc | 95677 | Professional |
The Healthcare Group (THCG) Encore Health Network (Note: Group Policy Number in HCFA Box 11 is required.) Encore Health Network | 35206 | Professional |
The Loomis Company The Loomis | 23223 | Professional |
The Macaluso Group | 82694 | Professional |
The MEGA Life and Health Insurance Company-OKC (Valid if PO BOX 548801 Oklahoma City OK 73154.) | 59227 | Professional |
The Preferred Healthcare Systems (TPHS) The Preferred Healthcare System - PPO Altoona PA PrimeSource Health Network | 04320 | Professional |
Thomas Cooper (Provider must be enrolled with SC Blue Shield | SC315 | Professional |
Three Rivers Preferred | MP340 | Professional |
TLC Advantage in Sioux Falls TLD Advantage in Sioux Falls | TLC01 | Professional |
TLC Benefit Solutions | TLC79 | Professional |
TN (formerly AmeriChoice TN: UnitedHealthcare Community Plan / TN (formerly AmeriChoice TN: TennCare Secure Plus Complete) | 95378 | Professional |
Today's Health Today's Health I Par Plus | WITH1 | Professional |
Torrance Hospital IPA | THIPA | Professional |
Total Care of NY (As of 4-1-18 claims use payer ID 16146) | TCARE | Professional |
Total Community Care InnovAge InnovAge (Total Community Care) | 31182 | Professional |
Total Plan Concepts | 80900 | Professional |
Total Senior Care | 12268 | Professional |
Touchpoint Solutions CRM | TPS01 | Professional |
Touchstone Health PSO | 23856 | Professional |
Touchstone Health/Health Net Smart | 13402 | Professional |
TR PAUL INC TR Paul Inc. | 37230 | Professional |
Transchoice - Key Benefit Admin TransChoice Key Benefit Administrators | 37284 | Professional |
Transwestern Insurance Administrators Inc. | TRAN1 | Professional |
Travis County Healthcare District Central Health Travis County MAP - Mediview Community Care Collaborative Travis County Hospital District | TCMAP | Professional |
Tri-Valley Medical Group | 20538 | Professional |
Triad Healthcare Inc | 39181 | Professional |
Triada Assurance | CB733 | Professional |
Tribute Health Plan (Formerly Central Benefits National.) | 31118 | Professional |
Tribute Healthcare Central Benefit National (Now known as Tribute Health Plan.) | 61184 | Professional |
Tricare East (effective 01-01-2018) Tricare East Tricare East Effective 1-1-2018 | TREST | Professional |
Tricare for Life (All Regions 1-12) Tricare for Life | TDDIR | Professional |
Tricare Overseas | FOREN | Professional |
TRICARE West / UHC Military & Veterans (formerly TriWest) TRICARE West (UnitedHealthcare Military & Veterans) UnitedHealthcare Military & Veterans / TRICARE West | 99726 | Professional |
TriHealth Physician Solutions | 31144 | Professional |
Trilogy Health Network | 62777 | Professional |
Trinity Health Pace | TRNPC | Professional |
Trinity Health Solutions Inc - Everpointe | 32052 | Professional |
Triple S | 97300 | Professional |
Triple S Advantage | 973MA | Professional |
Triple S Incorporated | SB980 | Professional |
Triplefin LLC Triplefin LLC | 64300 | Professional |
TRISTAR Benefit Administrators Select Benefit Administrators (Des Moines Iowa) Select Benefit Administrators (PayerID valid for claims submission address of PO Box 8339 Des Moines IA 50301) | 42137 | Professional |
TriWest Healthcare Alliance (VA CCN Regions 4 5 &6) | TWCCN | Professional |
Troy Medicare | TRYMC | Professional |
TruBlue True Blue TPA | 83413 | Professional |
True Health New Mexico | 82288 | Professional |
True Health New Mexico FEHBP | 85824 | Professional |
Truli for Health | TRULI | Professional |
Trusteed AKA: TPSC Benefits | 91078 | Professional |
Trustmark Small Business Benefits Tooling & Manufacturing Assoc. Benefit Trust Life Insurance Company Starmark Tooling & Manufacturing Association | 61425 | Professional |
Tuality Health | THA01 | Professional |
Tuality Health Select | THASC | Professional |
Tufts Health Plan Tufts Associated Health | 04298 | Professional |
U OF U HEALTH PLANS | SX155 | Professional |
UC Davis Health Systems UC Davis Health System | UCDMG | Professional |
UC-Davis Health | 94603 | Professional |
UCare Individual & Family Plans | 55413 | Professional |
Ucare of Minnesota (Use payer ID 52629 for DOS in 2018. Use new payer ID 55413 for UCare Individual & Family Plans with DOS in 2019) Ucare of MN(Use ID 52629 DOS in 2018 UseID 55413 DOS in 2019 | 52629 | Professional |
UCLA Medical Group | USMBP | Professional |
UCS (Electrical Workers Insurance Fund Local 5800) | 93235 | Professional |
UHA Health Insurance | UHA01 | Professional |
UHC/SPECTERA VISION NETWORK Spectera UnitedHealthcare / Spectera Eyecare Networks | 00773 | Professional |
UHIN Test Payer | HT000346-001 | Professional |
UHIN Test Payer All Transactions Good | ALLGD | Professional |
UICI Administrators - State of Nevada | 75245 | Professional |
Ultimate Health Plan | 77022 | Professional |
Ultra Benefits Inc. UltraBenefits Ultra Benfits Inc. | 41206 | Professional |
UMASS Medical School Health and Criminal Justice Program | UMHCJ | Professional |
UMC Health System UMC Health Plan | 75130 | Professional |
Umpqua Health Alliance | 77503 | Professional |
UMR (UMR Wausau) UMR UMR (formerly UMR Wausau) UnitedHealthcare / UHC Shared Services - UHSS formerly UHIS UnitedHealthcare / UHIS- UnitedHealthcare Integrated Svcs. | 39026 | Professional |
UMWA Health & Retirement Funds UMWA Health & Retirement Funds (Dental) UMWA - UNITED MINE WORKERS ASSOC | 52180 | Professional |
Unified Group Services | 35198 | Professional |
Unified Health Services | 62170 | Professional |
Unified Life Insurance Company | RP064 | Professional |
Unified Physicians Network Unified Physicians Network (For Claims rejections please contact Unified Physicians claim department at 847-763-1700) | 34638 | Professional |
Unite Health Share Ministries (UHSM) | 83173 | Professional |
Unite Here | 59144 | Professional |
United Agriculture Benefit Trust | UABT1 | Professional |
United Benefits Inc (a Brown & Brown Company) | 59069 | Professional |
United Care Medical Group | ADCUC | Professional |
United Claim Solutions | A0047 | Professional |
United Claim Solutions United Claims Solutions | 20090 | Professional |
United Claims Solutions Insight Benefit Administrators United Claims Solutions Insight Benefit Administrator | 96436 | Professional |
United Food & Commercial Workers UFCW Local 1529 | 21850 | Professional |
United Healthcare Ohio Medicaid | 88337 | Professional |
United Healthcare Ohio Medicaid Dental DentaQuest | 83244 | Professional |
United Healthcare Ohio Medicaid Vision | 83572 | Professional |
United Medical Alliance UCHealth Plan Administrators (As of 8/1/14 CSMED UMA & Phycor combined) | 84132 | Professional |
UnitedHealthcare (Student Resources ) UnitedHealthcare / StudentResources | 74227 | Professional |
UnitedHealthcare Community Plan / AZ / Children's Rehabilitative Services (CRS) / Long Term Care UnitedHealthcare Community Plan / Arizona Long Term Care - BH & SNP / Children's Rehabilitative Services (CRS) UnitedHealthcare Community Plan / AZ (formerly Arizona Physicians IPA and APIPA) | 03432 | Professional |
UnitedHealthcare Community Plan / KanCare UnitedHealthcare Community Plan / KS - KanCare | 96385 | Professional |
UnitedHealthcare Community Plan / Missouri UnitedHealthcare Community Plan Missouri | 86050 | Professional |
UnitedHealthcare Community Plan / NJ (formerly AmeriChoice NJ Medicaid NJ Family Care NJ Personal Care Plus) AmeriChoice NJ Medicaid NJ Family Care (UnitedHealthcare Community Plan) UnitedHealthcare Community Plan / NJ (formerly AmeriChoice NJ Medicaid NJ Family Care NJ Personal Care Plus) former payer id 86001 | 86047 | Professional |
UnitedHealthcare Medicare Solutions / UnitedHealthcare MedicareDirect (formerly SecureHorizons) UnitedHealthcare West / UnitedHealthcare of CA OK OR TX WA and PacifiCare of AZ CO NV First Seniority Freedom UST Healthproof (Effective for claims with a DOS of 2023) OptumHealth Behavior Solutions FKA United Behavioral Health OptumHealth (OptumHealth Behavioral Solutions of NM) MAHP (MD IPA Optimum Choice and MLH) UnitedHealthcare AARP MedicareComplete through UHC (formerly from SecureHorizons) United Healthcare AARP MedicareComplete UHC/Oxford/former payer id 06111 Arnett Health Plans Former PayerID 95440 Definity Health Plan (UnitedHealthcare) Harvard Pilgrim Passport Connect OptumHealth Behavioral Solutions of NM Tarrant Health Services (previous payer ID 37728) For all dates of service prior to Jan. 1 2019 claims should be submitted to UnitedHealthcare payer ID 87726 UnitedHealthcare UnitedHealthcare (Empire Plan) UnitedHealthcare / UnitedHealthcare of the Mid-Atlantic MD IP | 87726 | Professional |
UnitedHealthcare West / Encounters (formerly PacifiCare) UnitedHealthcare West Encounters (formerly known as PacifiCare) | 95958 | Professional |
UnitedHealthOne / UnitedHealthcare Life Ins Co - Golden Rule UnitedHealthOne / Golden Rule Rooney Life Ins. | 37602 | Professional |
UnitedHealthOne / UnitedHealthcare Life Insurance Company (formerly American Medical Security) All Savers Insurance / UnitedHealthcare UnitedHealthcare / All Savers Alternate Funding UnitedHealthcare / All Savers Insurance | 81400 | Professional |
Unity Health Insurance | 66705 | Professional |
Unity Health Partners | A1152 | Professional |
Univera Community Health | 15003 | Professional |
Univera Health Care Plan/ChoiceCare Buffalo Univera Healthcare | SX087 | Professional |
Univera Healthcare - CNY | HC001 | Professional |
Univera Healthcare (SSA) | SX091 | Professional |
Univera Traditional PPO Univera PPO | UNINW | Professional |
Universal Care - California Universal Care - California (ProviderID required.) | 33001 | Professional |
University Family Care | 09830 | Professional |
University Family Care - Healthcare Group University Physicians Healthcare Group | 07503 | Professional |
University Family Care - Maricopa Health Plan Maricopa Health Plan / Maricopa Care Advantage | 09908 | Professional |
University Health Alliance | 99026 | Professional |
University Health Care Advantage Essence Healthcare CA Essence Healthcare - CA | 46407 | Professional |
University Healthcare Marketplace | 45437 | Professional |
University of Illinois | UIC67 | Professional |
University of Illinois Division of Specialized Care | 37601 | Professional |
University of Maryland Health Advantage | 45282 | Professional |
Upland Medical Group (Customer Service Phone number (909) 291-4400) | IP056 | Professional |
UPMC Health Plan | 23281 | Professional |
Upper Peninsula Health Group TPA Upper Peninsula Heath Group TPA | 37324 | Professional |
Upper Peninsula Health Plan | 38337 | Professional |
US Benefits HealthSmart US Benefits HealthSmart US Benefits (Dental) | 93092 | Professional |
US Department Of Labor (837I & 837P) US Department of Labor | 77044 | Professional |
US Family Health Plan (USFHP) | USFHP | Professional |
US Network and Administrative Services | USN01 | Professional |
US Virgin Islands Medicaid | SKVI0 | Professional |
USAA (United States Automobile Association) USAA | 74095 | Professional |
USC Health Services | 9047P | Professional |
USFHP St Vincent Catholic Med Center NY Uniformed Service Family Health Plan | 13407 | Professional |
UST Healthproof (Effective for claims with a DOS of 2022) UST Healthproof (Effective for claims with a DOS of 2022) | 83245 | Professional |
UTAH DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH Utah Medicaid FFS | SKUT0 | Professional |
Utah Medicaid Atypical | U4801 | Professional |
Utah Medicaid Crossover | U4005 | Professional |
Utica NY FEP (Federal Employee Program) Blue Shield | N4FEP | Professional |
VA Patient Centered Community Care Program (VAPCCC) Region 3 | VAP33 | Professional |
VA Patient Centered Community Care Program Region 5A VA Patient-Centered Community Care Prog (VAPCCC) Region 5A | VAPC3 | Professional |
VA Patient Centered Community Care Region 5B VAPCCC Region 5B | 55916 | Professional |
VA Patient Centered Community Care Region 6 | VAPC6 | Professional |
VACCN Community network VA Community Care Network for Dental Providers Region 2 VA Community Care Network for Dental Providers Region 3 VA Community Care Network Region 1 VA Community Care Network Region 2 VA Community Care Network Region 3 Dental Providers Region 1 | VACCN | Professional |
Valir Pace (Formerly Via Christi Hope) Valir Pace | 48123 | Professional |
Valley Care IPA (Customer Service 805-604-3332) | VCIPA | Professional |
Valley Health Administrators | VHA11 | Professional |
VALLEY HEALTH PLAN | VHP03 | Professional |
VALLEY HEALTH PLAN | VHP01 | Professional |
VALLEY HEALTH PLAN Valley Health Plan Medi-CAL | VHP02 | Professional |
Valley Mental Health | 94293 | Professional |
Valley Presbyterian Hospital Community Family Care | MPM61 | Professional |
Valley Presbyterian Hospital Valley Presbyterian Hospital Preferred IPA | MPM53 | Professional |
Valor Medicare Advantage Valor Health Pan | 43259 | Professional |
Value Options / MBHP ValueOptions/MBHP (For claim rejections please contact e- SupportServices@valueoptions.c om or 888-247-9311) | 43307 | Professional |
Value Options Colorado Medicaid | 00815 | Professional |
Value Options Commercial Claims | 00813 | Professional |
Value Options Maryland | 00823 | Professional |
Value Options Pennsylvania Medicaid | 00817 | Professional |
Value Options Texas Northstar | 00818 | Professional |
Vanderbilt University Medical Center Vanderbilt Univ Med Center | BPSLLC | Professional |
Vantage Health Plan | 77701 | Professional |
Vantage Medical Group Use Payer ID PROSP for claims with DOS after 08.01.2020 Prospect Medical Group Vantage Medical Group | PROSP | Professional |
Varipro | 72187 | Professional |
Ventura County Healthcare Plan | VCHCP | Professional |
Verity | VMMH1 | Professional |
Verity Medical Foundation (DCHS Medical Foundation) | VMF01 | Professional |
Verity National Group | 75256 | Professional |
Verity Plus | VMMH2 | Professional |
Vermont Medicaid | SKVT0 | Professional |
VESTACARE VestaCare / RH Admin | VESTA | Professional |
Vibra Health Plan | 15976 | Professional |
VieCare Life Armstrong | 25922 | Professional |
Viida Care (Now known as Amida Care) Vida Care (Now known as Amida Care.) Amida Care (Formerly Vida Care.) | 24818 | Professional |
VillageCareMAX | 26545 | Professional |
Virgin Island Medicare Part B (J9 - First Coast) | SMVI0 | Professional |
Virginia Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield Local Choice Blue Shield of Virginia Priority Healthcare Virginia State Employer Funds Healthkeeper HMO Virginia Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield Medicare Supplemental Peninsula Healthcare COVA (Commonwealth of VA) Keycare PPO VA State Employer Funds Blue Care PPO | VABLS | Professional |
Virginia Coordinated Care | 84806 | Professional |
Virginia Premier Health Plans (Effective 02-01-2019 former payer IDs VPEP1 54176 VPELT VPCCP VPHP1VPCCI MAPDI 12K83 MAPDP) Virginia Premier Health Plans | VAPRM | Professional |
Virginia Premier Preferred Gold | 251VA | Professional |
Vista Oncology New Century Infusion Solutions | NCH08 | Professional |
VIVA Health Viva Health Plan | 63114 | Professional |
Vivida Health Plan (Use this ID for dates of service on or after 01/01/21) | A0102 | Professional |
Vivida Health Plan (Use this ID for dates of service prior to 01/01/21) | 45488 | Professional |
VNA Homecare Options (Medicaid line of business) | 31626 | Professional |
VNS Choice Medicare (Formerly Visiting Nurse Service) VNS CHOICE Medicare (Formerly Visiting Nurses Service) | 77073 | Professional |
Volusia Health Network | 59266 | Professional |
Vxtra Health | 99915 | Professional |
VYTRA Healthcare (Provider ID number required. Please call 1- 631-420-4100 opt 4 opt 4 for payer set-up and payer assigned provider ID number.) Vytra Healthcare | 22264 | Professional |
WA Blue Cross Regence (UMP) WA Blue Shield Regence Regence Blue Shield of Washington | 00932 | Professional |
WA State Premera Blue Cross (835s returned under AC032) Washington State Premera Blue Cross | WABLC | Professional |
Wabash Memorial Hosp Association Wabash Memorial Hospital Association | 85256 | Professional |
Washington County Health and Human Services | WCHHS | Professional |
Washington Dept. of Labor & Industries Washington State Labor and Industry | WALAI | Professional |
Waterstone Benefit Administrators | 73155 | Professional |
Watts Healthcare Corp IPA | MPM09 | Professional |
Weiss Health Providers | 36337 | Professional |
Welbehealth | WBHCA | Professional |
Wellcare Health Plan Inc. (Encounters only) Wellcare Health Plans Inc. (Encounters) | 59354 | Professional |
Wellcare of CT Wellcare of NY | 14164 | Professional |
Wellmark BCBS (Iowa South Dakota) Blue Shield of Iowa Iowa Blue Cross Blue Shield | IABLS | Professional |
Wellmark BCBS (Iowa South Dakota) Wellmark BCBS (IA SD) | 88848 | Professional |
WellMed (Encounters) Wellmed Medical (Encounters) I Par Plus | WELMD | Professional |
WellNet Health Plans | 25711 | Professional |
Wells Fargo TPA (Part A and Part B) | 00214 | Professional |
Wellspan Employee Assistance Program WellSpan Employee Assitance Program | CB457 | Professional |
WellSystems LLC | 35245 | Professional |
West Suburban Health Providers | 80942 | Professional |
West Virginia Blue Cross Blue Shield Blue Shield of West Virginia | WVBLS | Professional |
West Virginia Family Health Plan (Payer ID 45276 will remain active only for claims for service dates prior to 7/1/2019. Providers should check member cards to ensure they send claims to the correct WV MCO plan for service dates 7/1/2019 and forward). | 45276 | Professional |
West Virginia Senior Choice | WVS01 | Professional |
Western Growers Assurance Trust (aka Pinnacle Claims Management) Company Pinnacle Claims Management Inc. Western Grower's Assurance Trust (aka Pinnacle Claims Management) Western Grower's Insurance Company Western Growers Assurance Trust (aka Pinnacle Claims Management) | 24735 | Professional |
Western Health Advantage | 68039 77225 | Professional |
Western Life Ins. Benefit Plan (FORTIS) | 39065 | Professional |
WESTERN MUTUAL INS Western Mutual Insurance | 37247 | Professional |
Western Oregon Advanced Health | DOCSO WOAHM | Professional |
Western Pennsylvania Electrical Employees Insurance Trust Fund Western Pennsylvania Electric Employees | RP083 | Professional |
Western Southern Financial Group WEST & SOUTHERN FINANCIAL GROUP | 31048 | Professional |
WestLake Financial Group Inc. | 90560 | Professional |
Weyco Inc. | 38232 | Professional |
Willamette Valley Comm Health CCO (Marion Polk Health Plan) | MPCHP | Professional |
William C Earhart William C. Earhart Co Inc. HealthSmart William C Earhart | 93050 | Professional |
William J Sutton & Co. Ltd. | 98010 | Professional |
Willow Health | WHLTH | Professional |
Wilson McShane | 41095 | Professional |
WIN Healthcare (Woman's Integrated Network Inc.) | 13413 | Professional |
Wisconsin Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield Blue Shield of Wisconsin Blue Cross Blue Shield of Wisconsin Wisconsin Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield Anthem Medicaid (WI) (Formerly BadgerCare) | WIBLS | Professional |
Wisconsin Dept of Corrections | VEST1 | Professional |
Wisconsin Medicaid | SKWI2 | Professional |
Woodman Accident and Life Co (AICT Plans only) American Insurance Company of TX | 81949 | Professional |
Worksite Benefit Systems Worksite Benefit Services | 20333 | Professional |
WPP Eldercare Wisconsin | 77080 | Professional |
WPPA-ProviDRs Care Network | WP481 | Professional |
WPS Commercial | OOWPS | Professional |
Wyoming Blue Cross Blue Shield Blue Shield of Wyoming | WYBLS | Professional |
Wyoming Medicaid | SKWY0 | Professional |
Wyoming School Boards Association Insurance Trust | WYSCH | Professional |
Yale University Health Plan | 60646 | Professional |
Yam Hill CCO-PHTech | YAMHL | Professional |
Yerington Paiute Tribe | 51350 | Professional |
Yuzu Health | IHS15 | Professional |
Zebra Health HC | 88858 | Professional |
Zenith American Solutions | 89677 | Professional |
Zing Health | 83248 | Professional |
ZoomCare | ZOOM1 | Professional |
Zurich Insurance | 16535 | Professional |
Institutional |
Payer Name | Payer Id | Line of Business |
(NCHD) Nueces County Hospital District Christus Health Plan Medicaid | 45210 | Institutional |
1199 SEIU National Benefit Fund 1199 National Benefit Fund | 13162 | Institutional |
2020 Eyecare | 2020E | Institutional |
3P ADMIN | 20413 | Institutional |
6 Degrees Health Inc. 6 Degrees Health INC | 20446 | Institutional |
A & I Benefit Plan Administrators | 93044 | Institutional |
A.G. Administrators | 11370 | Institutional |
AARP Hospital Indemnity Plans insured by UHC Insurance Co AARP Medicare Supplement Plans insured by UHC Insurance Co | 36273 | Institutional |
Abrazo Advantage Health Plan | 03443 | Institutional |
Access Administrators | AHS01 | Institutional |
Access Behavioral Care Colorado Access (837P & 837) Colorado Access HMO | COACC | Institutional |
Access Medical Group | AMG02 | Institutional |
Acclaim | 64071 | Institutional |
ACS Benefits Payer Compass | PA331 | Institutional |
ADMINISTRATIVE CONCEP Adminstrative Concepts Inc. | 22384 | Institutional |
Advantage Health Solutions Inc. | 35209 | Institutional |
Advantek Benefit Administrators Advantek Benefit Admins | 83077 | Institutional |
Advantica Benefits | 59374 | Institutional |
AdventHealth Advantage Plans | RP039 | Institutional |
AdventHealth Transplant Program | AHTP01 | Institutional |
AdventHealth Value Based Bundle Management LLC AdventHealth Value Based Bundle Management | VBBM13 | Institutional |
ADVENTIST HEALTH SYSTEM | 95340 | Institutional |
Advisory Health Administrators | CB159 | Institutional |
Advocate Health Centers (AHC) Advocate Health Centers | 36320 | Institutional |
Advocate Health Partners Advocate Health Partners (PHO) | 65093 | Institutional |
Aegis Administrative Services Aegis Andministrative Services | CB637 | Institutional |
Aegis Administrative Services Aegis Andministrative Services | BC637 | Institutional |
Aetna Affordable Health Choices Aetna Affordable Health Choices (SM) SRC | 57604 | Institutional |
Aetna Better Health CA Aetna Better Health of California | 128CA | Institutional |
Aetna Better Health IL Medicaid Aetna Better Health Medicaid IL | 26337 | Institutional |
Aetna Better Health Nevada | 128NV | Institutional |
Aetna Better Health NY | 34734 | Institutional |
Aetna Better Health of Illinois INC | 68024 | Institutional |
Aetna Better Health of Kansas Aetna Better Health Kansas | 128KS | Institutional |
Aetna Better Health of Kentucky | 128KY | Institutional |
Aetna Better Health of Louisiana | 128LA | Institutional |
Aetna Better Health of Maryland | 128MD | Institutional |
Aetna Better Health of Michigan | 128MI | Institutional |
Aetna Better Health of New Jersey | 46320 | Institutional |
Aetna Better Health of Ohio | 50023 | Institutional |
Aetna Better Health of Pennsylvania Medicaid Aetna Better Health - PA Medicaid | 23228 | Institutional |
Aetna Better Health of Virginia | 128VA | Institutional |
Aetna Better Health of West Virginia Aetna Better Health West Virginia | 128WV | Institutional |
Aetna OHIORISE | 45221 | Institutional |
Aetna TX Medicaid & CHIP AETNA TEXAS MEDICAID | 38692 | Institutional |
Aetna Primary Choice (Aetna HP- NY/NJ) Magellan Behavioral Health Select Choice Senior Choice (Aetna HP-NY/NJ) Aetna 60054 (Commercial only) Aetna Health Plan - PPO Aetna Life & Casualty Company | 60054 | Institutional |
Affiliated Doctors of Orange County | ADOCS | Institutional |
Affiliated Physicians Group | M3CA1 | Institutional |
Affinity Essentials AffinityAccess | 23334 | Institutional |
Affinity Health Plan Affinity Health Plans | 13334 | Institutional |
Affordable Benefit Administrator Affordable Benefit Administrators Benefit Plan Administrators Benefit Plan Administrators of Co Eau Claire WI Benefit Plan Administrators CO Eau Claire WI Benefit Plan Administrator Benefit Plan Administrators WI | 39081 | Institutional |
Agency Services Inc Meritain Health / Agency Services | 64158 | Institutional |
Ageright Advantage | ARA01 | Institutional |
Agewell of New York Agewell New York | AWNY6 | Institutional |
AHPO (Cleveland OH) | 31138 | Institutional |
AIDS Healthcare Foundation Positive Health Care (PHC) California | 95422 | Institutional |
AIG Chartis | 19402 | Institutional |
Aither Health | 64884 | Institutional |
Alabama Blue Shield (Professional) Blue Shield of Alabama Blue Cross of Alabama | ALBLS | Institutional |
ALAMEDA ALLIANCE Alameda Alliance for Health (Provider must contact payer to be approved. Contact at Alameda is Anet Quiambao at 510-747-6153 or aquiambao@alamedaalliance.co m) | 95327 | Institutional |
Alaska Childrens Services Inc Alaska Laborers Construction Industry Trust Alaska Pipe Trades Local 375 Alaska United Food & Commercial Workers Health & Welfare Trust Cement Masons & Plasterers Health & Welfare Trust - Grp#F16 Automotive Machinists Local 289 Health & Welfare Trust - Grp#F32 University of Washington Students & Graduate Appts. - Grp#P67 Operating Engineers Locals 302 & 612 Health & Security Fund - Grp#F12 Welfare and Pension Administration Hotel Employees & Restaurant Employees Health Trust - Grp#F19 N.W. Ironworkers Health & Security Trust Fund - Grp#F15 N.W. Roofers & Employers Health & Security Trust Fund - Grp#F14 N.W. Textile Processors - Grp#F14 Glassworkers Health & Welfare Fund - Grp# F29 Enstar Natural Gas - Grp# P61 Puget Sound Benefits Trust - Grp#F25 Puget Sound Electrical Workers Trust - Grp#33 West Coast Stationary Engineers Health & Security Trust Fund - Grp#F13 Alaska Children's Services Inc. - Group # P68 Alaska Laborers Construction Industry Trust - Gro | 91136 | Institutional |
Alaska Medicaid | 12K86 | Institutional |
Albuquerque Public Schools | 85600 | Institutional |
Alexian Brothers Community Services of Tennessee | 44423 | Institutional |
AliCare Amalgamated Life | 13550 | Institutional |
Align Senior Care California | ASCA1 | Institutional |
Align Senior Care Michigan | ASMI1 | Institutional |
Align Senior Care Virginia | ASVA1 | Institutional |
Alignment Healthcare Align Senior Care Florida | CCHPC | Institutional |
AllCare Pace | ACPCE | Institutional |
AllCare PEBB | 26158 | Institutional |
Allegiance Benefit Plan Management Inc. | 81040 | Institutional |
Alliance Coal Health Plan | 93658 | Institutional |
Alliance Physicians of the High Desert Alliance Physicians High Desestt | 22417 | Institutional |
Alliant Health Plans of Georgia | 58234 | Institutional |
Allianz Global Assistance Allianz Global Assistan | 50749 | Institutional |
Allied Benefit Systems | 37308 | Institutional |
Allied Physicians of California IPA Arroyo Vista Family Health Center Greater Orange IPA Greater San Gabriel Valley Physicians IPA La Salle Medical Associates IPA Advantage Health Network IPA Arroyo Viata Family Health Center | NMM01 | Institutional |
Allina Health Aetna AMC Plus | 54398 | Institutional |
AllWays Health Plan (prev. Neighborhood Plan Boston MA) | 04293 | Institutional |
Alphacare Medical Group | MPM32 | Institutional |
AltaMed | ALTAM | Institutional |
Alternative Opportunities | 16089 | Institutional |
Alterwood Advantage | RP016 | Institutional |
AM-First Insurance Morgan White | 01757 | Institutional |
AMA Insurance Agency Inc. | AMAIA | Institutional |
Amalgamated Life - PA / Alicare Amalgamated Life - PA/Alicare | 13343 | Institutional |
AMC Plus | A2740 | Institutional |
AmeraPlan ClaimChoice Administrators | 38219 | Institutional |
Ameriben - IEC Group | 97661 | Institutional |
Ameriben Solutions | 75137 | Institutional |
America's Choice NMA Healthsmart America's Choice America's Choice Health | 20029 | Institutional |
America's Health Choice | 21810 | Institutional |
America's PPO / America's TPA HealthEZ | 41178 | Institutional |
Americaid Community Care (Houston) | 27515 | Institutional |
Americaid Community Care (Maryland) | 27517 | Institutional |
Americaid Community Care (New Jersey) | 27516 | Institutional |
American Administrative Group - AAG Form known as UICI Admin UICI - Administrators | 75240 | Institutional |
American Administrative Group AAG (Gallagher Benefits) American Administrative Group (formerly Gallagher Benefit) AAG - American Administrative Group Cincinnati Financial Corporation Gallagher Cinncinnati Financial Corporation | 37283 | Institutional |
American Behavior American Behavioral | 63103 | Institutional |
American Family (administered by American Republic) American Family Insurance (Administered by American Republic) | 56071 | Institutional |
American Family Insurance | 12T31 | Institutional |
American Fidelity Assurance Company | 60801 | Institutional |
American General AMERICAN GENERAL LIFE AND ACCIDENT | 62030 | Institutional |
American Health Advantage of Texas | 31155 | Institutional |
American Health Advantage of Utah | 31145 | Institutional |
American Healthcare Alliance | 01066 | Institutional |
American LIFECARE (Group Number required. Valid only for claims with a billing address of 1100 Poydras ST. #2600 New Orleans LA 70163) American Lifecare | 72099 | Institutional |
American NatIonal Insurance (ANICO) American National Insurance Co | 74048 | Institutional |
American Plan Administrators | 95606 | Institutional |
American Postal Workers Union Healthplan American Postal Workers Union Health Plan | 44444 | Institutional |
American Republic Insurance Company | 42011 | Institutional |
Americas 1st Choice Health Plans of South Carolina | 20553 | Institutional |
Americas 1st Choice of South Carolina Inc Americas 1st Choice of South Carolina Inc. | 55349 | Institutional |
Amerigroup - Illlinois Amerigroup | 28804 | Institutional |
Amerigroup Multiple States (Claims and Encounters) Amerigroup Multiple States | 26378 | Institutional |
Amerigroup New Mexico Amerigroup DC Amerigroup Georgia Amerigroup of Iowa Amerivantage Amerigroup Iowa | 26375 | Institutional |
Amerigroup Ohio (Claims and Encounters Amerigroup Illinois (Claims and Encounters Amerigroup Illinois Amerigroup Ohio | 27518 | Institutional |
Amerigroup Amerigroup/Wellpoint New Jersey Amerivantage Amerigroup Wellpoint Amerigroup Vantage Amerigroup Wellpoint Amerigroup/Wellpoint Arizona Amerigroup/Wellpoint Iowa Amerigroup/Wellpoint Texas Amerigroup/Wellpoint Washington Amerigroup/Wellpoint Tennessee Wellpoint Maryland | WLPNT | Institutional |
Amerihealth Administrators Inc. | 23252 | Institutional |
Amerihealth Administrators Inc. AmeriHealth Administrators | 54763 | Institutional |
AmeriHealth Caritas Healthplan New Hampshire | 87716 | Institutional |
AmeriHealth Caritas Louisiana (Formerly known as LA Care) AmeriHealth Caritas Louisiana(Formerly known as LA Care) | 27357 | Institutional |
Amerihealth Caritas Next DE AmeriHealth Caritas Next FL | 45408 | Institutional |
Amerihealth Caritas Next FL AmeriHealth Caritas Next DE | 47073 | Institutional |
AmeriHealth Caritas Next NC | 83148 | Institutional |
Amerihealth Caritas North Carolina | 81671 | Institutional |
AmeriHealth Caritas Ohio Inc AmeriHealth Caritas Ohio Inc | 35374 | Institutional |
AmeriHealth Caritas Ohio Medicaid MCE (Transportation Only) AmeriHealth Caritas Ohio Medicaid MCE | 42435 | Institutional |
Amerihealth Caritas VIP Care - Florida DSNP AmeriHealth Caritas VIP Care Florida DSNP | 88232 | Institutional |
AmeriHealth Caritas VIP Care Delaware DSNP Amerihealth Caritas VIP Care - Delaware DSNP | 87406 | Institutional |
AmeriHealth Caritas VIP Care AmeriHealth Caritas Pennsylvania Community HealthChoices | 77062 | Institutional |
AmeriHealth Caritus VIP Care Plus (Michigan) | 77013 | Institutional |
Amerihealth Delaware | 77799 | Institutional |
Amerihealth District of Columbia (For EDI Support please email edi.dc@amerihealthdc.com or call 1-888-656-2383) Amerihealth DC | 77002 | Institutional |
Amerihealth HMO NJ and DE Amerihealth HMO NJ and Delaware | 95044 | Institutional |
AmeriHealth Mercy Health Plan (FKA AmeriHealth Caritas Pennsylvania. Claims containing DOS on or after 1/1/21 will need to be sent under this payer ID) AmeriHealth Caritas Pennsylvania | 22248 | Institutional |
Amerihealth NJ/DE - HMO ** (Must complete enrollment form under payer ID 95044) | 23037 | Institutional |
AmeriHealth NorthEast (Dates of Service on or before Dec. 31 2020 may continue to use the following until Dec. 31 2021. For dates of service 01/01/21 or after use payer ID 22248} AmeriHealth NorthEast (Dates of Service on or before Dec. 31 2020 may continue to use the following until Dec. 31 2021. For dates of service 01/01/21 or after use payer ID 22248) | 77001 | Institutional |
Amerihealth PPO New Jersey | 12X28 | Institutional |
Amfirst Insurance Company | 64090 | Institutional |
Amida Care Medicare | 79966 | Institutional |
Amtrust North America | J1868 | Institutional |
Amway Corporation Activia Benefit Services LLC Activia Benefit Services LLC (formerly Amway Corp) Activa Benefits Services LLC (Formerly Amway Corporation) | 38254 | Institutional |
Anchor Benefit Consulting Inc Anchor Benefit Consulting Anchor Benefit (Dental) | 53085 | Institutional |
Anchor Benefit Consulting Anchor (Claimsbridge) | IHS10 | Institutional |
Angeles IPA (SynerMed) | 75299 | Institutional |
Angle Insurance Company of Utah | 39856 | Institutional |
Antares Management Services Mutual Health Services (fka Antares Management Solutions) Antares Management Solutions | 34192 | Institutional |
Anthem BCBS Georgia Anthem GA | 00601 | Institutional |
Anthem BCBS Missouri Anthem BCBS Missouri | 00241 | Institutional |
Anthem BCBS Colorado | 00050 | Institutional |
Anthem BCBS Connecticut | 00060 | Institutional |
Anthem BCBS Maine | 00180 | Institutional |
Anthem BCBS New Hampshire | 00270 | Institutional |
Anthem BCBS Ohio | 00834 | Institutional |
Anthem BCBS Virginia | 00423 | Institutional |
Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield | 02937 | Institutional |
Anthem Blue Cross of California California Anthem Blue Cross California Blue Cross Blue Cross of California | 47198 | Institutional |
Anthem GA | 00101 | Institutional |
Anthem KY Blue Cross of Indiana Blue Cross of Kentucky | 00160 | Institutional |
Anthem Maine Health | 00958 | Institutional |
Anthem NH Blue Cross of New Hampshire | 00770 | Institutional |
Anthem OH Blue Cross of Ohio | 00332 | Institutional |
APEX BENEFITS SERVICE Apex Benefit Services (Claims must contain the rendering provider ID or the claim will reject.) | 34196 | Institutional |
Apex Health | 83112 | Institutional |
Apostrophe | 81312 | Institutional |
APWU Health Conversion Plan - APWU | 55544 | Institutional |
Arbor Health | 52312 | Institutional |
Arcadia Healthcare Solutions IPG | 11081 | Institutional |
Arcadia Healthcare Solutions NPA Arcadia Healthcare Solutions - NPA | 36364 | Institutional |
Argus Dental and Vision | ARGUS | Institutional |
Arizona Medicaid | SKAZ0 | Institutional |
Arizona Medicare Medicare of Arizona | AZMCR | Institutional |
Arizona Priority Care Plus | 27154 | Institutional |
Arkansas Best Corporation - Choice Benefits CIGNA CIGNA - PPA CIGNA - PPO CIGNA Health Plan - HMO Connecticut General (CIGNA) EQUICOR EQUICOR - PPO Equitable (CIGNA) HEALTHSOURCE GA HEALTHSOURCE IN HEALTHSOURCE KY HEALTHSOURCE ME HEALTHSOURCE NH HEALTHSOURCE OH HEALTHSOURCE PROVI HEALTHSOURCE SOUTH Provident TYSON FOODS Arkansas Best Corporation CIGNA Premier Plus Arkansas Best Corporation (previous payer ID 75278 new payer ID is effective for claims submitted December 15 2017 and after). | 62308 | Institutional |
Arkansas Medicare Part A Jurisdiction 7 | 12022 | Institutional |
ASAGEHA | 06603 | Institutional |
ASC Benefit Services Inc. ACS Benefit Services inc. | 72467 | Institutional |
Ascension Bundle Program Ascension Bundle Health | ASN99 | Institutional |
Ascension Living Pace MI Ascension Living St Vincent Pace INC | R3458 | Institutional |
Asian American Medical Group | AAMG1 | Institutional |
Aspire Health Plan | 46156 | Institutional |
Aspirus Medicare Advantage | 36483 | Institutional |
ASR Physicians Care Physicians Care Network ASR Corporation | 38265 | Institutional |
ASRM LLC ASRM Corporation ASRM | ASRM1 | Institutional |
Associated Hispanic Physicians Southern California | MPM44 | Institutional |
Associates for Health Care Inc. (AHC) Associates for Healthcare | 36326 | Institutional |
Assurant Health Assurant Health Self Funded | 75068 | Institutional |
ASSURED BENEFITS ADMI Assured Benefits Administrators | 74240 | Institutional |
Asuris NW Health | 93221 | Institutional |
Atlantic Medical Colonial AMI Atlantic Medical Insurance | 22285 | Institutional |
Atrio Health Plan Asserta Health | IHS14 | Institutional |
AultCare Aultra Administrative Group PrimeTime Health plan | 204951704 AULOH AULTC AULTCARE | Institutional |
AultCare Aultra Administrative Group PrimeTime Health plan Aultcare | 341488123 | Institutional |
Author by Humana | 61108 | Institutional |
Automated Benefit Services (ABS) Automated Benefit Services | 38259 | Institutional |
Automated Group Administration Inc. Automated Group Administration | 37280 | Institutional |
Auxiant (Nat’l Health Benefit Corp) National Health Benefits Corportation- NHBC02 National Health Benefits Corporation - NHBC02 | 88050 | Institutional |
Avectus Healthcare Solutions (Call 855-AVECTUS) Avectus Healthcare Solutions | MP001 | Institutional |
Avera Health Plans | 46045 | Institutional |
AVMED Avmed Inc. | 59274 | Institutional |
Bakersfield Family Medical Center | BKRFM | Institutional |
Bakery & Confectionery Union & Industry International Health | BCTF1 | Institutional |
Bankers Life and Casualty Company or Washington National Insurance Company | 90000 | Institutional |
Banner Health | 12X42 | Institutional |
Banner Health & Aetna Health Insurance Company | 67895 | Institutional |
Banner Medicare Advantage Plus (HMO) (HMO) Banner | 16664 | Institutional |
Banner Medicare Advantage Plus (PPO) | 16663 | Institutional |
Banner University Family Care (University of Arizona Health Plans) Banner University Family Care | 66901 | Institutional |
Baptist Cardiac Program | BSC01 | Institutional |
Barinet (L&W) | CB369 | Institutional |
Baycare Select Health Plans Incorp Baycare Select Health Plans Inc | 81079 | Institutional |
BCBS Arizona | BCBSAZ | Institutional |
BCBS Kansas | 4716B | Institutional |
BCBS Kansas City | 47171 | Institutional |
BCBS Mighigan and Blue Care Network | 00210 | Institutional |
BCBS Minnesota | 00222 00722 | Institutional |
BCBS Minnesota Blue Cross of Minnesota | 00220 | Institutional |
BCBS Minnesota Comprehensive Care Services (BCBSMN) | 00720 | Institutional |
BCBS Montana | 00751 | Institutional |
BCBS North Carolina | BCSNC | Institutional |
BCBS North Dakota | 55891 | Institutional |
BCBS South Carolina Planned Admin SC BCBS Planned Administrators | SC886 | Institutional |
BCBS Texas Medicaid BCBS Texas Medicaid (Plan effective December 1 2015) | 66001 | Institutional |
BCBS Western NY Medicaid | WNYMD | Institutional |
BCBS Wyoming | 53767 | Institutional |
BCBSMN Blue Plus Medicaid | 00726 | Institutional |
Beacon Health Options | BHOVO | Institutional |
Beaver Medical Group | 45967 | Institutional |
Behavioral Health Systems | 63100 | Institutional |
Bella Vista Med Grp IPA Bella Vista Medical Group | MPM10 | Institutional |
Benebay Berkshire Health Plans Berkshire Health Partners | 23243 | Institutional |
BeneFirst | 37125 | Institutional |
Benefit & Risk Management Services Benefit & Risk Management Services (Commercial Medicare under Med3000) | 99320 | Institutional |
Benefit Coordinators Benefit Coordinators Corporation | 25145 | Institutional |
Benefit Management Admin (BMA) | BMATP | Institutional |
Benefit Management LLC/VBA | 88092 | Institutional |
Benefit Management Services for Charlotte NC Benefit Management Services | 56139 | Institutional |
Benefit Management Systems Inc. Benefit Management Systems Inc of Mississippi | 37212 | Institutional |
Benefit Management Inc. of KS (Only accepts claims for these groups BMI187 BMI219 BMI234 BMI236 BMI214 BMI241 BMI617 BMI246 BMI246.) Benefit Management Inc. of KS | 48611 | Institutional |
Benefit Plan Administrators - ClaimsBridge Benefit Plan Administrators | IHS19 | Institutional |
Benefit Plan Administrators Northern Nevada Trust Fund Northern Nevada Trust Funds (Call 775-826-7200 prior to submitting claims.) | 88027 | Institutional |
Benefit Planners Inc. UICI - Administrators - State of Nevada | 74223 | Institutional |
Benefit Systems and Services Inc. Benefit Systems & Services Inc. (BSSI) | 36342 | Institutional |
Berkshire Intergroup Quest EAP | 10956 | Institutional |
BEST LIFE & HEALTH CO Best Life & Health Insurance Co. | 95604 | Institutional |
Better Health Plan of Florida (For claims rejections contact payer at 800-514-4561 and select provider services option.) Better Health Plan of Florida | 20488 | Institutional |
Beverly Hospital | MPM42 | Institutional |
BHSF International | 67668 | Institutional |
BIENVIVIR SERVICES | 12X40 | Institutional |
BIND (UHC Choice Plus Multiplan) Surest Health Plan | 25463 | Institutional |
Blackhawk Dart Member Care ## Dart Member Care | CB987 | Institutional |
Blue Choice Medicaid (for DOS 12/31/23 and prior) | 00403 | Institutional |
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Alabama | 12B54 | Institutional |
Blue Cross Community Options Blue Cross Community Solutions Effect 12-14-14 payer ID00621 | MCDIL | Institutional |
Blue Cross Complete of Michigan LLC Blue Cross Complete | 32002 | Institutional |
Blue Cross Iowa & South Dakota COB | 12B92 | Institutional |
Blue Cross Medicare Advantage of Montana Illinois Texas and Oklahoma Blue Cross Medicare Advantage (For DOS after 01-01-2017 and for MemberID starting with YDL YDJ XOD XOJ ZGD ZGI ID YIJ YUX and UYB only) | 66006 | Institutional |
Blue Cross of Illinois Blue Cross of Illinois BLUECROSS BLUESHIELD (BCBS) IL HCSC | 00621 | Institutional |
Blue Cross of Alaska | 12B47 | Institutional |
Blue Cross of Arizona | 53589 | Institutional |
Blue Cross of Arkansas | 00520 | Institutional |
Blue Cross of Colorado | 15491 | Institutional |
Blue Cross of Connecticut | 3534I | Institutional |
Blue Cross of Florida Florida Blue | 00590 | Institutional |
Blue Cross of Georgia | 3537I | Institutional |
Blue Cross of Idaho | 12B07 | Institutional |
Blue Cross of Louisiana State Employees Group Benefits | 12B12 | Institutional |
Blue Cross of Maine | 12B13 | Institutional |
Blue Cross of Maryland | 12011 | Institutional |
Blue Cross of Massachusetts | 00200 | Institutional |
Blue Cross of Mississippi | 12B17 | Institutional |
Blue Cross of Missouri | 12B65 | Institutional |
Blue Cross of Missouri - Kansas City Missouri | 5569I | Institutional |
Blue Cross of Nebraska | 00260 | Institutional |
Blue Cross of New Mexico BLUECROSS BLUESHIELD (BCBS) NM HCSC Lovelace Sandia | 00790 | Institutional |
Blue Cross of New York City (Empire) | 12B36 | Institutional |
Blue Cross of New York of Central | 12B37 | Institutional |
Blue Cross of New York of Utica Watertown | 12B38 | Institutional |
Blue Cross of New York State | 12B35 | Institutional |
Blue Cross of North Carolina | 12B23 | Institutional |
Blue Cross of North Dakota | 12B78 | Institutional |
Blue Cross of Oklahoma BLUECROSS BLUESHIELD (BCBS) OK HCSC | 00840 | Institutional |
Blue Cross of Oregon Regence Regence BCBS Oregon | 00851 | Institutional |
Blue Cross of Pennsylvania Capital | 12B60 | Institutional |
Blue Cross of Rhode Island | 12B74 | Institutional |
Blue Cross of South Carolina | 12B55 | Institutional |
Blue Cross of Vermont | 12B32 | Institutional |
Blue Cross of Washington Blue Cross of Washington (Premera) | 00934 | Institutional |
Blue Cross of West Virginia | 12B28 | Institutional |
Blue Medicare Advantage | 00772 | Institutional |
Blue Shield of California | 94036 | Institutional |
Blue Shield of Kansas City Blue Cross of Kansas City Kansas City Blue Cross Blue Shield | KCBLS | Institutional |
Blue Shield of Kansas Blue Cross of Kansas Kansas Blue Cross Blue Shield | KSBLS | Institutional |
Blue Shield of Michigan Michigan Blue Cross Blue Shield | MIBLS | Institutional |
Blue Shield of New Jersey Horizon BCBSNJ | 22099 | Institutional |
Blue Shield of New York Western Blue Cross Blue Shield Of Western New York Blue Shield of Western New York | N1BLS | Institutional |
Blue Shield of Tennessee Blue Cross of Tennessee | 5513I | Institutional |
BMC Health Net Plan Boston Medical Center Healthnet | 13337 | Institutional |
Boilermakers National Health & Welfare Fund | 36609 | Institutional |
Boon-Chapman Benefit Administrators Inc. | 74238 | Institutional |
Brand New Day (Encounters) Brand New Day (FFS) | UC002 | Institutional |
Brand New Day (FFS) Brand New Day (Encounters) | UC001 | Institutional |
Braven Health | 84367 | Institutional |
Bravo Health (Now CIGNA HealthSprings.) CIGNA HealthSprings Bravo Health Elder Health HMO of Pennsylvania | 52192 | Institutional |
Breckpoint | BRKPN | Institutional |
Bridgespan | BRIDG | Institutional |
Bright Health (for DOS after 01/01/2022) | BRGHT | Institutional |
Bright Health Plan | CB186 | Institutional |
BritCay Colonial BC | 22286 | Institutional |
Brockerage Concepts Inc (Benefit Concepts) Benefit Concepts Healthsmart Brokerage Concepts Brockerage Concepts Inc. | 51037 | Institutional |
Broward Regional Health Planning Council | BRHPC | Institutional |
Brown & Toland Medical Group | 94316 | Institutional |
Buckeye Ohio Medicaid | 04202 | Institutional |
Butler Benefits HealthSmart Butler Benefit HealthSmart Fringe Benefit Coordinators HealthSmart US Benefits HealthSmart William C Earhart | 42150 | Institutional |
C&O Employees Hospital Association C & O Employees Hospital Association | 23708 | Institutional |
C3 Health (fka Access Health Inc.) | A1680 | Institutional |
Cal-Optima Direct Caloptima CALOPTIMA DIRECT | CALOP | Institutional |
California Health and Wellness California Health & Wellness | 68047 | Institutional |
California Home Health and Hospice | 12M98 | Institutional |
California IPA | AMM14 | Institutional |
California Pacific Medical Center California Pacific Medical Center | 94056 | Institutional |
Cannon Cochran Management Services Inc. LA (Claims for Payer address of Metairie LA only.) CANNON COCHRAN MANAGEMENT SERVICES INC | 71057 | Institutional |
CANNON COCHRAN MGMT Arcadia Insurance Company Sage Technologies (Formerly CCMSI) (Claims for payer address of Rockford IL ONLY.) | 37105 | Institutional |
CAP Management Systems CAP Management | 95399 | Institutional |
Capital District Physicians Health Plan | 12X03 | Institutional |
Capital Health Plan | 95112 | Institutional |
Capitol Administrators (Lucent Health) | 68011 | Institutional |
Caprock Health Plan CapRock HealthPlans | CAPHP | Institutional |
Cardiovascular Care Providers | GCVCP | Institutional |
Care Access PSN | 12K89 | Institutional |
Care Around the Clock | 57721 | Institutional |
Care First Health Plan of AZ Care 1st Health Plan of Arizona | 57116 | Institutional |
Care First Health Plan of CA Care 1st Health Plan of CA | 57115 | Institutional |
Care N Care Care N' Care | 66010 | Institutional |
Care to Care | 41222 | Institutional |
Care Wisconsin Health Plan (Trizetto) | 27004 | Institutional |
CareCentrix | 11345 | Institutional |
CareCentrix BCBS MI CareCentrix BCBS Michigan | 11349 | Institutional |
CareCentrix Cigna | 11346 | Institutional |
CareCentrix Florida Blue | 11347 | Institutional |
CareCentrix Horizon | 11348 | Institutional |
CareCentrix Wellcare | 11350 | Institutional |
CareCore Aetna Radiology CareCore National LLC (Aetna Radiology Claims) New York Medical Imaging-MVP | 14179 | Institutional |
CareCore National Care Core National | 14182 | Institutional |
CareCore Oxford Radiology CareCore National LLC (Radiology charges for Oxford) | 14180 | Institutional |
Carefirst BCBS DC National Capital Area CareFirst BCBS - DC National Capital Area | SB580 | Institutional |
Carefirst BCBS NCA | 12000 | Institutional |
Carefirst Medicare Advatange CareFirst Medicare Advantage | 00193 | Institutional |
Carelon Aetna Home Health | 34010 | Institutional |
Carelon Anthem Home Health | 34009 | Institutional |
CareMore Value Plus (CVP) Caremore Caremore IPA | CARMO | Institutional |
CareOregon Inc. Care Oregon | 93975 | Institutional |
CarePartners of Connecticut | 16307 | Institutional |
CarePlus Health Plan | 95092 | Institutional |
Caresource Georgia Caresource of Georgia CareSource of GA | GACS1 | Institutional |
CareSource Health Plan of Oregon | MRCHP | Institutional |
Caresource Indiana CareSource Marketplace CareSource IN | INCS1 | Institutional |
CareSource KY Caresource Humana Humana Caresource CareSource of Kentucky | KYCS1 | Institutional |
CareSource MI Medicaid CareSource Michigan Medicaid | MIMCDCS1 | Institutional |
CareSource North Carolina CareSource NC | NCCS1 | Institutional |
CareSource of AR Caresource AR | ARCS1 | Institutional |
CareSource OH | 31114 | Institutional |
CareSource Ohio Medicaid | 03150 | Institutional |
Caresource West Virginia CareSource WV | WVCS1 | Institutional |
Cariten Commercial | 62073 | Institutional |
Cariten Senior Health | 62072 | Institutional |
Carolina Summit Healthcare Inc. Carolina Summit Healthcare Inc | 56195 | Institutional |
CBHA Carolina Behavioral Health Alliance Carolina Behavioral Health Alliance | 56215 | Institutional |
CBNHP Health Choices CBHNP - Health Choices | 65391 | Institutional |
CBSA CBSA (Corporation Benefit Services of America) Corporate Benefit Services of America IBI Iowa Benefits Inc. Meritain Health Minneapolis Iowa Benefits Inc. Fortis Self Funded Administrative Services | 41124 | Institutional |
CCOK Community Care Managed Health Care Plans of Oklahoma | 73143 | Institutional |
CDO Technologies MBA Benefit Administrators | 83028 | Institutional |
Cedar Valley Community Health Plan SISCO Quad Cities Community Health Plan Lake Region Community Health Plan Northeast Iowa Community Health Plan | SISCO | Institutional |
Cedars-Sinai Medical Network Services Claims Cedars-Sinai Medical Network Services | 95166 | Institutional |
Cedars-Sinai Medical Network Services Encounters Cedars-Sinai Medical Network Services | 95167 | Institutional |
Celtic Health Insurance | 68063 | Institutional |
CeltiCare Cenpatico - Georgia Iowa Total Care Centene Advantage Plans (claims for former payer ID 95567 with DOS on or after 1/1/18) Louisiana Healthcare Connections Ambetter of Arkansas Home State Health Plan Total Carolina Care Magnolia Mississippi Bridgeway Arizona Managed Health Services Indiana Managed Health Services of Wisconsin (Please contact the payer @ 800-225-2573 ext 25525 to get setup to submit electronic claims.) Buckeye Community Health California Health and Wellness Healthnet Community Solutions SilverSummit Health Plan Illinicare Group Health NebraskaTotal Care Peach State Health Plan (Behavioral Health) Peach State Health Plan (Medicaid) (Call 800-225-2573 ext 25525 prior to submitting claims.) Kentucky Spirit Health Plan Arkansas Total Care BRIDGEWAY NETWORK New Hampshire Healthy Family California Health & Wellness Centene Advantage Plans Western Sky Community Care Michigan Complete Health Nebraska Total Care Novasys Health Network Peach State Health | 68069 | Institutional |
Cenpatico - Kansas (Prior to submitting claims please call Provider Relations Dept at 866- 896-7293 to verify your provider info is on file in the claim system.) Cenpatico (For multiple states) Cenpatico Behavioral Health - Wisconsin (Call 800-225-2573 ext 25525 prior to submitting claims.) Cenpatico Behavioral Health AZ (Prior to submission contact 866- 495-6748 to verify provider ID.) Cenpatico Florida Behavioral Health Cenpatico Indiana Cenpatico Massachusetts Cenpatico Ohio Illinicare Behavioral Health Cenpatico CENPATICO ARIZONA Cenpatico Behavior Health CENPATICO GEORGIA Cenpatico Kansas CENPATICO TEXAS GROUP PRACTICE AFFILIATES IHS Gateway Payer South Integrated Mental Health Services | 68068 | Institutional |
Center for Elders Independence | 94312 | Institutional |
Center for Healthy Living | CPHL1 | Institutional |
CenterCare | 13357 | Institutional |
CenterLight Healthcare | 13360 | Institutional |
Centivo | 45564 | Institutional |
Centivo Direct Network Access | IHS04 | Institutional |
Centra Healthplan | 75196 | Institutional |
Centra Healthplan Harrington | 75243 | Institutional |
Central California Alliance Call CCA EDI support at 831-430-5510 prior to submitting claims for first time | 12K82 | Institutional |
Central Health Medicare Central Health MSO | CHCPI | Institutional |
Central Mass Heath Care CMHC Healthsource CMHC Healthsource Massachusetts Inc Healthsource MA | 02041 | Institutional |
Central Reserve Life Insurance Company Loyal American Life Central Reserve Life Central Reserve Life Ins.Co. (Formertly Loyal American Life (Medicare Supplement) ) | 13193 | Institutional |
Central Valley Medical Group Sutter Connect - Central Valley Med Group (Claims) | 77035 | Institutional |
Centurion LLC Centurion | IHS11 | Institutional |
Centurion of Tennessee | 42140 | Institutional |
Century PHO | 36393 | Institutional |
Chaffey Medical Group | 49533 | Institutional |
CHAMPVA - HAC Veterans Family Members Program (FKA CHAMPVA-HAC) | 84146 | Institutional |
Children's Community Health Plan Wisconsin | 251CC | Institutional |
Childrens Medical Center Health Plan | CMCHP | Institutional |
Chinese Community Health Plan Chinese Community Health Plan (Unique Provider ID must be on claim.) | 94302 | Institutional |
Chino Valley Medical Group | CVMC1 | Institutional |
CHOC Childrens Hosp of Orange Cty Health Alliance CHOC - Childrens Hospital of Orange County Health Alliance | 33065 | Institutional |
Choice Physicians Network (Nivano Physicians) | CPNNP | Institutional |
Choice Physicians Network Choice Physician Network | CPN01 | Institutional |
CHP/RPU (FABOH) (Facility physical address required on claim.) CHP/RPU (FABOH) | 39112 | Institutional |
Christian Brother Services Christian Brothers Services | 38308 | Institutional |
Christian Care Ministries (Medishare) (Providers should check the member ID card and use the Household ID value as the member ID when submitting claims electron Christian Care Ministries | 59355 | Institutional |
Christie Student Helath Plan Christie Student Health Plans | 75544 | Institutional |
Christus Health Medicare Advantage | 10629 | Institutional |
Christus Health Plam -US Family Health Plan Christus Health Plan - US Family Health Plan US Family Health Plan | 90551 | Institutional |
Christus Health Plan HIX Christus Health Plan Health Exchange | 52106 | Institutional |
Christus Spohn Health Network Spohn Health | SPOHN | Institutional |
CIGNA Behavioral Health CIGNA Behavioral Health (PID SX071 also accepted) MCC Behavioral Care (PID SX071 also accepted) | MCCBV | Institutional |
CIGNA Medicare Advantage CIGNA Senior CIGNA Healthcare for Seniors - Arizona Medicare | 86033 | Institutional |
Citrus Valley Physicians Group Physicians Data Trust St Vincent Noble Tri Cities IPA Ximed Medical Group Citrus Valley Physician's Group | PDT01 | Institutional |
Claims Choice Administrators LLC | 83063 | Institutional |
ClaimsBridge High Performance Network (HPN) | 11752 | Institutional |
Claimsware Inc. DBA ManageMed ClaimsWare Inc. DBA ManageMed | 57080 | Institutional |
Clarian Health Plans MPLAN Inc./HealthCare Group LLC MPLAN Inc. Healthcare Group Senior Smart Choice | 95444 | Institutional |
Clear Health Alliance | CLEAR | Institutional |
Clear Spring Health Management Services Family Health Network | 85468 | Institutional |
Clever Care Health Plan | CC168 | Institutional |
Clinical Specialties INC Clinical Specialisties INC | CSI001 CSI01 | Institutional |
Clover Health (FKA Carepoint Health Plan payer ID 77023) Clover (Formerly Carepoint Health Plan previous payer ID 77023) | 13285 | Institutional |
CO NM OK TX - Medicare Part A (Mac J4) Legacy WPS | 12M88 | Institutional |
Coachella Medical Group | COMG1 | Institutional |
Coastal Administrative Services | 77052 | Institutional |
Coastal Care Services Inc | 47394 | Institutional |
Cobalt Benefits Group LLC dba CBA Blue Blue Benefit Administrators of Massachusetts & EBPA | 03036 | Institutional |
Cofinity - Group Resources | 42049 | Institutional |
Colonial CMI | 22287 | Institutional |
Colonial CMI Colonial Medical | 22284 | Institutional |
Colonial Penn Life Insurance | 37077 | Institutional |
Colorado Access | 84129 | Institutional |
Colorado Community Health Alliance | COCHA | Institutional |
Colorado HealthOP Colorado Health Insurance Cooperative | 49718 | Institutional |
Colorado Medicaid | 12K03 | Institutional |
COMMERCE BENEFITS GRP Commerce Benefits Group | 34181 | Institutional |
Common Ground Healthcare Cooperative | 77170 | Institutional |
Commonwealth Care Alliance | A2793 | Institutional |
Commonwealth Care Alliance Medicare Advantage | 14316 | Institutional |
Communicare Advantage | 34525 | Institutional |
Community Care Behavioral Health Organization Community Care Behavioral Health Org (service prior to 10-1-2007) | 25179 | Institutional |
Community Care BHO Community Care BHO (For Dates of Service after October 1 2007) | 23282 | Institutional |
Community Care Organization Community Care Inc. (WI) | 39126 | Institutional |
Community Care PCC Preferred Community Choice/PCCSelect/CompMed Preferred Community Choice | 73145 | Institutional |
Community Care Plan(Palm Beach Health District) | PBHD1 | Institutional |
Community Connect Medicaid Group Health Cooperative of EauClaire Group Health Cooperative of Eau Claire | 95192 | Institutional |
Community First I Par Plus Community First Health Plans Community First Health Plan Inc. | COMMF | Institutional |
Community Health | 60495 | Institutional |
Community Health Alliance | 35193 | Institutional |
Community Health Allliance TN Community Health Alliance TN | 27905 | Institutional |
Community Health Choice (Please include TPI Number (Texas Medicaid Number) in Field FA0-23) Community Health Choice | 48145 | Institutional |
Community Health Electronic Claims/CHEC/webTPA | 75261 | Institutional |
Community Health Group | 66170 | Institutional |
Community Health Plan District of Columbia | L0230 | Institutional |
Community Health Plan of Washington | CHPWA | Institutional |
COMP - Ohio (Austintown OH) COMP-Ohio (Austintown Ohio) | 34177 | Institutional |
Companion Life American Worker Health Plan American Worker Health Plan (Dental) American Worker Health Plus | 37322 | Institutional |
Companion Forethought Bankers Reserve/Wellcare Thrivent Shenandoah Combined Insurance Company Combined Sterling Liberty Banke Standard Life Western Catholic Union Liberty Bankers | 26119 | Institutional |
CompManagement Health | 15243 | Institutional |
Comprehensive Care Services (BCBSMN For DOS on and after 01-01-2019) BCBSMN Blue Plus Medicaid | 00562 | Institutional |
ComPsych | U7363 | Institutional |
Concordia Care Inc Concordia Care Inc. | 33632 | Institutional |
Connecticare - Medicare CONNECTICARE MCR | 78375 | Institutional |
Connecticare Comm UB | U6105 | Institutional |
Connecticare MCR UB | U8375 | Institutional |
Connecticare Inc. ConnectiCare Inc | 06105 | Institutional |
Connecticut Medicaid | 12K04 SKCT0 | Institutional |
Consociate Group | 37135 | Institutional |
Consolidated Associates Railroad HealthSmart Consolidated Associates Railroad Employees (CARE) | 75284 | Institutional |
Consolidated Health Plans Wellfleet Group LLC | 87843 | Institutional |
Constitution State / Travelers | 19046 | Institutional |
Consumers Choice Health SC | 45321 | Institutional |
Contessa Health | CH201 | Institutional |
Contessa Health Security Health Plan | CH101 | Institutional |
Contra Costa Behavioral Health Plan | CCMHP | Institutional |
Contra Costa Health Plan Contra Costa Health Plan | CCHS | Institutional |
Contra County Health Plan | CNTRA | Institutional |
Cook Childrens Health Plan CHIP Cook Children's Health Plan Cook Childrens Health Plan | CCHP1 | Institutional |
Cook Childrens Health Plan Star Cook Children's Star Plan | CCHP9 | Institutional |
Cook Group Health Plan | 35149 | Institutional |
Cook Medical Group | 60065 | Institutional |
Coordinated Benefit Plan | 14829 | Institutional |
Core Management Resouces Group Core Management Resources Group Core Administrative Services | 58231 | Institutional |
CoreStar CoreSource of Illinois CoreSource of IOWA CoreSource of Maryland Luminare Health CoreSource of Pennsylvania Luminare Health AZ IL IN MD MN NC PA fka Trustmark Health Benefits | 35182 | Institutional |
Corizon Health Inc Corizon Health Inc.(Claims with address of Brentwood TN should be submitted to this Payer ID.) | CORIZ | Institutional |
Cornerstone Hospice and Palliative Care Inc. | RP111 | Institutional |
Cornerstone Preferred Resources | CB268 | Institutional |
Corporate Benefits Service Inc. | 56116 | Institutional |
Corporate Plan Management Inc. | 64270 | Institutional |
CorrectCare Integrated Health | LADOC | Institutional |
CorrectCare Integrated Health (California Prison Healthcare Services) CorrectCare Integrated Health (CA Prison Health) CorrectCare Integrated Health (Non -Louisiana Jails Prison Health) | CCIH | Institutional |
CorrectCare Integrated Health (Non Louisiana Jails) | CCIHJAIL | Institutional |
Correction Health Partners Physician Health Partners | PHPMC | Institutional |
Correctional Medical Services Corizon Inc. (fka Correctional Medical Services) Claims with address of St. Louis MO should be submitted to this Payer ID. | 43160 | Institutional |
CORSOLUTIONS Employers Direct Health - FI | 75235 | Institutional |
County Care (Behavioral Health and regular claims with a DOS after 4/1/16) County Care | 06541 | Institutional |
County Care County Care (Behavioral Health claims with a DOS prior to 4/1/16) | 42138 | Institutional |
County Care County Care (formerly Centene IPA ) Claims with a DOS prior to 4/1/16)â–¡ | 42139 | Institutional |
Covenant Administrators LLC - 90 Degree Covenant Administrators LLC - 90 Degree Guarantee Trust Life Insurance Company | 58102 | Institutional |
Covenant Management System Employee Benefit I Par Plus Covenant Management Systems Employee Benefit plan | CMSEB | Institutional |
Coventry Health Care of Florida | 128FL | Institutional |
COVID19 HRSA Uninsured Testing and Treatment Fund | 95964 | Institutional |
Cox Health Plan | 00119 | Institutional |
CPR Share Plan CPR Share Plans | CB695 | Institutional |
Creative Medical Systems | 64068 | Institutional |
Creative Plan Administrators | 37320 | Institutional |
Crescent Health Solutions | 56213 | Institutional |
Crystal Run Health Plans | 46430 | Institutional |
CSI Network Services | 34186 | Institutional |
CTI Administrators Inc. CTI Administrators Inc | 42141 | Institutional |
Curative | CURTV | Institutional |
Custom Design Benefits Inc. Custom Design Benefits Inc. | 82056 | Institutional |
D.H. EVANS & ASSOC. EBC INC Employee Benefit Consultants Health Care District Health Plan of San Mateo Healthy Palm Beaches MERCYCARE WI (Call 608-758- 7739 for PayerID.) OMMS South Carolina PA PREFERRED HEALTH SOUTH CENTRAL PREFERRED AllCare (Must contact AllCare 800-564-6901 for setup and payerID.) Blue Medicare of North Carolina (Contracted providers only. Call 888-296-9790) John Muir Trauma Physicians (Please call 925-947-5288 for Payer ID information.) EBC Inc. (To obtain the payerID please call (440) 262-1160) PA Preferred Health (Call PPHN Claims Operations at 410-349- 3222) Employee Benefit Consultants (To obtain the payer ID please call (440) 262-1160.) Employee Benefit Consultants Inc. (Call (440) 262-1160 for PayerID.) Virginia Health Network Inc (To get the payerID call payer at (804)320-3837) Network Health (Before initiating submissions please call Provider Relations at (617)806-8104 or www.network-health.org for an EDI startup plan.) Radcon Inc. (Please contact Kat | CALL | Institutional |
DakotaCare | DAK01 | Institutional |
DC Medicare Part A Jurisdiction 12 - Highmark | 12M63 | Institutional |
DE Medicare Part A Jurisdiction 12 - Highmark | 12M76 | Institutional |
Dean Health Plans | 41822 | Institutional |
Decent Health | DCENT | Institutional |
Delaware Medicaid | 12K87 SKDE0 | Institutional |
Dell Children's Health Plan | 74272 | Institutional |
DELTA HEALTH SYSTEMS | 94235 | Institutional |
DENVER HEALTH MED PLN Denver Health Medical Plan | 84135 | Institutional |
DENVER HEALTH MEDICAID CHOICE Denver Health and Hospital Authority | 84133 | Institutional |
Department of Labor | J1438 | Institutional |
Devoted Health | DEVOT | Institutional |
DHMN Preferred IPA Hospital Risk | DHM02 | Institutional |
DHMN Santa Cruz | DHM01 | Institutional |
Dignity Global | MPM27 | Institutional |
Dignity HCLA | MPM28 | Institutional |
Dignity Health - Sacramento Hospital claim shop for Mercy Medical Group Woodland Clinic Medical Group and Hill Physicians Medical group (hospital risk) Dignity Health - Sacramento Hosp claim shop-Mercy Med Group | HOSH1 | Institutional |
Dignity Health Medical Foundation for Mercy Medical Group or Woodland Clinic Medical Group (professional risk) for Mercy Medical Group or Woodland Clinic Medical Group Dignity Health Med Found for Mercy Med Gr-Woodland Clin Med | PROH1 | Institutional |
Dignity Health Medical Group (Inland Empire) Dignity Health Med Group-Inland Empire (professional risk) | PROH4 | Institutional |
DirectCare | 55731 | Institutional |
District of Columbia Medicaid | 12001 | Institutional |
Diversified Admin Corp | 06102 | Institutional |
DMBA | SX105 | Institutional |
Doctors Healthcare Plan | DRHCP | Institutional |
Dolton Medical Group | DOLMG | Institutional |
Downey Select IPA (Applecare Medical Mgmt) Downey Select IPA (Applecare Medical Mgmt | APP01 | Institutional |
DPC Core INC DPC CORE Inc. | 23212 | Institutional |
Driscoll Childrens Health Plan Driscoll Childrens Health Plan (CHIP) | 74284 | Institutional |
E.S. Beveridge and Associates E. S. Beveridge and Associates E.S. Beveridge | 34108 | Institutional |
E3 Health Inc (Formerly First Integrated Health) First Integrated Health | 75232 | Institutional |
Each Care Network- Effective 08/01/2020 | 88846 | Institutional |
East Boston Neighborhood Pace NeighborhoodHealth | 25849 | Institutional |
Eastern Main Healthcare Systems (EMHS) Eastern Main Healthcare Systems (EMHS) Employee Health Plan | 16565 | Institutional |
Eastland Medical Group | EMG11 | Institutional |
Easy Care MSO LLC | ECMSO | Institutional |
Easy Choice HP of NY Med3000 CMS Title 19 Reform (New PID Effective For DOS After 1/31/19) Pyramid Life Insurance Company Wellcare HMO Inc. Todays Option (American Progressive and Pyramid Life) Med3000 CMS Title 19 Reform (New PID Effective For DOS After 1/31/19) | 14163 | Institutional |
Eberle Vivian | EV001 | Institutional |
EBMS (Employee Benefit Management Services Inc) | 12X44 | Institutional |
EBMS (Employee Benefit Management Services Inc) | 81039 | Institutional |
EDS Healthchoice (formerly payer ID 22521 - For dates of service on or after 01/01/2018 ) Healthchoice (formerly payer ID 22521) HealthChoice | 71064 | Institutional |
El Paso First Health Plans - CHIP El Paso First - CHIP El Paso First - CHIP I Par Plus | EPF03 | Institutional |
Elder Service Plan of the North Shore. Element Care Incorporated Elder Service Health Plan of the North Shore | 04326 | Institutional |
ELDERPLAN ElderPlan Inc. (Elderplan Provider ID necessary on all claims. Contact (718)921-7979 for Provider ID.) | 31625 | Institutional |
Elmcare L.L.C. Elmcare | NAELM | Institutional |
Elmco | 37253 | Institutional |
Emblem Health | 81336 | Institutional |
EmblemHealth Insurance UB | E5247 | Institutional |
EmblemHealth Plan (HMO) UB | U5531 | Institutional |
EmblemHealth Plan (HMO) GHI HMO Select | 25531 | Institutional |
EmblemHealth Plan (MCR) UB | A3551 | Institutional |
Emerald Health | 16755 | Institutional |
EMI HEALTH | SX110 | Institutional |
Empire BC Anthem BC NY | 00303 | Institutional |
Employee Benefit Administration & Management (EBA&M) HealthSmart Employee Benefit Administrators & Management | 95288 | Institutional |
Employee Benefit Concepts Employee Benefit Concepts MI | 38241 | Institutional |
Employee Benefit Corporation | 37215 | Institutional |
Employee Benefit Management Corp. Employee Benefit Management Corp. (EBMC) | 31074 | Institutional |
Employee Benefit Services Key Benefit Administrators (Ft. Mill SC) Employee Benefit Systems Key Benefit Administrators (Ft.Mill SC) | 37216 | Institutional |
Employee Benefit System Employee Benefit Systems | 42149 | Institutional |
Employee Logistics | 92135 | Institutional |
Employee Plans LLC Employee Plans LLC | 35112 | Institutional |
Employees Mutual (EMC) | 21415 | Institutional |
Employer Health Network Employers Health Network | IHS07 | Institutional |
Employer's Direct SF Employers Direct Health - SF | 75233 | Institutional |
Employers Direct Health Employers Direct Health - Employee Plan | 75236 | Institutional |
Employers Health Cooperative (EHC) Employers Coalition On Health (ECOH) Claimshop- Employers Coalition on Health | 27008 | Institutional |
Employers Mutual Inc. (Florida Providers only) Employers Mutual Inc (FL) | 59298 | Institutional |
Empower Arkansas | 12956 | Institutional |
Enterprise Group Planning | EGPIN | Institutional |
Entrust | 36878 | Institutional |
Epic Life Ins. (Wisconsin Physician Services) Wisconsin Physicians Service Insurance Corporation | 12X29 | Institutional |
EPN - Seton Health Plan Exclusive (Provider ID required) EPN (Seton Health Plan Exclusive PR I Par Plus) | EPNSH | Institutional |
Erin Group Administrators Significa Benefit Services Inc. Erin Group Administrators (Now known as Significa Benefit Services Inc.) | 23250 | Institutional |
Essence Healthcare | 20818 | Institutional |
Essential Health Partner | EHPSC | Institutional |
Essential Health Partners | EIPA9 | Institutional |
Everence Mennonite Mutual (Now known as Everence) Mennonite Mutual Aid Association and Affiliates (Now known as Everence) | 35605 | Institutional |
Evolutions Healthcare Systems Evolutions Healthcare | 59313 | Institutional |
Evry Health | EH001 | Institutional |
Exceedent LLC | 22344 | Institutional |
Excellus BCBS New York Rochest Excellus BCBS New York Rochester Area | SB804 | Institutional |
Exclusive Care Exclusive Care (ALL providers must contact Exclusive Care prior to submitting claims electronically. Please contact Martha Cuevas at 951-955-8853) | EC999 | Institutional |
FACS Group | 37300 | Institutional |
Falling Colors | FCC20 | Institutional |
Fallon (Transplant claims) Fallon Transplant | FT254 | Institutional |
Fallon Community Health Fallon Community Health Plan | 22254 | Institutional |
Family Care Family Care - Milwaukee WI | 60995 | Institutional |
Family Care Specialists | MPM40 | Institutional |
Family Practice Medical Group | 10145 | Institutional |
Farm Bureau Health Plans MAPD | RP061 | Institutional |
FCE BENEFIT ADMINISTRATORS | 33033 | Institutional |
Federal Qualified Hlthcr Cntr via UGS Federally Qualified Healthcare Clinic | FQHC1 | Institutional |
Fenix Med Group | 60818 | Institutional |
Fidelis Care New York | 11315 | Institutional |
Firefly Health | FRFLY | Institutional |
First Agency | 88055 | Institutional |
First Carolina Care | FCC01 | Institutional |
First Choice Next A Product of Select Health of South Carolina Inc. | 57103 | Institutional |
First Choice VIP Care Plus SC #3 First Choice VIP Care Plus SC | 77009 | Institutional |
First Choice VIP Care(SC D SNIP) by Select Health of South Carolina Inc. | 32456 | Institutional |
First Health Network PPO Oklahoma (WinterBrook HealthCare Management) | 73159 | Institutional |
FirstCare | 94999 | Institutional |
FirstCare Star Medicaid | 94998 | Institutional |
FirstGuard Health Plan - Kansas | 90060 | Institutional |
FirstGuard Missouri | 90061 | Institutional |
FL MCO PHC/PHP FL MCO PHC PHP | 95411 | Institutional |
Florida Community Care | FLCCR | Institutional |
Florida Complete Care | FLCPC | Institutional |
Florida Health Plan Florida Healthcare | 59322 | Institutional |
Florida Hospital VBR | VB001 | Institutional |
Florida Medicaid | 12K34 | Institutional |
Florida Pace Centers | FLPAC | Institutional |
Flume Health INC Flume Health Inc. | FH205 | Institutional |
FMH Benefit Services Luminare Health KC Luminare Health KC fka Trustmark Health Benefits FMH Benefit Services Inc. | 48117 | Institutional |
Fox Valley Medicine Site 199 | FVMCH | Institutional |
Fox-Everett Inc. Fox Everett | 64069 | Institutional |
Franciscan Purdue | FAIPUR | Institutional |
Freedom Health Plan | 41212 | Institutional |
Freedom Life Freedom Life Insurance Company | 62324 | Institutional |
Fresenius+A1210 Total Health | 43197 | Institutional |
Fresno PACE | 99660 | Institutional |
Friday Health Plan | A2700 | Institutional |
Fringe Benefit Coordinators HealthSmart Fringe Benefit Coordinators HealthSmart Fringe Benefit Coordinators (Dental) | 59204 | Institutional |
FrontPath FrontPath Health Coalition | 34171 | Institutional |
Galveston County Indigent Health GALVESTON COUNTY INDIGENT HEALTHCARE | 30005 | Institutional |
Gateway Health Plan - Medicare Assured Ohio Gateway Health Plan - Medicare Assured OH | 91741 | Institutional |
Gateway Health Plan ((Yellow Card). Check the ID card to verify the Payer ID before submitting) Assured | 60550 | Institutional |
Gateway Health Plan of Ohio Inc. | 76028 | Institutional |
Gateway Health Plan Gateway Health Plan - Medicaid PA | 25169 | Institutional |
GBS Group Benefit GBS Global Benefit Group Benefit Services | CB951 | Institutional |
GBS Group Benefit Services | 80241 | Institutional |
GEHA (Government Employees Health Association) Government Employees Health Association Inc. (GEHA) Government Employees Health Association Inc. (GEHA) | 44054 | Institutional |
Geisinger Health Plan | 75273 | Institutional |
GEMCare (Golden Empire Managed Care System) Gemcare Golden Empire Managed | MCS01 | Institutional |
Gemcare Health Plan | MCS03 | Institutional |
General American Life Insurance Company General American Life Insirance Company | 63665 | Institutional |
Generations Health | 46050 | Institutional |
Georgia Health Advantage | A2327 | Institutional |
Georgia Medicaid | SKGA0 | Institutional |
Gettysburg Health Gettysburg Health Administrators Core Value (Part of Gettysburg Health.) | 23274 | Institutional |
GHA Orthopedic Providers INC GHA Othopedic Providers | GHAOP | Institutional |
GHI - Medicare PPFS (Private Fee for Service) | 22937 | Institutional |
GHI - New York (Group Health Inc.) EmblemHealth Plan (MCR) Group Health Incorporated (GHI) (New York) | 13551 | Institutional |
Global Care Inc HealthSmart Global Care INC Global Care | 07689 | Institutional |
Global Care Med Grp IPA | MPM05 | Institutional |
Global Excel Management | GEM01 | Institutional |
Global Health | GHOKC | Institutional |
Global Health of TX | GHTX0 | Institutional |
Global Healthcare Alliance | GHAHSS | Institutional |
Global One Ventures | GLOBA | Institutional |
Global Repricing Solutions Innovative Healthware Payer 6 | IHS06 | Institutional |
Global TBSP | MPM64 | Institutional |
Global Women's Health Plan Global Womens Health Providers | GHAWH | Institutional |
Gloria Gates | IHS20 | Institutional |
GMMI CC | GMICC | Institutional |
GMR HEALTHCARE | 85664 | Institutional |
GMS Inc. GMS INC HealthSmart GMS Inc | 47083 | Institutional |
Gold Coast | 77160 | Institutional |
Gold Coast MSO | GCMSO | Institutional |
Gold Kidney Health Plan Gold Kidney Healthcare | A6865 | Institutional |
Golden Shore Medical Group (GSMG) | NMM03 | Institutional |
Golden State Medical Group Nivano Physicians IPD Nivano Physicians IPA | MBA01 | Institutional |
Gonzaba Medical Group | GMGSA | Institutional |
Good Shepherd Hospice | 76923 | Institutional |
Gravie | GRV01 | Institutional |
Great Lakes Health Plan (UnitedHealthcare Community Plan / MI) Great Lakes Health Plan (UnitedHealthcare Community Plan) UnitedHealthcare Community Plan / MI (formerly Great Lakes Health Plan) | 95467 | Institutional |
Great Lakes PACE | 39640 | Institutional |
Great-West Life | 80705 | Institutional |
Greater Newport Physicians Medical Group | 33010 | Institutional |
Group Administrators Ltd Group Administrators Ltd. | 36338 | Institutional |
Group and Pension Administrators | 48143 | Institutional |
Group Health Cooperative of South Central Wisconsin Claims Family Health Systems - WI/Group Health Cooperative Group Health Cooperative | 39167 | Institutional |
Group Insurance Service Center Inc. Group Insurance Service Center INC | 37276 | Institutional |
Group Marketing Services INC. Group Marketing Services INC | 66701 | Institutional |
Group Resources PHCS | 28680 | Institutional |
Guardian Life Insurance Company of America | 64246 | Institutional |
Gulf South | 60389 | Institutional |
Gulf South Risk Services | 60652 | Institutional |
GulfStream- General Dynamics/CoreSource | CB624 | Institutional |
Gundersen Lutheran Health Plan Gundersen Lutheran Health Care | 39180 | Institutional |
H.E.R.E.I.U Welfare Pension Funds Unite Here Health H.E.R.E.I.U. Welfare Pension Funds | 37114 | Institutional |
HAA Preferred Partners | 65101 | Institutional |
Halcyon Behavioral Health | HALCY | Institutional |
Hamaspik Choice Inc. Hamaspik Choice Inc. | 47738 | Institutional |
HAP Caresource | MIMCDS1 | Institutional |
HAP Caresource MI Dual | MIMCRCS1 | Institutional |
Harmony Health Plan of Illinios Harmony Health Plan of Illinois (Wellcare Provider ID required call (800) 960-2530 opt. 2 then 5) | 36406 | Institutional |
Harmony Health Plan of Indiana Harmony Health Plan of IA ( claims for Hoosier Healthwise me | 36405 | Institutional |
Harrington Health - Kansas ((Formerly known as Fiserv Health-Kansas) Harrington Health - Kansas Willis Administrative Services Corporation (Now known as UMR Kansas.) | 62061 | Institutional |
Harrington Health BPO Harrington Health | 59143 | Institutional |
Harvard Community Health Plan | 04245 | Institutional |
Harvard Pilgrim Healthcare Harvard Pilgrim | 04271 | Institutional |
Hawaii Mainland Administrators PHCS HMA Employees PMO | 86070 | Institutional |
Hawaii Medical Assurance Association (HMAA) Hawaii Western Management (HWMG) | 99208 | Institutional |
Hawaii Medical Services Association (HMSA) | SB971 | Institutional |
Hawaii Medicare Medicare Part B of Northern Mariana Islands Medicare Part B of Guam Medicare Part B of Hawaii | HIMCR | Institutional |
HCH Administration | 37111 | Institutional |
HCP Nevada | 20501 | Institutional |
Health 2 Business | 55213 | Institutional |
Health Alliance Medical Plans of Illinois Health Alliance Medical Plans Illinois | 77950 | Institutional |
Health Alliance Plan of Michigan (Use payer ID 38224 for claims with a date of service 01-01-20 and greater. For dates of service 12-31-19 and prior please use payer ID 70259) Medical Value Plan - Ohio (MVP) HEALTH ALLIANCE P (Use payer ID 38224 for claims with a date of service 01-01-20 and MVP - Ohio (Previous payer ID MHP77; Use payer ID 38224 for claims with a date of service 07-01- 19 and greater) | 38224 | Institutional |
Health Care District of Palm Beach | HCDPB | Institutional |
Health Care LA IPA (HCLA) Healthcare LA IPA | MPM06 | Institutional |
Health Care Network of Wisconsin (HCN) | 42102 | Institutional |
Health Care Partners AZ Health Care Partners of AZ Health Care Partners -AZ (Dates of Service of 5-01-13&later) | HCP02 | Institutional |
Health Choice Generations | 62180 | Institutional |
Health Choice Generations Health Choice Utah | 45399 | Institutional |
Health Cost Solutions Health Coast Solutions | 62111 | Institutional |
Health Design Plus Contigo Health Health Design | 34158 | Institutional |
Health EZ America's PPO (Formerly known as ARAZ.) America's PPO (Formerly ARAZ) ARAZ (Now known as America's PPO.) | 16120 | Institutional |
Health First-Tyler TX Health First - Tyler TX | 75234 | Institutional |
Health First Health First Health Plans | 95019 | Institutional |
Health IN Tech | IHS09 | Institutional |
Health Management Admin | 12T11 | Institutional |
Health Management Associates (HMA servicing Southeastern and Southwestern Regions) (Provider ID Required) HMA Hawaii | 86066 | Institutional |
Health Net - California (Encounters only.) | 95568 | Institutional |
Health Net (California Encounters Only.) Health Net of California (for claims with DOS prior to 12/31/17. For claims with DOS on or after 1/1/18 please use payer ID 68069 ) Health Net - California | 95567 | Institutional |
Health New England | 04286 | Institutional |
Health Options of Illinois I Par Plus Health Options of Illinois | NAHOI | Institutional |
Health Partners | 07003 | Institutional |
Health Partners PA | 80142 | Institutional |
Health Payment Systems Health Payments Systems Inc. | 20270 | Institutional |
Health Plan of Michigan (Now known as Meridian Health Plan) Meridian Health Plan Michigan (Meridian Health Plan Michigan Complete and Meridian Health Plan Michigan Medicaid) effective until 12/31/20 MeridianHealth Michigan Meridian Health Plan Michigan | 52563 | Institutional |
Health Plan of San Joaquin | 68035 | Institutional |
Health Plan Services Tampa Office American Benefits Plan Administrators (Las Vegas NV) Consolidated Group HEALTH PLAN SERVICES Culinary Health & Welfare Fund (Las Vegas NV) | 59140 | Institutional |
Health Plans Inc. Health Plans Inc. | 44273 | Institutional |
Health Plus of Michigan | U8216 | Institutional |
Health Plus Physicians Organization | 63363 | Institutional |
Health Services for Children with Special Needs (HSCSN) Health Services for Children with Special Needs | 37290 | Institutional |
Health Services Preferred (HSP) by Emerald Health Health Srv Pref. (HSP) Emerald Hlth Integrated Care Network (ICN) by Emerald Health Health Srv Pref (HSP) Emerald Hlth PPO Business) Emerald Health Network Emerald Health Network Inc. (All HMO Business) | 34167 | Institutional |
Health Systems Inc | 11889 | Institutional |
HEALTH WEST ADMINISTRATORS | U7876 | Institutional |
HealthBridge | 74853 | Institutional |
Healthcare Highways Health Plan | HCHHP | Institutional |
Healthcare Options I Par Plus EL Paso First Health Plan HCO Healthcare Options | EPF37 | Institutional |
Healthcare Partners Physician Associates of Greater San Gabriel Valley Arta Health Network Northridge Medical Group | OCN01 | Institutional |
HealthCare Partners IPA (Formerly Heritage New York Medical Group) Healthcare Partners IPA Liberty Health Advantage | 11328 | Institutional |
Healthcare Resources NW | 56731 | Institutional |
HEALTHCARE SOLUTIONS HealthSmart HealthCare Solutions Group HealthCare Solutions Group | 73147 | Institutional |
Healthcare Strategic Initiatives | HSICS | Institutional |
Healthcare USA Coventry Health Care (Coventry old Legacy Payer ID's are still accepted) Coventry Health Care (Coventry old Legacy Payer ID's are still accepted.) | 25133 | Institutional |
HealthChoice Dept of Corrections & Rehab | 71065 | Institutional |
Healthchoice Select | 71070 | Institutional |
HealthComp | 85279 | Institutional |
HealthComp HEALTHCOMP INC | 85729 | Institutional |
HealthComp Benefit Administrative Systems BENEFIT ADMIN. SYSTEM | 36149 | Institutional |
HealthComp Gilsbar Inc HealthPlus of Louisiana (Old PayerID of 95009 is no longer valid) 360 Alliance PPO Gilsbar 360 Alliance Gilsbar Gilsbar Health Plus of LA | 07205 | Institutional |
Healthease Wellcare of FL | 59608 | Institutional |
HEALTHEOS Multiplan Wisconsin Preferred Provider Network | 34080 | Institutional |
Healthfirst TPA - Austin Healthfirst of Austin TPA | 75289 | Institutional |
Healthfirst Inc. (NY) Healthfirst of NY | 80141 | Institutional |
Healthgram Ingham Health Plan Corp. Ingham Health Plan Corp | 38343 | Institutional |
HealthHelp Network Inc. (HHNI) | 59087 | Institutional |
Healthnet of AZ Healthnet of Arizona Inc. | 38309 | Institutional |
Healthnow BCBS New York Western | 12B39 | Institutional |
Healthpartners of MN HealthPartners of Minnesota | 55764 | Institutional |
Healthplus Amerigroup Americaid Community Care (Dallas/Ft. Worth) | 27514 | Institutional |
Healthscope | 40026 | Institutional |
HealthSCOPE Benefits EHC Repricing HealthScope Benefits EHC Repricing | 52429 | Institutional |
HealthSCOPE Benefits INC CNA Health Partners HealthScope Benefits | 71063 | Institutional |
Healthsmart Accel | 75237 | Institutional |
HealthSmart Farm Family Life | 14140 | Institutional |
Healthsmart Management Services Organization Inc Healthsmart Mgmt Services Org Inc | A0067 | Institutional |
HealthSmart Medcom MedCom | 59231 | Institutional |
HealthSmart MFC & HealthPlus Peoria Methodist First Choice Midland Management/MFC | 23550 | Institutional |
Healthsmart MyDecision | 18840 | Institutional |
HealthSmart NAMCI Global Care NAMCI/Global Care | L0110 | Institutional |
HealthSmart OKC | 73140 | Institutional |
HealthSmart Preferred Benefit Administrators Preferred Benefit Administrators | 53476 | Institutional |
HealthSmart Preferred Care | HSPC1 | Institutional |
HealthSmart Preferred Care North Texas Healthcare Network North Texas Healthcare Network (Effective 01-01-2019) | 75250 | Institutional |
HealthSmart University Medical Center | 11149 | Institutional |
Healthsource Kentucky - Claims must contain Healthsource specific Vendor ID & specific Rendering Provider ID Healthsource KY | 61127 | Institutional |
HEALTHSOURCE MSO | HSMSO | Institutional |
Healthsource AR (Med) (CIGNA) | 71075 | Institutional |
Healthsource GA (CIGNA) | 58210 | Institutional |
Healthsource Inc | HS001 | Institutional |
Healthsource ME (CIGNA) Healthsource Maine - Claims must contain Healthsource specific Vendor ID & specific Rendering Provider ID | 01041 | Institutional |
Healthsource NC (CIGNA) | 56147 | Institutional |
Healthsource OH | 31141 | Institutional |
Healthsource SC (claims) Healthsource SC (Encounters) | 06119 | Institutional |
Healthsource TN (CIGNA) | 62129 | Institutional |
HealthSpan Integrated Care accept claims DOS to 1-31-2017 HealthSpan Integrated Care | RH007 | Institutional |
Healthspring HMO/Medicare + Choice The Oath - Health Partners of Alabama (Now known as HealthSpring HMO/HealthSpring Medicare+Choice) HealthSpring HMO/HealthSpring Medicare+Choice | 63092 | Institutional |
HealthSun | HESUN | Institutional |
Healthteam Advantage | 88250 | Institutional |
Healthteam Advantage HMO Diabetes and Heart Plan | 88350 | Institutional |
Healthy Blue (MO) | 00541 | Institutional |
Healthy Blue (NE) | 00544 | Institutional |
Healthy Blue Dual Advantage Louisiana | 00551 | Institutional |
Healthy Blue Louisiana | 00661 | Institutional |
Healthy Blue SC (for DOS on or after 1/1/24) | 00403R | Institutional |
Healthy Kids I Par Plus | M3FL3 | Institutional |
Healthy San Francisco | HSF01 | Institutional |
Healthy Texas | 68064 | Institutional |
Healthy Valley Provider Network | HVPNI | Institutional |
Healthy York Network | 22251 | Institutional |
Heath Choice AZ Health Choice of AZ BCBSAZ ACA Standard Health with Health Choice | 62179 | Institutional |
Hemet Community Med Group ( 951-791-1111 prior to submitting Hemet Community Medical Group | HCMG1 | Institutional |
Hennepin Health / Northstar Advantage | 60058 | Institutional |
Heritag+A601e Physician Network I Par Plus SelectCare of TX (Houston) (Provider ID Required - Contact (713) 843-6780 to obtain ID.) Texas Plus | HPN11 | Institutional |
Heritage IPA | HER01 | Institutional |
HFN Healthease I Par Plus | M3FL5 | Institutional |
HFN Inc. Arkansas Managed Care Organization Inc. (AMCO) HFN Inc | 36335 | Institutional |
High Desert Medical Group | 95393 | Institutional |
High Desert Primary Care HDPC Premier Healthcare Mission HospitalAffiliates | STJOE | Institutional |
Highline Medical Services MOLINA | 91164 | Institutional |
Highmark BCBS (NY) Medicaid and CHP Highmark BCBSD NY - Medicaid and CHP | 00246 | Institutional |
Highmark BCBSD Health Options. Highmark BCBSD | 47181 | Institutional |
Highmark Senior Health Company (PA Blue Shield Medicare Plan) | 15460 | Institutional |
Hill Physicians Aetna PPO | HLPAE | Institutional |
Hill Physicians Blue Shield PPO | HLPBS | Institutional |
Hill Physicians Health Net PPO | HLPHN | Institutional |
Hill Physicians Medical Group | 00046 | Institutional |
Hill Physicians United Healthcare PPO | HLPUH | Institutional |
Hillsborough County Health Care Administrative Services Administrative Services Inc. | 59141 | Institutional |
HIP - Health Insurance Plan of Greater New York HIP-Health Insurance Plan of Greater NY | 55247 | Institutional |
HMC Healthworks aka Health Management Co. HMC Healthworks aka Health Management Co | 75318 | Institutional |
HMO Louisiana Blue Advantage (For claims with DOS 2020 for claims with DOS on or after 01/01/21 use payer ID 72107) HMO Louisiana Blue Advantage (For claims with DOS 2020 for claims with DOS 01/01/21 use payer ID 72107) | 84555 | Institutional |
HMO Louisiana Blue Advantage (Use this claim for DOS on or after 01/01/21) HMO Louisiana Blue Advantage (Use payer ID 72107 for claims with a DOS on or after 01/01/21) | 72107 | Institutional |
Hollywood Presby Medical Center | MPM29 | Institutional |
Hollywood Presbyterian Medical Center | AMM18 | Institutional |
Holy Cross Health Partners | NAHLX | Institutional |
Home Health Hospice Jurisdiction 15 | 15404 | Institutional |
Home Health Hospice Jurisdiction M | 11001 | Institutional |
Homelink | 30750 | Institutional |
Hometown Health Plan Nevada Hometown Health of NV | 88023 | Institutional |
Hopkins Health Advantage | 66003 | Institutional |
Horace Mann Life Insurance HealthSmart Horace Mann Life Insurance Company | HMLIC | Institutional |
Horizon Healthcare of New York | 5526I | Institutional |
Horizon Pace Mercy Health Plan of New Jersey (Provider ID Required in Box33a - Contact (800) 682-9091 to obtain ID) Horizon NJ Health | 22326 | Institutional |
HPMS (Send claims to payerID listed on patient's Insurance card.) | CARD | Institutional |
HRSA COVID-19 Coverage Assistance Fund – 99999-0AQS | 90AQS | Institutional |
HSBS Memphis Pittman & Associates (Now known as HSBS Memphis) HSBS Memphis (Formerly Pittman and Associates) | 37224 | Institutional |
HSBS Oklahoma City Mutual Assurance (Now known as HSBS Oklahoma City) HSBS Oklahoma Cityi (Formerly Mutual Assurance Administrators) | 37256 | Institutional |
Humana Health Plan of Ohio Inc Humana Health Plan of Ohio Inc | 61103 | Institutional |
Humana Long Term Care Humana Long Term Care | 61115 | Institutional |
Humboldt Del Norte Foundation IPA | HDNFC | Institutional |
Hylton Payroll (Benefit Plan Administrators) | 19753 | Institutional |
I. E. Shaffer I E SHAFFER | 22175 | Institutional |
IBC Personal Choice | 12X26 | Institutional |
IBG Administrators LLC IBG Administrators | 81810 | Institutional |
iCARE (Independent Care Health Plan) | 11695 | Institutional |
ICARE Health Options TPA iCircle Health Solutions | 26054 | Institutional |
iCircle Care | ICRCL | Institutional |
Idaho Medicaid | SKID0 | Institutional |
Idaho Medicare | IDMCR | Institutional |
IHPlans Imperial Health Plan of California Incorporated | IHP01 | Institutional |
IHS Gateway Payer South | CB711 | Institutional |
Illinois Health Plan (IHP) Boncura Health (Dupage Medical Group) Boncura Health Solutions (Dupage Medical Group) | DMG01 | Institutional |
Illinois Medicaid | SKIL0 | Institutional |
Illinois Physician Alliance IPA Illinicare Physicians Alliance IPA | IPA99 | Institutional |
IMCARE | 41600 | Institutional |
Immigration Services Homeland Security (ATTN: Deportation) INS Health Services | VAICE | Institutional |
Imperial Health Holdings Medical Group | IHHMG | Institutional |
INDECS Corporation | 40585 | Institutional |
Independence Administrators | TA720 | Institutional |
Independence American Insurance Comp Independence American Insurance Independence American Ins. Co. | CB231 | Institutional |
Independent Blues of PA Personal Choice PPO of PA (Also know as Independent BLC) Independent BLC of PA (Also known as Personal Choice PPO of Pennsylvania.) | 54704 | Institutional |
Independent Living Systems | 45048 | Institutional |
Indian Health Services | 00290 | Institutional |
Indiana Department of Health Children's Health | 35600 | Institutional |
INDIANA PROHEALTH Indiana ProHealth Network | 35161 | Institutional |
Indiana University | IUHPL | Institutional |
INETICO INC. | 43471 | Institutional |
InforMed LLC | 52196 | Institutional |
Ingalls Provider Group (New PID for DOS 1-1-19 & after only) Ingalls Provider Group | 66727 | Institutional |
Inland Empire Health Plan. Inland Empire Health Plan | IEHP1 | Institutional |
Inland Faculty Medical Group | MVMM1 | Institutional |
INNOV_OSF Healthcare Center Innov_OSF Healthcare Central | OSFC9 | Institutional |
Innovante Benefit Admin/ (HSBS WTC) (Effective 3-1-17) World Trade Center Health Program (WTCHP) Innovante Benefit Administrators (HSBS WTC)+A174 | 31172 | Institutional |
Innovation Health | 40025 | Institutional |
Innovative Healthware Payer 12 | IHS12 | Institutional |
Innovative Healthware Payer 13 | IHS13 | Institutional |
Innovative Healthware Payer 16 | IHS16 | Institutional |
Innovative Healthware Payer 21 NextPA | IHS21 | Institutional |
Innovative Healthware Payer 22 | IHS22 | Institutional |
Innovative Healthware Payer 25 | IHS25 | Institutional |
Innovative Healthware Services Payer 5 | IHS05 | Institutional |
Innovista Health | INDPM | Institutional |
Insurance Administrators of America Insurance Administrator of America | 37279 | Institutional |
Insurance Design Administrators | 13315 | Institutional |
Insurance Management Services (Amarillo TX) Insurance Management Services (Amarillo TX)(This payerID is only valid for claims submission address of PO Box 15688 Amarillo TX 79105) | 15688 | Institutional |
Insurance Management Services of Texas Insurance Management Services | IMSMS | Institutional |
Insurance Service of Lubbock Insurance Services of Lubbock | ISL11 | Institutional |
Insurers Administrative Corporation I Par Plus Insurers Administrative Corp. (Please visit website prior to submitting claims: edihelp.iacusa.com) | 86304 | Institutional |
Integra Administrative Group Integra Administrative Group (Seafor d DE) INTEGRA Administrative Group Inc. | 51020 | Institutional |
Integra Group Integra Group (Also known as Rehab Provider Network but not the same as Colorado payer of same name.) | 31127 | Institutional |
Integra Managed Long Term Care | 45302 | Institutional |
Integranet I Par Plus Integranet | INET1 | Institutional |
Integrated Homecare Services | IHCS1 | Institutional |
Integrated Medical Solutions | 20050 | Institutional |
Integrated Veterans Care (formerly known as VA FEE Basis Program) Veterans Administration Fee Basis Programs VA Fee Basis Programs | 12115 | Institutional |
Integrity Administrators (Champion Chevrolet) | 99795 | Institutional |
INTER UNION OF OPER15 International Union Operating Engineers | 37269 | Institutional |
Interactive Medical Systems | 56132 | Institutional |
Interface EAP HealthSmart Interface EAP (IEAP) Interface EAP -IEAP | 60280 | Institutional |
Intergroup Services Corporation Western Pennsylvania Electrical Employees Insurance Trust Fund Western Growers Assurance Trust (aka Pinnacle Claims Management) | 23287 | Institutional |
International Benefit Administration International Benefit Administrator | 11329 | Institutional |
International Funding Inc. Insurance TPA.CLM LLC | 39182 | Institutional |
International Medical Group INC International Medical Group Inc. I Par Plus | IMGIN | Institutional |
Interwest Health InterWest Health PPO (Montana) | 84137 | Institutional |
Intl Brotherhood Boilermakers EMPL Health Care Plan IBBEHC International Brotherhood of Boilermakers Employee Health Care Plan(IBBEHC) | 48603 | Institutional |
Iowa Medicaid | 12K10 | Institutional |
Iowa Medicaid | SKIA0 | Institutional |
Island Home Insurance Company Island Hone Health Insurance Company | 85502 | Institutional |
IU Health Transplant Evaluation Program | 47262 | Institutional |
J1 MAC Medicare Part A California | 12M64 | Institutional |
J1 Mutual of Omaha CA HI NV (Legacy) | 01911 | Institutional |
J12 Medicare Part A Legacy WPS (DC DE MD NJ PA) | 12901 | Institutional |
J5 National Part A | 05901 | Institutional |
JAI Medical Systems JAI Medical | JAI01 | Institutional |
Jericho Share | IHS02 | Institutional |
JI Sepcialty Services Inc. I Par Plus | JISSP | Institutional |
John Hopkins Healthcare (EHP/PP) (Submit Billing NPI and Rendering/Servicing NPI) Johns Hopkins (USFHP) | 52189 | Institutional |
John Muir Mt. Diablo Health System John Muir Mt Diablo Hlth System | 68036 | Institutional |
Johns Hopkins (USFHP) (New submitter should send in their Billing NPI & Rendering servicing NPI) Johns Hopkins Medical Service | 52123 | Institutional |
Joplin Claims | 43178 | Institutional |
JP Farley Corporation | 34136 | Institutional |
JSL Administrators AKA Wells Fargo Third Party Administrators aka Healthsmart Benefits Solutions Healthsmart Benefit Solutions. JSL Administrators AKA Wells Fargo Third Party Aministrators Wells Fargo Third Party Aministrators AKA Healthsmart Benefit Solutions. | 37272 | Institutional |
JVHL Health Alliance Plan (Fee for Service Contracts) | JHJVL | Institutional |
JVHL Priority Health | JZJVL | Institutional |
JVHL United Healthcare (Golden Rule Members) | KRJVL | Institutional |
JVHL United Healthcare Community Plan (Great Lakes Health Plan) | JRJVL | Institutional |
JVHL WellCare | MMJVL | Institutional |
JVHL Aetna Better Health Premier Plan | M5JVL | Institutional |
JVHL Aetna U.S. Healthcare | J1JVL | Institutional |
JVHL AmeriHealth Caritas VIP Care Plus | MDJVL | Institutional |
JVHL BCBSM Medicare Plus Blue PPO | KCJVL | Institutional |
JVHL Blue Care Network (BCN Commercial Labs) JVHL Blue Care Network* (BCN Commercial Labs) | JJJVL | Institutional |
JVHL Blue Care Network (BCN Reimbursable Labs) JVHL Blue Care Network* (BCN Reimbursable Labs) | JQJVL | Institutional |
JVHL Blue Care Network* (Critical Access / Small Volume Labs) JVHL Blue Care Network (Critical Access / Small Volume Labs) | MJJVL | Institutional |
JVHL Blue Care Network* (JVHL Network) JVHL Blue Care Network (JVHL Network) | J9JVL | Institutional |
JVHL Blue Cross Complete | KPJVL | Institutional |
JVHL CIGNA – (Health Partners members only) | KQJVL | Institutional |
JVHL CIGNA (Non-HAP and CIGNA- HAP members) JVHL CIGNA (Non-HAP and CIGNA-HAP members) | KDJVL | Institutional |
JVHL Community Care Associates (Healthchoice) | JWJVL | Institutional |
JVHL CoventryCares - Aetna Better Health of MI | J8JVL | Institutional |
JVHL Genesee County Health Plan | MBJVL | Institutional |
JVHL HAP Empowered (Midwest) Health Plan | JBJVL | Institutional |
JVHL Health Alliance Plan (Capitated Contracts) | JGJVL | Institutional |
JVHL Humana | KVJVL | Institutional |
JVHL McLaren Health Plan | K7JVL | Institutional |
JVHL Meridian Health Plan of MI (Health Plan of Michigan) | J2JVL | Institutional |
JVHL Molina Healthcare of Michigan | JIJVL | Institutional |
JVHL Physicians Health Plan | MNJVL | Institutional |
JVHL Reliance HMO | MKJVL | Institutional |
JVHL United Healthcare (non- Golden Rule Members) JVHL United Healthcare (non-Golden Rule Members) | J5JVL | Institutional |
JVHL VA Community Care Network | MSJVL | Institutional |
Kaiser Foundation Health Plan | 21313 | Institutional |
Kaiser Foundation Health Plan of CO (Remits returned KAISR) Kaiser Foundation Health Plan of Colorado | COKSR | Institutional |
Kaiser Foundation Health Plan of GA(835 returned under KAISR Kaiser Foundation Health Plan of Georgia | NG010 | Institutional |
Kaiser Foundation Health Plan of Mid-Atlantic St(835 KAISR Kaiser Foundation Health Plan of the Mid-Atlantic Kaiser Foundation Health Plan of the Mid Atlantic | NG008 | Institutional |
Kaiser Foundation Health Plan of Northern CA Kaiser Foundation Health Plan of Northern CA Region | 94135 | Institutional |
Kaiser Foundation Health Plan of Washington (Formerly Group Health Cooperative of WA) Kaiser Foundation Health Plan of Washington Group Health Northwest (Old PayerID of 91121 is being retired. Now use payerID of 91051) Group Health Options (Formerly KPS Health Plans) | 91051 | Institutional |
Kaiser Foundation Health Plan PPO Kaiser Self Funded (also known as KPIC Self-Funded Claims and Kaiser Self Funded Plan Harrington) Hawaii Kaiser Self Funded (also known as KPIC Self-Funded Claims and Kaiser Self Funded Plan Harrington) | 94320 | Institutional |
Kaiser Foundation Northwest Kaiser Foundation of the Northwest | 93079 | Institutional |
Kaiser Foundation Southern California Kaiser Foundation Health Plan of Southern CA | 94134 | Institutional |
Kaiser Permanente Health Plan Hawaii | 94123 | Institutional |
Kalos Gold Health Plan | 61185 | Institutional |
Kalos Health Kane County IPA | 40137 | Institutional |
Kamg Hospital | GSH02 | Institutional |
Kane County IPA | KCIPA | Institutional |
KBA | 14503 | Institutional |
Keenan Associates | 95279 | Institutional |
Kelsey Seybold - Institutional Claims I Par Plus | KELSI | Institutional |
Kemper Benefits | 61453 | Institutional |
Kempton Company Kempton Group Administrators Kempton Group | 73100 | Institutional |
Kent County Health Plan | KENT1 | Institutional |
Kentucky Medicare Part A Jurisdiction 15 Medicare Part B of Kentucky | KYMCR | Institutional |
Kern Health Systems | 77039 | Institutional |
Kern Legacy Health Plan | 89890 | Institutional |
Key Benefit Administrators | 37217 | Institutional |
Key Insurance Group | KEYIP | Institutional |
KEY SELECT | 37321 | Institutional |
Key Solution Key Solution (Dental) | 37323 | Institutional |
KeyCare Maryland | KCMD1 | Institutional |
Keystone First Community Health Choices | 42344 | Institutional |
Keystone Health Plan East | 12X25 | Institutional |
Keystone Health Plan East - Claims Pennsylvania Keystone Health Plan East (claims only) PAKeystone Health Plan East (claims(835s returnedPAKEY) | PCBLS | Institutional |
Keystone Mercy Health Plan | 23284 | Institutional |
Klais & Company (Part A and Part B) | 80089 | Institutional |
Klais and Company | 34145 | Institutional |
Know The Costs | 04430 | Institutional |
Kopp Billing Agency | RP091 | Institutional |
Kova Healthcare Incorporated | KOVA1 | Institutional |
LA Care Health Plan | LACAR | Institutional |
LACH HealthNet by MedPoint | MPM19 | Institutional |
Lake Forest Managed Care Associates | 37112 | Institutional |
Lakeside Medical Group | 66125 | Institutional |
Lancaster General Health Lancaster General Health (LGH) | 16109 | Institutional |
LaSalle Medical Group IPA | 95715 | Institutional |
Lasso Healthcare MSA | 10550 | Institutional |
Lawndale Christian Health Center | LAWND | Institutional |
LBA HealthPlans LBA Health Plans | 52193 | Institutional |
Leon Health Plans | A3565 | Institutional |
LEON Medical Center Health Plan I Par plus Leon Med Center | 65055 | Institutional |
Liberty Advantage | LIB01 | Institutional |
Liberty Union Life Assurance Company Mid-America Associates Inc. Mid-America Associates | 37281 | Institutional |
Lien On Me | LM005 | Institutional |
Life St Mary (Trinity Health Pace) | 76184 | Institutional |
LIFE TRAC | 41136 | Institutional |
LifeCircles PACE | 71498 | Institutional |
LifePath Hospice Inc. LifePath Hospice Inc | 76870 | Institutional |
Lifewise A Premier Health Plan Lifewise Health Plan of Oregon A Premier Health Plan LifeWise Assurance Company LifeWise HealthPlan of Oregon | 93093 | Institutional |
Lifewise Health Plan of Washington LifeWise HealthPlan of Washington | 93094 | Institutional |
Lifeworks Advantage | LWA01 | Institutional |
Little Company of Mary | LCM1 | Institutional |
Live Beaver County Life Beaver County | 25924 | Institutional |
Local 137 Operating Engineers Welfare Fund | 84041 | Institutional |
Lockard & Williams | CB752 | Institutional |
Loma Linda University Health Care Loma Linda University Health Plan | 33036 | Institutional |
Loma Linda University Medical Center | 95352 | Institutional |
Lone Star TPA | 45289 | Institutional |
Longevity Health Plan of NY | LNY01 | Institutional |
Longevity Illinois | LIL01 | Institutional |
Longevity Michigan | LMI01 | Institutional |
Longevity NJ | LNJ01 | Institutional |
Longevity of North Carolina | LNC01 | Institutional |
Louisiana Medicaid | SKLA0 | Institutional |
Louisiana Medicare Part A Jurisdiction H | 12M12 | Institutional |
Lovelace Senior Options (LSO) | 62310 | Institutional |
Luminare Health Detroit NGS Coresource Luminare Health Detroit fka Trustmark Health Benefits | 38225 | Institutional |
Luminare Health Internal CoreSource CoreSource Internal #3 | 35187 | Institutional |
Luminare Health Little Rock CoreSource Little Rock CoreSource Little Rock (For claims where the 'submit claims to address' on the medical ID card is an address in Little Rock. For assistance call 800-689- 0106) Luminare Health Little Rock fka Trustmark Health Benefits | 75136 | Institutional |
Luminare Health OH Coresource of OH CORESOURCE OH Luther Care (CoreSource) Luminare Health OH fka Trustmark Health Benefits | 35183 | Institutional |
Luther Care (CoreSource) | CB212 | Institutional |
MacNeal Health Providers - CHS (Contact 708-783-7100 prior to first submission.) Macneal Hlth Providers-CHSZ | 36334 | Institutional |
Magellan Complete Care AZ Magellan Complete Care Of AZ Molina Complete Care of Arizona | MCC01 | Institutional |
Magellan Complete Care Of VA | MCCVA | Institutional |
Magellan Health Services Magellan Behavioral Health - UNUSABLE/MUST SEND PAPER CLAIM (Payer Address required on all claims) Magellan Complete Care FL | 01260 | Institutional |
MagnaCare Administrative Brighton Health Plan Solutions (for DOS prior to 01/01/2022) Brighton Health Plan Solutions (formerly MAGNACARE) MagnaCare Administrative Services | 11303 | Institutional |
Magnolia | U8062 | Institutional |
Maine Community Health Options | 45341 | Institutional |
Maine Medicaid | 12K13 12K44 | Institutional |
Maksin Management Corporation (Now known as AIG Educational Markets) Maksin Management Corporation AIG Educational Markets (Formerly Maksin Management Corporation) | 22195 | Institutional |
Managed Care Network Managed Health Networks (MHN) | 22771 | Institutional |
Managed Care Services LLC | 35162 | Institutional |
Managed Health Services Wisconsin | 39187 | Institutional |
March Vision Health Plan | 52461 | Institutional |
Marin Headlands Medical Group Sutter Medical Group Of The Redwoods Sutter Pacific Medical Foundation Sutter West Bay Medical Group | 77304 | Institutional |
Marin IPA | IP097 | Institutional |
Marrick Medical Finance LLC Marrick Mement Finance | 20805 | Institutional |
Marrick WRx Aspirion | 46478 | Institutional |
Martins Point Health Care | 53275 | Institutional |
Martins Point Health Care Martin's Point Health Care USFHP/Generations Advantage | MPHC2 | Institutional |
Mary Washington Health Plan | 83269 | Institutional |
Maryland Medicare Part A | 12010 | Institutional |
Maryland Physicians Care | 22348 | Institutional |
Maryland Physicians Care (MPC) Maryland Physicians Care (MCP) | 76498 | Institutional |
Mashantucket Pequot Tribal Nation Pequot Pharmaceutical Network Bluebonnet Administrators | 37121 | Institutional |
Massachusetts Behavioral Health (BHO) Massachusetts Behavioral Health (BHO) (BHO) | BHOMA | Institutional |
Massachusetts Medicaid | 12K14 | Institutional |
Massachusetts Mutual also known as Mass Mutual Unicare Life & Health Insurance Company UNICARE Major Accounts | 80314 | Institutional |
Masters Mates and Pilots Plan Masters Mates and Pilots Program | MMPHB | Institutional |
Mayo Clinic FL/GA | 88090 | Institutional |
MBA Benefit Administrators MBA of Wyoming | 87065 | Institutional |
MBACLM | IHS24 | Institutional |
McCreary Corporation Employers Mutual Inc Stuart FL | 59331 | Institutional |
McLaren Health Advantage | 3833A | Institutional |
McLaren Health Plan McLaren | 38338 | Institutional |
McLaren Medicaid | 3833C | Institutional |
McLaren Medicare Supplement | 3833S | Institutional |
McLaren State of Michigan | 3833M | Institutional |
McLarenAdvantage SNP | 3833R | Institutional |
MD Anderson Physician Network | MDAPN | Institutional |
MDsave | MDSV | Institutional |
MDwise Healthy Indiana Plan MDwise Health Indiana Plan | 3135M | Institutional |
MDwise Hoosier Healthwise | 3519M | Institutional |
MDwise Medicare Advantage | MDADV | Institutional |
MDwise Select Health Network | MWSHN | Institutional |
MDwise Inc. (formerly IU Health) | 12K81 | Institutional |
MDX Hawaii | MDXHI | Institutional |
Med Pay Med Pay (For claims repriced by Premier Health Care Exchange) | 88058 | Institutional |
Med-Pay Anthem IN | 00130 | Institutional |
MedAdmin Solutions Network TPA JIPA Network Podicare | 58204 | Institutional |
MedAdmin Solutions Network TPA JIPA Network Podicare Advanced Data Solutions | 58202 | Institutional |
Medcore HP | 31057 | Institutional |
MedCost | 56162 | Institutional |
MedCost /Liberty Healthshare MedCost / Liberty Health Share | 90753 | Institutional |
MEDCOST BENEFIT SVCS MedCost Benefit Services | 56205 | Institutional |
MedCost Virginia | 54138 | Institutional |
Medica | 94265 | Institutional |
Medica Government Programs | MEDM1 | Institutional |
Medica Health Plan Solutions | 71890 | Institutional |
Medica HealthCare Plans / FL Medica Health Plan of Florida | 78857 | Institutional |
Medica2 | 12422 | Institutional |
Medicaid - TX Premier Plan I Par Plus Medicaid - TX Premier Plan (enroll at (915)-532-3778 x1507) | EPF02 | Institutional |
Medicaid of Alabama | 75254 | Institutional |
Medicaid of Arizona (AHCCCS) Arizona Medicaid (AHCCCS) Medicaid of Arizona (AHCCCS) Medicaid of Arizona (AHCCCS)(837I & 837P) | AZMCD | Institutional |
Medicaid of Arkansas | 12023 | Institutional |
Medicaid of Arkansas Arkansas Medicaid | ARMCD | Institutional |
Medicaid of California (MediCal) MediCal of California | MDCAL | Institutional |
Medicaid of Colorado | 1548I | Institutional |
Medicaid of CT | 06127 | Institutional |
Medicaid of Flori | 77027 | Institutional |
Medicaid of Georgia | 12K05 | Institutional |
Medicaid of Idaho | 12K07 | Institutional |
Medicaid of Illinois | IL621 | Institutional |
Medicaid of Indiana | 3501I | Institutional |
Medicaid of Iowa | 18049 | Institutional |
Medicaid of Iowa Iowa Medicaid | IAMCD | Institutional |
Medicaid of Kansas | 47163 | Institutional |
Medicaid of Kentucky | 12K11 | Institutional |
Medicaid of Louisiana | 12K12 | Institutional |
Medicaid of MA | SKMA0 | Institutional |
Medicaid of Maryland | 12007 | Institutional |
Medicaid of Massachusetts | 5529I | Institutional |
Medicaid of Medicaid South Carolina | SCMED | Institutional |
Medicaid of Michigan | 12K37 | Institutional |
Medicaid of Michigan BCCCP | SKMI1 | Institutional |
Medicaid of Minnesota | 12K16 | Institutional |
Medicaid of Mississippi | 77032 | Institutional |
Medicaid of Missouri | 12K15 | Institutional |
Medicaid of Missouri | 70029 | Institutional |
Medicaid of Montana | 12K77 | Institutional |
Medicaid of NC | SKNC0 | Institutional |
Medicaid of Nebraska | 1520I | Institutional |
Medicaid of Nevada | NVMMI | Institutional |
Medicaid of New Jersey | 12006 | Institutional |
Medicaid of New Mexico | 12K22 | Institutional |
Medicaid of New York | 12K35 | Institutional |
Medicaid of North Dakota | NDDHS | Institutional |
Medicaid of North Dakota North Dakota Medicaid | NDMCD | Institutional |
Medicaid of Ohio | 3509I MMISODJFS | Institutional |
Medicaid of Ohio Medicaid of Idaho | AIDID | Institutional |
Medicaid of Oklahoma | 12K25 | Institutional |
Medicaid of Pennsylvania | 12008 | Institutional |
Medicaid of Pennsylvania | 236003113 | Institutional |
Medicaid of SC | SKSC0 | Institutional |
Medicaid of Tennessee | 12K46 | Institutional |
Medicaid of Texas TX Medicaid Direct | 86916 | Institutional |
Medicaid of US Virgin Islands | 12K39 | Institutional |
Medicaid of Virginia | 5538I | Institutional |
Medicaid of West Virginia | 12K28 | Institutional |
Medicaid of Wisconsin Wisconsin Medicaid | WIMCD | Institutional |
Medicaid of Wyoming | 12K30 | Institutional |
Medical Associates Health Plan | MAHP1 | Institutional |
Medical Benefits Mutual MedBen (Newark OH) Medical Benefits Administrators Inc. (Newark OH) Medical Benefits Companies (Newark OH) Medical Benefits Mutual (Newark OH) Medical Benefits | 74323 | Institutional |
Medical Mutual of Ohio (Requires rendering provider ID#) Health Span of Ohio (Medical Mutual of Ohio PID 29076) Carolina Care Plan Medical Mutual of Ohio Carolina Care Plan (Part of the Medical Mutual Family. Former payerID 57105.) | 29076 | Institutional |
MEDICAL MUTUAL OF OHIO CAREWORKS Careworks of Ohio | 10010 | Institutional |
Medical Reimbursement Associates Medical Reimbursements of America | 62177 | Institutional |
Medical Services Initiative | 12057 | Institutional |
Medicare & Much More Florida Incorporated Medicare & Much More Florida Incorporated (Effective 1/1/19) | MMMFL | Institutional |
Medicare Advantage Physicians Health Plan Michigan Physicians Health Plan of Michigan Medicare Medicare Advantage PHP Michigan | 83276 | Institutional |
Medicare Florida Blue | FBM01 | Institutional |
Medicare Hawaii | 01211 | Institutional |
Medicare Louisiana | 07201 | Institutional |
Medicare Nevada | 01311 | Institutional |
Medicare of Alaska | AKMCR | Institutional |
Medicare of California | 01111 | Institutional |
Medicare of Colorado | 04111 | Institutional |
Medicare of Connecticut | 3533I | Institutional |
Medicare of Florida | 3518I | Institutional |
Medicare of Georgia | 3536I | Institutional |
Medicare of Illinois | 06101 | Institutional |
Medicare of Indiana | 12M09 | Institutional |
Medicare of Iowa | 05101 | Institutional |
Medicare of Kansas | 05201 | Institutional |
Medicare of Kentucky | 15101 | Institutional |
Medicare of Maine | 3547I | Institutional |
Medicare of Maryland | 5554I | Institutional |
Medicare of Massachusetts | 5527I | Institutional |
Medicare of Michigan | 08201 | Institutional |
Medicare of Minnesota | 06201 | Institutional |
Medicare of Missouri J5 | 05301 | Institutional |
Medicare of Nebraska | 05401 | Institutional |
Medicare of New Jersey | 12401 | Institutional |
Medicare of New York | 13201 | Institutional |
Medicare of Oklahoma | 04311 | Institutional |
Medicare of Pennsylvania | 12501 | Institutional |
Medicare of South Carolina | 12M55 | Institutional |
Medicare of Tennessee | 12M53 | Institutional |
Medicare of Texas | 04411 | Institutional |
Medicare of Virginia Virginia Medicare Part A | 11003 | Institutional |
Medicare of Washington (Noridian) | 12M45 | Institutional |
Medicare of Wisconsin | 00450 | Institutional |
MEDICARE PART A Utah | 03501 | Institutional |
Medicare Part B of Alabama Alabama Medicare Part A Jurisdiction J | ALMCR | Institutional |
Medicare Part B of Georgia Georgia Medicare Part A Jurisdiction J | GAMCR | Institutional |
Medicare Part B of North Carolina North Carolina Medicare Part A Jurisdiction M | NCMCR | Institutional |
Medicare Y Mucho Mas | L0210 | Institutional |
Medico Insurance Medico Insurance Company | 23160 | Institutional |
Medigold Mt. Carmel | 95655 | Institutional |
Mediture IPA | AMM11 | Institutional |
Mediview Sendero Idealcare | MV400 | Institutional |
MedPartners (PHCS Repricing) MedPartners (PHCS RepricingPO Box 10240 Fort Wayne In 46857 | 441MP | Institutional |
Medpartners MedPartners Admin Services | 412MP | Institutional |
MedSolutions Inc MedSolutions Inc. | 62160 | Institutional |
Medstar Family Choice DC | RP062 | Institutional |
Medstar Family Choice Maryland Healthchoice | RP063 | Institutional |
Medstar Select | 251MS | Institutional |
Memorial Clinical Associates/ SelectCare of Texas | 62181 | Institutional |
Memorial Hermann Bundle Program | MHB123 | Institutional |
Memorial Hermann Health Network I Par Plus Memorial Hermann Health Network | MHHNP | Institutional |
Memorial Integrated Healthcare | 59064 | Institutional |
Mental Health Consultants Inc | 37050 | Institutional |
Merchants Benefit Administration INC | 86087 | Institutional |
Mercy Care Plan of Arizona Mercy Health Plan (AHCCCS) Mercy Health Plan of AZ | 86052 | Institutional |
Mercy Maricopa Integrated Care | 33628 | Institutional |
Mercy Provider Network | 43185 | Institutional |
Meridian Health Plan of Illinois MeridianTotal (Meridian Complete Illinois Complete YouthCare and Ambetter Payer ID effective 01-01- 2021) MeridianTotal (Meridian Complete Illinois Complete YouthCare and Ambetter Payer ID effective 01-01-2021) | MHPIL | Institutional |
MeridianComplete (Ambetter from Michigan Meridian Complete Michigan Complete) Payer ID effective 01-01-20 MeridianComplete (Ambetter from Michigan Meridian Complete Michigan Complete) Payer ID effective 01-01-2021 | MHPMI | Institutional |
MeridianHealth Illinois Meridian Health Plan Illinois Complete (Meridian Health Plan Illinois Medicaid effective until 12/31/20) | 13189 | Institutional |
Meritain Health (Formerly know as North American Administrators) Meritain Health (North American Health Plan.) North American Administrators Inc. | 64157 | Institutional |
Metcare Health Plan | 65113 | Institutional |
Metro Plus Health Plan | 13265 | Institutional |
Metropolitan Health Plan | 10850 | Institutional |
MH Employee Plan | 59604 | Institutional |
MHCC Luminare Health | 35189 | Institutional |
MI Blue Care HMO (BCN of MI-835s returned MIBLS) Michigan Blue Care HMO (BCN of Michigan) Blue Cross MI Blue Care Complete | MIBCN | Institutional |
MI Blue Care Network | 12B58 | Institutional |
MI Blue Cross PPO Blue Cross of Michigan | 12B18 | Institutional |
Miami Behavioral Health | 92579 | Institutional |
Miami Children’s Health Plan | 82832 | Institutional |
Michigan Medicare PlusBlue (835s returned under MIBLS) Michigan Medicare PlusBlue | MIMPB | Institutional |
MID Rogue Oregon Health Plan MD Rogue Oregon Health Plan | MRIPA | Institutional |
Mid-American Benefits | 22823 | Institutional |
Midlands Choice Midlands Health Partners | 47080 | Institutional |
Midwest Health Partners | 76079 | Institutional |
Midwest Health Plan Midwest Health Plans INC. | MHP77 | Institutional |
Midwest Physician Administrative Services | TH088 | Institutional |
MISS SELECT HLTH CARE/SELECT ADMN SERVICE MS Select Healthcare (Mississippi Select Health Care) | 64088 | Institutional |
Mississippi Medicaid | 12K17 12K18 | Institutional |
Mississippi Medicaid | SKMS0 | Institutional |
Mississippi Medicare Part A Jurisdiction 7 | 12M17 | Institutional |
Mississippi Physician Care Network Mississippi Physicians Care Network | 64084 | Institutional |
Missoula County Medical Benefits | 37275 | Institutional |
Missouri Medicaid | SKMO0 | Institutional |
ML Healthcare | 26097 | Institutional |
Moda Health (ODS Health Plan) ODS Health Plan | 13350 | Institutional |
Molina Complete Care AZ Molina Complete Care DSNP | MCC02 | Institutional |
Molina Health Care of South Carolina Molina Healthcare of South Carolina | 46299 | Institutional |
Molina Healthcare Arizona | A4353 | Institutional |
Molina Healthcare Mississippi | 77010 | Institutional |
Molina Healthcare Nebraksa Molina Healthcare of Nebraska INC | MLNNE | Institutional |
Molina Healthcare of California (Rendering provider must use Medi-Cal ID number or State License Number. Billing provider should use Federal TaxID only.) Molina Healthcare of California | 38333 | Institutional |
Molina Healthcare of Florida | 51062 | Institutional |
Molina Healthcare of Idaho | 61799 | Institutional |
Molina Healthcare of Illinois Molina Illinois | 20934 | Institutional |
Molina Healthcare of Iowa | MLNIA | Institutional |
Molina Healthcare of Michigan | 38334 | Institutional |
Molina Healthcare of Nevada | MLNNV | Institutional |
Molina Healthcare of Nevada Molina Healthcare Nevada | A6106 | Institutional |
Molina Healthcare of New Mexico - SCI Molina Healcare of New Mexico - SCI | 04423 | Institutional |
Molina Healthcare of New Mexico Salud Lovelace Salud (Older PID of SX159 is no longer valid) Molina Healthcare of New Mexico - Salud | 09824 | Institutional |
Molina Healthcare of Ohio | 20149 | Institutional |
Molina Healthcare of Texas | 20554 | Institutional |
Molina Healthcare of Utah | 12X09 | Institutional |
MOLINA HEALTHCARE OF UTAH | SX109 | Institutional |
Molina Healthcare of Washington (Rendering providers use DSHS Medicaid ID or State Licence Number.) Molina Healthcare of Washington I Par Plus | 38336 | Institutional |
Molina Healthcare of Wisconsin Abri Healthplan (Now known as Molina Health Care of WI) Abri Healthplan | ABRI1 | Institutional |
Molina Ohio Medicaid | 73160 | Institutional |
Molina Ohio Medicaid | 07316 | Institutional |
Molina Ohio Medicaid Vision | 7316V | Institutional |
Monarch Healthcare IPA (Rendering provider ID# required on all claims.) Monarch IPA | IP095 | Institutional |
Monitor Life Monitor Life (secondary claims only Medicare cannot be prim | 01759 | Institutional |
Montana Medicare | MTMCR | Institutional |
Montefiore Contract Management Organization (Provider ID required call 914- 377-4400 for ID prior to first claims submissions.) Montefiore Contract Management Organization | 13174 | Institutional |
Montefiore HMO | 46161 | Institutional |
Monumental Life Monumental Life Ins Co. | MMLIC | Institutional |
Morris Associates aka HealthScope Benefits MORRIS ASSOCIATES | 35092 | Institutional |
MotivHealth Insurance Company | U7632 | Institutional |
Mountain Health CO-OP | MHC01 | Institutional |
Mountain States | 86040 | Institutional |
MPEEBT(MISSISSIPPI PUBLIC ENTITY) MPE Employee Benefit Services | 37233 | Institutional |
MPMBA | IHS23 | Institutional |
MPOWER Bundle | STXB99 | Institutional |
MRIPA Allcare CCO (Medicaid Payer) MRIPA Allcare CCO | 26161 | Institutional |
MSA Care Guide MSA CARE GUARD | 20572 | Institutional |
Multicare Connected Care | RP036 | Institutional |
Multicare INC Multicare Pace | R3457 | Institutional |
Municipal Health Benefits Fund Municipal Health Benefit Program Municipal Health Benefit Fund | 81883 | Institutional |
Mutual of Omaha Insurance Company Mutually Preferred National Rural Letter Carrier Association (Policy Number GMG1846) United of Omaha | 71412 | Institutional |
MVP Health Plan of NY | 14165 | Institutional |
MyNexus Inc. | 32043 | Institutional |
NAA (North Americal Administrators LP - Nashville TN.) NAA (North America Administrators) | 65085 | Institutional |
NAHGA Claim Services National Accident & Health General Agency Inc. | 67788 | Institutional |
NALC/Affordable National Association of Letter Carriers/NALC | 53011 | Institutional |
NaphCare Inc Naphcare Inc | 58182 | Institutional |
Nascentia Health Plan (Medicare line of business) | 45529 | Institutional |
National Allied Workers Union Local 831 National Allied Workers Union Local 831 Insurance Trust | CB148 | Institutional |
National Capital Preferred Provider Organization (NCPPO) (To obtain your provider ID number please call the NCPPO Customer Service Department at (800) 272-5911 HEALTHLINK PPO | 90001 | Institutional |
National General | ASHC1 | Institutional |
National Health Benefit | 88057 | Institutional |
National Healthcare Corp Advantage | NHC01 | Institutional |
National Telecommunications Cooperative Association (NTCA) National Telecommunications Cooperative Associations | 52103 | Institutional |
National Telecommunications Cooperative Association (NTCS Staff) National Telecommunications Cooperative Associations (NTCS Staff) | 52104 | Institutional |
NCAS - Fairfax VA | 75190 | Institutional |
NCAS-CHARLOTTE NCAS - Charlotte VA | 75191 | Institutional |
Nebraska Medicaid | 12K19 | Institutional |
Nebraska Medicaid | SKNE0 | Institutional |
Neighborhood Health of Plan Rhonde Island Neighborhood Health Partnership Neighborhood Health Plan of Rhode Island (Contact NHPRI 401-459-6030 to verify provider and vendor number.) | 05047 | Institutional |
Neighborhood Health Plan RI Neighborhood Health Plan RI - Exchange Unity Integrity Neighborhood Health Plan RI- Exchange Unity Integrity | 96240 | Institutional |
Neighborhood Healthcare Pace | R3456 | Institutional |
Neskia Health Group Shasta Administrative Services Nesika Health Group (Old payerID of 37255 is no longer valid.) | 75280 | Institutional |
Netcare Life and Health Insurance | 66055 | Institutional |
Network Health | 04332 | Institutional |
Network Health Insurance Corp - Medicare Network Health Insurance Corp- Medicare Network Health Insurance Medicare | 77076 | Institutional |
Network Health Plan of Wisconsin Inc.(Prior to initial claims submission please contact Network Health Plan EDI specialist at 920-720-1506.) Network Health of WI Network Healthplan of Wisconsin | 39144 | Institutional |
Network Solutions IPA | NSIPA | Institutional |
Neuehealth | NEUEH | Institutional |
Nevada Blue Shield Blue Cross of Nevada | 00265 | Institutional |
Nevada Medicaid | 12K20 | Institutional |
Nevada Medicaid | SKNV0 | Institutional |
Nevada Medicare | NVMCR | Institutional |
New Avenues Inc. New Avenues Inc. | 95998 | Institutional |
New Era Life Insurance Company | 98798 | Institutional |
New Mexico Blue Cross Community Centennial New Mexico Blue Cross Community Centennial (MemberIDs start with "YIP") | MC721 | Institutional |
New Mexico Health Connections | 45129 | Institutional |
New Mexico Medicare Part A Jurisdiction 4 | 12M22 | Institutional |
New York Hotel Trade Council | 7707C | Institutional |
New York Life - Long Term Care I Par Plus New York Life - Long Term Care | NYL11 | Institutional |
New York Medical Indemnity Fund | NYDFS | Institutional |
Next Level Health Partners (FKA 69821) | 81085 | Institutional |
NextBlue | 55892 | Institutional |
NHI Billing | 14043 | Institutional |
Nippon Life Insurance Company Nippon Life Insurance Company (Dental) Nippon Life Insurance Company of America | 81264 | Institutional |
North American Benefits North American Benefits Network (NABN) | 34159 | Institutional |
North American Med North American Medical Management Northern California | E3510 | Institutional |
North Carolina Medica | 12K23 | Institutional |
North Dakota Medicaid | 12K78 | Institutional |
North Dakota Medicare | NDMCR | Institutional |
North Shore - LIJ (Healthfirst) | 17516 | Institutional |
Northcoast Healthcare | A2790 | Institutional |
Northern Illinois Health Plan | 36347 | Institutional |
Northwest Community Health Partners | NANWC | Institutional |
Northwest Community Health Partners | NWCHP | Institutional |
Northwest Diagnostic Clinic I Par Plus (Old PayerID of NWDC1 is no longer valid.) NW Diagnostic Clinic/SelectCare of Texas (NWDC) | 62119 | Institutional |
Northwest Physicians Network (For claims with a DOS of 01/21/2021 and greater use payer ID LIFE1) | NPN11 | Institutional |
Northwest Suburban IPA (IL) Northwest Suburban IPA Illinois | 36346 | Institutional |
Northwestern Medicine Phys Network Northwestern Medicine Physcians Network | NWEST | Institutional |
Northwood Healthcare | NWOOD | Institutional |
Nova Healthcare Administrators Inc. (Grand Island NY) NOVA Healthcare Administrators NY | 16644 | Institutional |
Novant Health Direct to Employers | HLSTA | Institutional |
NX Health Network | 44412 | Institutional |
Nyhart | 37299 | Institutional |
NYS Department of Health | 14142 | Institutional |
Oak Street Health | OAKST | Institutional |
Oak West Physician Association Oak West Primary Physician Association | 36400 | Institutional |
Occhsner Health Plan Ochsner Health Plan | A5236 | Institutional |
Ohio Health Choice PPO Ohio Health Choice PPO | 34189 | Institutional |
Ohio Medicare Part A Jurisdiction 15 Medicare Part B of Ohio | OHMCR | Institutional |
Ohio PPO Connect | 74431 | Institutional |
OhioHealthy Florida Hospital Waterman | 48116 | Institutional |
Oklahoma Medicaid | SKOK0 | Institutional |
Oklahoma Medicare Part A | 12M37 | Institutional |
Olympus Management Health Care Olympus Managed Health Care | 65074 | Institutional |
OmniCare (For claims with Dates of Service after 10/01/04) OMNICARE- Coventry Health Plan of MI | 25150 | Institutional |
One Call Medical | 22321 | Institutional |
One Health Plan GA OSF Healthcare East | 95569 | Institutional |
One Health Plan of California One Health Plan CA | 95379 | Institutional |
One Health Plan of Georgia One Health Plan of Illinois One Health Plan IL | 95388 | Institutional |
Optima Health Plan Optima Insurance Company Sentara Family Plan Sentara Health Management | 54154 | Institutional |
Optimed Health | 96277 | Institutional |
Optimum Healthcare Inc. Optimum Healthcare Inc | 20133 | Institutional |
Optum – Complex Medical Conditions (CMC) (formerly OptumHealth Care Solutions and United Resource Networks) former payer id 52190 OptumHealth (OptumHealth Care Solutions) formerly United Resources Networks former payer ID 52190 OptumHealth Complex Medical Conditions (CMC) (formerly OptumHealth Care Solutions and United Resource Networks) (Former payerID 52190) | 41194 | Institutional |
Optum Care Network of Connecticut | E3287 | Institutional |
Optum Maryland Behavioral Health | OMDBH | Institutional |
Optum Medical Network (previously Lifeprint) OptumCare / AZ NV UT (formerly Optum Medical Network & Lifeprint Network)) OptumCare / AZ UT (formerly Lifeprint Network) | LIFE1 | Institutional |
Optum Salt Lake OptumHealth SLC Optum Tooele | U6885 | Institutional |
OptumHealth - Physical Health (Includes Oxford) OptumHealth Physical Health - (Includes Oxford) | 41161 | Institutional |
Oregon Medicaid | 12K41 | Institutional |
Oregon Medicaid | SKOR0 | Institutional |
Oregon Medicare | ORMCR | Institutional |
Orthonet-Aetna Orthonet - AETNA | 13383 | Institutional |
Oscar Health | OSCAR | Institutional |
OSF Health Plans HUMANA Claims only Group Health Insurance - DE ARCADIAN MGMT SERVICE Humana Care Plan Humana Group Health Plan Arcadian Management Services Inc (Group number should be entered if available. ) Humana Health Chicago Humana Health Chicago Insurance Company Humana Health Plan Humana Insurance Agency Humana Insurance Company Humana Medical Plan - CA Humana Medical Plan - KY Humana Wisconsin Health Organization IBA Health & Life Assurance Co. OSF Healthcare East OSF HealthPlans Services | 61101 | Institutional |
Oxford Health Plans UnitedHealthcare / Oxford | 06111 | Institutional |
P3 Health Partners -Arizona | 58375 | Institutional |
P3 Health Partners Nevada | P3HNV | Institutional |
P5 Health | 87068 | Institutional |
Pace Central Iowa | 72436 | Institutional |
PACE CNY | 70454 | Institutional |
Pace Nebraska | 35416 | Institutional |
Pace of Southeast Michigan Pace Southeast Michigan | 86711 | Institutional |
Pace of Southwest Iowa Pace Southwest Iowa | 53534 | Institutional |
Pace of Southwest Michigan Inc. | 45114 | Institutional |
Pacific Administrators | PCFAD | Institutional |
Pacific Southwest Administrators (PSWA) Pacific Southwest Administrators | 75309 | Institutional |
PacifiCare of Colorado | COPHS | Institutional |
PacificSource Administrators Select Benefit Administrators Inc. | 93031 | Institutional |
PacificSource Commercial | 93029 | Institutional |
Pacificsource Medicare | 20377 | Institutional |
Palo Alto Medical Foundation | 94115 | Institutional |
Pan American Life Insurance | 04218 | Institutional |
Parallon RCPS | PARLN | Institutional |
Paramount Paramount Health | SX158 | Institutional |
Parkland Community Health Plan | 66917 | Institutional |
Partners Behavioral Health | 52613 | Institutional |
Partners Health Plan | 14966 | Institutional |
Partners in Health | PARTH | Institutional |
Partners Insurance Company | RP099 | Institutional |
Partnership Health Plan CA | 12M81 | Institutional |
Passport Advantage ** (Effective 7-1- 18 new PID 66008 former payer ID 97652) Passport Advantage (Effective 7- 1-18 new PID 66008 former payer ID 97652) | 66008 | Institutional |
Passport Health Plan | 61325 | Institutional |
Path Administrators (DH Evans) D H Evans & Associates reg required call 410-349-3222 | 25172 | Institutional |
Patient Advocates Patient Advocate | 55489 | Institutional |
Patient Physician Cooperative | 20510 | Institutional |
Payer Fusion | 27048 | Institutional |
payer ID 84223) Keystone VIP Choice (formerly payer ID 84223) | 77741 | Institutional |
Peak Health | PEAK0 | Institutional |
Peak Pace Solutions | 27034 | Institutional |
Pediatric Associates of Broward Pediatric Associated Health Plan | 20472 | Institutional |
Pedicare Title 21 I Par Plus | M3FL8 | Institutional |
PEF Clinic | PEF01 | Institutional |
Penn Behavioral Health | 53226 | Institutional |
Pennsylvania Keystone Health Plan East (encounters only) Keystone Health Plan East - Encounters PA Keystone Health Plan E(encounters only-835s return PAKEY) | PEBLS | Institutional |
Pennsylvania Medicaid | SKPA0 | Institutional |
Pennsylvania Medicare Part A Jurisdiction 12 | 12M60 | Institutional |
Pennsylvania Pace | 20172 | Institutional |
Pennsylvania Preferred Health Network (PPHN) Americaid CC Tampa | 06161 | Institutional |
People 1st Health Strategies | IHS03 | Institutional |
People One Health | IHS01 | Institutional |
Peoples Health Network (Tenet) (Network ID must be on claim. Contact phn.provider@tenethealth.com) Peoples Health Network | 72126 | Institutional |
Perennial Advantage of Colorado | PACO1 | Institutional |
Personal Insurance Administrators Inc. Personal Insurance Administrators PIA | 95397 | Institutional |
Phoenix Health Plan | 03440 | Institutional |
PHP of Northern Indiana Physicians Health Plan of Northern Indiana | 12399 | Institutional |
Physicians Care Network (Rockford IL Only) PayerID valid only for claims with billing submission name city and state of Physicians Care Network Rockford IL. Physicians Care Network (Rockford IL only) | 36345 | Institutional |
Physicians Choice Medical Group of Santa Maria | MCI01 | Institutional |
Physicians Corporation of America (Florida Plan Only) | 65018 | Institutional |
Physicians Health Association Physicians Health Association of Illinois | 37136 | Institutional |
Physicians Health Plan Physicians Health Plan (For behavioral Health claims processing see documents sent to your office from the payer.) | 37330 | Institutional |
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose Physicians Health Plan of Michigan Medicare | EXC01 | Institutional |
Physicians Mutual Physicians Mutual Insurance Company | 47027 | Institutional |
Physicians of Southwest Washington | 91171 | Institutional |
Physicians Plus Insurance Corp. Physicians Plus Insurance Corporation | 39156 | Institutional |
Pinnacle Medical Group | 95271 | Institutional |
Pinnacol Assurance | 84109 | Institutional |
Pittman Crossover | 00156 | Institutional |
Planned Administrator Planned Administrators Inc. (PAI) | 37287 | Institutional |
PodAmerica | RP106 | Institutional |
Podiatry Network FL | 59324 | Institutional |
Point Comfort Underwriters | PCU01 PCU02 | Institutional |
PPO Plus LLC | 72148 | Institutional |
Prairie States Enterprises Inc. Prairie States Enterprises | 36373 | Institutional |
Preferred Administrator I Par Plus Preferred Admin (Provider Relations @ (915)532-2778 x1068) | EPF10 | Institutional |
Preferred Care - NY | 12X04 | Institutional |
Preferred Care Partners / FL | 65088 | Institutional |
Preferred Health Care (PHC) Preferred HealthCare Lancas | 33898 | Institutional |
Preferred Health Plan (Louisville KY previous payer ID 61106 ) Healthsmart Benefit Solutions (Wells Fargo TPA formerly Acordia National) Preferred Health Plan (Louisville KY) Preferred Health Professionals (PHP Kansas City previous ID 61106) | 87815 | Institutional |
Preferred Health Plan of Carolinas (PHPC) | CB404 | Institutional |
Preferred Health Systems Insurance Co (PPO) PREFERRED BEN ADMIN | 61665 | Institutional |
Preferred Health Systems Inc. Preferred Health System | 60110 | Institutional |
Preferred IPA | PFIPA | Institutional |
Preferred Med Grp AKA Vantage AmeriWest Cal Care LAMC Vantage Medical Group Use Payer ID PPM01 for claims with DOS prior to 08.01.2020 Desert Family Practice Association | PPM01 | Institutional |
Preferred Network Access | 36401 | Institutional |
Preferred One | 41147 | Institutional |
Premera Blue Cross (WA) Premera Blue Cross WA | 00430 | Institutional |
Premier Administrative Solutions | 65415 | Institutional |
Premier Healthcare Exchange | 88051 | Institutional |
Premier HealthCare Exchange (Cypress) | 88056 | Institutional |
Presbyterian Health Plan (Commercial) (Provider ID is required. Contact (888) 923-5757 6 then 2 to obtain ID. New Mexico Providers only.) Presbyterian Health Plan | PREHP | Institutional |
Presbyterian Salud Presbyterian Salud (Please add provider number in 2010AA REF02 or 2310B REF02 Number is 11 digits or less. Contact 888-923-5757 #6 #2 to obtain ID.) | PRESA | Institutional |
Presbyterian(NM) Presbyterian (NM) | 05003 | Institutional |
Presence ERC | 46311 | Institutional |
Prestige Health Choice (Payer is effective 5/1/2014 Managed Medicaid Plan. For EDI Support please email edi.phc@amerihealthcaritas.com or call 800-617-5727) Prestige Health Choice | 77003 | Institutional |
Prevea Health Insurance Plan Arise Health Plan (Formerly Prevea Health) Arise Health Plan Prevea Health Plan | 39185 | Institutional |
Prevea360 | 41822P | Institutional |
Prevea360 Health Plan Children's Community Health Plan Chorus Community Health Plans (WI Medicaid) Wellfirst Health Care4Kids (WI Medicaid) Care4Kids (WI Medicaid plans) Dean Health Plan | 39113 | Institutional |
Prezzo | CB531 | Institutional |
Prezzo | A2314 | Institutional |
Primary Care CA Primary Care Assoc of CA (Customer Service877-602-1563) | PCACZ | Institutional |
Primary Care of Joliet | PCJOL | Institutional |
Primary Health Network | 82048 | Institutional |
Primary PhysicianCare Inc.(Now known as HealthGram) Healthgram Primary PhysicianCare Inc. | 56144 | Institutional |
Prime Community Care Central Valley Prime Community Care of Central Valley(837I & 837P) | MVCV1 | Institutional |
Prime West Health Plan | 61604 | Institutional |
Priority Health (Please contact Priority Health EDI Dept at 616- 464-8686 or email EDISETUP@Priority-Health.com) Priority Health | 38217 | Institutional |
Prism Univera Prism-Universa | 37315 | Institutional |
ProCare Health Plan Medicaid Use payer ID 38224 DOS 01-01-20 and greater | 70259 | Institutional |
ProCare Texas | PTX01 | Institutional |
Prodegi | U8151 | Institutional |
Professional Benefit Administrators Inc. (Oak Brook IL) Professional Benefit Administrators Inc (Oak Brook IL) | 36331 | Institutional |
Professional Claims Management (Canton OH) Professional Claims Management | 37242 | Institutional |
Progressive Benefit Services Inc HSHS Medical Group IPA | 37137 | Institutional |
PROGYNY | PROGY | Institutional |
Prominence Administrative Services | 88022 | Institutional |
Prominence Health Plan Encounters St. Marys Health Plan Encounters St.. Mary's Health Plan Encounters | 88082 | Institutional |
Prominence Health Plan of Florida Prominence HealthFirst of Florida Inc | 83352 | Institutional |
Prominence Health Plan of Nevada | 93082 | Institutional |
Prominence Health Plan of Texas | 80095 | Institutional |
Prominence Health Plan ST MARYS HEATLH PLAN Saint Marys Health Plan | 88029 | Institutional |
Providence Facility Claims | PROV1 | Institutional |
Providence Health Assurance | 77350 77355 | Institutional |
Providence Health Plan | PHP01 | Institutional |
Providence Health Plan | SX133 | Institutional |
Providence Health PPO | SX187 | Institutional |
Providence Insurance & Administrative Services Providence Administrative Services | PAS01 | Institutional |
Provident Life & Accident Insurance Company Provident Life & Accident Insurance Company of America Provident Life & Casualty Insurance Company Healthpoint Corporation Healthsource Provident (CIGNA) Healthsource Provident Ins. Co. | 68195 | Institutional |
Provider Network of America | MPJVL | Institutional |
Provider Partners Health Plan Illinois | 31401 | Institutional |
Provider Partners Health Plan of Texas Provider Partners Health Plan Texas | 31405 | Institutional |
Provider Partners Health Plan Pennsylvania | 31400 | Institutional |
ProviDRs Care Network | 48100 | Institutional |
Pruitt Health Premier | PH001 | Institutional |
Pruitt Health Premier (NC SC) | PHPC1 | Institutional |
Psychealth Care Management LLC Psychealth Care Management Assoc | A2797 | Institutional |
Qualcare Arkansas Qualchoice Arkansas | 35174 | Institutional |
Qualcare IPA | QCP01 | Institutional |
Quality Care Partners Quality Care Partners (QCP) | 89461 | Institutional |
Quartz Administrative Services Organization (ASO) | 46571 | Institutional |
Quest Behavioral Health | 44219 | Institutional |
QuikTrip Quicktrip Corporation | 73067 | Institutional |
Ravenswood Phys Assoc Ravenswood Physician Assoc | RPAWC | Institutional |
RBMS LLC | 91176 | Institutional |
Redirect Health Administration | 86145 | Institutional |
Redlands Yucaipa Medical Group | 18247 | Institutional |
Regal Med Group Regal Medical Group | REGAL | Institutional |
Regence BCBS Idaho Regence BS Idaho | 00611 | Institutional |
Regence BCBS Utah | 00910 | Institutional |
REGENCE BLUE CROSS BLUE SHIELD OF UTAH (Includes FEP) | U1100 | Institutional |
Regence Group Administrators | RGA01 | Institutional |
Regency Empolyee Benefits | 38221 | Institutional |
Regional Care INC Regional Care Inc. | 47076 | Institutional |
Reliance Health Plan | RHP01 | Institutional |
Renaissance Physicians Organization | 76066 | Institutional |
Reserve National Insurance Reserve National Insurance (For Claims rejections please contact Reserve national Customer Service at (405)848-7931.) | 73066 | Institutional |
Resolve Health Plan Ad (Auth # required: begins w5 &13len Innovative Payer 1 | 20481 | Institutional |
Resolve Health Plan Administrators LLC | RHA01 | Institutional |
RESURRECTION HEALTH CARE PREFERRED Family Medical Network | 36396 | Institutional |
Resurrection Physicians Group I Par Plus Resurrection Physician Provider Group | RPPG1 | Institutional |
RevClaims | RVC01 | Institutional |
Rhode Island Medicaid | 12K74 | Institutional |
Rhode Island Medicaid | SKRI0 | Institutional |
Right Care from Scott & White | 74205 | Institutional |
RightChoice Benefits Administrators | 37331 | Institutional |
Rios Southwest Medical Group | RIOS1 | Institutional |
River City Medical Group | RCMG1 | Institutional |
Riverside Health Inc Riverside Health Inc | 45281 | Institutional |
Riverspring Health Plans | 05178 | Institutional |
RMSCO INC. RMSCO Inc. | 16117 | Institutional |
Rocky Mountain Health Plan Grand Junction | 84065 | Institutional |
Rocky Mountain Pace | 93142 | Institutional |
Rubicon Health Group | IHS18 | Institutional |
Rush Prudential Health Plans (HMO Only) | 36389 | Institutional |
S & S Healthcare Strategies | 31441 | Institutional |
Sagamore Health Network Sagamore Health Network Inc. | 35164 | Institutional |
Salvasen Health | CB122 | Institutional |
Samaritan Health Plans | CP001 | Institutional |
Samera Health Mint Health Plans/Samera Health | U8053 | Institutional |
San Diego County Medical Services (CMS) San Diego County Medical Services | MSO11 | Institutional |
San Diego County Physician Emergency Services | MSO22 | Institutional |
San Diego County Ryan White Primary Care Program | MSO33 | Institutional |
San Diego County Sheriffs Department | MSO55 | Institutional |
San Diego PACE | 96400 | Institutional |
San Francisco Health Plan | SFHP1 | Institutional |
San Luis Obispo Select IPA San Louis Obispo Select | 33072 | Institutional |
San Mateo Health Commission dba Health Plan of San Mateo | 12X74 | Institutional |
Sana Benefits | 50114 | Institutional |
Sanford Health Plan | MNSHP | Institutional |
Santa Clara Family Health Plans | 24077 | Institutional |
Sante Community Physicians Medical Group Corp. Sante Health System Medi-Cal Sante Health System Medi-C | SNTMC | Institutional |
Sante Health Systems | SANTE | Institutional |
Sante Health Systems Sante Health System | 77038 | Institutional |
Satellite Health Plan Inc (Satellite Health Plan is a MA ESRD C-SNP effective 1/1/14. First Time submitters please fax a W9 to 650-625-6083) Satellite Health Plan Inc | 45552 | Institutional |
Saudi Health Mission | SHM01 | Institutional |
Scan CA Scan Health Plan CA | SCAN1 | Institutional |
SCAN Encounters (Diversified Data Design (DDD)) SCAN Encounters | 99157 | Institutional |
Scan Health Plan Arizona | SCAN2 | Institutional |
Scan Health Plan AZ | 73172 | Institutional |
SCHC Total Care Total Care of NY (Former payer ID TCARE) SCHC Total Care Inc | 16146 | Institutional |
SCHS Alta Global Medical Care Group | MPM54 | Institutional |
Scott & White I Par Plus Scott & White Health Care | 88030 | Institutional |
Scripps Health Plan MSO | SHPM1 | Institutional |
Scripps Health Plan Services | SHPS1 | Institutional |
Seaview IPA | SVIPA | Institutional |
Secure Health of Georgia (Claims for this payer id are only accepted with a DOS equal to or after 01/01/2021) Secure Health Plan of GA ## (Claims for this payer id are only accepted with a DOS equal to or after 01/01/2021) | 42561 | Institutional |
Secure Health of Georgia (Claims for this payer id are only accepted with a DOS prior to 12/31/2020) Secure Health Plan of GA ## (Claims for this payer id are only accepted with a DOS prior to 12/31/2020) | 28530 | Institutional |
SecureCare Dental Merchants Benefit Administration INC | 86057 | Institutional |
SecureOne | 86242 | Institutional |
Security Administrative Systems Cornerstone Benefit Administrators HealthSmart Security Administrative Services | 35202 | Institutional |
Security Health Plan | 39045 | Institutional |
Sedgwick Sedgwick CMS | TP097 | Institutional |
Select Benefit Administrators of America SELECT BENEFIT ADMIN | 37282 | Institutional |
Select Health of South Carolina | 23285 | Institutional |
SelectCare of Texas (HPN) Heritage Physicians Network | 76045 | Institutional |
SelectCare of TX Beaumont Prov ID Req 713-843-6780 to obta Golden Triangle Physician Alliance | GTPA1 | Institutional |
SELECTHEALTH | SX107 | Institutional |
Self Insured Benefit Admin FL Self Insured Benefit Administrators | 59111 | Institutional |
Self Insured Plans Self Insured Plans LLC | 36404 | Institutional |
Self-Funded Plans Inc (IL PA OH) Self-Funded Plans (IL PA OH) | 34131 | Institutional |
Selman Company | 52214 | Institutional |
Selman Tricare Supplement Plans | TRSEL | Institutional |
Sendero Health | SCS17 | Institutional |
Sendero IdealCare | 11440 UV440 | Institutional |
Senior Whole Health Care ## (Use payer ID SWHNY for DOS equal to or after 01/01/2021) Use payer ID 83035 for DOS prior to 01/01/2021) Senior Whole Health (Use payer ID SWHNY for DOS equal to or after 01/01/2021). Use payer ID 83035 for DOS prior to 01/01/2021) | SWHNY | Institutional |
Senior Whole Health Care ## (Use payer ID 83035 for DOS prior to 01/01/2021. Use new payer ID SWHNY for DOS equal to or after 01/01/2021) Senior Whole Health (Use payer ID 83035 for DOS prior to 01/01/2021. Use new payer ID SWHNY for DOS equal to or after 01/01/2021) | 83035 | Institutional |
Senior Whole Health Massachusetts | SWHMA | Institutional |
Sentinel Management Sentinel Management Services | 23249 | Institutional |
Sentinel Security Life Insurance Atlantic Coast Life Insurance | 87020 | Institutional |
Seton CHIP (Provider ID required.) Seton Health Plan - CHIP I Par Plus | SHPCH | Institutional |
Seton Employee Plan Care Program I Par Plus | SHCAR | Institutional |
Seton Employee Plan Seton Employee Plan I par Plus | SHEBP | Institutional |
Seton Star | STAR1 | Institutional |
Seven Corners | 25404 | Institutional |
SGIC | 11789 | Institutional |
Shared Health Mississippi | SHTM1 | Institutional |
Shared Health Mississippi | SHTMS | Institutional |
Sharp Health Plan | SHP01 | Institutional |
Sheet Metal Workers Local 104 (PayerID valid for submission add of PO Box 1138 San Ramon CA 94583.) Sheet Metal Workers Local 104 BeneSys Inc. (Now known as Sheet Metal Workers Local 104) | 38238 | Institutional |
Sierra Health and Life (Health Plan of Nevada) Health Plan of Nevada Sierra Health and Life | 76342 | Institutional |
Sierra Health Services Encounters (Health Plan of Nevada) Health Plan of Nevada (Encounter claims) Sierra Health and Life (Encounters) | 76343 | Institutional |
SIHO | 77153 | Institutional |
Silver Cross Managed Care Organization | NASCR | Institutional |
Silver Star Pace | 97691 | Institutional |
Silverback TPA (previous payer ID 37728) For all dates of services on and after Jan. 1 2019 claims should be submitted WellMed payer ID WELM2 WellMed (Claims) Wellmed Medical (Claims) I Par Plus | WELM2 | Institutional |
Simply HealthCare Plans | 27094 | Institutional |
Simply HealthCare Plans (new payer ID SMPLY as of 12-1-2018) Simply Healthcare Simply HealthCare Plans (New PID SMPLY effective 12/1/18) | SMPLY | Institutional |
Sinclair Health Plan | 84076 | Institutional |
SISCO | 44827 | Institutional |
Smith Administrators | 02057 | Institutional |
Smoky Mountain Center | 13010 | Institutional |
Snedeker Risk Mangament Snedeker Risk Management | A7637 | Institutional |
So CA Health Care SystCHS Alta Pod Medpoint &SCHS Alto Pod | MPM20 | Institutional |
Solidarity Healthshare | 77721 | Institutional |
Solis Health Plans | SOLIS | Institutional |
Somos IPA (Emblem Health) | 81508 | Institutional |
Sonder Health Plans Sondor Health Plans | A0339 | Institutional |
Sound Health First Choice Health Network Sound Health (now known as First Choice Health Network) | 91131 | Institutional |
Soundpath Health Soundpath Health (Formerly known as Puget Sound Health Partners Inc.) | 42172 | Institutional |
South Atlantic Medical Group | SAMG1 | Institutional |
South Carolina Medicaid | 12K55 | Institutional |
South Central Preferred (SCP) WellSpan Plus | 23266 | Institutional |
South County Health Alliance (previously under Payer ID 41154) | 81600 | Institutional |
South Dakota Medicaid | 12K36 | Institutional |
South Dakota Medicare | SDMCR | Institutional |
South Florida Common Services Memorial Integrated Healthcare/South Florida Community Care Network | 59065 | Institutional |
South Florida Musculoskeletal Care | 06294 | Institutional |
SouthCare/Healthcare Preferred Southcare / Healthcare Preferred | 25147 | Institutional |
Southeast Michigan Pace | R3460 | Institutional |
Southern Illinois Healthcare | UIHCA | Institutional |
Southern Illinois Healthcare Assoc | SIH99 | Institutional |
Southland Benefit Solutions Amerikids-Dallas/Ft. Worth Amerigroup Houston (Claims and Encounters) Amerigroup Houston | 26374 | Institutional |
Southwest Mighigan Behavioral Health Mental Health Southwest Michigan Behavioral Health Mental Health | A3268 | Institutional |
Southwest Mighigan Behavioral Health Substance Use Disorder Southwest Michigan Behavioral Health Subtance Use Disorder | A4585 | Institutional |
Southwest Physicians Group | SWPG1 | Institutional |
Southwest Service Administrators PHX Teamsters UT/MT/ID PHX Teamsters UT/MT/ID (For Dates of Service after 05/01/16) | CX100 | Institutional |
Southwest Service Life/Galaxy Health Southwest Service Life | 37266 | Institutional |
Southwestern Health Resources Clinically Integrated Southwestern Health Resources Clinically Integrated (DOS After Dec. 31 2022) | RP085 | Institutional |
Specialty Care Program | IHS17 | Institutional |
Spectrum Administrators Populytics (formerly Spectrum Administrators) | 23253 | Institutional |
St Mary's IPA St Mary IPA | SMIPA | Institutional |
St. James PHO | 11158 | Institutional |
St. John's Claims Administration St. Johns/First Health | 37264 | Institutional |
St. Therese Physician Association | 37116 | Institutional |
Staff Benefits Management Administration | SBMCO | Institutional |
Standard Life & Accident Insurance Company | 73099 | Institutional |
Standard Life and Accident Standard Life & Accident (Payer accepts secondary claims only and Medicare cannot be primary payer.) | 01758 | Institutional |
State Farm Health State Farm Homeowners Group Medical Plans (Note that payer requires Insured’s ID of 11 digits and exact structure. Otherwise claims will reject). State Farm Workers Compensation Plans (Note that payer requires Insured’s ID of 11 digits and exact structure. Otherwise claims will reject) | 31053 | Institutional |
STATE FARM MUTUAL AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE CO State Farm (Property & Casualty ) State Farm Casualty & Property Claims | 31059 | Institutional |
State of TX Dental Government Employees Health Association Inc. (GEHA) Government Employees Health Association Inc. (GEHA) | 57254 | Institutional |
Sterling Medicare Advantage Sterling Medicare Advantage (Claims containing Dates of service after 4-30-2014 claims should be sent to Wellcare PayerID 14163) | 67829 | Institutional |
SummaCare Health Plan | 95202 | Institutional |
Summit Community Care | PASSE | Institutional |
Summit Healthplan I Par Plus | 20197 | Institutional |
Sunrise Advantage Plan Pennsylvania | SPA01 | Institutional |
Superier Health IHG Dirwxr | 75274 | Institutional |
Superior Health/Centene Corp I Par Plus | SHP11 | Institutional |
Superior Insurance Services | 97802 | Institutional |
Sutter Connect - Sutter Gould Medical Foundation - Claims Sutter Connect Gould | IP091 | Institutional |
Sutter Health Aetna | 60624 | Institutional |
Sutter Medical Group | SC004 | Institutional |
Swedish Covenant | U6411 | Institutional |
Swedish Covenant Hospital | 36411 | Institutional |
Tall Tree Administrators Tall Trees Administrators | 88067 | Institutional |
Tarrant Health Services (previous payer ID 37728) For all dates of services on and after Jan. 1 2019 claims should be submitted WellMed payer ID WELM2 | 37228 | Institutional |
Team Choice - Alpha Care Gold I Par Plus Nexcaliber | ADSL1 | Institutional |
Team Choice PNS | 75133 | Institutional |
Teamcare Central States Southeast and Southwest Areas Health and Welfare and Pensions Funds Central States Health & Welfare Funds Rosemont of Des Plaines IL | 36215 | Institutional |
Tech-Steel Inc. Intermountain Ironworkers Trust Fund Operating Engineers Local No 53 8th Distric Electrical CompuSys Incorporated (New Mexico) Utah Carpenters CompuSys Incorporated of Arizona Utah Laborers CompuSys Incorporated of Utah CompuSys/Erisa Group Incorporated (AZ) CompuSys/Erisa Group Incorporated (NM) CompuSys/Erisa Group Incorporated (TX) Transwestern General Agency Chapter NECA Health & Welfare Trust IBEW Western Utilities or Local 57 City of Austin Erisa Administrative Services Incorporated Erisa Administrative Services Inc. New Mexico District Council of Carpenters New Mexico Painters and Allied Trades Local No 823 New Mexico-West Texas Multi- Craft (lso known as New Mexico Laborers) Advanstaff Inc. Arizona Pipe Trades Health and Welfare Trust Fund Local Union Nos. 469 & 741 Metal Trades Health Plan Arizona Pipe Trades Health and Welfare Trust Fund Local Union Nos. 469 & 741 Pipe Trades Health Plan Utah Pipe Trades | 74234 | Institutional |
Teddy Health | TEDDY | Institutional |
Telamon | 22483 | Institutional |
Tennessee Medicaid | SKTN0 | Institutional |
Tervist Speciality Care Program | IHS08 | Institutional |
Tethys Health Ventures Tehtys Health Ventures | 20212 | Institutional |
Texan Plus/Selectcare of TX (Kelsey) I Par Plus SelectCare of TX-Kelsey-Seybold Prov Requrired 713- 843-6780 | KLSY1 | Institutional |
Texas Children | 75228 | Institutional |
Texas Children's Health Plan | 76048 | Institutional |
Texas Health Aetna | 88221 | Institutional |
Texas HealthSpring Texas Healthspring I Par Plus | THS01 | Institutional |
Texas Medicaid | 12K64 | Institutional |
Texas Medicaid Long Term Care | 12K96 SKTX1 | Institutional |
TexasFirst Health Plan | 13185 | Institutional |
The Benefit Group | TBGNE | Institutional |
The Boon Group | BOONG | Institutional |
The Care Network- Savannah Business Group (TCN) The Care Network The Care Network- Savanna | 68423 | Institutional |
The Chesterfield Companies Chesterfield Resources Inc. | 34154 | Institutional |
The City of Odessa | 75600 | Institutional |
The Colorado Purchase Alliance | TCPA1 | Institutional |
The Health Exchange (Cerner Corporation) The Health Exchange | 20356 | Institutional |
The Health Plan of West Virginia Inc The Health Plan (Upper Ohio Valley) The Health Plan (Upper Ohio Valley) | 34150 | Institutional |
The Health Plan of West Virginia Inc | 95677 | Institutional |
The Healthcare Group (THCG) Encore Health Network (Note: Group Policy Number in HCFA Box 11 is required.) Encore Health Network | 35206 | Institutional |
The Loomis Company The Loomis | 23223 | Institutional |
The Macaluso Group | 82694 | Institutional |
The Preferred Healthcare Systems (TPHS) The Preferred Healthcare System - PPO Altoona PA PrimeSource Health Network | 04320 | Institutional |
TLC Advantage in Sioux Falls TLD Advantage in Sioux Falls | TLC01 | Institutional |
TN (formerly AmeriChoice TN: UnitedHealthcare Community Plan / TN (formerly AmeriChoice TN: TennCare Secure Plus Complete) | 95378 | Institutional |
Today's Health Today's Health I Par Plus | WITH1 | Institutional |
Today's Option I Par Plus | 48055 | Institutional |
Total Community Care InnovAge InnovAge (Total Community Care) | 31182 | Institutional |
Total Plan Concepts | 80900 | Institutional |
Total Senior Care | 12268 | Institutional |
Touchstone Health PSO | 23856 | Institutional |
TR PAUL INC TR Paul Inc. | 37230 | Institutional |
Transchoice - Key Benefit Admin TransChoice Key Benefit Administrators | 37284 | Institutional |
Travis County Healthcare District Central Health Travis County MAP - Mediview Community Care Collaborative Travis County Hospital District | TCMAP | Institutional |
Travis County Hospital District MAP I Par Plus | TCHD1 | Institutional |
Travis County MAP - Mediview | UCMAP | Institutional |
Tri-Valley Medical Group | 20538 | Institutional |
Triada Assurance | CB733 | Institutional |
Tribute Healthcare Central Benefit National (Now known as Tribute Health Plan.) | 61184 | Institutional |
Tricare East (effective 01-01-2018) Tricare East Tricare East Effective 1-1-2018 | TREST | Institutional |
Tricare for Life (All Regions 1-12) Tricare for Life | TDDIR | Institutional |
Tricare Overseas | FOREN | Institutional |
TRICARE West / UHC Military & Veterans (formerly TriWest) TRICARE West (UnitedHealthcare Military & Veterans) UnitedHealthcare Military & Veterans / TRICARE West | 99726 | Institutional |
TriHealth Physician Solutions | 31144 | Institutional |
Trilogy Health Network | 62777 | Institutional |
Trinity Health Pace | TRNPC | Institutional |
Trinity Health Solutions Inc - Everpointe | 32052 | Institutional |
Triplefin LLC Triplefin LLC | 64300 | Institutional |
TRISTAR Benefit Administrators Select Benefit Administrators (Des Moines Iowa) Select Benefit Administrators (PayerID valid for claims submission address of PO Box 8339 Des Moines IA 50301) | 42137 | Institutional |
TriWest Healthcare Alliance (VA CCN Regions 4 5 &6) | TWCCN | Institutional |
Troy Medicare | TRYMC | Institutional |
TruBlue True Blue TPA | 83413 | Institutional |
True Choice USA - Christus Healthplan I Par Plus | TCUCH | Institutional |
True Health New Mexico | 82288 | Institutional |
True Health New Mexico FEHBP | 85824 | Institutional |
Truli for Health | TRULI | Institutional |
Trusteed AKA: TPSC Benefits | 91078 | Institutional |
Trustmark Small Business Benefits Tooling & Manufacturing Assoc. Benefit Trust Life Insurance Company Starmark Tooling & Manufacturing Association | 61425 | Institutional |
Tufts Health Plan Tufts Associated Health | 04298 | Institutional |
U OF U HEALTH PLANS | SX155 | Institutional |
UC Davis Health Systems UC Davis Health System | UCDMG | Institutional |
UCare Individual & Family Plans | 55413 | Institutional |
Ucare of Minnesota (Use payer ID 52629 for DOS in 2018. Use new payer ID 55413 for UCare Individual & Family Plans with DOS in 2019) Ucare of MN(Use ID 52629 DOS in 2018 UseID 55413 DOS in 2019 | 52629 | Institutional |
UCS (Electrical Workers Insurance Fund Local 5800) | 93235 | Institutional |
UHA Health Insurance | UHA01 | Institutional |
UHIN Test Payer All Transactions Good | ALLGD | Institutional |
Ultimate Health Plan | 77022 | Institutional |
Ultra Benefits Inc. UltraBenefits Ultra Benfits Inc. | 41206 | Institutional |
UMC Health System UMC Health Plan | 75130 | Institutional |
Umpqua Health Alliance | 77503 | Institutional |
UMR (UMR Wausau) UMR UMR (formerly UMR Wausau) UnitedHealthcare / UHC Shared Services - UHSS formerly UHIS UnitedHealthcare / UHIS- UnitedHealthcare Integrated Svcs. | 39026 | Institutional |
UMWA Health & Retirement Funds UMWA Health & Retirement Funds (Dental) UMWA - UNITED MINE WORKERS ASSOC | 52180 | Institutional |
Unified Group Services | 35198 | Institutional |
Unified Health Services | 62170 | Institutional |
Unified Physicians Network Unified Physicians Network (For Claims rejections please contact Unified Physicians claim department at 847-763-1700) | 34638 | Institutional |
Unite Health Share Ministries (UHSM) | 83173 | Institutional |
Unite Here | 59144 | Institutional |
Unite Here Health | 37144 | Institutional |
United Claim Solutions | A0047 | Institutional |
United Claim Solutions United Claims Solutions | 20090 | Institutional |
United Claims Solutions Insight Benefit Administrators United Claims Solutions Insight Benefit Administrator | 96436 | Institutional |
United Healthcare Ohio Medicaid | 88337 | Institutional |
United Healthcare Ohio Medicaid Dental DentaQuest | 83244 | Institutional |
United Healthcare Ohio Medicaid Vision | 83572 | Institutional |
United Medical Alliance UCHealth Plan Administrators (As of 8/1/14 CSMED UMA & Phycor combined) | 84132 | Institutional |
UnitedHealthcare (Student Resources ) UnitedHealthcare / StudentResources | 74227 | Institutional |
UnitedHealthcare Community Plan / AZ / Children's Rehabilitative Services (CRS) / Long Term Care UnitedHealthcare Community Plan / Arizona Long Term Care - BH & SNP / Children's Rehabilitative Services (CRS) UnitedHealthcare Community Plan / AZ (formerly Arizona Physicians IPA and APIPA) | 03432 | Institutional |
UnitedHealthcare Community Plan / KanCare UnitedHealthcare Community Plan / KS - KanCare | 96385 | Institutional |
UnitedHealthcare Community Plan / Missouri UnitedHealthcare Community Plan Missouri | 86050 | Institutional |
UnitedHealthcare Community Plan / NJ (formerly AmeriChoice NJ Medicaid NJ Family Care NJ Personal Care Plus) AmeriChoice NJ Medicaid NJ Family Care (UnitedHealthcare Community Plan) UnitedHealthcare Community Plan / NJ (formerly AmeriChoice NJ Medicaid NJ Family Care NJ Personal Care Plus) former payer id 86001 | 86047 | Institutional |
UnitedHealthcare Medicare Solutions / UnitedHealthcare MedicareDirect (formerly SecureHorizons) UnitedHealthcare West / UnitedHealthcare of CA OK OR TX WA and PacifiCare of AZ CO NV First Seniority Freedom UST Healthproof (Effective for claims with a DOS of 2023) OptumHealth Behavior Solutions FKA United Behavioral Health OptumHealth (OptumHealth Behavioral Solutions of NM) MAHP (MD IPA Optimum Choice and MLH) UnitedHealthcare AARP MedicareComplete through UHC (formerly from SecureHorizons) United Healthcare AARP MedicareComplete UHC/Oxford/former payer id 06111 Arnett Health Plans Former PayerID 95440 Definity Health Plan (UnitedHealthcare) Harvard Pilgrim Passport Connect OptumHealth Behavioral Solutions of NM Tarrant Health Services (previous payer ID 37728) For all dates of service prior to Jan. 1 2019 claims should be submitted to UnitedHealthcare payer ID 87726 UnitedHealthcare UnitedHealthcare (Empire Plan) UnitedHealthcare / UnitedHealthcare of the Mid-Atlantic MD IP | 87726 | Institutional |
UnitedHealthcare West / Encounters (formerly PacifiCare) UnitedHealthcare West Encounters (formerly known as PacifiCare) | 95958 | Institutional |
UnitedHealthOne / UnitedHealthcare Life Ins Co - Golden Rule UnitedHealthOne / Golden Rule Rooney Life Ins. | 37602 | Institutional |
UnitedHealthOne / UnitedHealthcare Life Insurance Company (formerly American Medical Security) All Savers Insurance / UnitedHealthcare UnitedHealthcare / All Savers Alternate Funding UnitedHealthcare / All Savers Insurance | 81400 | Institutional |
Unity Health Insurance | 66705 | Institutional |
Unity Health Partners | A1152 | Institutional |
Univera Healthcare SSA WNY PPO Traditional | 12X19 | Institutional |
Univera Healthcare WNY | 12X18 | Institutional |
Univera Traditional PPO Univera PPO | UNINW | Institutional |
Universal Care - California Universal Care - California (ProviderID required.) | 33001 | Institutional |
University Family Care | 09830 | Institutional |
University Family Care - Healthcare Group University Physicians Healthcare Group | 07503 | Institutional |
University Family Care - Maricopa Health Plan Maricopa Health Plan / Maricopa Care Advantage | 09908 | Institutional |
University Health Alliance | 99026 | Institutional |
University Health Care Advantage Essence Healthcare CA Essence Healthcare - CA | 46407 | Institutional |
University Healthcare Marketplace | 45437 | Institutional |
University of Illinois | UIC67 | Institutional |
University of Maryland Health Advantage | 45282 | Institutional |
UPMC Health Plan | 23281 | Institutional |
Upper Peninsula Health Group TPA Upper Peninsula Heath Group TPA | 37324 | Institutional |
Upper Peninsula Health Plan | 38337 | Institutional |
US Benefits HealthSmart US Benefits HealthSmart US Benefits (Dental) | 93092 | Institutional |
US Department Of Labor (837I & 837P) US Department of Labor | 77044 | Institutional |
US Network and Administrative Services | USN01 | Institutional |
USAA (United States Automobile Association) USAA | 74095 | Institutional |
USFHP St Vincent Catholic Med Center NY Uniformed Service Family Health Plan | 13407 | Institutional |
UST Healthproof (Effective for claims with a DOS of 2022) UST Healthproof (Effective for claims with a DOS of 2022) | 83245 | Institutional |
UTAH DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH Utah Medicaid FFS | SKUT0 | Institutional |
Utah Medicaid Crossover | U4005 | Institutional |
VA Affairs Financial Services Center | VAFSC | Institutional |
VA Patient Centered Community Care Program Region 5A VA Patient-Centered Community Care Prog (VAPCCC) Region 5A | VAPC3 | Institutional |
VA Patient Centered Community Care Reg 3 | 55912 | Institutional |
VA Patient Centered Community Care Region 5B VAPCCC Region 5B | 55916 | Institutional |
VA Premier Complete Care | VPCCI | Institutional |
VACCN Community network VA Community Care Network for Dental Providers Region 2 VA Community Care Network for Dental Providers Region 3 VA Community Care Network Region 1 VA Community Care Network Region 2 VA Community Care Network Region 3 Dental Providers Region 1 | VACCN | Institutional |
Valir Pace (Formerly Via Christi Hope) Valir Pace | 48123 | Institutional |
VALLEY HEALTH PLAN | VHP03 | Institutional |
VALLEY HEALTH PLAN | VHP01 | Institutional |
VALLEY HEALTH PLAN Valley Health Plan Medi-CAL | VHP02 | Institutional |
Valley Presbyterian Hospital Community Family Care | MPM61 | Institutional |
Valley Presbyterian Hospital Preferred IPA | MPM60 | Institutional |
Valley Presbyterian Hospital Valley Presbyterian Hospital Preferred IPA | MPM53 | Institutional |
Valor Medicare Advantage Valor Health Pan | 43259 | Institutional |
Value Options / MBHP ValueOptions/MBHP (For claim rejections please contact e- SupportServices@valueoptions.c om or 888-247-9311) | 43307 | Institutional |
Value Options Marland Mental Hygiene | 22322 | Institutional |
Vanderbilt University Medical Center Vanderbilt Univ Med Center | BPSLLC | Institutional |
Vantage Health Plan | 77701 | Institutional |
Vantage Medical Group Use Payer ID PROSP for claims with DOS after 08.01.2020 Prospect Medical Group Vantage Medical Group | PROSP | Institutional |
Varipro | 72187 | Institutional |
Ventura County Healthcare Plan | VCHCP | Institutional |
Verity National Group | 75256 | Institutional |
VESTACARE VestaCare / RH Admin | VESTA | Institutional |
Vibra Health Plan | 15976 | Institutional |
VieCare Life Armstrong | 25922 | Institutional |
Viida Care (Now known as Amida Care) Vida Care (Now known as Amida Care.) Amida Care (Formerly Vida Care.) | 24818 | Institutional |
VillageCareMAX | 26545 | Institutional |
Virgin Islands Medicare | 12M52 | Institutional |
Virginia Premier Elite Plus | VPEP1 | Institutional |
Virginia Premier Health Plans (Effective 02-01-2019 former payer IDs VPEP1 54176 VPELT VPCCP VPHP1VPCCI MAPDI 12K83 MAPDP) Virginia Premier Health Plans | VAPRM | Institutional |
Virginia Premier Preferred Gold | 251VA | Institutional |
VIVA Health Viva Health Plan | 63114 | Institutional |
Vivida Health Plan (Use this ID for dates of service on or after 01/01/21) | A0102 | Institutional |
Vivida Health Plan (Use this ID for dates of service prior to 01/01/21) | 45488 | Institutional |
VNA Homecare Options (Medicaid line of business) | 31626 | Institutional |
VNS Choice Medicare (Formerly Visiting Nurse Service) VNS CHOICE Medicare (Formerly Visiting Nurses Service) | 77073 | Institutional |
Volusia Health Network | 59266 | Institutional |
Vxtra Health | 99915 | Institutional |
Vytra Health UB | E2264 | Institutional |
VYTRA Healthcare (Provider ID number required. Please call 1- 631-420-4100 opt 4 opt 4 for payer set-up and payer assigned provider ID number.) Vytra Healthcare | 22264 | Institutional |
WA Blue Cross Regence (UMP) WA Blue Shield Regence Regence Blue Shield of Washington | 00932 | Institutional |
Wabash Memorial Hosp Association Wabash Memorial Hospital Association | 85256 | Institutional |
Washington Medicaid | SKWA0 | Institutional |
Washington Medicare | WAMCR | Institutional |
Waterstone Benefit Administrators | 73155 | Institutional |
Weiss Health Providers | 36337 | Institutional |
Welbehealth | WBHCA | Institutional |
Wellcare Choice I Par Plus | M3FL4 | Institutional |
Wellcare Health Plan Inc. (Encounters only) Wellcare Health Plans Inc. (Encounters) | 59354 | Institutional |
Wellcare of CT Wellcare of NY | 14164 | Institutional |
Wellmark BCBS (Iowa South Dakota) Blue Shield of Iowa Iowa Blue Cross Blue Shield | IABLS | Institutional |
Wellmark BCBS (Iowa South Dakota) Wellmark BCBS (IA SD) | 88848 | Institutional |
WellMed (Encounters) Wellmed Medical (Encounters) I Par Plus | WELMD | Institutional |
WellNet Health Plans | 25711 | Institutional |
Wells Fargo TPA (Part A and Part B) | 00214 | Institutional |
Wellspace Nexus | NEXUS | Institutional |
Wellspan Employee Assistance Program WellSpan Employee Assitance Program | CB457 | Institutional |
West Suburban Health Providers | 80942 | Institutional |
West Virginia Senior Choice | WVS01 | Institutional |
Western Growers Assurance Trust (aka Pinnacle Claims Management) Company Pinnacle Claims Management Inc. Western Grower's Assurance Trust (aka Pinnacle Claims Management) Western Grower's Insurance Company Western Growers Assurance Trust (aka Pinnacle Claims Management) | 24735 | Institutional |
Western Health Advantage | 68039 77225 | Institutional |
WESTERN MUTUAL INS Western Mutual Insurance | 37247 | Institutional |
Western Pennsylvania Electrical Employees Insurance Trust Fund Western Pennsylvania Electric Employees | RP083 | Institutional |
Western Southern Financial Group WEST & SOUTHERN FINANCIAL GROUP | 31048 | Institutional |
WestLake Financial Group Inc. | 90560 | Institutional |
WHO PHO | WASH1 | Institutional |
William C Earhart William C. Earhart Co Inc. HealthSmart William C Earhart | 93050 | Institutional |
Willow Health | WHLTH | Institutional |
Wilson McShane | 41095 | Institutional |
Wisconsin Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield Blue Shield of Wisconsin Blue Cross Blue Shield of Wisconsin Wisconsin Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield Anthem Medicaid (WI) (Formerly BadgerCare) | WIBLS | Institutional |
Wisconsin Medicaid Long Term Care | WILTC | Institutional |
Worksite Benefit Systems Worksite Benefit Services | 20333 | Institutional |
WPP Eldercare Wisconsin | 77080 | Institutional |
Wyoming Medicaid | SKWY0 | Institutional |
Wyoming Medicare | WYMCR | Institutional |
Yam Hill CCO-PHTech | YAMHL | Institutional |
Yerington Paiute Tribe | 51350 | Institutional |
Yuzu Health | IHS15 | Institutional |
Zebra Health HC | 88858 | Institutional |
Zenith American Solutions | 89677 | Institutional |
Zing Health | 83248 | Institutional |
Zurich Insurance | 16535 | Institutional |
Dental |
Payer Name | Payer Id | Line of Business |
6 Degrees Health Inc. 6 Degrees Health INC | 20446 | Dental |
Access Dental Plan | 91185 | Dental |
ADN Administrators | CXADN | Dental |
Advantek Benefit Administrators Advantek Benefit Admins | 83077 | Dental |
Advisory Health Administrators | CB159 | Dental |
Aegis Administrative Services Aegis Andministrative Services | CB637 | Dental |
Aetna Affordable Health Choices Aetna Affordable Health Choices (SM) SRC | 57604 | Dental |
Aetna Better Health Kansas (Skygen USA) | SCION | Dental |
Aetna Better Health of West Virginia Aetna Better Health West Virginia | 128WV | Dental |
Aetna Medicare EPO PPO Dental | 18014 | Dental |
Aetna TX Medicaid & CHIP AETNA TEXAS MEDICAID | 38692 | Dental |
Aetna Primary Choice (Aetna HP- NY/NJ) Magellan Behavioral Health Select Choice Senior Choice (Aetna HP-NY/NJ) Aetna 60054 (Commercial only) Aetna Health Plan - PPO Aetna Life & Casualty Company | 60054 | Dental |
Affordable Benefit Administrator Affordable Benefit Administrators Benefit Plan Administrators Benefit Plan Administrators of Co Eau Claire WI Benefit Plan Administrators CO Eau Claire WI Benefit Plan Administrator Benefit Plan Administrators WI | 39081 | Dental |
AHF RW | 95433 | Dental |
Alaska Childrens Services Inc Alaska Laborers Construction Industry Trust Alaska Pipe Trades Local 375 Alaska United Food & Commercial Workers Health & Welfare Trust Cement Masons & Plasterers Health & Welfare Trust - Grp#F16 Automotive Machinists Local 289 Health & Welfare Trust - Grp#F32 University of Washington Students & Graduate Appts. - Grp#P67 Operating Engineers Locals 302 & 612 Health & Security Fund - Grp#F12 Welfare and Pension Administration Hotel Employees & Restaurant Employees Health Trust - Grp#F19 N.W. Ironworkers Health & Security Trust Fund - Grp#F15 N.W. Roofers & Employers Health & Security Trust Fund - Grp#F14 N.W. Textile Processors - Grp#F14 Glassworkers Health & Welfare Fund - Grp# F29 Enstar Natural Gas - Grp# P61 Puget Sound Benefits Trust - Grp#F25 Puget Sound Electrical Workers Trust - Grp#33 West Coast Stationary Engineers Health & Security Trust Fund - Grp#F13 Alaska Children's Services Inc. - Group # P68 Alaska Laborers Construction Industry Trust - Gro | 91136 | Dental |
Allied Benefit Systems | 37308 | Dental |
Always Care Benefits | STR01 | Dental |
American Administrative Group AAG (Gallagher Benefits) American Administrative Group (formerly Gallagher Benefit) AAG - American Administrative Group Cincinnati Financial Corporation Gallagher Cinncinnati Financial Corporation | 37283 | Dental |
American Plan Administrators | 95606 | Dental |
American Postal Workers Union Healthplan American Postal Workers Union Health Plan | 44444 | Dental |
Ameritas | AMLFC | Dental |
Ameritas of NY | FANYC | Dental |
Anchor Benefit Consulting Inc Anchor Benefit Consulting Anchor Benefit (Dental) | 53085 | Dental |
Anchor Benefit Consulting Anchor (Claimsbridge) | IHS10 | Dental |
Arkansas Best Corporation - Choice Benefits CIGNA CIGNA - PPA CIGNA - PPO CIGNA Health Plan - HMO Connecticut General (CIGNA) EQUICOR EQUICOR - PPO Equitable (CIGNA) HEALTHSOURCE GA HEALTHSOURCE IN HEALTHSOURCE KY HEALTHSOURCE ME HEALTHSOURCE NH HEALTHSOURCE OH HEALTHSOURCE PROVI HEALTHSOURCE SOUTH Provident TYSON FOODS Arkansas Best Corporation CIGNA Premier Plus Arkansas Best Corporation (previous payer ID 75278 new payer ID is effective for claims submitted December 15 2017 and after). | 62308 | Dental |
Assurant Health Assurant Health Self Funded | 75068 | Dental |
Atrio Health Plan Asserta Health | IHS14 | Dental |
AultCare Aultra Administrative Group PrimeTime Health plan | 204951704 AULOH AULTC AULTCARE | Dental |
AultCare Aultra Administrative Group PrimeTime Health plan Aultcare | 341488123 | Dental |
Avesis | 86098 | Dental |
Barinet (L&W) | CB369 | Dental |
BCBS North Carolina | 61473 | Dental |
BCBS Of Michigan (Dental Claims Only) | BBMDQ | Dental |
BCBSAZ Health Choice of AZ | RP105 | Dental |
Benebay Berkshire Health Plans Berkshire Health Partners | 23243 | Dental |
Benefit Plan Administrators - ClaimsBridge Benefit Plan Administrators | IHS19 | Dental |
Benefit Plan Administrators Northern Nevada Trust Fund Northern Nevada Trust Funds (Call 775-826-7200 prior to submitting claims.) | 88027 | Dental |
Berkshire Intergroup Quest EAP | 10956 | Dental |
Blackhawk Dart Member Care ## Dart Member Care | CB987 | Dental |
Blue Benefit Administrators of Massachusetts CBA Blue EBPA | 3036 | Dental |
Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Kansas | SB650 | Dental |
Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Kansas City | SB740 | Dental |
Bright Health Plan | CB186 | Dental |
Butler Benefits HealthSmart Butler Benefit HealthSmart Fringe Benefit Coordinators HealthSmart US Benefits HealthSmart William C Earhart | 42150 | Dental |
Carefirst BCBS Maryland Dental | 580 | Dental |
CareSource KY Caresource Humana Humana Caresource CareSource of Kentucky | KYCS1 | Dental |
Centivo Direct Network Access | IHS04 | Dental |
Centurion LLC Centurion | IHS11 | Dental |
Christian Brother Services Christian Brothers Services | 38308 | Dental |
ClaimsBridge High Performance Network (HPN) | 11752 | Dental |
Colorado HealthOP Colorado Health Insurance Cooperative | 49718 | Dental |
Companion Life American Worker Health Plan American Worker Health Plan (Dental) American Worker Health Plus | 37322 | Dental |
Core Management Resouces Group Core Management Resources Group Core Administrative Services | 58231 | Dental |
CoreStar CoreSource of Illinois CoreSource of IOWA CoreSource of Maryland Luminare Health CoreSource of Pennsylvania Luminare Health AZ IL IN MD MN NC PA fka Trustmark Health Benefits | 35182 | Dental |
Cornerstone Preferred Resources | CB268 | Dental |
Covenant Administrators LLC - 90 Degree | 41101 | Dental |
Covenant Administrators LLC - 90 Degree Covenant Administrators LLC - 90 Degree Guarantee Trust Life Insurance Company | 58102 | Dental |
CPR Share Plan CPR Share Plans | CB695 | Dental |
Crescent Health Solutions | 56213 | Dental |
Delta Dental Georgia | DDGA1 | Dental |
Delta Dental Indiana | CDIN1 | Dental |
Delta Dental Iowa | CDIA1 | Dental |
Delta Dental Kansas | CDKS1 | Dental |
Delta Dental Kentucky | CDKY1 | Dental |
Delta Dental Massachusetts | 4614 | Dental |
Delta Dental Nebraska | CDNE1 | Dental |
Delta Dental New Jersey | 22189 | Dental |
Delta Dental New York | 11198 | Dental |
Delta Dental North Carolina | 56101 | Dental |
Delta Dental Northeast (Maine New Hampshire Vermont) | 2027 | Dental |
Delta Dental of Arkansas | DELAR | Dental |
Delta Dental of Michigan | 46094 | Dental |
Delta Dental of Missouri | 43090 | Dental |
Delta Dental Ohio | CDOH1 | Dental |
Delta Dental Oklahoma | CDOK1 | Dental |
Delta Dental Oregon (Oregon Dental Service) | CDOR1 | Dental |
Delta Dental Rhode Island | 5029 | Dental |
Delta Dental South Carolina | 43091 | Dental |
Delta Dental Tennessee | CDTN1 | Dental |
Delta Dental Virginia | CDVA1 | Dental |
Delta Dental Washington | 91062 | Dental |
Delta Dental Wisconsin | 39069 | Dental |
DeltaCare USA | DDCA2 | Dental |
DENTAL SELECT | CX093 | Dental |
Denti-Cal | 94146 | Dental |
DirectCare | 55731 | Dental |
Diversified Admin Corp | CX040 | Dental |
DMBA | SX105 | Dental |
DPC Core INC DPC CORE Inc. | 23212 | Dental |
E.S. Beveridge and Associates E. S. Beveridge and Associates E.S. Beveridge | 34108 | Dental |
East Boston Neighborhood Pace NeighborhoodHealth | 25849 | Dental |
EDS Healthchoice (formerly payer ID 22521 - For dates of service on or after 01/01/2018 ) Healthchoice (formerly payer ID 22521) HealthChoice | 71064 | Dental |
Emblem Dental | D3551 | Dental |
EMI HEALTH | SX110 | Dental |
Employee Benefit System Employee Benefit Systems | 42149 | Dental |
Employee Plans LLC Employee Plans LLC | 35112 | Dental |
Employer Health Network Employers Health Network | IHS07 | Dental |
Envolve Health | 46278 | Dental |
Everence | EV483 | Dental |
Everence Mennonite Mutual (Now known as Everence) Mennonite Mutual Aid Association and Affiliates (Now known as Everence) | 35605 | Dental |
First Continental Life-FCL | CX090 | Dental |
First RSL(NY) | FRSLC | Dental |
FL MCO PHC/PHP FL MCO PHC PHP | 95411 | Dental |
Flume Health INC Flume Health Inc. | FH205 | Dental |
FMH Benefit Services Luminare Health KC Luminare Health KC fka Trustmark Health Benefits FMH Benefit Services Inc. | 48117 | Dental |
Fox-Everett Inc. Fox Everett | 64069 | Dental |
Fringe Benefit Coordinators HealthSmart Fringe Benefit Coordinators HealthSmart Fringe Benefit Coordinators (Dental) | 59204 | Dental |
Gaughan South LLC dba South Point Hotel and Casino | 35227 | Dental |
GBS Group Benefit GBS Global Benefit Group Benefit Services | CB951 | Dental |
GEHA (Government Employees Health Association) Government Employees Health Association Inc. (GEHA) Government Employees Health Association Inc. (GEHA) | 44054 | Dental |
Gettysburg Health Gettysburg Health Administrators Core Value (Part of Gettysburg Health.) | 23274 | Dental |
Global Repricing Solutions Innovative Healthware Payer 6 | IHS06 | Dental |
Gloria Gates | IHS20 | Dental |
Group Administrators Ltd Group Administrators Ltd. | 36338 | Dental |
Guardian Life Insurance Company of America | 64246 | Dental |
GulfStream- General Dynamics/CoreSource | CB624 | Dental |
Harrington Health BPO Harrington Health | 59143 | Dental |
Hawaii Mainland Administrators PHCS HMA Employees PMO | 86070 | Dental |
Health IN Tech | IHS09 | Dental |
Health Management Associates (HMA servicing Southeastern and Southwestern Regions) (Provider ID Required) HMA Hawaii | 86066 | Dental |
Health Plan San Mateo Health Plan of San Mateo | HPSM1 | Dental |
HealthChoice Dept of Corrections & Rehab | 71065 | Dental |
HealthComp | 7205 | Dental |
HealthComp HEALTHCOMP INC | 85729 | Dental |
HealthComp Benefit Administrative Systems BENEFIT ADMIN. SYSTEM | 36149 | Dental |
Healthease Wellcare of FL | 59608 | Dental |
Healthgram Ingham Health Plan Corp. Ingham Health Plan Corp | 38343 | Dental |
Healthplex | 11271 | Dental |
Healthplus Amerigroup Americaid Community Care (Dallas/Ft. Worth) | 27514 | Dental |
Healthy York Network | 22251 | Dental |
Heath Choice AZ Health Choice of AZ BCBSAZ ACA Standard Health with Health Choice | 62179 | Dental |
Hillsborough County Health Care Administrative Services Administrative Services Inc. | 59141 | Dental |
IHPlans Imperial Health Plan of California Incorporated | IHP01 | Dental |
IHS Gateway Payer South | CB711 | Dental |
Independence American Insurance Comp Independence American Insurance Independence American Ins. Co. | CB231 | Dental |
INETICO INC. | 43471 | Dental |
Innovative Healthware Payer 12 | IHS12 | Dental |
Innovative Healthware Payer 13 | IHS13 | Dental |
Innovative Healthware Payer 16 | IHS16 | Dental |
Innovative Healthware Payer 21 NextPA | IHS21 | Dental |
Innovative Healthware Payer 22 | IHS22 | Dental |
Innovative Healthware Payer 25 | IHS25 | Dental |
Innovative Healthware Services Payer 5 | IHS05 | Dental |
Insurance Administrators of America Insurance Administrator of America | 37279 | Dental |
Integra Administrative Group Integra Administrative Group (Seafor d DE) INTEGRA Administrative Group Inc. | 51020 | Dental |
International Benefit Administration International Benefit Administrator | 11329 | Dental |
Jericho Share | IHS02 | Dental |
Kentucky Medicaid Dental | CKKY1 | Dental |
Key Solution Key Solution (Dental) | 37323 | Dental |
Lancaster General Health Lancaster General Health (LGH) | 16109 | Dental |
Liberty Union Life Assurance Company Mid-America Associates Inc. Mid-America Associates | 37281 | Dental |
Line Construction Benefit Fund | LCB01 | Dental |
Lockard & Williams | CB752 | Dental |
Luminare Health Detroit NGS Coresource Luminare Health Detroit fka Trustmark Health Benefits | 38225 | Dental |
Luminare Health Little Rock CoreSource Little Rock CoreSource Little Rock (For claims where the 'submit claims to address' on the medical ID card is an address in Little Rock. For assistance call 800-689- 0106) Luminare Health Little Rock fka Trustmark Health Benefits | 75136 | Dental |
Luminare Health OH Coresource of OH CORESOURCE OH Luther Care (CoreSource) Luminare Health OH fka Trustmark Health Benefits | 35183 | Dental |
Luther Care (CoreSource) | CB212 | Dental |
Managed Care of North America (MCNA) Dental | 65030 | Dental |
Mashantucket Pequot Tribal Nation Pequot Pharmaceutical Network Bluebonnet Administrators | 37121 | Dental |
MBACLM | IHS24 | Dental |
Medical Benefits Mutual MedBen (Newark OH) Medical Benefits Administrators Inc. (Newark OH) Medical Benefits Companies (Newark OH) Medical Benefits Mutual (Newark OH) Medical Benefits | 74323 | Dental |
Merchants Benefit Administration INC | MBAAZ | Dental |
METLIFE | 65978 | Dental |
MI Blue Cross PPO Blue Cross of Michigan | 12B18 | Dental |
Michigan Medicare PlusBlue (835s returned under MIBLS) Michigan Medicare PlusBlue | MIMPB | Dental |
Mid-American Benefits | 22823 | Dental |
MotivHealth Insurance Company | U7632 | Dental |
MPMBA | IHS23 | Dental |
Municipal Health Benefits Fund Municipal Health Benefit Program Municipal Health Benefit Fund | 81883 | Dental |
Mutual of Omaha Insurance Company Mutually Preferred National Rural Letter Carrier Association (Policy Number GMG1846) United of Omaha | 71412 | Dental |
NaphCare Inc Naphcare Inc | 58182 | Dental |
National Allied Workers Union Local 831 National Allied Workers Union Local 831 Insurance Trust | CB148 | Dental |
National Elevator National Elevator Industry Benefit Plan (NEIB) | CX045 | Dental |
National General | ASHC1 | Dental |
National Telecommunications Cooperative Association National Telecom Association (NTCA) | 52120 | Dental |
Netcare Life and Health Insurance | 66055 | Dental |
Nippon Life Insurance Company Nippon Life Insurance Company (Dental) Nippon Life Insurance Company of America | 81264 | Dental |
Northern Illinois Health Plan | 36347 | Dental |
NYS Department of Health | 14142 | Dental |
Ohio PPO Connect | 74431 | Dental |
Olympus Management Health Care Olympus Managed Health Care | 65074 | Dental |
Pan-American Life Insurance Group | 4218 | Dental |
Path Administrators (DH Evans) D H Evans & Associates reg required call 410-349-3222 | 25172 | Dental |
Pennsylvania Preferred Health Network (PPHN) | 6161 | Dental |
People 1st Health Strategies | IHS03 | Dental |
People One Health | IHS01 | Dental |
Physicians Mutual Physician's Mutual (PMIC) | CX068 | Dental |
Prairie States Enterprises Inc. Prairie States Enterprises | 36373 | Dental |
Preferred Health Care (PHC) Preferred HealthCare Lancas | 33898 | Dental |
Preferred Health Plan of Carolinas (PHPC) | CB404 | Dental |
Premier Access | CX078 | Dental |
Premier Access Dental Services | CX110 | Dental |
Prevea360 Health Plan Children's Community Health Plan Chorus Community Health Plans (WI Medicaid) Wellfirst Health Care4Kids (WI Medicaid) Care4Kids (WI Medicaid plans) Dean Health Plan | 39113 | Dental |
Prezzo | CB531 | Dental |
Primary PhysicianCare Inc.(Now known as HealthGram) Healthgram Primary PhysicianCare Inc. | 56144 | Dental |
Principal Financial Group (Vision Claims only.) Principle Financial Group | 61271 | Dental |
Priority Health (Please contact Priority Health EDI Dept at 616- 464-8686 or email EDISETUP@Priority-Health.com) Priority Health | 38217 | Dental |
Prodegi | U8151 | Dental |
Prominence Administrative Services | 88022 | Dental |
Prominence Health Plan Encounters St. Marys Health Plan Encounters St.. Mary's Health Plan Encounters | 88082 | Dental |
Prominence Health Plan of Florida Prominence HealthFirst of Florida Inc | 83352 | Dental |
Prominence Health Plan of Nevada | 93082 | Dental |
Prominence Health Plan of Texas | 80095 | Dental |
Prominence Health Plan ST MARYS HEATLH PLAN Saint Marys Health Plan | 88029 | Dental |
Quality Care Partners Quality Care Partners (QCP) | 89461 | Dental |
Quest Behavioral Health | 44219 | Dental |
Regency Empolyee Benefits | 38221 | Dental |
Resolve Health Plan Ad (Auth # required: begins w5 &13len Innovative Payer 1 | 20481 | Dental |
Resolve Health Plan Administrators LLC | RHA01 | Dental |
Rhode Island Medicaid | CKRI1 | Dental |
RSL | RSLFC | Dental |
Rubicon Health Group | IHS18 | Dental |
Salvasen Health | CB122 | Dental |
Samera Health Mint Health Plans/Samera Health | U8053 | Dental |
Sana Benefits | 50114 | Dental |
SecureCare Dental Merchants Benefit Administration INC | 86057 | Dental |
SELECTHEALTH | SX107 | Dental |
South Central Preferred (SCP) WellSpan Plus | 23266 | Dental |
Southland Benefit Solutions Amerikids-Dallas/Ft. Worth Amerigroup Houston (Claims and Encounters) Amerigroup Houston | 26374 | Dental |
Southwest Service Administrators PHX Teamsters UT/MT/ID PHX Teamsters UT/MT/ID (For Dates of Service after 05/01/16) | CX100 | Dental |
Specialty Care Program | IHS17 | Dental |
Spectrum Administrators Populytics (formerly Spectrum Administrators) | 23253 | Dental |
Standard Insurance | STICC | Dental |
Standard of NY | STNYC | Dental |
State of TX Dental Government Employees Health Association Inc. (GEHA) Government Employees Health Association Inc. (GEHA) | 57254 | Dental |
Tall Tree Administrators Tall Trees Administrators | 88067 | Dental |
Teddy Health | TEDDY | Dental |
Tervist Speciality Care Program | IHS08 | Dental |
The Care Network- Savannah Business Group (TCN) The Care Network The Care Network- Savanna | 68423 | Dental |
The Health Plan of West Virginia Inc The Health Plan (Upper Ohio Valley) The Health Plan (Upper Ohio Valley) | 34150 | Dental |
The Loomis Company The Loomis | 23223 | Dental |
The Preferred Healthcare Systems (TPHS) | 4320 | Dental |
Total Community Care InnovAge InnovAge (Total Community Care) | 31182 | Dental |
Total Plan Concepts | 80900 | Dental |
Travis County Healthcare District Central Health Travis County MAP - Mediview Community Care Collaborative Travis County Hospital District | TCMAP | Dental |
Triada Assurance | CB733 | Dental |
Tribute Healthcare Central Benefit National (Now known as Tribute Health Plan.) | 61184 | Dental |
TRISTAR Benefit Administrators Select Benefit Administrators (Des Moines Iowa) Select Benefit Administrators (PayerID valid for claims submission address of PO Box 8339 Des Moines IA 50301) | 42137 | Dental |
TruBlue True Blue TPA | 83413 | Dental |
Trusteed AKA: TPSC Benefits | 91078 | Dental |
Trustmark Small Business Benefits Tooling & Manufacturing Assoc. Benefit Trust Life Insurance Company Starmark Tooling & Manufacturing Association | 61425 | Dental |
U OF U HEALTH PLANS | SX155 | Dental |
Ultra Benefits Inc. UltraBenefits Ultra Benfits Inc. | 41206 | Dental |
UMC Health System UMC Health Plan | 75130 | Dental |
UMR (UMR Wausau) UMR UMR (formerly UMR Wausau) UnitedHealthcare / UHC Shared Services - UHSS formerly UHIS UnitedHealthcare / UHIS- UnitedHealthcare Integrated Svcs. | 39026 | Dental |
UMWA Health & Retirement Funds UMWA Health & Retirement Funds (Dental) UMWA - UNITED MINE WORKERS ASSOC | 52180 | Dental |
Unified Group Services | 35198 | Dental |
United Claim Solutions United Claims Solutions | 20090 | Dental |
United Concordia Companies Inc | 89070 | Dental |
United Concordia Dental Plus | CX013 | Dental |
United Concordia Tricare Dental Plan | UCCTR | Dental |
United Healthcare | 52133 | Dental |
United Healthcare Ohio Medicaid Dental DentaQuest | 83244 | Dental |
US Benefits HealthSmart US Benefits HealthSmart US Benefits (Dental) | 93092 | Dental |
US Department Of Labor (837I & 837P) US Department of Labor | 77044 | Dental |
US Network and Administrative Services | USN01 | Dental |
VA Family Members Program Dental (VFMP) | 84147 | Dental |
VA Fee Basis Program VA Integrated Veterans Care (IVC) | 12116 | Dental |
VACCN Community network VA Community Care Network for Dental Providers Region 2 VA Community Care Network for Dental Providers Region 3 VA Community Care Network Region 1 VA Community Care Network Region 2 VA Community Care Network Region 3 Dental Providers Region 1 | VACCN | Dental |
WellNet Health Plans | 25711 | Dental |
Wellspan Employee Assistance Program WellSpan Employee Assitance Program | CB457 | Dental |
Western Growers Assurance Trust (aka Pinnacle Claims Management) Company Pinnacle Claims Management Inc. Western Grower's Assurance Trust (aka Pinnacle Claims Management) Western Grower's Insurance Company Western Growers Assurance Trust (aka Pinnacle Claims Management) | 24735 | Dental |
Western Pennsylvania Electrical Employees Insurance Trust Fund Western Pennsylvania Electric Employees | RP083 | Dental |
William C Earhart William C. Earhart Co Inc. HealthSmart William C Earhart | 93050 | Dental |
Yuzu Health | IHS15 | Dental |
Eligibility |
Payer Name | Payer Id | Line of Business |
Affinity Health Plan - Medicare | AFMCR | Eligibility |
Alabama Blue Cross (Institutional) Alabama Blue Shield (Institutional) | ALBLC | Eligibility |
Alabama Blue Shield (Professional) Blue Shield of Alabama Blue Cross of Alabama | ALBLS | Eligibility |
American Postal Workers Union Health Plan | AMPWS | Eligibility |
Arise Health Plan | ARISE | Eligibility |
Arizona Blue Cross Blue Shield Blue Shield of Arizona | AZBLS | Eligibility |
Blue Cross of Idaho Idaho Blue Cross | IDBLC | Eligibility |
Blue Shield of Arkansas Arkansas Blue Cross Blue Shield Blue Advantage of Arkansas Health Advantage of Arkansas | ARBLS | Eligibility |
Blue Shield of Delaware Delaware Blue Cross Blue Shield | DEBLS | Eligibility |
Blue Shield of Florida Florida Blue Cross Blue Shield Blue Cross Blue Shield of Florida Florida Blue Shield | FLBLS | Eligibility |
Blue Shield of Georgia (State Health of GA) Georgia State Health Benefit Plan (Processed by GA BC/BS) Blue Shield of Georgia Georgia Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield State Merit GA | GABLS | Eligibility |
Blue Shield of Hawaii Hawaii Blue Cross Blue Shield | HIBLS | Eligibility |
Blue Shield of Idaho Idaho Blue Shield (Regence) Blue Shield of Idaho (Per Provider Testing) | IDBLS | Eligibility |
Blue Shield of Illinois Illinois Blue Cross Blue Shield | ILBLS | Eligibility |
Blue Shield of Indiana Indiana Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield Indiana Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield | INBLS | Eligibility |
Blue Shield of Kansas City Blue Cross of Kansas City Kansas City Blue Cross Blue Shield | KCBLS | Eligibility |
Blue Shield of Kansas Blue Cross of Kansas Kansas Blue Cross Blue Shield | KSBLS | Eligibility |
Blue Shield of Kentucky Kentucky Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield | KYBLS | Eligibility |
Blue Shield of Louisiana Blue Shield of Lousiana State Employees Group Benefits Louisiana Blue Cross Blue Shield | LABLS | Eligibility |
Blue Shield of Maine Maine Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield Maine Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield | MEBLS | Eligibility |
Blue Shield of Michigan Michigan Blue Cross Blue Shield | MIBLS | Eligibility |
Blue Shield of Minnesota CCS (aka Comprehensive Care Systems) Minnesota Blue Cross Blue Shield | MNBLS | Eligibility |
Blue Shield of Mississippi Mississippi Blue Cross Blue Shield | MSBLS | Eligibility |
Blue Shield of Missouri Missouri Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield Missouri Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield | MOBLS | Eligibility |
Blue Shield of South Carolina South Carolina Blue Cross Blue Shield SC FEP Blue Cross Medicare Blue Advantage of South Carolina | SCBLS | Eligibility |
Boston Medical Center Health Plan | BMCHN | Eligibility |
Bravo Health (Cigna Healthspring) | BRAVO | Eligibility |
Bridgespan | BRIDG | Eligibility |
Cal-Optima Direct Caloptima CALOPTIMA DIRECT | CALOP | Eligibility |
California Anthem Blue Cross Dental | CABLD | Eligibility |
California Blue Shield | CABLS | Eligibility |
California Medicaid (Medi-Cal) | CAMCD | Eligibility |
Capital Blue Cross of Pennsylvania | PABLC | Eligibility |
Carefirst Blue Cross Blue Shield District of Columbia | DCBLS | Eligibility |
CareMore Value Plus (CVP) Caremore Caremore IPA | CARMO | Eligibility |
Caresource Georgia Caresource of Georgia CareSource of GA | GACS1 | Eligibility |
Caresource Indiana CareSource Marketplace CareSource IN | INCS1 | Eligibility |
CareSource KY Caresource Humana Humana Caresource CareSource of Kentucky | KYCS1 | Eligibility |
Caresource West Virginia CareSource WV | WVCS1 | Eligibility |
Clear Health Alliance | CLEAR | Eligibility |
Colorado Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield Dental Colorado Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield Dental | COBLD | Eligibility |
Colorado Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield Blue Shield of Colorado Anthem of Colorado Colorado Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield | COBLS | Eligibility |
Colorado Community Health Alliance | COCHA | Eligibility |
Community First I Par Plus Community First Health Plans Community First Health Plan Inc. | COMMF | Eligibility |
Community Health Solutions (Claims now route to Medicaid of Louisiana) Medicaid of Louisiana (Includes KidMed claims.) Medicaid of Louisiana (837P 837I & 837D) Louisiana Medicaid | LAMCD | Eligibility |
Connecticut Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield Dental Connecticut Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield Dental | CTBLD | Eligibility |
Connecticut Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield Blue Shield of Connecticut Connecticut Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield | CTBLS | Eligibility |
Cooperative Benefit Administrators | CBENA | Eligibility |
CoreSource (IL IN MD NC & PA) | CRSC1 | Eligibility |
Delaware Medicaid Medicaid of Delaware Medicaid of Delaware | DEMCD | Eligibility |
DMBA | SX105 | Eligibility |
EMI HEALTH | SX110 | Eligibility |
Federated Mutual Insurance Company | FEDMI | Eligibility |
Fidelis (CenterCare) | FIDEL | Eligibility |
Gateway Health Plan | GATHP | Eligibility |
Georgia Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield Dental | GABLD | Eligibility |
Harvard Pilgrim | HPHCS | Eligibility |
Hawaii Medicaid | HIMCD | Eligibility |
Health Choice Generations Health Choice Utah | 45399 | Eligibility |
Health Partners Pennsylvania | HPART | Eligibility |
Health Tradition Health Plan | HLTHT | Eligibility |
Healthcare Highways | HCH01 | Eligibility |
HealthFirst of New York | HF1NY | Eligibility |
Healthsmart Benefit Solutions | HSBES | Eligibility |
Indiana Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield Dental Indiana Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield Dental | INBLD | Eligibility |
Johns Hopkins Health Plan | JHOHP | Eligibility |
Kaiser Foundation Colorado | KSFCO | Eligibility |
Kaiser Foundation Health Plan of Southern California Kaiser Permanente Southern CA | KS001 | Eligibility |
Kaiser Foundation Mid Atlantic | KSFMA | Eligibility |
Kaiser Foundation Northwest | KSFNW | Eligibility |
Kaiser Foundation of Northern California Kaiser Foundation Health Plan of Northern California Kaiser Permanente Northern CA | KS003 | Eligibility |
Kaiser Foundation Ohio | KSFOH | Eligibility |
Kaiser Permanente Georgia | KSPGA | Eligibility |
Kentucky Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield Dental | KYBLD | Eligibility |
Keystone Mercy | KEYST | Eligibility |
Loomis Company | LOOMS | Eligibility |
Maine Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield Dental Maine Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield Dental | MEBLD | Eligibility |
Mass Health (MA Medicaid) Medicaid of Massachusetts (Mass Health) Medicaid of Massachusetts Massachusetts Medicaid | MAMCD | Eligibility |
Medicaid of Alabama Alabama Medicaid Medicaid of Alabama (for 837P & 837I claims) | ALMCD | Eligibility |
Medicaid of Arizona (AHCCCS) Arizona Medicaid (AHCCCS) Medicaid of Arizona (AHCCCS) Medicaid of Arizona (AHCCCS)(837I & 837P) | AZMCD | Eligibility |
Medicaid of Arkansas Arkansas Medicaid | ARMCD | Eligibility |
Medicaid of Colorado Colorado Medicaid | COMCD | Eligibility |
Medicaid of Connecticut Connecticut Medicaid Medicaid of Connecticut (for 837P & 837I claims) | CTMCD | Eligibility |
Medicaid of Florida Florida Medicaid Medicaid of Florida (for 837P & 837I claims) | FLMCD | Eligibility |
Medicaid of Idaho Idaho Medicaid | IDMCD | Eligibility |
Medicaid of Illinois Illinois Medicaid | ILMCD | Eligibility |
Medicaid of Indiana Indiana Medicaid | INMCD | Eligibility |
Medicaid of Iowa Iowa Medicaid | IAMCD | Eligibility |
Medicaid of Kansas Kansas Medicaid | KSMCD | Eligibility |
Medicaid of Kentucky Kentucky Medicaid | KYMCD | Eligibility |
Medicaid of Maine Maine Medicaid | MEMCD | Eligibility |
Medicaid of Maryland Maryland Medicaid | MDMCD | Eligibility |
Medicaid of Michigan Michigan Medicaid | MIMCD | Eligibility |
Medicaid of Minnesota Minnesota Medicaid | MNMCD | Eligibility |
Medicaid of Mississippi Medicaid of Mississippi (for 837P & 837I claims) Mississippi Medicaid | MSMCD | Eligibility |
Medicaid of Nevada Nevada Medicaid | NVMCD | Eligibility |
Medicaid of New Hampshire New Hampshire Medicaid | NHMCD | Eligibility |
Medicaid of New Jersey New Jersey Medicaid | NJMCD | Eligibility |
Medicaid of New Mexico New Mexico Medicaid | NMMCD | Eligibility |
Medicaid of New York New York Medicaid | NYMCD | Eligibility |
Medicaid of North Carolina North Carolina Medicaid Medicaid of North Carolina (for 837P and 837I claims) | NCMCD | Eligibility |
Medicaid of North Dakota North Dakota Medicaid | NDMCD | Eligibility |
Medicaid of Ohio Ohio Medicaid | OHMCD | Eligibility |
Medicaid of Oregon Oregon Medicaid | ORMCD | Eligibility |
Medicaid of Pennsylvania Pennsylvania Medicaid Medicaid of Pennsylvania (837P 835s returned under SKPA0) | PAMCD | Eligibility |
Medicaid of South Carolina South Carolina Medicaid | SCMCD | Eligibility |
Medicaid of South Dakota South Dakota Medicaid | SDMCD | Eligibility |
Medicaid of Tennessee (TennCare) TennCare (Medicaid of Tennessee) Tennessee Medicaid (TennCare) | TNMCD | Eligibility |
Medicaid of Texas Texas Medicaid | TXMCD | Eligibility |
Medicaid of Vermont Vermont Medicaid | VTMCD | Eligibility |
Medicaid of Virginia Virginia Medicaid | VAMCD | Eligibility |
Medicaid of Washington DC District of Columbia Medicaid Medicaid of DC | DCMCD | Eligibility |
Medicaid of Washington State Washington Medicaid Medicaid of Washington | WAMCD | Eligibility |
Medicaid of West Virginia West Virginia Medicaid | WVMCD | Eligibility |
Medicaid of Wisconsin Wisconsin Medicaid | WIMCD | Eligibility |
Medicaid of Wyoming Wyoming Medicaid | WYMCD | Eligibility |
Michild Michigan | MICHD | Eligibility |
Missouri Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield Dental Missouri Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield Dental | MOBLD | Eligibility |
Missouri Medicaid Medicaid of Missouri | MOMCD | Eligibility |
Molina Healthcare California | MOLCA | Eligibility |
Montana Blue Cross Blue Shield Blue Shield of Montana | MTBLS | Eligibility |
Montana Medicaid Medicaid of Montana | MTMCD | Eligibility |
MVP Health Plan | MVPHP | Eligibility |
Nebraska Blue Cross Blue Shield Blue Shield of Nebraska | NEBLS | Eligibility |
Nebraska Medicaid Medicaid of Nebraska | NEMCD | Eligibility |
Neighborhood Health Plan | NBRHP | Eligibility |
Network Health | NETWH | Eligibility |
Nevada Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield Dental Nevada Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield Dental | NVBLD | Eligibility |
Nevada Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield Blue Shield of Nevada Anthem of Nevada Nevada Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield | NVBLS | Eligibility |
New Hampshire Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield Dental New Hampshire Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield Dental | NHBLD | Eligibility |
New Hampshire Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield Blue Shield of New Hampshire New Hampshire Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield | NHBLS | Eligibility |
New Mexico Blue Cross Blue Shield Blue Shield of New Mexico Lovelace Sandia Health Plan (Acquired by Blue Shield of NM) | NMBLS | Eligibility |
New York Blue Cross Blue Shield (Empire) Blue Shield of New York (Empire) | NYBLS | Eligibility |
North Carolina Blue Cross Blue Shield Blue Shield of North Carolina | NCBLS | Eligibility |
North Dakota Blue Cross Blue Shield Blue Shield of North Dakota | NDBLS | Eligibility |
Ohio Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield Dental Ohio Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield Dental | OHBLD | Eligibility |
Ohio Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield Blue Shield of Ohio Ohio Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield | OHBLS | Eligibility |
Oklahoma Blue Cross Blue Shield Blue Shield of Oklahoma | OKBLS | Eligibility |
Oklahoma Employees Group Insurance | OKSTE | Eligibility |
Oklahoma Medicaid | MC030 | Eligibility |
Optum Medical Network (previously Lifeprint) OptumCare / AZ NV UT (formerly Optum Medical Network & Lifeprint Network)) OptumCare / AZ UT (formerly Lifeprint Network) | LIFE1 | Eligibility |
Oregon Blue Cross Blue Shield (Regence) Blue Shield of Oregon | ORBLS | Eligibility |
Pacificare Arizona | PCAAZ | Eligibility |
Pacificare Oklahoma | PCAOK | Eligibility |
Pacificare Washington | PCAWA | Eligibility |
Paramount Paramount Health | SX158 | Eligibility |
Passport Health Plan | PPHPC | Eligibility |
Pennsylvania Blue Cross Blue Shield (Highmark) Blue Shield of Pennsylvania | PABLS | Eligibility |
PHCS Savility Payers | PHCSS | Eligibility |
PHP of Michigan | PHPMI | Eligibility |
Physicians Mutual Insurance Company | PMICO | Eligibility |
Preferred Health Systems | PREHS | Eligibility |
Providence Health Plan | PROHP | Eligibility |
REGENCE BLUE CROSS BLUE SHIELD OF UTAH (Includes FEP) | U1100 | Eligibility |
Rhode Island Blue Cross Blue Shield Blue Shield of Rhode Island | RIBLS | Eligibility |
Rocky Mountain Health Plan | RMNHP | Eligibility |
Schaller Anderson Integral Quality Care Florida | ICQFL | Eligibility |
Schaller Anderson Majestacare Virginia | MACVA | Eligibility |
Schaller Anderson Missouri Care | MOCSA | Eligibility |
Schaller Anderson Texas Christus | TXCSA | Eligibility |
Scott and White Health Care Plan | SCWHP | Eligibility |
SELECTHEALTH | SX107 | Eligibility |
Simply HealthCare Plans (new payer ID SMPLY as of 12-1-2018) Simply Healthcare Simply HealthCare Plans (New PID SMPLY effective 12/1/18) | SMPLY | Eligibility |
South Dakota Blue Cross Blue Shield Blue Shield of South Dakota | SDBLS | Eligibility |
Star HRG | STARH | Eligibility |
Tennessee Blue Cross Blue Shield Blue Shield of Tennessee | TNBLS | Eligibility |
Texas Blue Cross Blue Shield Blue Shield of Texas (includes Blue Cross of Texas) Blue Shield of Texas | TXBLS | Eligibility |
Tricare for Life | TRLIF | Eligibility |
U OF U HEALTH PLANS | SX155 | Eligibility |
UCare Minnesota | UCARE | Eligibility |
University Family Care Arizona | UFCAZ | Eligibility |
Utah Blue Cross Blue Shield (Regance) | UTBLS | Eligibility |
UTAH DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH Utah Medicaid FFS | SKUT0 | Eligibility |
Virginia Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield Dental Virginia Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield Dental | VABLD | Eligibility |
Virginia Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield Local Choice Blue Shield of Virginia Priority Healthcare Virginia State Employer Funds Healthkeeper HMO Virginia Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield Medicare Supplemental Peninsula Healthcare COVA (Commonwealth of VA) Keycare PPO VA State Employer Funds Blue Care PPO | VABLS | Eligibility |
Washington Blue Shield (Regence) | WABLS | Eligibility |
Wellmark BCBS (Iowa South Dakota) Blue Shield of Iowa Iowa Blue Cross Blue Shield | IABLS | Eligibility |
West Virginia Blue Cross Blue Shield Blue Shield of West Virginia | WVBLS | Eligibility |
Western New York Blue Cross Blue Shield | WNYBS | Eligibility |
Windsor Health Plan | WNDHP | Eligibility |
Wisconsin Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield Dental Wisconsin Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield Dental | WIBLD | Eligibility |
Wisconsin Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield Blue Shield of Wisconsin Blue Cross Blue Shield of Wisconsin Wisconsin Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield Anthem Medicaid (WI) (Formerly BadgerCare) | WIBLS | Eligibility |
Wyoming Blue Cross Blue Shield Blue Shield of Wyoming | WYBLS | Eligibility |
Wyoming Medicare | CMSEL | Eligibility |
835s |
Payer Name | Payer Id | Line of Business |
Access Behavioral Care Colorado Access (837P & 837) Colorado Access HMO | COACC | Payment/Advice |
Advantek Benefit Administrators | ADVTK | Payment/Advice |
Alabama Blue Shield (Professional) Blue Shield of Alabama Blue Cross of Alabama | ALBLS | Payment/Advice |
Amerigroup Amerigroup/Wellpoint New Jersey Amerivantage Amerigroup Wellpoint Amerigroup Vantage Amerigroup Wellpoint Amerigroup/Wellpoint Arizona Amerigroup/Wellpoint Iowa Amerigroup/Wellpoint Texas Amerigroup/Wellpoint Washington Amerigroup/Wellpoint Tennessee Wellpoint Maryland | WLPNT | Payment/Advice |
Amerihealth-NJ (Non-HMO Claims) AmeriHealth - New Jersey (Non- HMO Claims) | SX075 | Payment/Advice |
Arizona Blue Cross Blue Shield Blue Shield of Arizona | AZBLS | Payment/Advice |
ASRM LLC ASRM Corporation ASRM | ASRM1 | Payment/Advice |
Auxiant | AUX01 | Payment/Advice |
Blue Chip of Rhode Island | RICHP | Payment/Advice |
Blue Cross Community Options Blue Cross Community Solutions Effect 12-14-14 payer ID00621 | MCDIL | Payment/Advice |
Blue Cross of Idaho Idaho Blue Cross | IDBLC | Payment/Advice |
Blue Shield of Alaska | AC032 | Payment/Advice |
Blue Shield of Arkansas Arkansas Blue Cross Blue Shield Blue Advantage of Arkansas Health Advantage of Arkansas | ARBLS | Payment/Advice |
Blue Shield of Delaware Delaware Blue Cross Blue Shield | DEBLS | Payment/Advice |
Blue Shield of Florida Florida Blue Cross Blue Shield Blue Cross Blue Shield of Florida Florida Blue Shield | FLBLS | Payment/Advice |
Blue Shield of Georgia (State Health of GA) Georgia State Health Benefit Plan (Processed by GA BC/BS) Blue Shield of Georgia Georgia Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield State Merit GA | GABLS | Payment/Advice |
Blue Shield of Hawaii Hawaii Blue Cross Blue Shield | HIBLS | Payment/Advice |
Blue Shield of Idaho Idaho Blue Shield (Regence) Blue Shield of Idaho (Per Provider Testing) | IDBLS | Payment/Advice |
Blue Shield of Illinois Illinois Blue Cross Blue Shield | ILBLS | Payment/Advice |
Blue Shield of Indiana Indiana Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield Indiana Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield | INBLS | Payment/Advice |
Blue Shield of Kansas City Blue Cross of Kansas City Kansas City Blue Cross Blue Shield | KCBLS | Payment/Advice |
Blue Shield of Kansas Blue Cross of Kansas Kansas Blue Cross Blue Shield | KSBLS | Payment/Advice |
Blue Shield of Kentucky Kentucky Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield | KYBLS | Payment/Advice |
Blue Shield of Louisiana Blue Shield of Lousiana State Employees Group Benefits Louisiana Blue Cross Blue Shield | LABLS | Payment/Advice |
Blue Shield of Maine Maine Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield Maine Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield | MEBLS | Payment/Advice |
Blue Shield of Massachusetts | MABLS | Payment/Advice |
Blue Shield of Michigan Michigan Blue Cross Blue Shield | MIBLS | Payment/Advice |
Blue Shield of Minnesota CCS (aka Comprehensive Care Systems) Minnesota Blue Cross Blue Shield | MNBLS | Payment/Advice |
Blue Shield of Mississippi Mississippi Blue Cross Blue Shield | MSBLS | Payment/Advice |
Blue Shield of Missouri Missouri Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield Missouri Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield | MOBLS | Payment/Advice |
Blue Shield of New York Western Blue Cross Blue Shield Of Western New York Blue Shield of Western New York | N1BLS | Payment/Advice |
Blue Shield of South Carolina South Carolina Blue Cross Blue Shield SC FEP Blue Cross Medicare Blue Advantage of South Carolina | SCBLS | Payment/Advice |
Blue Shield of Tennessee Blue Cross of Tennessee | 5513I | Payment/Advice |
Cal-Optima Direct Caloptima CALOPTIMA DIRECT | CALOP | Payment/Advice |
Camp Lejune Family Member Program | CLFM1 | Payment/Advice |
CARE1ST Health Plan California | C1SCA | Payment/Advice |
Caresource Georgia Caresource of Georgia CareSource of GA | GACS1 | Payment/Advice |
Caresource Indiana CareSource Marketplace CareSource IN | INCS1 | Payment/Advice |
CareSource KY Caresource Humana Humana Caresource CareSource of Kentucky | KYCS1 | Payment/Advice |
Central California Women's Health Central California Womens Health | WH001 | Payment/Advice |
Children's Specialists of San Diego Childrens Specialist of San Diego | CSSD2 | Payment/Advice |
Colorado Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield Blue Shield of Colorado Anthem of Colorado Colorado Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield | COBLS | Payment/Advice |
Community Health Plan Of Washington | SB613 | Payment/Advice |
Community Health Solutions (Claims now route to Medicaid of Louisiana) Medicaid of Louisiana (Includes KidMed claims.) Medicaid of Louisiana (837P 837I & 837D) Louisiana Medicaid | LAMCD | Payment/Advice |
Complementary Healthcare Plan | CHP01 | Payment/Advice |
Connecticut Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield Blue Shield of Connecticut Connecticut Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield | CTBLS | Payment/Advice |
Connecticut Bluecare Family Plan (835s returned under CTBLS) | C3BLS | Payment/Advice |
Contessa Health | CH201 | Payment/Advice |
Cook Childrens Health Plan CHIP Cook Children's Health Plan Cook Childrens Health Plan | CCHP1 | Payment/Advice |
Cox Health Plan (Requires Provider ID in Box 33a. Contact Cox Health Plan for ID.) Cox Health Plan | 00019 | Payment/Advice |
Delaware Medicaid Medicaid of Delaware Medicaid of Delaware | DEMCD | Payment/Advice |
Dell Childrens Health Plan | DCHPM | Payment/Advice |
Delta Health Systems | DHS01 | Payment/Advice |
Dignity Health - Sacramento Hospital claim shop for Mercy Medical Group Woodland Clinic Medical Group and Hill Physicians Medical group (hospital risk) Dignity Health - Sacramento Hosp claim shop-Mercy Med Group | HOSH1 | Payment/Advice |
Dignity Health Medical Foundation for Mercy Medical Group or Woodland Clinic Medical Group (professional risk) for Mercy Medical Group or Woodland Clinic Medical Group Dignity Health Med Found for Mercy Med Gr-Woodland Clin Med | PROH1 | Payment/Advice |
Dignity Health Medical Group (Inland Empire) Dignity Health Med Group-Inland Empire (professional risk) | PROH4 | Payment/Advice |
DMBA | SX105 | Payment/Advice |
DMERC Region A Testing is required for claims requiring CMNs DME Region A | DMERA | Payment/Advice |
DMERC Region B Testing is required for claims requiring CMNs DME Region B | DMERB | Payment/Advice |
DMERC Region C Testing is required for claims requiring CMNs DME Region C | DMERC | Payment/Advice |
Dupage Medical Group | DUPAG | Payment/Advice |
El Paso First Health Plans - CHIP El Paso First - CHIP El Paso First - CHIP I Par Plus | EPF03 | Payment/Advice |
EMI HEALTH | SX110 | Payment/Advice |
Federal Qualified Hlthcr Cntr via UGS Federally Qualified Healthcare Clinic | FQHC1 | Payment/Advice |
Florida Community Care | FLCCR | Payment/Advice |
GHI Medicare Part B of New York Medicare Part B GHI | GHMCR | Payment/Advice |
Golden State Medical Group Nivano Physicians IPD Nivano Physicians IPA | MBA01 | Payment/Advice |
Health Care Partners AZ Health Care Partners of AZ Health Care Partners -AZ (Dates of Service of 5-01-13&later) | HCP02 | Payment/Advice |
Health Plan San Mateo Health Plan of San Mateo | HPSM1 | Payment/Advice |
Health Services Management Inc. (NOTE: ANSI submitters can also submit to plans AHP CMS ONP PCI PHP and VHP with proper value in SBR04.) Health Services Management Inc. for AHS Health Services Management Inc. for BPA Health Services Management Inc. for ECOH Health Services Management Inc. for EHC Health Services Management Inc. for ENCR Health Services Management Inc. for FCM Health Services Management Inc. for HF Health Services Management Inc. for HT Health Services Management Inc. for MMSI Health Services Management Inc. for MSHO Health Services Management Inc. for PNET Health Services Management Inc. for PONE Health Services Management (HSM) Health Services Management Inc. for SC Health Services Management Inc. for WEA | HSM01 | Payment/Advice |
Healthcare Management Administrator Healthcare Management Administrators Inc. | HMA01 | Payment/Advice |
Heritag+A601e Physician Network I Par Plus SelectCare of TX (Houston) (Provider ID Required - Contact (713) 843-6780 to obtain ID.) Texas Plus | HPN11 | Payment/Advice |
Independence Administrators | TA720 | Payment/Advice |
Kaiser Foundation Health Plan of CO (Remits returned KAISR) Kaiser Foundation Health Plan of Colorado | COKSR | Payment/Advice |
Kaiser Foundation Health Plan of GA(835 returned under KAISR Kaiser Foundation Health Plan of Georgia | NG010 | Payment/Advice |
Kaiser Foundation Health Plan of Mid-Atlantic St(835 KAISR Kaiser Foundation Health Plan of the Mid-Atlantic Kaiser Foundation Health Plan of the Mid Atlantic | NG008 | Payment/Advice |
Kaiser Foundation Health Plan of Southern California Kaiser Permanente Southern CA | KS001 | Payment/Advice |
Kaiser Foundation Health Plan of the NW (835 ret KAISR) Kaiser Foundation Health Plan of the NW | NG009 | Payment/Advice |
Kaiser Foundation of Northern California Kaiser Foundation Health Plan of Northern California Kaiser Permanente Northern CA | KS003 | Payment/Advice |
Kentucky Medicare Part A Jurisdiction 15 Medicare Part B of Kentucky | KYMCR | Payment/Advice |
Keystone Health Plan East - Claims Pennsylvania Keystone Health Plan East (claims only) PAKeystone Health Plan East (claims(835s returnedPAKEY) | PCBLS | Payment/Advice |
Lifetime Benefit Solutions | EBSRM | Payment/Advice |
Martins Point Health Care | MPHC1 | Payment/Advice |
Mass Health (MA Medicaid) Medicaid of Massachusetts (Mass Health) Medicaid of Massachusetts Massachusetts Medicaid | MAMCD | Payment/Advice |
MDX Hawaii | MDXHI | Payment/Advice |
Med3000 Early Steps Med3000 CMS Early Steps | EM350 | Payment/Advice |
Medicaid of Alabama Alabama Medicaid Medicaid of Alabama (for 837P & 837I claims) | ALMCD | Payment/Advice |
Medicaid of Alaska | AKMCD | Payment/Advice |
Medicaid of Arizona (AHCCCS) Arizona Medicaid (AHCCCS) Medicaid of Arizona (AHCCCS) Medicaid of Arizona (AHCCCS)(837I & 837P) | AZMCD | Payment/Advice |
Medicaid of Arkansas Arkansas Medicaid | ARMCD | Payment/Advice |
Medicaid of California (MediCal) MediCal of California | MDCAL | Payment/Advice |
Medicaid of Colorado Colorado Medicaid | COMCD | Payment/Advice |
Medicaid of Connecticut Connecticut Medicaid Medicaid of Connecticut (for 837P & 837I claims) | CTMCD | Payment/Advice |
Medicaid of Florida Florida Medicaid Medicaid of Florida (for 837P & 837I claims) | FLMCD | Payment/Advice |
Medicaid of Idaho Idaho Medicaid | IDMCD | Payment/Advice |
Medicaid of Indiana Indiana Medicaid | INMCD | Payment/Advice |
Medicaid of Iowa Iowa Medicaid | IAMCD | Payment/Advice |
Medicaid of Kansas Kansas Medicaid | KSMCD | Payment/Advice |
Medicaid of Kentucky Kentucky Medicaid | KYMCD | Payment/Advice |
Medicaid of Louisiana Rehab (Remits returned under LAMCD) | LAREH | Payment/Advice |
Medicaid of Maine Maine Medicaid | MEMCD | Payment/Advice |
Medicaid of Maryland Maryland Medicaid | MDMCD | Payment/Advice |
Medicaid of Michigan Michigan Medicaid | MIMCD | Payment/Advice |
Medicaid of Minnesota Minnesota Medicaid | MNMCD | Payment/Advice |
Medicaid of Mississippi Medicaid of Mississippi (for 837P & 837I claims) Mississippi Medicaid | MSMCD | Payment/Advice |
Medicaid of New Hampshire New Hampshire Medicaid | NHMCD | Payment/Advice |
Medicaid of New Jersey New Jersey Medicaid | NJMCD | Payment/Advice |
Medicaid of New Mexico New Mexico Medicaid | NMMCD | Payment/Advice |
Medicaid of New York New York Medicaid | NYMCD | Payment/Advice |
Medicaid of North Carolina North Carolina Medicaid Medicaid of North Carolina (for 837P and 837I claims) | NCMCD | Payment/Advice |
Medicaid of North Dakota North Dakota Medicaid | NDMCD | Payment/Advice |
Medicaid of Ohio Ohio Medicaid | OHMCD | Payment/Advice |
Medicaid of Oklahoma | OKMCD | Payment/Advice |
Medicaid of Oregon Oregon Medicaid | ORMCD | Payment/Advice |
Medicaid of Pennsylvania Pennsylvania Medicaid Medicaid of Pennsylvania (837P 835s returned under SKPA0) | PAMCD | Payment/Advice |
Medicaid of Rhode Island | RIMCD | Payment/Advice |
Medicaid of South Carolina South Carolina Medicaid | SCMCD | Payment/Advice |
Medicaid of South Dakota South Dakota Medicaid | SDMCD | Payment/Advice |
Medicaid of Tennessee (TennCare) TennCare (Medicaid of Tennessee) Tennessee Medicaid (TennCare) | TNMCD | Payment/Advice |
Medicaid of Texas Texas Medicaid | TXMCD | Payment/Advice |
Medicaid of Vermont Vermont Medicaid | VTMCD | Payment/Advice |
Medicaid of Virginia Virginia Medicaid | VAMCD | Payment/Advice |
Medicaid of Washington DC District of Columbia Medicaid Medicaid of DC | DCMCD | Payment/Advice |
Medicaid of Washington State Washington Medicaid Medicaid of Washington | WAMCD | Payment/Advice |
Medicaid of West Virginia West Virginia Medicaid | WVMCD | Payment/Advice |
Medicaid of Wisconsin Wisconsin Medicaid | WIMCD | Payment/Advice |
Medicaid of Wyoming Wyoming Medicaid | WYMCD | Payment/Advice |
Medical Associates Health Plan | MAHP1 | Payment/Advice |
Medicare of MO (For pre-existing providers) Eastern & Wests Medicare Part B of Kansas City (ASK) | KCMCR | Payment/Advice |
Medicare Part B of Alabama Alabama Medicare Part A Jurisdiction J | ALMCR | Payment/Advice |
Medicare Part B of Arkansas | ARMCR | Payment/Advice |
Medicare Part B of Colorado | SMCO0 | Payment/Advice |
Medicare Part B of Connecticut | CTMCR | Payment/Advice |
Medicare Part B of Florida | FLMCR | Payment/Advice |
Medicare Part B of Georgia Georgia Medicare Part A Jurisdiction J | GAMCR | Payment/Advice |
Medicare Part B of Illinois | ILMCR | Payment/Advice |
Medicare Part B of Indiana | INMCR | Payment/Advice |
Medicare Part B of Iowa | IAMCR | Payment/Advice |
Medicare Part B of Kansas | KSMCR | Payment/Advice |
Medicare Part B of Louisiana | LAMCR | Payment/Advice |
Medicare Part B of Maine | MEMCR | Payment/Advice |
Medicare Part B of Massachusetts | MAMCR | Payment/Advice |
Medicare Part B of Michigan Medicare Part B of Michigan (WPS) Blue Cross Blue Shield Michigan Medicare | MIMCR | Payment/Advice |
Medicare Part B of Minnesota | MNMCR | Payment/Advice |
Medicare Part B of Missouri Medicare Part B of MO (Eastern) (Specialty testing required) | MOMCR | Payment/Advice |
Medicare Part B of Nebraska | NEMCR | Payment/Advice |
Medicare Part B of New Hampshire | NHMCR | Payment/Advice |
Medicare Part B of New Jersey Medicare Part B of NJ (Specialty testing required) | NJMCR | Payment/Advice |
Medicare Part B of New Mexico | NMMCR | Payment/Advice |
Medicare Part B of New York (Empire) | NYMCR | Payment/Advice |
Medicare Part B of North Carolina North Carolina Medicare Part A Jurisdiction M | NCMCR | Payment/Advice |
Medicare Part B of Oklahoma | OKMCR | Payment/Advice |
Medicare Part B of Pennsylvania | PAMCR | Payment/Advice |
Medicare Part B of Rhode Island | RIMCR | Payment/Advice |
Medicare Part B of South Carolina | SCMCR | Payment/Advice |
Medicare Part B of Tennessee | TNMCR | Payment/Advice |
Medicare Part B of Texas | TXMCR | Payment/Advice |
Medicare Part B of Upstate NY | N1MCR | Payment/Advice |
Medicare Part B of Vermont | VTMCR | Payment/Advice |
Medicare Part B of Virginia | VAMCR | Payment/Advice |
Medicare Part B of West Virginia | WVMCR | Payment/Advice |
Medicare Part B of Wisconsin | WIMCR | Payment/Advice |
Medicare Railroad * (MetraHealth Medicare) Medicare Railroad (MetraHealth Medicare) | RRWMC | Payment/Advice |
Meridian Health Plan of Illinois MeridianTotal (Meridian Complete Illinois Complete YouthCare and Ambetter Payer ID effective 01-01- 2021) MeridianTotal (Meridian Complete Illinois Complete YouthCare and Ambetter Payer ID effective 01-01-2021) | MHPIL | Payment/Advice |
MI Blue Care HMO (BCN of MI-835s returned MIBLS) Michigan Blue Care HMO (BCN of Michigan) Blue Cross MI Blue Care Complete | MIBCN | Payment/Advice |
Michigan Medicare PlusBlue (835s returned under MIBLS) Michigan Medicare PlusBlue | MIMPB | Payment/Advice |
Missouri Medicaid Medicaid of Missouri | MOMCD | Payment/Advice |
Molina Healthcare of New Mexico | NM505 | Payment/Advice |
MOLINA HEALTHCARE OF UTAH | SX109 | Payment/Advice |
Molina Healthcare of Wisconsin Abri Healthplan (Now known as Molina Health Care of WI) Abri Healthplan | ABRI1 | Payment/Advice |
Montana Medicaid Medicaid of Montana | MTMCD | Payment/Advice |
Mountain Health CO-OP | MHC01 | Payment/Advice |
Mutual of Omaha | MUTOM | Payment/Advice |
National Elevator National Elevator Industry Benefit Plan (NEIB) | CX045 | Payment/Advice |
Nebraska Blue Cross Blue Shield Blue Shield of Nebraska | NEBLS | Payment/Advice |
Nebraska Medicaid Medicaid of Nebraska | NEMCD | Payment/Advice |
Nevada Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield Blue Shield of Nevada Anthem of Nevada Nevada Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield | NVBLS | Payment/Advice |
New Hampshire Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield Blue Shield of New Hampshire New Hampshire Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield | NHBLS | Payment/Advice |
New Mexico Blue Cross Blue Shield Blue Shield of New Mexico Lovelace Sandia Health Plan (Acquired by Blue Shield of NM) | NMBLS | Payment/Advice |
New York Blue Cross Blue Shield (Empire) Blue Shield of New York (Empire) | NYBLS | Payment/Advice |
North Carolina Blue Cross Blue Shield Blue Shield of North Carolina | NCBLS | Payment/Advice |
North Dakota Blue Cross Blue Shield Blue Shield of North Dakota | NDBLS | Payment/Advice |
Ohio Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield Blue Shield of Ohio Ohio Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield | OHBLS | Payment/Advice |
Ohio Medicare Part A Jurisdiction 15 Medicare Part B of Ohio | OHMCR | Payment/Advice |
Optum Medical Network (previously Lifeprint) OptumCare / AZ NV UT (formerly Optum Medical Network & Lifeprint Network)) OptumCare / AZ UT (formerly Lifeprint Network) | LIFE1 | Payment/Advice |
Optum Salt Lake OptumHealth SLC Optum Tooele | U6885 | Payment/Advice |
Oregon Blue Cross Blue Shield (Regence) Blue Shield of Oregon | ORBLS | Payment/Advice |
Pacific Partners Management Services Inc | A0062 | Payment/Advice |
Partnership Health Plan contact OptumInsight Enrollments Dep Partnership Health Plan of CA | PHP02 | Payment/Advice |
Pennsylvania Blue Cross Blue Shield (Highmark) Blue Shield of Pennsylvania | PABLS | Payment/Advice |
Pennsylvania Keystone Health Plan East (encounters only) Keystone Health Plan East - Encounters PA Keystone Health Plan E(encounters only-835s return PAKEY) | PEBLS | Payment/Advice |
Physician Associates of Greater San Gabriel Valley | PA513 | Payment/Advice |
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose Physicians Health Plan of Michigan Medicare | EXC01 | Payment/Advice |
Presbyterian Health Plan (Commercial) (Provider ID is required. Contact (888) 923-5757 6 then 2 to obtain ID. New Mexico Providers only.) Presbyterian Health Plan | PREHP | Payment/Advice |
Prime Community Care Central Valley Prime Community Care of Central Valley(837I & 837P) | MVCV1 | Payment/Advice |
Prodegi | U8151 | Payment/Advice |
Providence Insurance & Administrative Services Providence Administrative Services | PAS01 | Payment/Advice |
Rady Children's Network Rady Children's Health Network | RCHN1 | Payment/Advice |
REGENCE BLUE CROSS BLUE SHIELD OF UTAH (Includes FEP) | U1100 | Payment/Advice |
Rhode Island Blue Cross Blue Shield Blue Shield of Rhode Island | RIBLS | Payment/Advice |
Rocky Mountain HMO | RMHMO | Payment/Advice |
Scripps Health Plan Services | SHPS1 | Payment/Advice |
SELECTHEALTH | SX107 | Payment/Advice |
Sharp Community Medical Group | SCMG1 | Payment/Advice |
Sharp Health Plan | SHP01 | Payment/Advice |
Sharp Rees-Stealy Med Group Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group | SRS83 | Payment/Advice |
South Dakota Blue Cross Blue Shield Blue Shield of South Dakota | SDBLS | Payment/Advice |
South Dakota Chiropractic (Sanford Health Plan) Sanford Health Plan | CASD2 | Payment/Advice |
Stirling Benefits | STL01 | Payment/Advice |
Sutter Conn Sutter Med SMG SWMG SIP)800-611-5191 setup&test Sutter Connect Medical Group | IP092 | Payment/Advice |
Sutter Connect Central Valley Medical Group | IP131 | Payment/Advice |
Tennessee Blue Cross Blue Shield Blue Shield of Tennessee | TNBLS | Payment/Advice |
Texas Blue Cross Blue Shield Blue Shield of Texas (includes Blue Cross of Texas) Blue Shield of Texas | TXBLS | Payment/Advice |
Texas First Health Plans Texas First Health Plan | TX1ST | Payment/Advice |
TLC Benefit Solutions | TLC79 | Payment/Advice |
Tricare East (effective 01-01-2018) Tricare East Tricare East Effective 1-1-2018 | TREST | Payment/Advice |
Tricare for Life (All Regions 1-12) Tricare for Life | TDDIR | Payment/Advice |
U OF U HEALTH PLANS | SX155 | Payment/Advice |
UC Davis Health Systems UC Davis Health System | UCDMG | Payment/Advice |
Univera Health Care Plan/ChoiceCare Buffalo Univera Healthcare | SX087 | Payment/Advice |
USHealth Group | USHA1 | Payment/Advice |
UTAH DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH Utah Medicaid FFS | SKUT0 | Payment/Advice |
VA Patient-Centered Community Care Program (VAPCCC) Reg 5A | VAP5A | Payment/Advice |
VALLEY HEALTH PLAN | VHP01 | Payment/Advice |
Virginia Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield Local Choice Blue Shield of Virginia Priority Healthcare Virginia State Employer Funds Healthkeeper HMO Virginia Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield Medicare Supplemental Peninsula Healthcare COVA (Commonwealth of VA) Keycare PPO VA State Employer Funds Blue Care PPO | VABLS | Payment/Advice |
Virginia Premier Elite Plus | VPEP1 | Payment/Advice |
WA State Premera Blue Cross (835s returned under AC032) Washington State Premera Blue Cross | WABLC | Payment/Advice |
Washington Dept. of Labor & Industries Washington State Labor and Industry | WALAI | Payment/Advice |
Wellmark BCBS (Iowa South Dakota) Blue Shield of Iowa Iowa Blue Cross Blue Shield | IABLS | Payment/Advice |
West Virginia Blue Cross Blue Shield Blue Shield of West Virginia | WVBLS | Payment/Advice |
Wisconsin Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield Blue Shield of Wisconsin Blue Cross Blue Shield of Wisconsin Wisconsin Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield Anthem Medicaid (WI) (Formerly BadgerCare) | WIBLS | Payment/Advice |
WPS Commercial | OOWPS | Payment/Advice |
Wyoming Blue Cross Blue Shield Blue Shield of Wyoming | WYBLS | Payment/Advice |