Bi-Directional Exchange: Physician Fee Schedule Update

The CY 2021 Physician Fee Schedule Final Rule introduced the HIE Bi-Directional Exchange measure for MIPS. Financial incentives are available for providers who participate in an HIE that both sends and receives healthcare data for every patient encounter, transition or referral, and record stored or maintained in the provider’s EHR. 

Interoperability is a core focus of UHIN’s mission, and UHIN therefore supports the efforts by CMS to promote data exchange standards. The Clinical Health Information Exchange (CHIE) fulfills the standards set by CMS for bi-directional data exchange. In order to meet requirements, the HIE must be capable of exchanging information across a broad network of unaffiliated exchange partners including those using disparate EHRs, and must not engage in exclusionary behavior when determining exchange partners. The CHIE data exchange succeeds at bi-directional exchange according to these standards, and UHIN is pleased to announce that any CHIE customer can therefore qualify for the new physician fee schedule rule. 

The CHIE exchanges data with over 1,300 healthcare providers and more than 50 payers nationwide. With over a decade of experience furthering interoperability through electronic data exchange, UHIN is prepared to help providers work towards better and more effective healthcare data sharing.

If are a current CHIE customer, please contact our support team to learn how to get set up for bi-directional exchange reporting! 

If you are not a current CHIE customer, but you would like to qualify for the bi-directional exchange rule, call us at 877-693-3071 or send a message to!