The CHIE Welcomes Beaver Valley Hospital and Milford Valley Memorial Hospital!

UHIN is pleased to announce the CHIE’s newest data sources, Beaver Valley Hospital and Milford Valley Memorial Hospital! Beaver Valley Hospital is a 49 swing-bed medical center in Beaver City, Utah, offering surgical, birthing, emergency and long-term care services. Beaver Valley Hospital, the nearby 25-bed Milford Valley Memorial Hospital, and three medical clinics form the Beaver Area Healthcare Network. In addition to providing acute care and family medicine, the healthcare network actively encourages disease prevention and healthy living in the community.

Beaver Valley Hospital and Milford Valley Memorial Hospital are contributing laboratory results and radiology reports to the CHIE’s Clinical Portal. The two hospitals are also contributing Admit, Discharge and Transfer (ADT) messages to the CHIE Alerts hospital encounter notification system.

CHIE participation by rural healthcare facilities helps ensure that patients throughout Utah receive the care they need, when they need it while traveling or seeking specialty care away from home. UHIN congratulates Beaver Valley Hospital and Milford Valley Memorial Hospital for their commitment to quality patient care.

The CHIE is continually growing, closing information gaps for patients in more and more areas. The Clinical Portal now includes data from 448 clinics and 45 hospitals in Utah and surrounding states. The CHIE Alerts system sends notifications from 24 Utah hospitals, as well as 41 hospitals in Colorado and Arizona through the Patient-Centered Data Home (PCDH) project. For a list of facilities sharing data through the CHIE, visit