HIE Partner Program
Help Your Community & Provide Value to Your Members
As HIEs, our commitment runs deep. Our Partnership Program is designed specifically to support HIEs like yours, fostering growth through valuable referrals to health plans and partners in your network. Refer our Clearinghouse and start seeing the benefits. Together, we can enhance our collective impact and drive positive outcomes.
How the Referrals Work
We pay you for every introduction of the UHIN Clearinghouse to your health plan and provider partners.
We pay you for every agreement we make with them.
We pay you a percentage of all claims with that partner for the lifetime of our agreement.
We handle the sales, support, implementation and service.
About the Program
Traditionally, HIEs have focused on clinical interoperability and clinical exchange of data. However, Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) and claim data exchange have been around since the 90s. Claim data plays an important role in our healthcare system by facilitating interoperability of administrative transactions to many types of trading partners, which contain valuable information on the treatment, payment, and operations of a healthcare organization.
UHIN has multiple revenue streams because of our Clearinghouse solution. This model can help other HIEs succeed. The HIE Partner Program was created to help you grow as an organization, enter new types of data exchange with your existing health plans and providers, and deliver more value to your members.
You’ll gain a new stream of funding, which you can put back into your mission.
Learn About Claim Management
Clearinghouses are aggregators (senders and receivers) of claim information between providers and payers. Clearinghouses serve as a neutral third-party, ensuring both sides are compensated properly for the care delivered to patients and members. UHIN was instrumental in the evolution of claim management from paper to digital format in the early 90s. We are EDI claim management leaders to this day.
The architecture of UHIN’s Clearinghouse is designed to securely manage high volumes of claim data effortlessly, ensuring smooth operations even during peak times.
For providers, we improve time to payments and reduce manual labor. We connect them to any payer in the nation, reduce claim denials, and conduct critical transactions in the administrative workflow, like eligibility verification, claim submission and remittance inquiries.
For payers, we reduce costs and increase accuracy by automating the claim lifecycle. This includes delivering secure eligibility requests, claim submissions, and status inquiries from any provider. We make sure payers receive accurate claim data so they pay exactly what is required.
Security is our top priority. We ensure the protection of sensitive data through air gaps, end-to-end encryption, and backup on our HIPAA-compliant platform. We are EHNAC accredited, SOC 2 Type II certified, and stand on 30+ years of security expertise.
You have provider customers.
You have health plan customers.
Make an introduction and realize the returns.
Let’s set up an introductory meeting to see how we can best meet the needs of your organization and your community.
UHIN will provide:
- Trusted partnership
- Technical and on-boarding support
- Solution implementation
- Customer support and help desk
- Education and marketing materials
- Billing and invoicing
What you provide:
- Trusted partnership
- Joint outreach and marketing efforts
- Meetings with your current partners/customers
Revenue Sharing
Receive a percentage of program revenue generated from referred partners.
Program rewards based on introductions and successful agreements with your health plan and provider partners.